Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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Thr Innll, Van* 7. /Mft /Vj» '»<br />

.SPORTS<br />

Athletes of the month<br />

Bokura, Matsuno receive honors<br />

Sy JoUr Wen*<br />

"Jeff Datura ha been the ouutan><br />

ding fchlck of die bun. Thtre aren't<br />

many Khktri of ha, caliber arouiid."<br />

praii-d wrestling coach Date<br />

Vollnth.<br />

Bo*>ira. one of three captains ol the<br />

team. wrestles in the t40-pound<br />

weight cltu.<br />

He ha> been wrestling for four<br />

yean, me tudtng one ysar at ihc junior<br />

vanity ;«v«| and ihrrc yean at uv<br />

vanity level.<br />

In the last three yean. Bokiira<br />

uken Ihc third place pmitiun lor hi*<br />

weight efcns.<br />

This year, Bokurc placed fin; a:<br />

three tournament* fllilmar, Sruth Sin<br />

Fnttciio, and thf flit San Mann<br />

tournament).<br />

He il*o tooV fint pUte at the Atl-<br />

City tournament hcM March 1.<br />

Bokura crrdits much of hu MK*:£U<br />

to an early itait in his frcrhr.an year,<br />

wfclch gave him valuable experience<br />

Hut h*i carried him throu|h nu<br />

icnior year.<br />

He auVkd. * <strong>The</strong> ccachcL are really<br />

helpful because they really make<br />

yuu work, get you fa good tfcipt. and<br />

tea.ii you all the moves."<br />

* Team memben really respect<br />

Jeff," confirmed senior Adam<br />

Bornclcit.<br />

Sruior Dcrclt Spu said. -He icvcr<br />

complain* like the rui tif us/'<br />

"Jeff is a gix» deader, am! he'll<br />

never quit, no matter what fuppem.<br />

H- II alws)i try hird...aad he** [_ally<br />

modest too," stated cc-capuin<br />

John Matsuoka.<br />

Bornclcit aucrtcd, "Jeff iwvcr<br />

tales Lay credit for anything,"<br />

Bokun': dcdirjtfion to the team.<br />

Icswimhip ability, and imdcsty a f e<br />

eviklrnt in hi* efforts in the<br />

He Mated. "Tne captains ot the<br />

team were responsible (or tin Sit-up-<br />

By .ShnTi Ens<br />

Can a teun with a 0-0 record be<br />

successful? ihc answer is "yes" according<br />

luttte members of the joniur<br />

vanit>- wrcsOimt team.<br />

Though the team has uo offkul<br />

l-jg;'c nutcnes. it gains valtublc experience<br />

by wres iy>^ van ty jHjycrv<br />

from other school* when ihe opposing<br />

n*M(A hx< no JV Hicstlcrv So<br />

far. the JV team has beaten Wilton,<br />

iincoln. O'Connell and Miuu>n'«<br />

vaniry wrcstlv-r*. Th* IV*» succe*.*<br />

C-XTK* from the (act tha ibey muu<br />

practice with <strong>Lowell</strong> * trinity tram.<br />

Coxh Oalc Votlt oth feels thai 'be<br />

team it in food cor-J:!ko und t»s<br />

learned a lot of tennique:.<br />

"<strong>The</strong>y're ur'ng *lvaoced moves<br />

thst you us'jlly don't see JV<br />

wrestlers use." soled Vollrath.<br />

VoH*aUi claims iha: most of the<br />

moves aid cuuntcn th* the JV* uic<br />

arj usually tun only from the better<br />

van tr tl<br />

Sipnotnore Junes Ho credits the<br />

unch for me team's V C J<br />

"Tnc coach watoves over us<br />

evcrytime we wre»tf»- *nd wti'e*<br />

down what we do wrong. *nd then he<br />

goes cv tourcwtoJcw wrA v». If«'a<br />

general mistake, he'll go ovt- it<br />

h he while turn." he »ud.<br />

162 Wot Portal Avenue<br />

Sin FrandKO. CA 94127<br />

Telrphonc 4I56RI-7WJ<br />

a-&un, which ts an event lo raise<br />

money for the team banquet at the end<br />

of the season, as *rlt as frv t-shirts<br />

and swrau."<br />

Ngai attested. "Jeff w« the occ<br />

who nude the sponsor forms and<br />

stapled them »cftihcr vtth carton<br />

papci in the mi-Idle for all K4 UI —<br />

and til in one night, Do."<br />

"TIIC team will make -in estimated<br />

S35O-S4O0 froc-i ;hc Sit-up a-thon if<br />

everyone ean collect all his money<br />

from his spoawn," sail Bokura.<br />

Besides wrestling. Bokura ha* al><br />

excelled in foot*Mi!.<br />

This yejr he received :hc "Most<br />

Valuable Running 1«ck" tit!:.<br />

Again, Boturj cited his cuach a.<br />

* valuaMc pan of his fw>al! t-arccr.<br />

"Coach Bill Tutasosopo wu \ety<br />

um*-mandinit. 1/ I saw hi.= in the<br />

halU. I couM always go lo him with<br />

tny problems."<br />

He admitted, "My (im love *ai<br />

football. I've heen tacfc'tng in ihc<br />

lou all<br />

the uay."<br />

Bokura hi>pr% 10 attend cither uV<br />

'Jnivrnity of California 4i Santa<br />

Cm/, at Sui Oiepi. or at beikcley<br />

rext fall. hu( he ^ Mill unuiie about<br />

a nujor. rii» phitowphy u. "I'll try<br />

Ibciti a!) (iSc mjb»ni until I find<br />

wvrKtlitnn I Me."<br />

I<br />

By Michelle Ton<br />

"I ccn&ict basketball i major pirt<br />

of my l.fe." tutcd vanity Uikoull<br />

player Michael Maiutno. a March<br />

"Athlete of Ihe Month."<br />

M'tuino ii no *tr-ngcr whrar*s *T»nity team.<br />

"1 thirk u depctdt on how :hcy<br />

(th_* J V w rcstWs) cmiuct tScmsclvc*<br />

Sun Stewan an) Low) ha*c been<br />

v^y instnimental m conveying these<br />

fu>IamcnuU to n>e."<br />

"I've learned a k* fr.m bbketbaU.<br />

especially from try coaches. <strong>The</strong>;<br />

have Ui'jchi tre ductpline. rompewtivencsi.<br />

and teamwork. That<br />

(teamwork) is really important<br />

bccai«v' we have to K; ,b*e to pU/<br />

as J Urfm to be s ^ *<br />

Musuno tddcrf. "Piior O **#<br />

fch^.rnuchofmybatictbiUltochni-'<br />

quev ind skills were acquired from<br />

the 'tough strtet-Wll* i used to play<br />

at Aptos Middle Schorl."<br />

Ottsidc of scrtool. Matsunrt enjoys<br />

keeping active. Besides playirg for<br />

the vanity ream at scltcol, he a'fo<br />

pLiys for his Boy Scout UsketbaJl<br />

team, the Atvxiates. In addition to<br />

being a member M both tcuns are 1 the<br />

scout troop for nine yrv», he is also<br />

a member of the Dwxn arc Bugie<br />

Corps.<br />

Although Musuno u 'Jmurs of<br />

which collejr hr will be atteivJini<br />

net: year. He '•% sure of on? tiung —<br />

w would like lo pby colkfe b»ketbji*.<br />

Beratuc of Mauuno's tdhk^c<br />

talents, one college, cspeci*Uy. his<br />

shown a ,«rticJar interest in him. At<br />

a roxnt tcunumcnl, c scull from the<br />

y of California (HO at<br />

w .Vtanjnc playing **J later<br />

KJI him a fetter rsprcss>d£ the college<br />

** ipu^est in him. Although UC<br />

r>vis was tM ooc of the col'rfjcx<br />

Matiuno initially applied t«» ia<br />

Nu\r..nher. ^ tn

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