Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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T-t Lml. Apnl II. /<br />


4Z.HAAU<br />

By JnunuritMn 1 Students<br />

"I was the claw clews in nigh whool!" shouted Roger. "r.A<br />

know that nvwe hearts am bn>kcn on prom rijM than 0.1 any<br />

other!** Roger Ebcrt was dcfend'ng Pretv. in Pink on tlw movie<br />

review program At thr Slovici. But his col leap*JC Ccnc Stskd interrupted.<br />

"Now, / wa* cUss clown, and t know t!ut high school<br />

Was nwirr trun just dates and cliques and thr prom!" So. who's<br />

:'ght? Proms inevitably approach i\ date* for the events lrcily<br />

mearvfer towards each other. To«*»:» mount . . . Junior Julie<br />

Peacck insists. * As a last resort. >i-u can always hire a jrgolo!"<br />

V/blle UK rest of <strong>Lowell</strong> was evacuating »he building in stanud<br />

flrc dttll fehian, math teacher Michael DeSi-111 insir*>cd the<br />

bells wem some «ort of joke pnd refused to let hi* CPO student,<br />

out. sayina. "Now. no**, we don't !JIOW it for sure. kiddies!"<br />

DCSUK? itjruged to solve t\vr- more problems before teacher Carl<br />

Kocnfg came in and warned. **Trc!v*r» going to hang yvir butt,<br />

Mike, it you don't set tf»c« kids out!"<br />

Spring break acttvitici: People Ilocketi to Pretty in Pink; tock<br />

miuicrous Hawaiian holt-lay* and Mexican fcuas. not :emcr.Ui.n<br />

college 'our or two. Freshman Apvil Jenkrr slipped the risque<br />

Fort l-fc^-fenjalc action, and in*vad won a pri/e for ursweiing a<br />

KlOl $34,000 luc.tion one morning. <strong>The</strong> mivj bemfcr: "What<br />

arc Carol DotVs measurements?" (In cas* you wondered.<br />

44-22-38.)<br />

On skiing, senior Jane Luni offers ihi; advice: "To .ski well.<br />

II one tux ta do is vt on hU behind!"<br />

Who ** w ttir water ball DO! out frorjt j vecnrkl story wirfi.>w<br />

ito t)< txiv' lawn one sunny spring day in March? Kumar bra<br />

it that J front court) srdcr sen: ihc shot. Date Hunt and Kva Fcsta<br />

wr:e a 1 niiffr-d. . . Courtyard caper* iusc intensified v/ith ihc<br />

Faster B-J . i/'s delivery of rav. eggs 10 the miilui*: ctrittyard ard<br />

thr Milkshake Man\ ciiocol^tc milk botnh which graced ib.- f'ont<br />

ixirtyard. <strong>The</strong> fo^r fooit gnnirn were completed with ihc flight<br />

if fruit and veggie* to the front.<br />

Worm kippers arnl warm sr Jiix*.. along w;ih t little >un tar.<br />

:-il, were the main ctursc of «cni'»" Thanasi Pappus's and J*an<br />

BragstoH'" !i»nch one Minns jjy. Such cravings ihcse young met.<br />

have. And I alwa>; though: >(m ale kippers fur breakfast.<br />

Grrnt Antcrira's sumir.rr shows feature Matt Slilnnkli as u<br />

Emuri and Dents Jones .is htn-vlf. Cnirc sec IIICM: two Ijiwell<br />

scninisiLiiwc in ll.ircd pol>c»tcr u«Hiscr>and scqiiincd ticadbsrufs?<br />

Seniiiix Rultrrt MoL.ssi und Mute Had?r jre Mill t'n lilinj; ,»ver<br />

the privilege i>[ CHOiung Hclga. ltu-»r st.igtnt birthda) !c!egr.(it».<br />

1 the prcni<br />

John Ulvsrtt's AH ChemiMry I <strong>class</strong> celebrated Robert<br />

unscn's binhUay (Match M > with the traditional si>n^ aiht new<br />

twist"'" a "tenfoot flantc" einittetl fiomihc inventor's imenti«n<br />

with :hc ingenuity or a>phomi>rc Josh Thaler, who specializes in<br />

Mich hot dispiatt.<br />

TtK dog which senior GIna Cuuthrr was chasing ihro*t^'ti Lt>wc!i<br />

one moninp, lurried out not 10 be a .stray hut one of stage manager<br />

Don Pljxr** three mulls (new Mage crew recruits'.'). Happy 10<br />

watch Cjiiu clu.se the dc^. senior Irene Kuo ic fused 10 give up<br />

her lunchde'-evtoblcA a> bail, and .so Cina was laic to her -V4/5 <strong>class</strong>.<br />

Evc">onc tliank Urban Ilcckrr. Science Dcpanmrn: Head, for<br />

ridding LoweJ of some useless but dangerous chcmu'als. A gallon<br />

of tU:s. :i liter of thai. You lauglr. l»ui next time we tusc aS.4<br />

'in the Ricntcr. it couU be you i.\ ihc Murcnvmi snitching Doo Dads<br />

from Mr. BcvWM'i ''ing cabinet.<br />

Jcft (V'sCuv) Hi. is currently hoid.ngcarh Saturday morning<br />

swim .sCMion* at the Chinatown VMCA for despcraie seniors who<br />

still me: stay a Coal to graduate. Some claim they attend ihc early<br />

<strong>class</strong> beCi'iic they hatcjotntogct 10. but really tltesc non-bm more months T4dl> -;ht».-ni.irj;«VtnKlilii>u. Hu-<br />

/,nir;/^,ii >lt Srpuhifhi.tr iu7*t!i<br />

annual "Scn».Hi|ik*' ;ti:k ihU>CJ*<br />

.'i»r nuny rca^' *hc *J .w .1)' tfx:<br />

pioiitu* 7.'. jvjr*. hot »hi* >cir'«<br />

f^ltcjl (cjrw -.-vtM»n cdrt.ir. IUM'<br />

t alien vN>n in pn-*. ninj* xh>* il-<br />

^ —Cartoon corner<br />

(lw second -*r a srrir* of '•kclchrs aliemptini: lu mplure Ih*- prrs-iui'lics'<br />

I 1,UMI-U racall, mcmticrv. TIiIsiiH-fllK; m.uh ' b I<br />

ltr.tr noiurt.<br />

Learning to drive —<br />

'That's why they call them bumpers'<br />

II> BcU> Mcrimkh hvne. Ot^i.-u\l>.<br />

,n): i\vj\,-_ Whcr>i*uxicp*m pie ub«> udc ih-s ><br />

-Icrjiix dhjt\ j'iHV^-td f»'r !omj: per'*. s*ln»<br />

. ilx: IHOJ: rvJjl < i n tfw tit" 1 n*. imiiicct- tit h~ diwmciN d JU^IMUI 01 rrul<br />

' "itenwm 01 lump i the ra* c»J?c. parkinj; »ru*-v. t»\ujli; . (R*<br />

iiulU aNfJt lh:<br />

p (ft.- IIU... dUC<br />

With Olivers' l^i ur.iict ihcif hells<br />

JV*J\ fnmi ihc turhi. «rw iin'v^-» !»•<br />

to Drivers' Trjiniv,.. Drivers' Trainmj:<br />

tiiMiucii'ts tit) !** jirt l!h" rfjwt<br />

thes tsrwrsc. Thcs JIC Jimmj; ik-<br />

Hjlf tifovcr\ *ii\ >>n ihc i«>b im*v<br />

nsL liter jnd limb '.«» irxh st^.*-..i tw, ilmcf Kt-m tun* \l,>u'><br />

(K- xlttvtd he ir.'ir.i: *lKn IK- e.itets J<br />

lurn thuv the dr.vet and the<br />

;u»*cfij:er* are jit }*i\c» itw » i p-,mrtunu\<br />

in iw! ihc nlim.mwcrjriluv'jl<br />

..•r rv 11 c-iitn;vu!.'i 1-iKir in A.tnm.<br />

Mlci «mj hj\ icjmcU h«>** in %;jn.<br />

^|"p, »t_J iu:n, ibe nc»t hurdle i\<br />

Lejii.^ M,»* ti. pjik IVfiving ,n<br />

flofobundd<br />

f -:wefs 'ex cs cccascn;<br />

A.F.S., TtUfan<br />

ftir an crj<br />

IIK- l.iul hjiOie lot ih; hoJJ.r;<br />

Uuvcr t\ JvtojlK j:o:n^ u< lite dread<br />

cJ IAIV i» i't-.im ihc license. M»»si<br />

pjnmr intnecx tuve rtiphtn-.-t. jlmul<br />

lite tJ\Vs 'hat itic lucnvc cun-.r»r<br />

nni;ht 'tMuire ihcm ti) ;terfnnn in<br />

itK-it dr»cr«* U-.1<br />

"Kind j . ina|U(\:nf; »<br />

i f i<br />

•'U:\ mcr>*i or.io lC hx-V<br />

up the t.r»^>Ledcst rtnxt in the<br />

utnld." "Ni"\ vUm nxMIut >*/-f-n<br />

ilnvc skiiht'^i u^inj: v-jr (unj* Oft<br />

teet." Altcf IIMI* jiWicirvtitm, <strong>The</strong><br />

Fe*l n. uvuallv rjl<br />

.: huin-iitor J J»»j: ilte\ \» ill prot\il>!><br />

tilficully if (rr? on the streets<br />

All (tunes timsiJa-^. the onl><br />

thin)* worw tlun hemp j no 1 * tlmct<br />

i« dnvin): uith one.<br />

Cb4 •: 'ntii/TowA"<br />


(4iS) 665-6652<br />

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<strong>The</strong> WK a<br />

lun rf II<br />

Prx<br />

i^J In i<br />

Aiucicr I<br />

•S>< i. Ihc I<br />

pill •>

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