Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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Oil price drop<br />

helps economy<br />

By Alex Un<br />

"We «MU hav* S11-S12 o-t for<br />

ISS6 end 1587 - *rtupi into<br />

1988." f neo rcooomiu Johc<br />

Licbibbr. ...-J of the Petroleum Industry<br />

Rc-orth Foundation in New<br />

York.<br />

<strong>The</strong> price of oil, **hic*i u atuxn 60<br />

pwcern louer ihw the NcvcmNv<br />

high of $31.70 a berrrl. b a mixed<br />

W cuing.<br />

Oi one band, convuncn *ic rejoicing<br />

stiVmb-Jl pKulfau yticc*, thr<br />

spparav breaUcwn of the Orpoua-<br />

Uon of Petroleum Exporting Countrie*<br />

(OPEC) ind other nuufcv -<br />

tkna of Ac loddea 4np la oil prices.<br />

Robcn H*J1, a senior ccononunt u<br />

the Hoover Inuttuie at Stiflford<br />

UciATjity. cUInxd that the price<br />

CDoh ibm'Jd reverse tfic damifce done<br />

by the "oil critii" of the 1970*-,.<br />

He Uticvti sly high cnerjty emu<br />

created a rtc^iion by raising tnfUtkxi<br />

an*! intc/cst ntte*. ano lower oi!<br />

price* would rct-eru; that trend.<br />

<strong>The</strong> trampooaio.t industry, with<br />

towc fuel prices alw» loots tp**nef*t<br />

IromihMwuidUIt. Aitlincfci?' nave<br />

been (tiling nearly .i* iwkly si oil<br />

prues.<br />

Cn the ott*r hand. American oil<br />

companies Mxh as Chevron nnta<br />

tighten their belts and hope fur t<br />

qvick wlution to the impending oi-<br />

cm-s jf the I93O*I.<br />

Cbevmn i:.'-it »^endicj furcv<br />

piorannn?K: ••• It nnrpx+i hy SI.*<br />

billion ?30 ;*r.*Mi> -.: S ix- oil five<br />

to ten percent of f.<br />

Hall iJouba iret >ne b_c/ft ui.*]<br />

eau*c a rive in . .vployrncr.t.<br />

bcvau*c UK V;I« mijof.j of»ntlu:(,<br />

tute .*ob* invotviriK tkilU tfoi an.<br />

e»U> iramrcijWc ic other indtruno.<br />

He noted thai cheaper energy u<br />

untqec in in dtiility to .stimulate 'h;<br />

"You<br />

c\cnt,*<br />

l iH<br />

a\l. tctler a<br />

tht LmrU. Apul II IM». ff ?<br />


C2M, AFT battle<br />

for teacher support<br />

hy Benjamin L*c<br />

May, the Amcrirait FcoVratiun<br />

of Tcatheri (AFT) and the Cta^uoom<br />

Tcjchei* AwcutkMt (CTA) will<br />

l in a', election la artennine<br />

of thc^c two bargainirf ^gaiu<br />

witt represent San Prancaco'v<br />

tc*.her» u the barr^iniiis uHe lut ihc<br />

duration of t^e 'weher*' nr\\<br />

contra.;.<br />

ranci^co icachcn nu»M elc~t<br />

the .•»jwniuiiou to repmeni them at<br />

contract negotiations with the ^houl<br />

dial/in. Ftir die pa*.* ni.ie yan Vnc<br />

AFT and ihe OTA have been v*o<br />

organiuiio.u * yinj Itu tcacheri<br />

vote*,<br />

A pcu'jtm itfrncd hy ?'J percent of<br />

the texl'Cn in the Ktkx I dtittia re-<br />

(ficfting the election hctwecti the n*t)<br />

bjrgiinin; agent*, muit be filed IZ0<br />

diyi before the rantntkxi of the conir>ct<br />

in unlcr foi the c!ectkx> to take<br />

place, <strong>The</strong> AFT. which i> tiying U<br />

urucJt iht CTA frorj iti pvition ^t<br />

the tzzc\tcT*' PMjt\k*n$ ageiit *ti*cc<br />

19*11.cL'i'n.llutdxorFcbri.ais 14.<br />

enmpti *igrumn3. ruvc been coll*.-ncd<br />

foi ihc election to ttkt pUcc.<br />

"By far. the rw»i imponyit i*«uc<br />

in thi* electron U clau *i/e." uid<br />

Joan She't^. pmtdent of San Franciwo<br />

Fedcratiim of Icauhcn. the<br />

UKSI chapter of AFT. Acco.tting Hi<br />

Shelley, the prcvitw* AKT ncgotult J<br />

i-ontrsct \*\ a o\finite limit for U»c<br />

jnnum of %rudcr.t> alU^-cd in a clou.<br />

j number rjnpinj: fr.-m 25 in on<br />

Englivh clji> In 3H in a P.E. c\j\\.<br />

<strong>The</strong> CTA cnntMU. cxpbinod<br />

Shclle>-, ha* the vamc divv \i/c limit<br />

a* the AFT c»mtr*.t. but now the<br />

xbt">l tlMtKl pay* a Uijw.d In<br />

teachen Tor evnv nt after ihr<br />

cond c»:ra ituknt. Thu fee u SI20<br />

per ti^Vrnl per >car tor clemcu?ry<br />

Khool tocher, and SI2.50 per sm-<br />

moun: ia*n.a-l of hiring IKW<br />

vxctert." »id Shelley, "ii is unfair<br />

tc die teachers and to the uudcrtt..<br />

loo. because u> educationally un-<br />

M>»:.VI,*' me uid.<br />

Judy Dcllamonka, prctJcat of<br />

SFCTA, respcidcd that stipends are<br />

tcnipemautics for teachert who rut-<br />

. evidence<br />

teacher, apt.d. "Tl< AIT d,J ibtiwing that tccrc* tide ajfe«?mu*ti.<br />

nuthinp to enfor-x clai* IUC We u were made tcrwecn<br />

lean have wafku* net utne wrt cf<br />

cotiipcnution fur IIHT tr.vhcr;. <strong>The</strong><br />

AFT had no uipcrd."<br />

Fi>r the pi*i jcat. Schul/ and CTA<br />

hjve been pmhsng to increase Ihc<br />

texner** stipend tft J m«p--::u*n of<br />

$t.O**pcr Uwlcn'pcrv iiejfcr <strong>The</strong><br />

wh?»l di hiirJ prnfL-v.u.rul H'*"'' 4<br />

plcdpin; l» icc»

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