Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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'50s attire<br />

proves ageless<br />

J^-'; B * ~>*n* IJebcmun tnd Avhley BOMJ<br />

Jv> Cunent doe emerged from *<br />

fg<br />

i Pp<br />

>. knet \*s '.»kc U* t.vv riair of ii»c tf K<br />

and '70%. wd the ruck >ca*i>l today \ irer». In • black<br />

tea;tv:r jrckrl and grriwd hi;- of tho "5Us uu a Mjrt» nf<br />

fclKil^n ;,;itmt ;nj 4>i p-,.<br />

Anothf .* nw>>r fj J-toti ircn>l that lu\ trwn i^c.S in tlw<br />

"cOs U the nnV. To »..••••*• whal a mt-i It«>k» liic. juM<br />

pull ':u any J'jnes Ucori pwrurr -nd !onk at it. Thai s<br />

a typical nwd o| th-; 'MS. Ru"cJ uk culfs rvoi wrhistkd while<br />

t.Vy *oAr**..<br />

9'cogm '.wiDn deiifrei* Ui*c ihc bifpAt hano in<br />

whatclothct - .- wcr. iryiirMgncf^tn, .o appeal to ibe<br />

public. Kctpir. * in mind n mA?« scase ihj tf rum<br />

r a»hiorh would ictum •'tier a "prarc pcfkkl." Siwcc^i'ul<br />

fashion* coirc btck bes-"t»*c I^CN f» ihv pcrsonj'ity and<br />

uyle of cullu'C at tiu* I'iik.'.<br />

TI>e mcrp*ic in cl^hin,! iaAhk-n* also .nejnv ilui Sere<br />

are *5C\ ckrihin; Mrie*. M«»sl -r-ajor department M. re\<br />

ha*e. ven -^!*leU their own vintage cluhinj VXIK«I> W!.,TC<br />

one ran ,njrchnc amthmp fior.i pruls ard ihinc.sic-ic«<br />

lo u*ed cuhmerc *waiefv<br />

<strong>The</strong> m*Kt popular rbec i » i*o is Tl»e Aid^ikV f)dd<br />

Aik. iTtore cc<br />

Aftfvart n l«atcd al ll-s corner uf '• > ..ijjhl ar*l AvfiNii s<br />

One employee contn-.Tited "Our stoic i* no longer<br />

catering lo a ciowd of turn* who *»ould wear anvihinc<br />

llut didn't *»•*!'. aw jy Ttcp.i'plc whuctmv in here ru»«<br />

are the Insiiioiwonsi wiu». t!»e yuppies, inorr.s and »ljd^.<br />

cv?ryo*>e- Bu«ne« hx> brtn yrea 1 ."<br />

n>e faiSkin* of uxJ.»y are not rcMmtot in ore era Jt<br />

all. pjMey, *w. »>f ihcjcjr"*- 'cp lash«K»\. WLS %ccn as<br />

y<br />

So »'jrt off fi*i\ i>ld ivAlmi: vhin and uke •mmt<br />

?wt pnrn .frtv* cui •>( nothluiU Kcvat-'C .-.*rvf/;inv i<br />

coming tucf.<br />

II) l)n«I* Jones<br />

"AV. ihc t.i.i cipher.<br />

'ilv.-y'rc wearing jpain.--<br />

A id Ifr! old tocL and n>M,<br />

<strong>The</strong>y're pla)inf J^ain.—<br />

- And if r\cryti.inf; is commit ruck<br />

' Mi)bc my baby vill."<br />

rc«l the wrrJjof* rccem Tixr^ w;ne<br />

Httjj. \A'hethcr*w •»( Wine s "Kiby"<br />

*i'l return ii unVnown. w. *f50'* lia.% awned<br />

1 1<br />

an tncict^ '.• popu.'arits in tnc *S0..<br />

• One need (to n» farther Uur. hi\<br />

radio to upeha*.T IIK rcvur^encc of<br />

ll* uifucnm of Ihc *51K anJ'60..<br />

A»'Jc from Mat-on* whtcd play orly<br />

' oidics". (San Francis TI'I popular<br />

' kYA. for C3umi-rt>. new, "all-hit"<br />

rock-n-roll is playing again<br />

Current howls, suvli a% ilucy L<br />

and the N^«* jnd'thc iianple*. lu«c<br />

fnund pif jLarit;- uniutin^: the ^^und*<br />

ufvinLipciiVk-ind-rollanil Mt« hf'An. HUILI Hi*\\. and the<br />

Eleacti Ho^kin: vwiKi^theti^rjied<br />

•.tar» of ti-: popubr n:u»ic »ni1u%iry.<br />

"KocL rnu\ic h^n'l really channel<br />

ji: ihit much fr.>ni nt nirth in ihc<br />

'5tK Sonp% like "M> Iloyfr»cnd\<br />

Back" , rd "Why Do Fcoh Hal* In<br />

Lmc?" '»ill jl-»4>\ tK .*.»iit;ie%."<br />

><br />

May 2S.<br />

For tnformalloa cull<br />

932 1412<br />

the Ur»t'.L Af'til It. l9to,-3fiKe<br />

'** Hobbies that are<br />

back to stay<br />

By BobTratb<br />

*' rfn'd nn to thu! It miph: be tack "in* a lew) can fnvn<br />

new." How i.w^iy people hi*c UfJ Init in rcfe.iracc to<br />

vanou* article* that wen:putha'iCd tlthcrrtidnof a jufjing<br />

f«cl?<br />

Yet i ii oflcn Uiv. Many thinfi that **crc pofuUr<br />

year* ago trc rcaiminf. dtf? t.; Uijht modification.<br />

necessity, and ai.ctri.i.<br />

In one CJAC, ncceiiiiy and >Nc t;ncfta of Ko>xi health<br />

ni\x aided a current trend tt'-ardt motv bilir.p.<br />

Wh-ic biking has never really been nut. the past three<br />

year^ have *ccn an iikrcav in cycling race*, ociinc<br />

L'i(U'|*menl. and tashmn.<br />

Esvr >incc (he initul ha>m\ ir. ilie btc ifctX) «. bic>;dc*<br />

'•sve been crwjgtnj and improving.<br />

<strong>The</strong> bik'rnr trend hai been enhivcd hy the ruin,:<br />

number "i lighiwei^ht foreign an-J dotncMk bikr*.<br />

"folding bilci." jnd an ran. in quality couplcJ wi»l»<br />

a slight decrcaw in price. While tb* otvujos benefit* c\<br />

dm? arc an improsed bod> and cardto.pscubr *vtterr.<br />

many see hiking *\ a neccxMty.<br />

""'It* me. Piljnp i\ rtot merely a faC .if the line, but<br />

a fact of lifr.*" commented Itctkclev commuter Jcru.t< an<br />

Segal. "Kowcscr. I probably wouldn't hisevKXunivd<br />

to it Ibi; -ng to work) with»*Ji thr influence »/P iw.r.Ser<br />

«il m> friends who arc Vycluij: citpiwicr vonscrt*!* "<br />

K 1 ." - «ve who p.xfer four n*»orl..*s< wheels ictw^. the<br />

*kaie^.*ard >* back bigger jnd better 'Han c*cr.<br />

Liitn.lly biyger. the hiunU rwiw 2\CTJ£C ten irKhc»'.»j<br />

ihirty invVs and N»*i ttitprtncU corrplr*, pi-.iyurct'-jfW<br />

wheels, at offxned to the mid ~O% board* ihtl woe avut<br />

twcniy-fisc incbe* by eifht ircV-v.<br />

<strong>The</strong>se board* seem rruHivtnm» *^hcn compared k. 3<br />

!VM.J fmm ihe early (Ah, whidt >ai t*ci«y-onc in=hc*<br />

by six inches, and ran on haid clay wtvcls 'hat "would<br />

he wom dowr b> ihr titnc you go* to UK" boa -n of a<br />

wSiantut hill."<br />

A* people reach for rrturntng "fjj item*." they »t*fi. pc«?ple will V«c realizing that they are \in>-<br />

Ktbl> |un «•! jtxHh*.-! tral•^p>|^tltlofu l and n.cti.^liim...<br />

licikl irjvcl to Ajstialu. Ala«ka. jfxl China.<br />

In n<br />

cturmnj: 10 (he ha-.iv pjilur gjtne\. Game* lite<br />

n-j>il> anJ Tnsial I'ur^uii M IC!JII\CI> rvs. gan«r. K;:<br />

mck** hj-.o ai^ *ir>n^cr lhaii ever<br />

\tcdi!crraix*.tnrxvi>tik-\aplj>ttii4itid (or Miuinnut<br />

Kha.la)/ and hisciew. nunj Auicricinciuitchips<br />

h cti'uicd lo il«c alurvmcniK-nci* ar«..<br />

With sido»j.*aitKs nn the v.uy tvji.nr mere)} in hibernation.<br />

b.wJ gjn^N. i.at'1 garn->. and game • of cbani •<br />

are iccvtali!ivhini; then p^ipulanty Aiitonf Ijrnihc* ari<br />

griHip* of friends A!M> tlaim that ilk* fames really arc<br />

tvnelieul inihat "ihcy create an atnv.*phjic lor relaxed<br />

v«mseiMiM-n •-xl enjo>nxnt anxni.c thn*c «ho kr«»"- each<br />

>thcr well or thotj - *no have jus. iti"l."<br />

<strong>The</strong> Great Prom Giveaway!<br />


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