Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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Girl content with choice<br />

D> Kitrkk. U<br />

Tira uvcd to think her boyfriend<br />

• -*» »ould jlway* Ukc ore (if he<br />

• *£ iP Htu n J ITjcar-old wnior ai<br />

• l * Un*cllHishSchoot.S^>rTalin.>nih%<br />

tgo. uc became prejnint. and I'u:<br />

faull. jvhc «yv, -i» her boyfriend'.,<br />

Ox>fu-cdai>l I4C0I «nh,t diH'tiill<br />

decision. *hc tliiec.nl her jn^t<br />

r cm aid her boyfriend. "I wanted tit<br />

make him feel guilty hcv 1 iw I think<br />

tl'» i\*iy\ the gty"* re*por %ihiTn> tn<br />

( ? he *j-,Mjn.K-<br />

I" lake fare itl inc." Oic VIMJ<br />

IV.pitcilicujea,., ,.(»!,,»„•„,<br />

hljilK-. Tinj sa* ffntnuilctt *,th j<br />

>ilu-li..n »'uli *hc. j- »tll j> hci<br />

fticinK. hehocii hail .nl; ,*K Wi..<br />

i">n. "Hnm; J:, jKimT llic<br />

l«« ihinf Hut CJIIK u, m) m,^| |,<br />

»*> the .ml) ihui]! I . iVJ t|.,.' J^.<br />

rl<br />

Jtioirutiv Mtj IUIUMIIJ the tt<br />

0ri /rtr tfufstuw ijfti h'ttion, /r/v»rTr\» [)rti:\r /A .jTVU'ii/Aj/ifi /<br />

Ue^tl.'r.i 239 hiwttt ytudtnn, ,tj>j>iexitttutrl\ an rvn ,,,,,»f/..<br />

of srniars. juniors. stifii\i»norrs. it'ul ,rc\fwicn Vir rc\utl\/.*.'.' yt»o c\c:<br />

i.onstdcr havini; an atvutiun?<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> debates abortion<br />

P> Me*c Kong<br />

Uclvc jaw. aflfr ihc Su(.rrt. .<br />

Coun *-orcJ to Iet-jlt/c aKtfiian. IU<br />

ivul iwi;.<br />

<strong>The</strong> tdv-vll reoc'itt) »-«>nduttrU J<br />

p4l lo *v«i* ihc fctlinpt of nvr.itvrv<br />

of the iJulcni Kxl> on hM thn Uurki<br />

on the Inpic of jhmH'ti, (m alt hoi<br />

one of tt*e qutM«»n% 3%Ln), the<br />

rrv(xolcnt • ucrr alnxnt evenly ifdii.<br />

a icii-v ic nurpin wparatin- the t*n<br />

p«>»itioiv >>n four ol tNc lite<br />

quoiton-w.<br />

Qnlj on th ijuv^tHHi t>f 9 o>r*'tiutkwul<br />

amcntl:-leril Kinning ?1| jKir<br />

TII.HJCII *f'rt or. 'he i\»iK- nt "Krt>L*f;»!i!><br />

*>( u*»m).M), »»M *.iwviJiri*il<br />

i<br />

lit il>c ci< uf a riitlj hei^: amev*<br />

rent appr'»*ctl •! ilk-ih ^-. !lupottihiiil)<br />

ot hitili ikrfc t% t.. the<br />

chtltl.<br />

Some ^ (> incan\ u tu\c it Jnnj<br />

a \ntdetu.<br />

SC\TT ndcrtp<br />

rt »(u: they i?c *> the uic of aK»rlion<br />

to MiCitJutc tor birth imtrul.<br />


103 JKi*>->:usox snirtr<br />

771-9516<br />

Nil<br />

so<br />

Sl'r<br />

2C.<br />

1^<br />

\hh If a child il*«c* »K fit inf.-<br />

UKIT pljn\ for a tuccc^tful cjfeer 1.1<br />

if ihcj jfc ci^hjrtivv^i 10 be prcp-<br />

•um. they %ce^ jrvuituns. Such<br />

11 Hi.'" ortc p>TM»n rcbukcJ<br />

A pnvi; ':rn(rj»*»"pti\v*\ 1.1 puhlic<br />

% l.>r P ^if I * uS JD<br />

S*H:K ^h pcitcnt ».h»>M- .^ni..,: if*<br />

jti-[>t->wv the »M> ihttu^ht of<br />

p to p*t up her uJuiJii-tn<br />

i.irv.vr 10 *rv,"tkl her imic<br />

nuntal. "It 11 levied m-. w. life<br />

,V(TVtim> I UIHJU fel tlavh^Kis<br />

JNHJ' (he jStrfion an»i how it<br />

fdr. .Nov. i juM think stvui >i ^ l««.<br />

'VhcnotT | we a Sihy. I J w«:.Wr<br />

httw m ; nc HOCWVJ beer. Ii** very<br />

p.-'r*'ij) to icmcm.Kf. Kit I'mOtnkiy<br />

(.•cttinj: o*cr i:."<br />

Tiru JIMIadrmti-J (tui Uv(.-cl\ n><br />

icn*ir\c. **H»tv. wn I hj\c any<br />

rtvn.i^tM'pjilt) fcvlincvMticiit V.km<br />

I dij the nt-Si ihtnjt'. 1 '<br />

Clitic nui'> Lomtdci jhitirti JI<br />

4.1 nf murdrr, 1 IU: d.v\(i'< hclte^c<br />

hct* v.J\ rt*K-dl) vtiixiy "lt-i\oltbv*<br />

.•^hy imi k me. Ii *•>* "tine ,*tri * t«.<br />

p.iKlLcrJ *»u! rf lirM-. ^ViicnyiHt pti<br />

Imc into ii. there's iw »jy ytni -»•<br />

ITJ'I ii murder. Ilw.vuj* JUU no W.A<br />

I iim!JhJ-rhjJ ii," JKeipUiiKxi<br />

'>n Ihc *uh,cvt «'f ^'rth ntr.in'1<br />

Tirj'»\ie**Nb-iAct.h4t»vcd. ^lihcich<br />

UK Mill hcliocs th-i ptoCccitun it the<br />

IUIC'% tr^pn^Mhthiy »hc fhi-A ijki*.<br />

'How can /<br />

ny .lKxV." MjtriJ Livi. ;-\-t. ir 4l*««>f ih«iu^l4. It *aai'l l-kc<br />

3leerutXTvthor.\vntl> urx^r-^cnisii M*fnconctu^e%t^lthc KJCJ to me. It<br />

jhtiriion i*a\ Mtriethifig that h/it been en itiy<br />

All arm.* id.* count') . ihc nuftJ •.i.vc the wtv heyiinmy."<br />

"'-•r .mraic. AlnttMooerulf I'lthc VUKV on |be nM>rnin$ *>*c *»4«.<br />

nil M'n."*. In lite pjvt. if tjiKnt; \KM drlinitcl> .uviriF *ccoi>il<br />

hrr Irii rw^hini* nwiff ilui ih.; fclicl ;|tit • v^av «» cofifuwil. I ** JMC'l '•'<br />

•lij« the thf'cj! ol ittitihetlvviitl mi ^.>CJIII 'N»:, plcivc t'lHt'i.'Nii lite<br />

.»ilr 1. ..... .-:..-.<br />

•*W(r;:i • lir»l f'i:nJiH.* I A^tfcvi*- "t^mltii;: Kiit -' "•" ll • h-. 1 l.p,<br />

r.-uu,! ^k'r.t7i! 'D Let,-. •••> bilm. Fin nM ;-...ti, .! ' ;•.*' * •• -.>•: •••_'<br />

Li*a l.iv'* irui Celt* »J» IU» *JV •smiK-ihm^ .nil I tut T-CII M. »ti:li '-v<br />

*Jv i^-jlj i'.». SIK UUJ nil* Jjiln'i i,-ti**t'^c to »jkc *h*.i rtuii.*.<br />

think they umilj undcr-j 11V. ii»e ih'r.^* \nll wodrd *-oi ok.y. We'ic<br />

cnc*tlp»» itirnMiner 1 for \opp"( T •»** c't»^.*t r-rw ihjn »c ucie hctitrt:<br />

>^iet'-r''d (| * he bo\('icnJ. At fit\X NcACn'K*'c*A. IIKTC'* nv< Jvn^lc «'J><br />

he AJ\ in *lkvk.;«! liter he caln'cd ihil r>*-

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