Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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Students experience<br />

'Fright to Remember'<br />

By lna$ IsbJhara<br />

Tlw Student ActMlle* Boar-'<br />

(SAP) held its annual HVJow? -„<br />

• dance, "A Fright to Remember,"<br />

on October 76, torn 7 to 11 p.m.<br />

<strong>The</strong>n) was a costume competition<br />

and'prUcs were awarded to<br />

the top five cof tunics.<br />

Winter Ball tickets were awarded<br />

(o the first place winners —<br />

juniors Jesse Schwartt. Cris<br />

Criscra, u>d Mark Bader. who<br />

were dressed as "nerds."<br />

Secoad place winner, senior<br />

Oscar Jackson, will receive a $10<br />

record gift certificate :or hU convlndog<br />

Prince costume.<br />

Third place .rent to two crayons,<br />

freshmen Amber Br)an and leslcy<br />

Aikcn. Fourth place went to the<br />

"Grim Reaper," senior Ames<br />

Holbrook. and In filth place was<br />

Junior Stephen "Stephanie"<br />

WUsoa. wtv *a\ drrssed as a gill.<br />

TUird, fot.nh, iutd fifth place<br />

winters *ill rii receive tickets to<br />

the upcomiiH '50>*60s dance.<br />

tn addition to the winners, ihete<br />

were many people dressed up as<br />

football players. French maldi.<br />

assorted animal*, and s frw<br />

Ghotibiuiers.<br />

,- <strong>The</strong>re were mUcO fec.ltgs about<br />

the mus& provided by J.S.O.G.<br />

Production*.<br />

"1 love the Miikl <strong>The</strong> mliing U<br />

greall** entnuseil junior Juan *<br />

Carlos Ttenda.<br />

On the other band freshman<br />

Sue Artemoff felt. "<strong>The</strong>y played<br />

too much soul."<br />

Directly alter the dance, the<br />

SAB Issued the following<br />

•tatcmeats: "We with to apologise<br />

to the student! of <strong>Lowell</strong> and their<br />

guests.'for the lick of musical<br />

diversity at the HaUowern Dance.<br />

'A Fright to litroetnbcr.* Wc gave ,<br />

UM Dl'i. J.S.D.G. Production, a<br />

play list reflecting the many different<br />

lartes of the student body.<br />

However, they chow to neglect it.<br />

Ploue accept our apologies and<br />

our promises for better musie in<br />

the futon. Thank you — SAB."<br />

Convocation<br />

to take place<br />

By Joans* Park<br />

All students interested In Ira-<br />

•proving <strong>Lowell</strong> *re encouraged to<br />

attend the annual Convocation on<br />

Decembers.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Convocatica is a chance for<br />

students t> voice their opinions<br />

about the problems concerning<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> and to Jtr.«tu ideas that<br />

arc of Intercu to the student body.<br />

Dan Harrington. <strong>Lowell</strong> Ex*<br />

ecutlve Csuncil cbad^rson,<br />

stated. "Convocation is » chance<br />

(or students to share Ideas aad<br />

Ustra to others.**<br />

This year, if poniblc. the LEC<br />

plant m hn*k tradltioo by holdinS<br />

the event at Slgmund Stern Grove.<br />

Vltc-chairpersoa Loa Thcmsoo<br />

stated "Slpnund Stern Grove<br />

hii a ulcer atmosphere than<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong><br />

Ooc of the major problem* that<br />

will be dbcuiscd concerns the problem<br />

of Utt-r around the school.<br />

In addition vAndaiUd*. noUe In<br />

the h*U*. and cta*4room improvement*<br />

will be dbensied.<br />

Past Convoestioas have met<br />

•* with varying degree* .<br />

Senior Herbert Swto com*<br />

mentad. "Some past Convocatlaas<br />

hart beett bortoc- HartJcipanU<br />

alk about irrvtr.-aat thinp and<br />

Dot many ol tha problems ulscuts*<br />

Scnwr ByroA hem noted. **Cotv<br />

locatfoa brings many new Ideas to<br />

tudents dressed up in a variety of cottumes for the Halloween Dance<br />

last Friday sight.<br />

Co-Curricular Day<br />

attracts crowds<br />

OyPhUUpKwong<br />

<strong>The</strong>re an over 50 diflerent clubs<br />

at <strong>Lowell</strong> High School and on October<br />

10 over 40 clubs made their<br />

pitch to the <strong>Lowell</strong> student body si<br />

the annual Co-Curricular Day.<br />

Co-Currkular Day is an annual<br />

event to Inform students of the<br />

various clubs.<br />

Thu year It was held in the central<br />

courtyard.<br />

David Katznelson. Corurrlcular<br />

Day coordinator, saul,<br />

"I (bought that it (Co-CurricuLir<br />

Day) was successful for many<br />

reasons. It seemed that everything<br />

ran smoothly, and all the club*<br />

received cipesun ar.u ,-* a lot of<br />

new members.<br />

"Despite a little rain and some<br />

of the duhs uot cleaning up after<br />

themselves, everything went very<br />

smoothly."<br />

<strong>The</strong> dubs represented at Co-<br />

CurricuUr Day ranged from the<br />

Chinese Cub to the Students let<br />

Animal Rights.<br />

"It helped 11 get new members.<br />

Wc went trots about X to 60-70<br />

members," coenmeuted Junior<br />

Allen Choi, president =1 the<br />

School SonpOts<br />

•vvwww<br />

Volleyball Club.<br />

However, there was wnw<br />

dlucntlon on the orgmlzatlon of<br />

Co-Curricilar Dav.<br />

"It didn't >ccni that organized;<br />

nobody was there supervising the<br />

clubs, v some ol the tables got<br />

roev^ up," complained senior<br />

Arnold Lowe.<br />

"I guess It could haw been a lit.<br />

tie more crganlxed, but I felt that<br />

all in all. things went very<br />

smoothly," confided senior Duk-<br />

HiYoo.<br />

"I think it was more organized<br />

than u the past yean and the<br />

B5CS did a lot to ensure that<br />

everyone got a table. I was Impnsicd<br />

at the amount of interest<br />

shown by the students...v«rious<br />

clubs got several new members."<br />

added Dan Harrington, chairman<br />

of the <strong>Lowell</strong> Executive Council<br />

(LEC).<br />

<strong>The</strong> prevailing cwiMrat by<br />

thote attending Co-Currlcular D*y<br />

was summed up by frc*nnun Stacy<br />

Christman. "It was laterestinit.<br />

and I found out things about the<br />


dubs and stuff, but It wasn't overly<br />

esrittng."<br />

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Student<br />

notebook<br />

LEC BCO<br />

ByBtrindarSUisB<br />

<strong>The</strong> annual Convocation, in<br />

which students meet tc come up<br />

with solutions to uhool ptJblcms.<br />

it rescheduled to Dersmber b*<br />

ttx'uie of difficulty in reserving<br />

Si/mund Stern Crme for the<br />

rvrtil.<br />

<strong>The</strong> LCC-tponsored return to<br />

the Pledge of Allegiance has betn<br />

deUjed until more flags and fUe*<br />

holders are obtained.<br />

Th« LEC Is if. Jbsoring a contest<br />

iponwred by Radio Station KFRC<br />

utl 7-1) Stum to find "the most<br />

lptriled high «hooJ In the Bay<br />

Area." <strong>The</strong> winning Khool will be<br />

awarded a new KI of computers.<br />

SAB<br />

B; Jean Wong<br />

Teacher Apprcci^'ioo Diy will<br />

be FrUljy. Norember 2. Bring >our<br />

fivorile leacb«r an ipplc.<br />

LAWCII'I next (oolball game Is<br />

on November 2 it Wulunglcn.<br />

Came out and support the team!<br />

To Man ttr ThankigMng<br />

Icititi'kt. SAB «d :.. J a rally on<br />

November 21. Don't forget the<br />

Winter Ball. On December 16..<br />

•ludcmt will dance to the Mutlc<br />

Matten at the Hyail Envoarcadcro.<br />

Free parkingl Tlckeu<br />

ml! be on tale December 7.H: J20<br />

•lih/wlih. S22 •III.-without. S24<br />

llhoul/althout. 526 wllh/gueit.<br />

S2S wlthoal/guest. Alumni pay<br />

the guest price.<br />

BSCS<br />

By Philip K-roog<br />

<strong>The</strong> Board for School and Community<br />

Service* (BSCS) had been<br />

reviling the club listings at <strong>Lowell</strong>.<br />

All clubs that mHsed the rcqualincalion<br />

forms deadline on<br />

":tober 10 are out cf the BSCS for<br />

cieroeMcf.<br />

In addition, the BSCS lias<br />

selected the heads of the various<br />

committees. All club representatives<br />

arc required to Join at least<br />

tpoe of the cotami ttre*.<br />

By Sandra Hoot<br />

This past week, the Board of<br />

Class Ofrtcers (BCO) held • raffle<br />

where a number of frethtnen who<br />

had purchased Student Activity<br />

Cards (SAO won <strong>Lowell</strong> t-thlrts.<br />

Members cf the Out of 'oS were<br />

automatically in the drawing when<br />

they rilled out an SAC information<br />

form.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Sen tor Boat Dance "Kcflco<br />

tions on the Bay" will take place<br />

next Suturda). November 10, from<br />

9-12 p.m. Rick Mortimer is the<br />

photographer, and soundt will be<br />

[ rovided by Music Masters.<br />

Passenger* will board the Red and<br />

White Fleet »t Pier Ai'A. A bntt<br />

dance ticket must list at least one<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> senior per couple. Ticket<br />

prices will be announced soon.<br />

Ptrca Night U scheduled for<br />

November 21 at the Round Table<br />

Pixza Restaurant on Geary<br />

Boulevard. More information will<br />

be announced later.<br />

••••£•«<br />

<strong>The</strong> juniors had planned a Foot<br />

ball Night, but it has been cancelled.<br />

Because the 49ers are doing<br />

^ult» wxll. /86 pmldmi LU—<br />

Yamamuto saw! that It would be<br />

too difficult to g«t tickets for so<br />

many <strong>Lowell</strong>ites.<br />

Bowling Night b tentatively<br />

scheduled in pi/* of Football<br />

Night. It will occur sometime during<br />

November at the Japantown.<br />

B/-1.<br />

•••87**<br />

Tub montn the CTass ol *87 b<br />

putting most of its effort into the<br />

Sophomore Exclusive. <strong>The</strong> event b<br />

called **Oue Step Beyond" and win<br />

have a heavenly theme. It<br />

scheduled for November 16.<br />

Creua puffs will be served<br />

dessert from 6JO-7:30 p.m. i<br />

Muitc Masters will provide the<br />

dance musk from 7-11 p.m.<br />

l*he Class of '83 broke even oe<br />

saleso.' buttons and t-shiiuduriug<br />

Spirit Week. <strong>The</strong>y are sel!lnB their<br />

extra t'Shlru for*J.<br />



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