Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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ft«» IK. Ill' Utwrll. Apnl II ISM<br />

SPORTS—<br />

Varsity hatters start off strong<br />

f*Y Michelle Torn ^Kevm Jordan and Malt Lefwr sach break, the Indiam placed Kccnd out<br />

yew. the Lovrll vanity<br />

"\ uram Ki high hopei of<br />

repeating the cITcru of caun<br />

fltOtt **<br />

"Eveii though es'w inwpcrwnccJ<br />

«** lutw IOM many ptaytfi from<br />

Uu yeu't tcaiA, we have • ytetty<br />

good chsnee of jw"3 'II ir.c way tu<br />

ihc pUyuffi," avtcruil icnior infielder<br />

John MaituvVa.<br />

Although the team lc*l lea senior<br />

pL-yen from the 19*i ton. the ioa,<br />

so fir. h.11 not nf£lT.r>dy hindered<br />

Aircad) in ihe ladian** fir*! t>«»<br />

fame* ol :hc u'iuw. i*hK-h tv|Mn»«<br />

Maivlf 1**. ihc wrsitv bluffer*<br />

-\c\-p ihc wtic* ai:aii;**<br />

In t!>e ITvnei<br />

acj.n-t<br />

IX- !.t.*n<br />

U««vl. *.*ni•<br />

« Lciv W.wi^<br />

plkhed<br />

7-it «liufnui while in.* In* «•<br />

conmbuted to lU Irdian tnxnph wnh of tight trinu loting to Si. Ignatius<br />

two hits »pte«. In the ch. -piof^hip fame. Having<br />

in the vccikt janv. the Iri!ian« pancipatco jithittnunumeru forcncai\hcd<br />

uV lior.*. 1R-7. Jtvuin ly the third lime, the vanity team<br />

homered and drablrd, while junior achieved iu tt\t finish evtr<br />

Colin Jons* recorded {he pitching A notable xxompluriiMflt for Ute<br />

•jkin. team at the tiAjmammi •*** iu 4-3<br />

••Win«tnp ih"*e !**«» v n>K"- leJIy<br />

helped u*. o'f ti» a f t\«d Man Mmc<br />

live I'^vlcf »acati»»n ll Ifctmted it.'<br />

»otit"id,*nec lo continue f» -MI..*<br />

rciicvicd Wiwtj-.<br />

In ihe r.c tcason and tm*ke<br />

games. l'i* team hat tatcd<br />

WaJibftnit, SfcAtcer. Sacred 1J .«H,<br />

Svi Miteo, Uni\xniiy. Meti*o K"T\<br />

IWle, AlHambn. and tevcraj !i»?h<br />

Khooit front fcugenc. Orc$«n* J*«i<br />

Soulhert) Olifantia.<br />

<strong>The</strong> l>t(jrw feel thai many of ihe<br />

U*ar..\ litey meet in the [wc-*cur>. ir il nil<br />

Jfl'<br />

k.-1 lihAnmul \M\\<br />

Softbail<br />

season begins<br />

IU Jjm<br />

C.Uiti U>,c*..- IVA.v'ic*. « -p<br />

lm\itlu- ahtui ht.v uifiKill lf-f»'i<br />

ilijrKv* li*t vmrrt !hi\ *ew*"*<br />

--We JHWU 0 nu.c iho<br />

r4^.i.'K. -in! h^vfutK- pi fiiruScr. I*.I<br />

M; 14!MVU* I tkc thc(hainpf>ndi!|^ Ivcnjr'<br />

IVAnOr*'** fceK iK*i Ihc tcau.'>. t hrniiur- rvt»ceniltcplj;cr\onlh»*<br />

ik-fenvi-ilN.Val-Jreriythl'heinlWfd l.am." Ai:o*iditf: tr. vtt»ch IX'Ai<br />

hcinj: led h> YtHiit* ai^l Ton,;, ^nd 'Ifft*, ihi* year'* I-.n-pbc'-t cornel<br />

\CPfK l.i.iAnc Vouop leadii; the "on will N: Linrf>lri. 'a\l je-'t'*<br />

nctficki. ihanip*. jm 1 %Va*liir|:utn. "I'ui."<br />

Nti a power f-itlio^ team. Ltn%cll v ayv l)e-\ndrc:"-. ' ife I'I'V.'I leaf.*<br />

K'lic* or MiliJ iimuci and '•nun kn>>* that onj i» at IIK. head of J pilc.Ynp lir.tiite/ uh*ha\Ix-en*»iihthc'Cii*i<br />

UafTDcAndtc^ fecK t> tri?4pcfK*ne* («»» ilk* pa** »c *»*Ji*« ani' Krt**>n<br />

id hut piow.f c*»i*ry fp^Hir-j: U"UPl»iiV. I-VAndrei* hj-. (v;n »*»c hc««l ».i«*.'h<br />

vtct!*fy agaimt RHlinf HilU of Lot<br />

Angeles. Rolling Hill* 1 defeat naitid<br />

i»nly die. word time *t't* team hu<br />

lou a $sme in iu II years of participaiKin<br />

in the luununvn*.<br />

•*Tht» it uV fin*, lime in thrcv yean<br />

»c have nude i: to the ch-*f**pk*nthipv<br />

I am very plca-od Cut »«• came<br />

with a J/VOI*! pl*.x trophy.**<br />

Donohue czthutcd.<br />

utuniiii^ lot<br />

and dnjitjMt)<br />

Jmd-m, \*1KH<br />

».tfi fate h.«i<br />

4'»d vim>i Mj<br />

\ third v.in>t> >c<br />

1! hi<br />

wnn TJ; tfw Kit ueli<br />

fs lli^ (jr. rn.1 Ufa<br />

itui-aVicwc* v.hKh nu> im<br />

e tj.trn JIC it* tiv»pcikrfwc j<br />

H<br />

' rum lo flrU MSU* Manin Ntetnyrr ram home.<br />

Gymnasts limber up<br />

nmwcmw All<br />

tv. tfw trf»»;ll /><br />

nthiiMjsni in j *pnrl rjp*<br />

iV"jr> %u|'|»'rt<br />

Dnlv two trflwr S;>n<br />

•|.JM \caf ue ucni do*>i to I.o-.<br />

ML* Hiph .S.!K->: f.CJI. the Cl<br />

iu:..v jre u> lu!U tlui ilv ir<br />

can do ttti'M' ni:tii>-:~< iit>*y<br />

-..iiTfrte in 'fpin'Tal "<br />

o«niinucd Jjul "Ho* i"jn'*ee«|tfvt<br />

hi) fi M.h.«*l 1 :rU ii-dit thr stinl* itui<br />

OK mpii* p>i.inj*tx ar." dti.rf,".' liymn<br />

:V,K-. .s xt'ill j V-;.«I-vl %,-> n. JIMJ<br />

thouLl (L-.luin p;ti M iH^tHn.' »hi<br />

wa;it« ti> (t'lfi and |un;vip.i!c on the<br />

team."<br />

IV^pi!-- die p/i*!cn-% ihcv fj*.c.<br />

ha\c alrca-h Uitiinut^l (he lir*l<br />

pieti. <strong>The</strong> leant IAAI fcl Camirxi<br />

High art! lkil-.lc> ll^al Umcll In<br />

the C l-t-w IV oi»i'-.pctiit.tn. they rCtcevi<br />

fii-l tnc\eiv mN. in^ludm); ihc<br />

jll jf.uiJ h.te. Jan.<br />

whit -.>n the jli ann<br />

v.un iJv t-jtjtvc K"-ni<br />

i%cri* I : Nfah Hull.<br />

rvl vjuliinj;<br />

rc*hman J'<br />

p!a.vd tccitnd utl-Jtt'<br />

inc *>ai*.<br />

tJu»v!:o Isnun. aK<br />

•Min];kirvdtf hot<br />

the team i\ really wntkinj: hard. anJ<br />

it'* onvinot that c*.cryi>nc'* hatinf;<br />

fun *!th IT. Before, then: win * Ui ot<br />

di* et^irnpcmcn* hetauM.* uVrc ••etc<br />

u> t*uny people. »nu yiKi had to u tit<br />

in line lor the equipment. NJ* 1 . the<br />

ifjm i* \tnjllcr - and hcttcr. "<br />

tlull jfiJivd. "Siihe »c tinlj hjii<br />

two w»ek.* lo prrpitc for the mcrt.<br />

ibe team rcall> polled lopcthcr."<br />

S* hive a CM<br />

m. thu* qualifyi p<br />

.1 o-nipctitive L.:guc.<br />

S II<br />

lea jik*. ihe Vvcrr Ci«I» lus manag-<br />

thc n** cdci* in *upp»Ki t.n«Hher<br />

ed t» \ct ut* |-ainr* with Urmcf*ilv<br />

team.<br />

Drake, and l.**'.-Wilmcrding Hi;:h<br />

Ihc ,Wc.v Cluh t*<br />

Sth*.vi». <strong>The</strong> lcam'\ inc\net•ibr< Aid an* n:->\<br />

•nj; ilcpth n ihnt'Ati^. <strong>The</strong>re *rr i*n-<br />

itvAily ot new nicnif\ n»cn.rtf\ include \f!tran<br />

tojethcr jni »c \*»II IW»'*M he chk i.»<br />

dcvclon." develop." he uated. uatcd.<br />

l> ihic-icutnin^ihrimcr. Inui !a*t<br />

>i\»i li'.cr. i:»: 'ndiliiMulty *U»ff<br />

ptrl*' tcairt i» rn>t i.p lo par "<br />

tr»: uarr rvt\ a teaUuie .IIIIIIHIC.<br />

"I:"* i:oin^ ui he naich. Ii't r-x p»in::li»i.TKi<br />

l:ki*laM)»ar."*ai.J<br />

.vMCjtn iiifh Ke\in h^.<br />

Incvpetii >ljn 1-ulkr. William Ifau,<br />

IX-JI; l\*]UV'.i-'s, a.-vl ]un»r t>jnp<br />

tj-uch Sprntet* include ^enktrv<br />

flawkuiOan. *-Va>ncC\x*:.nun. *nd<br />

Mike "viupent. Kc:un-.m; limmcr*<br />

ate *enux \UKC A'.rcn\ .-nd junior<br />

hb Tn:vi\.<br />

rftturning tr».k»tcr> on the girU<br />

team arc -enwn CU'L't a Hcrnandci<br />

and Irene Kii*pi*k>vrh. anJ junirr*<br />

Jrj>> Kjutman. XtnaMatitull.and<br />

Oiiiua Werner<br />

As far a> the no*' ntcmben, Wdmn<br />

*U*cd that it W3*. ton caily in the<br />

rCMttn 10 Mftplc out any outmnding<br />

runxrs Htmcvcr. >r ntxed that<br />

junior Maureen Coll and wpltomorr<br />

Kaquc! "Rocky** Kuttmcn arc £ood<br />

pr.Mprrt».<br />

Sophomcrc Lei-n MaJi/.i. **ha will<br />

If<br />

ii<br />

Hunt I I<br />

bscbi'i<br />

Tin-. I<br />

ML<br />

*\ a In'<br />

he a.lv.<br />

Ikn:. >J l<br />

U> vt-ti ^<br />

jcu> t<br />

ye-:.<br />

"I :<<br />

hecr. -M • j<br />

i-ir i<br />

me (,» pj<br />

He fiJ<br />

prefer e:»<br />

Ini<br />

bad a MH

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