Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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7V Im.-U. Apnl II. 1986. ttf •»<br />


Question man<br />

What do you expect out of your <strong>Lowell</strong> High School education?<br />

Trfc.Ua Aharsdo (8901) — ! capect<br />

to find a forfcuut guy. fall ir love,<br />

^o in Georgetown Univerviiy with<br />

him. share aii apartment, and pet<br />

trained.<br />

Howard Nhltlnx-:o<<br />

to me and might help wtne now:<br />

MlkcKIrfadou.<br />

• Dan Harrington ^—--<br />

CUk^ of '85<br />

»*U.*M«tlM I<br />

Vnain Itli, Uj Mm. Ura I<br />

ri. Ca. £^H Cmti. bftkn Cam. lai<br />

>"tra| Iw^M«1MI>i%aX>ul>rimr.tMT!az.<br />

bttltm ... .\mtz*Ui Enii Ctoa^ Kn CJAot. tsM ibrTMa.<br />

JiMTirlacn Dene Honr, Uasfcra UwK Ol« DnrtV<br />

CcVwiaW W memben.<br />

On March 19. Ca;l Kocnig, pteMdent<br />

of toe fxulty council. c*prc\^-J<br />

d f i^jli*.''-

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