Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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Imp 4. VtrOmrU. April II. I9S6<br />

I* NEWS,<br />

ROTC triumphs at competition^^ deteriorating<br />

H) Grate Ka«*<br />

For tSc itilrJ cumcetfi** year.<br />

nc of ihi<br />

IfAfKVtOn.<br />

•*Thi\un't»casy»'*itkv-ix <strong>The</strong><br />

.VJe **n$h-. "Awl ten i^wnlv. ami the<br />

movcniTMt haw »u he precise, accurate,<br />

ant iharp.'' etplai.vd wwoc<br />

Mdvtna Che*. e*Jct captain and<br />

public relation*, officer.<br />

Rrpt ^cfHiey <strong>Lowell</strong> were s<br />

Cfew a*il Chsrj,' Smi"h, h<br />

Kkhar>l N*;. jmd frog ><br />

Sw. c< mpctin^ on ihe frtirth. third.<br />

xzooA,and fl-u >cai fevcU. ictpeclt*vly.<br />

Che** snd Sea pl*.*ed third<br />

«hUc Nfi P*tJ fourth IAJ Smmh tint<br />

for *lMh.<br />

Ch:w crninten'cd. "<strong>The</strong>re***<br />

al*~a)i itunc nenauineu. bui »hcr<<br />

•»j'rc con(iiler4. if*, always. ca*»cr<br />

i. after la*t)cirl<br />

7 be JRQTC frwn I-mcli placed tint (n the o*crmll cumprtltbn, but<br />

not tn rttry OTHI.<br />

LtiMcll icccivci* first pu.c in c*et><br />

tutcp-*)*»f ihe9|a C'!4r*hp.<br />

<strong>The</strong> RetiroJ Officer*' Awviiimn<br />

Saber AwanJ. ;nd vati»u\ o'her<br />

ntedaU.<br />

Liiwell receded aU three y.h>ur-<br />

%hip,. <strong>The</strong> A*JSA vc<br />

auzrdcd u> \cnu>r\ W<br />

tUitiua, and ihc Roenc<br />

.VwxiulHWi Scht^uhtp »at awarded<br />

to senior Kalti> TlutMt. Timitrrtxa<br />

recent*! n.x- «f ih; *ihci ;*uanN. ai»J<br />

•>ihe;" tnc'lal tccipkntv wrr? \tni.w\<br />

Wu. ILiLhitj. QOvvn, TomiiiMffo,<br />

jiiiiiur Larr> WonI\ TIHJ.<br />

Chc>k colluded. "All jtc^i V\n£*<br />

tnuvt \tunihle. but Lowclt M«1I ncvi*r<br />

fall<br />

Ac-«nd»nj: in T*.hii(»ani. ihc u\c<br />

•>UiHiiptiti'i\ Icr(if jcitvc-injuring<br />

imlxtdo uf KU\\ UJ\C\ itr.vhcix n»'c<br />

cljr\ litiv: fur xiniii^<br />

TV p(i>pir»i.i IJI. ».ml.l 4,klic»<br />

ihcprtthk-imi'M^Litl prjtlo%ani.<br />

TchtLmani Icelv lhal Itw pract tc<br />

i;i the bh HIII provide %Hk^-nt\ uitn<br />

the t»«»k MI t< mute active in tlic<br />

<strong>The</strong> FL Unix an integral run<br />

of ih> t'MVi^n Itn^uj<br />

acc-tniing *o Harry CI»I1IS. head ot the<br />

Fl. Department.<br />

<strong>The</strong> lah la* been rvpular »incc il<br />

came into *'\i\tci.cc 16 yea's ago<br />

lab in n«Tn 144. BCIMISC ol the intrc.-.smj:<br />

pvpufanty, iix lah tinned<br />

o n«*m 2tW. Tvhiki-varu ihcn imtaK<br />

el equipment and built carrels into<br />

whai is n>>» the only cti%tin;<br />

Ijnciwfc lah in the .VFUSD.<br />

'<strong>The</strong> lah £i*cs 'tadents a chance<br />

hivt< intire linjc livL-ttiii£ *n lh*<br />

tUn^iuec and In *c%r*wid to gucMion*<br />

m the lab *n Mat the* ru^c lo speak<br />

the lanpuajc iRdi\idu.tll><br />

they Jon't ^ci trnufh<br />

; lime in ;Uv<br />

I'd ton.<br />

Senior l-i.nm Ctw .scnicnt. an exx.<br />

feds ihc<br />

l^h pni'.klcs stiiocnts with J<br />

l.ikrxm turn lh- t.i<br />

uikl tru-. it is fxit im'y a written<br />

•In France.<br />

V.V m.|v Icjrn<br />

,*K«cr hvtcn 'O u<br />

PB-IWI tfv -dead"<br />

lah is KondcriLl."<br />

<strong>The</strong> lab ttso ".<br />

lai.fuacc Mudcrt:'. a tcn*c tha- they<br />

Ki\c a rcMiuicc crnfcr where ihe*'<br />

tvUmp. M> they *«.ant to ct>inc or are<br />

assieneil loconv,<br />

iV-in to Ml d>n*n." cipro-cd Tat.<br />

<strong>The</strong> student* n»e uf ihc b"i.<br />

"<strong>The</strong> crcjtcsi cttnuibv!i«n cjmc<br />

i\\*i, the lidv. <strong>The</strong> vuppon of trr lab<br />

ua* al*ay» done 'hmugh<br />

tradi* iv dcvclcpcd Ihrw-g*!<br />

Krrmcssc («hicri HIII Utc place on<br />

Stj> 22). <strong>The</strong> Kcrmf\sc allots the<br />

lab to ".urvivc," commented<br />

Tfchif ihc needs uf the tab. N'y pica to<br />

the ^iwJcnts is u» idl them 'hat their<br />

in%i4*cmcm -jan t«Iy make incm pnv<br />

ud ol their c'-iftiriboiions." Iv<br />

Fair to provide jobs )BlackNMSC Finalists announced<br />

U) Bcniunln U«<br />

<strong>The</strong> fus: Lo«vU ^rnincr Opp>Ttonntc*<br />

Vjit ^ii me JCJIV vull tv htM<br />

on April»to ihe fitjer of ihc Cam!<br />

dunning Thratcr.<br />

Boanl forSchmd and CtMiinunity<br />

tK.pc*t to brinp »Iut he call*<br />

. ". . vahuMc eij '.xwc for prwfw*<br />

tivc jot)hciili.-f»' to tj>\»c!i thriWpt)<br />

the Fair. *>iuh will pnntuV the<br />

MUilenis with opp«IM of booths w*<br />

vp b> ofjani7;ilior.\ needing<br />

'•ulumcen. Thcy^illtiandtiu: inf.v-nia'ittn<br />

rrj«niinj; dii'crent l>pc\ of<br />

kcrvicrv tl>3i mi^ht irtcrcvt .he<br />

>tudcnt\. VMlin; ^olunuvr* ttuy Mpn<br />

t*p at the Fair or they «iuy citnjct the<br />

•u^aniMtkhi after* ;*.d> u do so.<br />

<strong>The</strong> f rwp* p4n»ir>il(n]* in fr: T-VT<br />

- will rrptcnem a «idc ranfc uf--arcvr<br />

twen-vti, incluOinp business. Uw.<br />

vcicTKC. heillh 2nd hunwn sci%tor«.<br />

nlucsiioo. inid ihc ant.<br />

<strong>The</strong> University of CaliiornU<br />

Mcdi^d Center, ibe E\pt-*ratortum.<br />

One Act <strong>The</strong>ater. Irwin Manorial<br />

Blood Ban'«, ami tnc KiliFuvcn CortvaL^ccm<br />

Center, among cJhtn. svill<br />

ha>r:K«(Iis*rtilic |I »ir.Thiny iufm*<br />

ty otter ofjjtilzatioa. JIC s be |<br />

mj! 4MjiuVd IIM •tfVKc* > «4«m **hj tVy<br />

*ikiutdn'l be awarded fur coninuimt><br />

scrstccsas well.<br />

"<strong>The</strong> F4.r. or a **i»!unit.-cr iij>."<br />

iruended to fi\u* auenihui o«f comniymiy<br />

vrt.ivc."' explained flnan<br />

Pun. Cruirm-m of :>•; Fair Committee.<br />

"<strong>The</strong> BSCS ha\ ncu-r cniptu^ucd<br />

this ijpc of venue before."<br />

Kiviit* aj;i«d. ik^h(Mlilci*a>id<br />

V/Uvw hi^h v;h*H>(\ ru*e a volunteer<br />

day a» an jnnual c\cnt. fl»" <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

t\ccutivc Council \pon\orcd a<br />

s> Uj««r d.i) five years api» with<br />

good rcotlu • hut i. oiOrt t lvcoit*c an<br />

annual event." he said<br />

Ktvni^ ctplanied thai solurtic-r<br />

uiy didn't Kwsne .-MTTRMI becattv: ihc<br />

studeni pn\^*-jncw offkc** U.krti<br />

•nicnru. An annual fair will be propo*cd<br />

if UV Apiil 30 ocrA n -ucccs\ful.<br />

.ind Pon \uppo*\v ihi« idea<br />

siiivjly. He alwi wivlics lo chair ihc<br />

cunur.irtee *n charge of the<br />

'fV Sunancr Opfor:umiic* Fair<br />

will be ipoiMMcd uith Utc help of<br />

Michelfe O.liechiiu. Youi> Pn*sr?m<br />

Cixirdtnautr t* ihc Volua-ccr Center,<br />

a ntm pnfa organi/ation '*hich pro-<br />

\«dc\ difTcrc.il oryani/aiumt with<br />

\nluraccn.. Dcfrcchuu hdps ihc Fair<br />

Commiace a> a liann with ihc<br />

Volunteer Cemcr and alvc acts as an<br />

Problems<br />

with Friends<br />

or Family?<br />

Co//<br />


BOARDS<br />

Free<br />

service and<br />

training<br />

552-1250<br />

Gira CaniNe and KnnSctly Palter-<br />

%»n jtc H.uL \tulcni\ at l^.uoll uh»<br />

fu%e t l!*c Sitbin >'<br />

Merit Schnt.Tsriip Cor|k)i?Mon<br />

i NMSC* as Firuliviv in the N^U.IJI<br />

p<br />

for OtnuaDlin^ Scpn- S«udcnis.<br />

Caiiibrc hjs won a Cjlilornia<br />

PhyMCurts Ashiescnwri SchiiUrship.<br />

li gives ticri- Si.OOnrtiiiKKi pj>mcni<br />

ca*h \ea; f"i her four >c.ir» at Hryt.<br />

Vawr. |*^t:ervm OKI n>< rr*.ci*c a<br />

xhoLt%hi,i. -nd is headed fot<br />

i;c A.<br />

SmiifiruliM^ aic chmen b> their<br />

fvriV.rnurh*.' (M» the ^icliminary<br />

SsrH'lastic Aptitude 1*>: (I'SAT).<br />

l : injh\ts muJ ut> wfll on the SAT.<br />

and a;c rc^u'Tv! lo wtuc an essay<br />

outlinit.): their piuK and \a»Hic cite, MJ we *lnxjld be salocd<br />

» n the v»nic Kate,"<br />

ton. tt*c Uni*erwty of Californta<br />

svuent Bivr* too ncjch wcipht It!<br />

race. "If >ou'ie a member ol a<br />

minority." uid Pattciwrn. "all >ou<br />

(line Cimbr? hat bmi awwded • fbar->ttr, $8,000 achobnhip and<br />

Kim PMltcrMn became * Flnalbt In titc National Adikitment Scholar-<br />

*J>lp ProgrMi.<br />

Cjmh.c felt ll-c NMSC vlvculd not<br />

ts*sr its *t,holar*.hi*H on the PSAT<br />

score*. she fecit ihc tc*t il>elf should<br />

be ik*)lt*hcd. "How well )p>t do on<br />

ihc PSAT t*. n>n m g«xxl cv*aluation of<br />

ho* intelligent >tu arc. None of the<br />

Mapuardi/cil t *»'v do that A let of<br />

lhe ukl. "Sll! 1 . they<br />

vbouWVt elitniruitc the turrcat<br />

•.yucni. It **iv?} minontv* a chute*:<br />

(*x 9 better tduczikyt."<br />



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