Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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*tr 10. Thr Unnll. Afrtl II I9S6<br />


JS5<br />

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liD<br />

Rixim. Hoard. Ftc»<br />

S.<br />

S 4.510<br />

S l.2on<br />

,„.•« shiver*<br />

up and dimn inuu hi^h schti.4<br />

tcniorV spinet.<br />

For some, the scl eminr; begins<br />

upon entry MI high v hoot: i %kill rr«wl likely be *hich<br />

rjilcpe *i1l be forturutc cv-ugh u»<br />

squire their iliil) prejciKir.<br />

<strong>The</strong>n ttK-rr jnr the prucr jviiruttnv.<br />

koriMtlin,. i>r lite nniofiiv tif lu^h<br />

whticlers.<br />

Ojit; f%. Ven^x isimc t»( ilv nvoy<br />

mcr.ti*:r\ ol ihit cter-to-popubr<br />

"wluh. * !lr has p»uh.; tlmxijh hi^h<br />

MrhtKtl. and tshilc niK pm\cupied<br />

vkitS mllepe, he hji m.ci\iimall><br />

ihtnjphi about ihjt ^.cniin)tl> divijnt<br />

h^<br />

A <br />

enjuyinj; IIMT outdoct l e t<br />

Senior jc^r iv here anJ Jltcr<br />

t I'culjttn" i*nl rtvjlcuijlm^ hit<br />

o.crali (Erode pint a\crape, he<br />

nali/i-x t»\ luplc*. A 4.0 $ p.a.<br />

»• *.•*. i»ic. \~ ;ippcar.<br />

Finii r . - J*» p^s\ MM Cmij: fitul*<br />

Iv tlcviJes II * tune 'i> ukc li*.- SAT<br />

am! Achievements, hoping they *ill<br />

Sc CTUS part- 2 3. 4. and 5.<br />

f.tcT taking wfui wxmv to be an<br />

IQ 'nt Jetcrtr.ininj: genii i.\KA <strong>The</strong><br />

SAT), he realize* he mi^r.. olttam a<br />

iiu *.in.mi of 4(KI (|( only \< OMitd<br />

remember il he filleil in four ttvJs.)<br />

I'jmc-stricLcn anJ J:li: tmily<br />

dcspeiatc. he .tmtcmpl."!** *.:ui tu<br />

do. "One mom.-, urnl Ach>ocn»: rts,"<br />

he thirl* \v htmscK.<br />

Rc'uvumty. he coil* WHfgxrg F^-<br />

|!hej.l XXVII. I oi t*.i dj>k ,xit of<br />

ihc> F N C i A<br />

M.tmcntjfuy v)ti>ficU WI!I hi%<br />

15(M» (SAT sciire) ami ;2i)0<br />

(Ach-vscinent* un.il *..f-[ r>it£<br />

ii«»ks user the ntinx-nw* jppitc.iiii.-ns<br />

he he v* a* J> r.< He wlecu a fc*<br />

) p<br />

fiie wants .1 sclf-Ocwripmc c». hj iliys ihnnifh ihc attic<br />

•AtKhttt^ .'or tfk*-c prrhistunc cvsj>\<br />

that px .Momand Did iruu Radcli'lte<br />

rwuLir J^tisit^?<br />

As a UM desperate aticmpt. Craig<br />

>iins in> c^un Uut * ill uie him. c\cn<br />

<strong>The</strong> Hipp) Hotwnuling C"uh of<br />

America (membef count: 3).<br />

Onl) ( 0bcLnv%>f<br />

beownc Ciaic*. urgn\<br />

U«ing all track rf iunc, ,'njg<br />

rcati/c\ he his only put two dj)>..<br />

til aoplKatKWtv* deadline.<br />

Frcn/ied *nd o^iiic tivycricii.<br />

Craip fiiu ml the applications and<br />

pnccttlk lo beg Mr. Watlock ind<br />

Miv* HUcLpkwto rccr^nmcik] him.<br />

Next rmtnunj, one day and coiinting.<br />

he .s("<br />

) Ihiring \\w .•jumcf. I wouldn't luse pwoicd ait:<br />

I would'sc wort .0 realls turii jt \oluntccr auff—<br />

tV 4 -.' tor sopSonxwc ><br />

hjsing reincruVreU that m> sratkr cjun: ;tut >cir.<br />

I wiiuld'se taken all htwKs d/vse\ ti> : t imprcviis-e.<br />

s-;ih.mt ncfteaing to conriaae bong acme.<br />

i W\HIM Kisc betti in goscmnrnt and would have been an j<br />

MMiietriir.g like X\< aluirnc lcboix bt.igo cwmmi*sionri.<br />

[ uiHi'd has.* joined forcmtn and learned lo dfba:c wc'.t.<br />

vi I CHJW t^er hase c^mpclcU at the rutlcnal level.<br />

I Mould'sc competed in speech and e*sa> trv*e«><br />

an.1 .nmlil ruve been nothicg but the ^e>t<br />

Cor an s-arly in-Iicalkv of my career ambition.<br />

1 would hase joined Law H>fMOte*» - the prc-uw iradiiiotB<br />

In (he uiminer. I wouki 'rusi- Mi/tcd lo sicdy Tor the SAT H<br />

and AUUU! have rrcmoruoi vo»-«bc!ary v-otds with tituch|<br />

B> junW >cir, I would lure been rc*ty tc UAC all At'**.<br />

and *rald hase apair* entered CSF with ir.-xh cajc.<br />

. *ixi!d've paiientty in%trucwci my l>pinfc tutce<br />

^••d -AWU hasc taught hiw how ic i>rv» the rijhi kes<br />

I w< j!i! tu\r .ppltcxi for ShicLl. and not only made it in.<br />

' ut I wtMtd tuvc ilso run >w OITKC and. of ',ot*rw. *in<br />

Ol c»ur>c. I -nil wruld Idvc teen xin- alt my CUMCS.<br />

an.) I stilt uouk*. hisc bw>v '-rari.ip ihoe wiurt-lookir<br />

On cscry o>IIcpc cum. I wo»i n»-sc co: a perfect w\*rc.<br />

Jitd on csciy AP c«am. 1 "mid base p« i Tour or t<br />

I would tuse Kai an intcn»h-j) in the >ummrr<br />

and H suld have k-^med more Bbnut beuif » hwycr.<br />

In my senior year, 1 wuttwat hivi UxrM^e laiy<br />

'cjuvr I wouidn t r«*e witficrf vi^tcges to think I'm crx-j<br />

iJut foi frj | wvuld have joined the golf truu-bc MVPand<br />

SSIUJVI i«st pr.iudly jiiO*n otf iny attuVttc ability.<br />

I would tu\c appltcc tn coUejei nice and csriy.<br />

and 1 wsj.tri tuvc nujccU i« Libyan Study.<br />

"Oh/ 1 iKx^hi HJga. "if i b*J only done all Uu>.<br />

1 wouldn't row be it wb * wet%-"<br />

A.»d with lh». her cydtJt brtvy,<br />

!Hga went ;•

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