Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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Athletes of the month<br />

.SPORTS<br />

tkr LiH'll. AfM II. 196.1. Pttft IB<br />

Wong, Young demonstrate top athletic ability<br />

By Vkk» Ho<br />

"Eric Wan- is tmfl«ppab*c. When<br />

lh:i*Ri jo >rtmg. hg juu worU<br />

litnlrr." pniucd vanity biirtnl]<br />

cavh Joha Donohuc of April'*<br />

Athlete of Ihe Moruh.<br />

Wong it co-c.apt.in, pitcher, mul<br />

cuuctfirldct til ihii wuton'v vani;\<br />

baeball leant<br />

Thii senior ath!etc lint became intcreucd<br />

(n Kuthi'l in the mini grak<br />

u «hich lime he played wi:'-t mary bailor* .\nJ<br />

tcant« *»v changing »pcoi* *rd by u»ine<br />

bit pir;utnt corirol." srat *<br />

Jntnlfrr Voting r\cvh at fint base.<br />

Indians stop short of victory<br />

il) Ro^cli Frrrn-<br />

"Wc« ere down si half-time b> 12<br />

points. Uit we knew »e could win<br />

ami we acvrr favc up." en'Jitucd<br />

icniof L''y Tong.<br />

On M*n.h .t «l Keur Stadium, the<br />

Umell girls' hul.r*VJI tnun tutilnl<br />

Wich j.fUHi for a tfo in Uu second<br />

oilier in »h*ch L/'ueil '"ailed to<br />

inaki.' ».iy *>wu».<br />

Cxjptain Maureen Gauthier<br />

aueAcJ that the Indurw. *iih the<br />

champiocihir* it* mind, were iJetefinined<br />

to rvipin ihcif Wtl.<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>'* *oW defenw *utccwful-<br />

|y applied pn>uirc on the Eaglet.<br />

caujinj iruny tur^im^eri ft»f <strong>Lowell</strong>.<br />

OnofTcnrc, the Indian* cxecuuO dietr<br />

faubm^A uell. cnaMmg them to rally<br />

for a great comeb*-k agaiiw the<br />

Eagles, leaving the »cnrc at 49-1C in<br />

Washington's &>or.<br />

According Ui co-c^pain Kati Lee.<br />

tns Tuul mimic of (he game wav the<br />

mo»t excidnf.<br />

Lee recalled the moment when the<br />

p*s.-;d the ball tu torthomcrc K-jina<br />

Woos *ho attempted to «ofc. <strong>The</strong><br />

bail trang on the rim and fell to the<br />

rtocr. ifto which Woog deftly made<br />

a rebound ard tcoml the winiunj<br />

ihol- Tltc lr.dfrns .ielcaied<br />

Ws.\hingtou hy a namrv icore of<br />

5049.<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> then went on tu me chant-<br />

.rt^^ihip* to play afainu V'l^on,<br />

w.Ser; the Indiun ovcrv-hcimed tlic<br />

Utrnon with 1 «rong lead in the<br />

tint three quarter*-<br />

Kmcver. Uic WJnh q-utcr piov •<br />


GARAGE<br />


.NUurren CatUhlcr n»ihU tn pUcr LotirU Ui thv<br />

gd to be a disappointing to*» for «lei^ue record of 7-?.. L^co>n.-ijd-<br />

IAIHCII .» Wilson .'ought back for a cd, "V.II in all. I fell that «c >jil i!ie<br />

)2-pcin: nurgirul win. ending the mon vi.-ccvtful teaton yc4 bectuw<br />

glire uith 1 Korc of 50-:?. we were a lean in a true waw. on<br />

Tnc team finiihe-J ihc sca&an with anj off the court."<br />



II) Una Yu<br />

"Jennifer Young it a mpcr firtl<br />

bawman {tlunk she ii tr< bcM lir*:<br />

tuwtnan in the kacAic," MalcJ vifthall<br />

co^N LoN-na DcAnda-i><br />

On I1*A leant *..xe Kf >e*hman<br />

tor. V»wn^lu*KxnailaiKfuicd —<br />

k /tter a. a ffoimur. ..JUIKI a\ a<br />

si*; rH.tn»rc. -TIJ fir\l l-r<br />

un.<br />

t led lUv' team m iunvllnm»orurcrt. Ihmugit<br />

i \nK>M%, the hat pickrdupvkhat Ihcx<br />

r>la>i;fthjttf lcjrm.d over the ycirv "<br />

Ycung Jiftc thai thr Midnmnjl<br />

rJajinp during 'tvi>fT-*ca-on ha* ii'iprmed<br />

hci hitting. f.cr.<br />

"...Sh: ir.rAtwtutvhc tOtnnsim<br />

the field jtvj tlAl fi\ct ru the ccmrulcntc<br />

to tl** well." declared<br />

plating ntfttull.<br />

wn:iir l.unnc Vt^r^.<br />

^.'JI Y'-L;H: prcili^tt lh? u-ain<br />

Mill ,tuVc in; ;ita>-4>|N ^ 11 lut for<br />

ihc |U.t (iHir jcars<br />

t'.wrnNinnj; I' ih: t«tn clt.-n (it<br />

nutc it to I IK pijyolU tu-. Kvn a<br />

traior MHJUC of iiH»ti\ atto-i Kir<br />

p<br />

- I II<br />

^ ixinj; plant t.i ai'/*nd a j-jr-tf coilew<br />

d»r two ycai* xhl tV-. tn»n»fcr<br />

to a uxe college in ihc IL»; Area<br />

utx'fc *Sr u.ll nup'f in .ithcr Uw or<br />

mu'ic.<br />

GHJir^.iV Ui pla> utlihail .11 m!-<br />

\cfi it <br />

in.>tihcd II the w.l .rjt-.rit»<br />

.n"»UfpilirccM-nct\ lor<br />

cll tcjiti i:r vrivi-r Mn.:ta».-I<br />

fc»hrrun liufcfh.- Cla>. and<br />

Mk-tucl fhi.. lirti iun.T aM .tai<br />

\.-i(>»air. ^on jll three of hit Ixwit<br />

iniitmn* ht hi. v.uiitirr brn€iu-f<br />

I-u^cne OH., -rj W«n» N»th o<br />

wUmi wixt IHC bout cJJh.<br />

Rsiraidipj; hugcw Chs't jurf-tr<br />

rrurKc on the *tnp. Tench \jui th.i<br />

IX*. pile lin fir»l HI-. »:iik-ciK- C<br />

^k.'d to he Mir***i:uU*tl t-> «*-n<br />

JOJIU-* ram.<br />

Atlcr Utiitjf llw htf^inninf; •»;<br />

h,>-ii 0 J. Tj"t n:ii^i^^; t.« ui*.-<br />

VIHL-M4 a. Ijlkl. i.ti.Nk-jjiKiu<br />

tKVf.-J hitn 1*11 Hv IJ-.' 1'ihh<br />

-on l<br />

A'aS;Hj Waller. Kjrcn IW.1. JUIIUK*<br />

l*j;rict l>xmr .Sie\en Mar. Cvle.u-<br />

Srtl.id. fon^clo r«4ci»iiiKi. Chn*<br />

Wiinj. Michael Yuen. M^n-nhirc<br />

Cathy Sh^ff.u. jtjj (tcJinun Aitun<br />

Since Tcnvh ti,ineu(:c t-Vned<br />

SiJlet OljuipK' Ixitcit'. r " hat<br />

ulu.iKM lo aul UH.- lea*..<br />

Tcrwh «cki>nte> tpv.M ..^tuthc<br />

(rim's ma:ct>.-\ u. he held on Apr.)<br />

17 JI Mi>ti m. April 2» at tk'Wclo<br />

coa».h questioned. "Uhr -"»d April ;'4 jt Lincoln.<br />



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