Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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Tir timW/. April I!, line,<br />

SPORTS.<br />

Swimmeridominate<br />

1<br />

A l4iwrHswtmmrrl»kr% Kricku (irttmiin<br />

Wtth weigh-ins umipVtcii on<br />

February *7. the IJ»WCI: **IIII ICJHI<br />

isofl loapnOsijri. winning it-first<br />

li*.c meets, whtsh began iwi Mjtch4<br />

jgainst Galileo<br />

<strong>The</strong> subsequent four meets were<br />

greeted with equal cmhusiasrr. all ct.<br />

ding*ioocKWsly against W'IISJWI. Lin<br />

s * •. \iissHKt. and IVilNu.<br />

<strong>The</strong> team'-, sinwtgrst swimmer* include<br />

junior Jo\h ILifrts swimming<br />

the 50-y.itd IfCtf-siylc and the<br />

IOQ->jrd KiAsirokc. senior Kathn.'<br />

Bell swimming ihc 200->anl and<br />

*OO->jrd trcc-siylo. junior Beth<br />

thinn with ihc S*» yard fn.esl.lc.<br />

and sophomore hnk Olsen doin- t^c<br />

ZW ya'd liec-style. All *%*•'* mi<br />

pressne sweep at AII-Cii).<br />

1 think we'll *>t well hcc,..vr .-oi<br />

learn i» «i big." spciutak'*! IVinn<br />

there arc nuny pntniisiny ft?sht Hell.<br />

. * \ \ ' . "%** f.J * L^ ..f hMi 1 h^M\I 'lit.<br />

«t icp^ JMII*I new |wfk irw><br />

)ejr. MI we shou'Jtv sT^ic Im itw<br />

neu li«ir *.eus " ctpUitiwil Mam*<br />

'Mthoupn In-shiiKn jtc Si^cjlh<br />

uscvltofHuplan>.}tilla.iJN IkU<br />

tutc ht4h pro*en thcntseUo fi*\l<br />

cn -vl tim t .•! .Hir nfirviiiMiri<br />

liimnur tk-jnuiulo. i»* n-jlk Itit.n<br />

ii *upt»Ht from<br />

»[X\IJ'"[* 1 sxtll> i*cil_\ .)*,' fUlCtKi<br />

"We would jptxn.'tc «HIK- x|v\<br />

Ijtiif vniru." stjiai (hinn<br />

N licit jf-'ued. 1 iliink ilui it<br />

WHJM he nue il pv:«ple U>"n M.IKK-1<br />

*.jnn- to *rviHiu,*c iti.- tt*jii*. We'd<br />

JVbaseball gears up for season<br />

lhi«ld l.rr p«Hir> il im as h<br />

fur hnm«|ilalr.<br />

Bj SbcUIn Young<br />

"E»tf)h»»Jy wam% a piece of<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>." declared fmhnun A!o<br />

Chin.<br />

Tic junior vmity (JV) Kuctull<br />

(cam tuncJ i« official K^k.\i u ii.*i<br />

two dtsappoimin| kntcs.<br />

<strong>The</strong> tcam't more recent Jcfwt<br />

came on Muth 20, ogainu McAtccr.<br />

kniitf 19-0.<br />

Stifict Neil Naksgawi pitched a<br />

2-0 ihuUt* ran iAnin(>. |P V.< teconi<br />

inninf the lodiam rod a 6-3 lead.<br />

<strong>The</strong>n *t the bonom of ihc thin] ioninj.<br />

MtAleer (aioed rum mod bejan<br />

to take the lead. McAitet dominated<br />

the rot oT the fame and ran away<br />

with the lead.<br />

"We naned out nicrjy, but we<br />

omie mracl tnon and the pme jott<br />

frt OM oflwrKl," expUina* team captain<br />

tt«»id Lee.<br />

"Caoics for mataui coda be that<br />

the mwy frahmen oo the team arc<br />

) it kB 'P i y<br />

io« ability, plat a lack cf luemity at<br />

times,** stated auldant CMch Daa<br />

H i K<br />

OD Mwth 17, tt« Indians tut to<br />

Bcfboa, 5-2. <strong>The</strong> A' feam »«d two<br />

row b the fim fcnoir^ and fadd down<br />

the Buccaneers for (be rest of the<br />

gjmc until the Uu innir.)c. when<br />

B^boR scored three mm.<br />

However, thr time *M not com*<br />

ptard beowe 6e umpire flopfn) the<br />

fame, thinking that Acre «u a tune<br />

limit. If ihe game can r.utc a dil-<br />

Icrcnce fo. either u-am in the tHjmpMm*hiprx-c<br />

it*.-fame will he continuol<br />

Inwn the miti inning;<br />

"I w j* ihinLing championships all<br />

the way. and I wax uiiptised at our<br />

first two losvcv. but I'm Mill looking<br />

fi>r>ard Ui trukmc n io the tfumpv-n-<br />

»hip»," etclaimed txe.<br />

"We know we haw the ar.tliT/ to<br />

heat McAlec; and BalhiM. We're a<br />

good team, but uc ha*e lo koncrntratc<br />

every inning. 4 declared<br />

Harrington.<br />

Commenting «>n trie team'*<br />

strength! and weaknesses. Chan<br />

uaud. "We're goixl fieUcisanj uc<br />

ha\e good pitching, hut we're weak<br />

on hiOinp. K> we cculdn^. wore in the<br />

earlier game*."<br />

"Our pitcher. pt;ch well ai«l our<br />

ficldcr\ arc excellent. We're ready<br />

for any competition." agreed<br />

fTihnwn Dcrei Wong.<br />

"I ihink tiaucallv our defense i*<br />

our Mrong puinl." noted frc*hr~an<br />

Gary (.k^m.<br />

Pm;nn<br />

Ujth.ua CT410. currently ctuch of<br />

the jrirU' icnnn team. ucppeU do*n<br />

JS bny\' coach thi% >ear.<br />

"When I hcjrJ that there *AV an<br />

opcnmi: to cm*.h tenniv." viid<br />

Aamrnvrn. "•', lh*iuphl it wivUhe in-<br />

IcrcMinp."<br />

Agnomen. 4 memher of l^twcll'«<br />

Crejli*e An* DcfUflmcn;. had rever<br />

coached before. He played tcrum fi>r<br />

Gcorpe Waviinpon High Schoul.<br />

and Liter S.*n t-'rancn .11 City Ci*llc|rc.<br />

hul had to *lop plaM.ip due lo<br />

tniuntv<br />

<strong>The</strong> pla>er« ha»c a tot of respect<br />

fiw their nc* ci»:h. and ihc) cn)oy<br />

hi* more rcla\ed. >ct more m\nl%cd<br />

Cihtwhtn^ %tylc<br />

"they're tuning in pet j»rJ u><br />

me." admiitol Aan.mwii with a<br />

smile. "1 yell a lot: I jump up and<br />

uWn J lol. jnd I denund a li>t<br />

•- 1)K >n\h ihinp I »JHI fnnn<br />

the pla\.-rx i« tot them to cue<br />

c*crsihm£ ihcj hj%eoncvcr\ point.<br />

Mxr..-idipxttani than umnin):<br />

u. tful c*.h nun IHI ihe team pcrfttmn<br />

By Shrrri Krht<br />

lite Lnwell gi>l(tcam i« twinging<br />

im. •% vravin with an undefeated<br />

prc*civon record of h tJc* ^ivtn- the pljvct* c*-<br />

peiicrKC. prc%*-juui p-_i\ csUItusnco<br />

Ihc ti*psnipl^eiswhttw.llo<br />

rnipcie<br />

;uc nuu'ics. lutllu;<br />

ihi* rii*v:jiMHihcIjicd<br />

the U Jin >'Ct lis.cvJto<br />

• pJavin^wth r^w lJvCs."<br />

viu wni. if MJ^.IVJ \\MXI><br />

Han-U Cirr. tdci* Ihc ptcscjvim<br />

.a i: ix-. H<br />

lunH.r AIJII l>aht. s.*phonv>res krw<br />

KiKher/chi jnJ Mike Anibntse. ind<br />

tresfittun Jne New nun.<br />

rhe p-j>er* are aKirideni that they<br />

will place cither first or second at<br />

season** end.<br />

"<strong>The</strong> rcavon why «e"ie goin; to<br />

be a good team it not because '*e<br />

Ka*cafeu peoplewhoca-. Juxurtally<br />

great, but because we hate *n or<br />

%e*cn people who can *ban con-<br />

Mvtcruly." espUinni Dih!<br />

Handa bclic*c» that the coach pU> *<br />

an important role in a tcam'i \ucee>*.<br />

'Even with alt the talent we have<br />

thi* *ear, if it wasn't far Mr. Baker<br />

and getting u* all to know each other,<br />

it (the team) mil wouldn't have happened."<br />

he commented.<br />

Coach Baker would tike to sec<br />

more team tpril among)! ihe player*.<br />

<strong>The</strong> lack ot team tptnt u due to fact<br />

lhat the team hat difficulty practicing<br />

together lince many of the pbyen<br />

end clau at various times.<br />


Jessica Goldberg<br />

Nice to ha\e you back!<br />

Wilh<br />

UC<br />

OH<br />

OA<br />

LZ<br />

wz<br />

AO 0M<br />

Jinnn C.irn warn<br />

twfort a match ncalnsl C^allkn.<br />

Golf season tees<br />

tn hi* jrH»«iic optimum »hi!t»y. It<br />

the} do. Ithinl winaiif willtaf Kith><br />

Ycc. rjnlcd r»imbci' «'f>e tm the<br />

All-Ctu for the vxitnd touscwuluc<br />

year. In IW5. Y«»a> ranked 15th<br />

nationally in the buy*' Ifi divt\it>n.<br />

"He Iu*n't had the ctpcncncc. hut<br />

he hat ihc wcjporu."<br />

Aanortscn icerm confident that alt<br />

of the player* on the lean will *ki<br />

very well, though he acknowledges<br />

that there might he proMcim wch the<br />

double* team. "lt'& hard tc get kkli<br />

lhat really wunj to play tlnuMet."<br />

Another main MrengU. g in the team<br />

lineup 1* tccond ranked Junj Chen.<br />

Aanooen awnmented that Chen it a<br />

urnnj; pb; cr getting itmnger. and he<br />

t* a natural competitor.<br />

Agnomen it cnihu«ia>lic about<br />

Ihinl ranked Andrew Van. "Andrew<br />

i% pucentully one of ihctx~u pbjen.<br />

I've etc «een." uatcd Aanonfcn.<br />

"By the ;.*!«'ihc *ca.wfi," added<br />

AjntnvMTti. "uc ootEht to hj\c a<br />

hell of a learn."<br />

<strong>The</strong> learn rraciKc* evcryi'ay<br />

l«ccau-rcpa(e iiKnUll) for iiutihe*<br />

Dahl jokingly uid. "I uuuiily<br />

meditate for about two hour*<br />

beforehand."<br />

Aktually. movt pb\cn tk> nut make<br />

any tpecific prcpjrjlttm* before<br />

rtuuhc*<br />

"1 nm pt out ihcir and hit LSC boll.<br />

I tr/ not 10 he n:nii'«. I really d«Ki't<br />

prepare." explained Dah!.<br />

"<strong>The</strong> main ihmi; it to ti> cut anj<br />

ruvc fun. lt\ik)tloMin

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