Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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Mr. John CUvrtt — "t unulty<br />

«y. 'You look tile wmconc 1 knew<br />

when I wa» growing up.' "<br />

Uudyard Vine* (8601) - ••}<br />

imuUy «ay, 'Hellodarling. I am RJ.*<br />

<strong>The</strong>n s*e just go on in conversation<br />

for five to thirty minuses until the<br />

casually asks me fof my phone<br />

number."<br />

<strong>The</strong>na t.Smn (HIT) — "Opening<br />

lines are for t< binlv. In my opinion,<br />

everyone shoitd juu wing it."<br />

Question man-<br />

Adam Gtiriitone (B70 1 ) -<br />

"Uwally I ju\| mmioc to the girli<br />

wmc SAT score. not n~?uari]y my<br />

own. I found thai most girls whom<br />

I hive met prefer braim aver body<br />

which a kind of lucky in my case."<br />

Monlque NsfcajcawB (8S20) — "»<br />

don't use opening line*. Instead I<br />

pifKh (heir buns because I find that<br />

it Uinpi out more of a response."<br />

What is your best opening line?<br />

Dylan Fuller (8619) — "Would<br />

*t>u like :c see my trophic*? ll »mkco<br />

We spent all dsy polishing them<br />

in my ron*n.*'<br />

lh»td Slrm

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