Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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•tea ask kx your opinion and supporting stn'.emonu on topics r jquiiing<br />

S type or print your recpnnsQ to one oi lhes« questions You may<br />

ut&ft&At yoi«r naT.o and the numirer and letter nf ifio aucsticn you<br />

tnpyour essay to a slnglo pago or tc 300 woas.)<br />

tYfi) nNd not write o'. length nor use elevated languago. \Vo aro piimoi •<br />

fe cnattwiy. and to witc cloarly and accur.ilolv<br />

if WBo ditterenco. As gold which he cannot spend ma'ujs no man tich.<br />

ho man wfcw." —Samuel Johnson. Tho idler, no. 64<br />

Musnkjn" kncwledoe? Why or vrny not?<br />

jitima capsulo lr, tho cornerstone ol youi tswn hall, what mechanical device<br />

&j)'iD depict ZOth-contury American lilc? Why?<br />

|editations<br />

|ege reject<br />

la all through ihc dorm.<br />

even u war:<br />

k CoUege of Carmcl<br />

L grade) (ai one could icll.l<br />

audio butted<br />

jkrdancetl in her head. - -<br />

JEM. IV surely hasc made it thec;<br />

We nude ii anywhere!"<br />

tailies—hij-. ami small.<br />

tea to any at all.<br />

)r thing* royi/ Ajir been<br />

9 it all over again. . .<br />

Us and wnuld have Seen a pit! scout<br />

tfs what I'm abwtt.<br />

jj-fib the highest points possible<br />

in.<br />

nd. of course. -in.<br />

i fill my clavso.<br />

c mart-looking c*.<br />

t fot a perfect • core.<br />

a four or more.<br />

thblf I'm crazy.<br />

tMVP<br />

?nqr Mhktic ability.<br />

•T-MCJ eaHy.<br />

Vir UmA!. Apiil II. IVS6. Pat. II<br />


L'ni*rr\it> nfOiicjfitAtVhhHall... man* unlsrrviilrtluie prusprctlteapplk-ants<br />

willi atlriKlitr Ktitcs like IhK.<br />

HOW tO apply...One student's method<br />

tlvv i* ptnKihl\ nnUtrri]; iik>r.- utrx-rv mj: in tt<br />

V.IIIH.1 c\t^*ftcrKe ihjii the pftnp.*ht ol jpt)Uir.j.*<br />

K-t\ A >iuJwiii wo(k^ tctcnilc«I> tcf lintr >vurs<br />

;nj: hiiu^lt itiM jv nun) cxtr.ii.ufTKu5.ir jrca\ j<br />

hlc hcvjuw "•. .n Kn)V* (ttxxi ttn ^ trjn^npt." «'nl. in<br />

firu] irut the senmt j^ar lie fuv •>« eji*cil> jvtji<br />

he tlnoJi-J unh OM>-*. ilc^lhncN. Jpfil«i.jtit'n\<br />

<strong>The</strong> ci\iest \»a> tpelimiruie u MM ing lime it tu iutmw<br />

:nr*n )iwr chuicct to ^ maximum o( five uni>enitie\.<br />

Colleges tloo'l wam to vnuxe time on jou if you're imt<br />

serious about them, to don't w«ue your own time applying<br />

somewhere >I>L arc fairly ccruin you uitn't •* jru in<br />

Bcgiu by uViry the I'rclimirury ;*< hotauk p<br />

Test (PSAT) in (ktobci of >txir junior >vjr, you can g<br />

the College Boani permmion n» send your tumc <br />

itrcM to any univcnii «-* uhkh are ".. .l»«iing fur ttuuVniv<br />

like you." Thi\ isttoe at'theheit «4)t :n irwrcaw your<br />

awarcnest of the cpp\>rn within a nutter<br />

of ueeVja.<br />

Public or private? Urpc m snalV Urtun of mrJ? We«<br />

ii».ivt or li^t vuvi' I.irvul JH* OI Uvlimvat 1 All thc^.ate<br />

bctmv uhich i*uphl to be Ul.cn itUu tonvjjciiium<br />

PuMic wrumU (u\c the jJwmjcc I>I IOM imiion UKI*.<br />

vfc!iilc private ur.i'.ctMticv arc «»ft.-n cnj.i*al *iih 'ific<br />

nu>tv\ io \pcnd nn tlurir urnlcrtrJJUJIO SliKknl» JIIOK<br />

dinj; \ni.'Ucf ii*'.i» urv:% in a pucn ftcU bevauvr a lar^k-r >tiuLni S.«J><br />

^ll.m% for .t prejier num'xrr ..I nKirM.- ••)|erini:«. tv^c<br />

>»fj arc aMe !o ilefnK* >i»ir n«Jili.iti* lnr a Miitati.c<br />

a*jJcrnic cnvmmnicni. yi*i nu\ thfii tv;;i.'. to vwl, l.'tc<br />

H'hoxK uhich K'xt tit iho fiH»IJ yw'-.c vtutvd<br />

Gather infnmation inc*cr>- pi***iblru^y. Tl* VIC."I<br />

Corner in Roam 118 i\ a valuable rcMMtac m nuny<br />

rctpect>. <strong>The</strong>re arc video prtMriatkiru. from many coltcget<br />

available to v^w, an-J there one can find current<br />

unnjfMiy bulletin* »hkh omuit. ccurtc lutingi for recent<br />

acailemtc years.<br />

It ii worth your time in %o thnvi^h the CjiaJugs nfc\cr><br />

•rnllegc to which you arc coiutdcring applying. V\en a<br />

quick pcrutal u Ul oPxti tell a uudi.nl lha* a college whKh<br />

he is considering would not be right f t 'urn atvr all, or.<br />

convencly. that a «h*x»i •*h .ft ttc h.- 1 *-x c^cn thought<br />

about prcvUwily might be a perfect ' •• ice.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re is no better way to gel to kwy. a Khool than<br />

to go viut it yourself. Many wii\cniues will arrange overnight<br />

houiinj: on campus for y IXJ fur one night if vuu «^xl<br />

them a l-tter in writing appmtintaiely four weck> in a.*<br />

vance of your vu«. Take adtantage of this offer. lor living<br />

in the dotmuufK. and eaiing in the dining halU »i!l<br />

provide you a tnuc.'i l-^vxr icnv; o* UL* on the canipu*<br />

than will limply drivirij: •liioujih the area.<br />

Man Ui go when tctaol u in session, nsi y luninxr.<br />

tun dtiring >*acaw>n3. Take * vimpii-. toui and li\len<br />

carefully, for this may :< the univen.ty'i only cruncc<br />

to ihc-w iwclf -ff. Doit't br air Jd to aik question: at they<br />

CO,T»C tU" mind — ih^'*« wtut to»ir piide\ arc there for.<br />

t> nnc cxpUfinf on • >mr »'*.n Wai; thnm^h<br />

.. thn«.ii:b the muk.^c lulls, limwjrli the vurh<br />

h i il hcre \\m. Attenl M ICJM :^,I<br />

twn ui vowr time %h.«kd ynu cnroli. Mtnt mtpiHUniiy.<br />

uik ith »tudent* all -«cr ^-ainpu*. Do ihcy ha*e jn><br />

rej;iet>abiH:t enrolling? What do they hkenwtt iN:uiihe<br />

Cinpu*? Do they hjvc ar... ad% ice for y ou.' % hy JKI lhc><br />

chiwnc tocnmll there? Obum a ci'py of the uni«enity'%<br />


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