Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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tfl },Thrtpnll. April II. 1916<br />


Students deserve<br />

responsibility<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>, like all high %ch :*»!*, has as its purpose<br />

educ*tinsstudcni«anJ preparing them for the tutu re. An<br />

important part of thai education and preparation t* teaming<br />

to handle rcsponribility.<br />

Extra-curricular activities afford students an opportunity<br />

to exercise responsibility and learn in the process. F.v<br />

amptes of 'Atch activities include Radio <strong>Lowell</strong>. Stepc<br />

Crew, Student Govcnidieni. and 77tr tsmrll. Certainly,<br />

the students who elect to participate in these nciiviuc* have<br />

certain cbligations and rcspottsibilitics tn the sch;x>! and<br />

thtir fellow s'udents.<br />

However, the staff of Ths tmvelt feels that as long a*<br />

participating Muoc.a* t jcognuc iKcir which they tonight w;nild elicit the best<br />

response from the student body. IT*: faulty member*,<br />

should not inutferc so :hc students can learn to dc.il with<br />

the responsibility by them*c!vev<br />

<strong>The</strong> fjet is that the nujorny of ihc student- at <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

arc responsible enough to perform the tasks involved in<br />

any of the school's jxira-cjirkular activities. <strong>The</strong>re i\<br />

J great deal o( c\ufcnrc for ihi. \t;tcni'.-nt.<br />

To begin with. <strong>Lowell</strong> *tudcni., arc directly rc>pon\iblc<br />

for the ptixlu^tiit.: of ibis (t«YV\papcr with ^c help ot<br />

in divisor who i> jppt'iittcd by the udminiMnition. <strong>The</strong>re<br />

ix mi iir^Mm U.i .my T^tutiy ;».-:imci Hi imtilcic **iili U\<br />

IrfUfUvtion since the JOUJCW staff lu.% pro\rn it» *.»MJipc-*ncy<br />

consistently hy .\ irnir.5 tint place in a njtiotul high<br />

school newspaper contest more than once.<br />

Another cxumple 'if students uhn arc able to handle<br />

responsibility L\ the Lowvll Sti$c Crew. <strong>The</strong>y arc indirectly<br />

rcspomiWc for tht pnx)iH.tionk 111 a number of the<br />

school**, dramatic arts functions. <strong>The</strong>ir Muocr.1 stall is in<br />

charge of stage lighting. cur>i"i." said Poulakidas.<br />

bums refused to conrrvni on the Mtuation.<br />

This concession folloursj a wrck of iinplca%antncs.s durtns<br />

which Bums refused stuJcnts* petilions to liold Uie<br />

datkx in the gym. iven -vith the SAB's assunuxc that the<br />

gym would be Kt up for hlngo attcr the dance.<br />

<strong>The</strong> dance *-as held tn the gym. and bingo wai held<br />

r.u Saturday. In (act. S\B members set up the bingo equip*<br />

men? so fast that Bums offered to hire them as regular<br />

workers. "Vcs. ihc situation is improving." noted<br />

Government officers were upset over what they sens*<br />

*;d as a "lac 1. of cooperative spirit" between MntL'nl<br />

goveinmcnt and ihis special fundraisini! group, and cited<br />

Hibish er.pl*tncd. "Whit begins ar. a canng. custodial<br />

arrangement NC> of virtues.' m this case." said<br />

Fibuh. referring to a Icochcr. enjer to help the school<br />

jnd students, who faces hurdles regarding ihc way in<br />

which ho chooses to Iiclp.<br />

V.'flkial whool policy gives first priority for buiMing<br />

us* to academic activities second tu co-cMrricular i>ursuits<br />

iticluuing athletics, tnial ard U-.110 outside coininuni*<br />

ty groups. Fibiih said that the Axe Club is at the top of<br />

the list of "outside group*." wit!, about the sums priority<br />

to use school facilities JS the I*arcnt-Tcachcr-Stu;lcm-<br />

Avsoctatirm fPTSA).<br />

Student govcrnnK-nt ofTtcbN note "stinginess" on the<br />

part of the P.E. Department jor use of the gyrn *br rallies<br />

atso. "It*.* run fair todenv school *p' r ''.'* MiJ [\muikJdcs.<br />

P.E. tcac'-rr Jeril>n Jank kjountercd. "Tlw condition of<br />

ihc gym — blcachcn left out and garbage strewn<br />

everywhere — nukes us (P.E. Department) reiuctan; to<br />

permit rallies in the gym."<br />

Cooperation U the obvious solution to (his problem. 7ht<br />

limrfl salutes the negotbton wlto allow-ed both dsnet and<br />

bingo to take ptocc. but hopes in the future ready coofsn*<br />

tton w ill bypass the unpleasantness which d^ occur. After<br />

all. we arc «il here to ser.e <strong>Lowell</strong> High School.<br />

••m<br />

::.:•* • %<br />

Wl\<br />

Trisha AI* J<br />

t find a<br />

Mm.<br />

nurriol<br />

Dor Editor.1<br />

A'lhut)^ j<br />

froo * duTei<br />

noticol •hail<br />

down-in the-1<br />

mood has t<br />

peoplclrosj<br />

wre ih« I<br />

change in *f J<br />

ThcWcuJ<br />

Tradition s<br />

to nu and i<br />


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