Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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"ftff It. JV Lmtll. Wore* 7. I9SS<br />

SPORTS—<br />

All-City title slips past grapplers<br />

ByVtcklKo<br />

<strong>The</strong> Lowe 1 ! vanity wrestlers end*<br />

ed m undefeaul roufct-robin season<br />

wiih •tnuuxlc upset >i the AII-Ciiy<br />

toanui^nt tekl M,uth 1.<br />

Dcspac ftrir »-0 league record, the<br />

UMII grar?Wi m inabtc to<br />

secure Uie AAA CTOVT>. -auod the<br />

U!'as> cvnc »• >n .we/jeded otal.<br />

behind tulboa, dK All-Ciry ctanp..<br />

tnd McAtccr. -he second |>UT<br />

•fiDCCTl.<br />

Kalcw«haJ»7-l league record. In<br />

the much against <strong>Lowell</strong> the irduns<br />

•trmkd ,n a>«r»hclic^( the BurcaKai<br />

with » I'im iw point in-r»in.<br />

LowcS :!s>* coisauerrd McAtccr.<br />

33-21, d».Sng the Usl notch ^T the<br />

regular season: <strong>The</strong> iii-in had a 60<br />

record.<br />

Upon entering the All-City lot.Toment<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> VIK tnorcd. Balboa anl<br />

McAleer were considered ihci'<br />

leading comprlien.<br />

"OK of the reasons we didn't do<br />

at w?li '• «e hoped TO probauly<br />

brfante the wrestlers vmt into Ali-<br />

Ciry a IMe too ovcrco»fidcr.t. Vhcy<br />

became laud at a line when iheir<br />

compeititon were fired of." aplaine-t<br />

bead coaca Dale VoU-ath.<br />

Ce-capfaln Jota Mmuoka added,<br />

"We were on lop too Ion; • being<br />

J f d d d ^ U W l t<br />

runclves tittle<br />

A'i-CJ* however was *w* a ii<br />

plete defeat. <strong>The</strong> vanity matron ?ut<br />

up a courtgeous Ugh., raul-i.-s in<br />

nine of the thirteen wrestkri wrnn-<br />

Irnj a medal, rive reaching the finals,<br />

an. four takii-g Ihe top ipou in lfc-ir<br />

weight divisions. <strong>The</strong> team's tour<br />

lirtX place winner* were seniors Mr..<br />

FukudaUM's), Jeff Bokurj (Ill's).<br />

2nd Adam Bornelcit (I58't), and<br />

sophomore P* Cunrvingluni (Wij.<br />

Pthioa and Oinninglcir. both won<br />

by default, leadin; by IS or more<br />

point*.<br />

Sai-ot Derek Neat ed Chonf.<br />

<strong>The</strong> team had two cuoccutive All-<br />

City ^amptc1ship• under il» txlt.<br />

Ngai used this to explain -.heir<br />

defeat. "It was the thiid-yjar curse.<br />

So team has ever wtm All-City thru.<br />

years in a row."<br />

Co-captain Futola jjL-ed. "All-<br />

Indians finish tough season Malespikers<br />

Dy Rood* Ferrer<br />

'•Wc'n. not going to godo*n e»y-<br />

Win oi Ime. wt pJa) hard." c»iihu»cd<br />

vanity Ivuirtball coadi (*a*id<br />

Lo*.<br />

Thr *iruty tAduthall icam h» had<br />

* lovjr fightirj *ca«m. <strong>The</strong>y ha*c<br />

had to prme that their tifc and lack<br />

of experience **ould wn inhibit ihcir<br />

performance on ihe court<br />

<strong>The</strong> p»i>cf» vanea off ihe %C**M<br />

with a win agiinu O'Conncll.<br />

However, they had trouble with reboumirfi:<br />

.YCWM of their we<br />

Decile ihu tact, of height. <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

worked hard lo win the gune. <strong>The</strong>y<br />

w»ent 'in *.o play Arafun Higli in Sic<br />

Matco. ihca pUyetl WaUiu-g^o it<br />

Ke/ar ai **hkh ilv> law h> a *«>«<br />

of 63-48<br />

Co-CJp«am Maik Fukudt commcu^d<br />

that uSe lndian\ acatn had<br />

xtosiU-. t»o the board*. thcfcVr.' they<br />

cuukln't furcr Utc *hutt thrcucli.<br />

Ho»ever. a 15-pu.nt iMrpin i* errxKk-c«l<br />

inull '\jw ».l tnc rxt th*'.<br />

Lrntrll wn pij>inc v^aimt a icon.<br />

*ith a 5-0 r—vrd<br />

Crach li>* addcJ. "L'p until the<br />

WWiin;nm ;*nc. v>c were playing<br />

roller cuutcr tuActt.ll in «*htch tl#c<br />

playcn «.n-iW ha^c l*.i ••tinuto « f<br />

eo*vi plav jnd three minute* of Sad<br />

pU>. or vice venj. It wasn't until<br />

they p(a>ed the Eagle* thai ti*y<br />

uarted >t> tlxw mere conv*tetKy."<br />

One ol the hc*t par-ci of the year.<br />

according lo ocipuin Milr Mai-<br />

1 Mmior.<br />

g<br />

»cll -TXI ifv ikfcnw »M wilid. He<br />

tvli.' Ihcir icadinR stotcf in<br />

pirnr* unjrr Kenry Kcnt'i. (Mivu»»'<br />

f g<br />

TV I^li *m la< Mttviur, _<br />

until the B-vp piv'lcd up fnwn<br />

4i inc ihiro u-jjtic fiS h<br />

wilH a Kttie bf 68-57.<br />

Junior DJT>> Scmicn svwnoJ, "At<br />

time* »c cwild ruvc j;«Hien .M'tchi<br />

up. bin i^uud v.c held (he ball ,«nJ<br />

uotLcJ the iitfcnM:. .ue ucre %cn.<br />

Anihuny Clement added.<br />

"At every ^antc »c'*f pla>cd<br />

«e\c inif t*cH's Kevin<br />

RUCJJ •.iplSUjJilcO the t^ ne n > nuking<br />

a half-c xin in-* a% the bell rung<br />

illulf-iimc Nc%e.U»clevN. thc*A'arrion<br />

defeated th,* tndun% by a<br />

*mecn point nureir. l^mcll alNn<br />

»ufTct- a Io%* agiUu McAleei's<br />

Jai,-U4f« at Kuit, 52-J7.<br />

V.-|lv*n ha* been tavorcd 10 »w iir<br />

tcagu.. but they have been upvel<br />

i*xe, f ivmg V.cAtccr a chiixc to<br />

irme into the plajotft.<br />

Despite Umcii'v reciml o! 1 -6. the<br />

team ha» hi^h liopc* (ot ne it *cwm.<br />

TK-y fed ihr have Jcrmili-:, imunivri<br />

from i,'tc bcfinnnc; uf the<br />

.UM'I ii far as undciM^nding rcnccpu<br />

a.iJ nccjtins \Ntar.<br />

T*» tig3if>cain facton m the<br />

team % kapif (volition ate their l*cfc<br />

ot c-pchmcc and *i.e. "P**rc *dl be<br />

tight returning pb;m n.*xt sc*M*a.<br />

Lew ?lfirms, "Thry are a young and<br />

\xry un*eirtUi tear.', al-aj* ctwthbotiag<br />

their own effort* *.» 4 team."<br />

He added. "Somrtime* n record i*<br />

not i true indicaliat of huw- good a<br />

team really K. Dui a •« of tin>o iyc<br />

talon don't realize thai."<br />

We b*\2 been the urrienj..^ for at<br />

IcaU *U out of etghi games ihis.<br />

tcason. NcvathclcM. we don't quit<br />

and wc*ic very oornpetiuvr."<br />

Scmicn cooclodd!, "W: were<br />

playisg the lule ol 'ipoitcr' thU<br />

teascn. No one thou!<br />

Lowctlrlc. w»AIAi.u..3U7<br />

'•VoOrlbaU Ii new and driltog.<br />

* U't.a great Uav-ipun. Fltt'tt'i Jt -,<br />

great My to meet s^U." enthused .<br />

I x y a t x . ' ' "••••-•-• --• •'•<br />

t»eaalL<br />

v:-e svnmtmwouinu urod."-<br />

'nolnd dim. .i-,^-.: ... . .-'•'.'-: - •^<br />

City's fc*rd f> win three times.<br />

EveryocL's sVounj for it. so that y compcntivc<br />

volleyball, so svr had to {»<br />

In aaipe."* rernarksd HfodaVj [<br />

"<strong>The</strong>y seenm pUnr'fot fan. bnl fn.<br />

cumprlitioD lbeyni-«e3y sexiuoj,"'<br />

staulmascu) Kha Chin. .; : ,<br />

Accordng'to llanda. sMcnttfrea'.'.<br />

sU pubic Krjoob tuvv ibMm lotcreci -j<br />

in (rrrmio^ l;^t»pK:i~Oaineoy.'<br />

.Wnhlagun. Wjlm, McAlcer. Ui-'<br />

-cWn,'and*Uiwcfl. "'- *: "" •<br />

••VOlt y bi y acitnii di' ^eAnn^teiiTOiMbr.odofv;<br />

to! Icsjoy playun wMk 0* gnyt."*•. l>ci«l togii, btntt^MOTW many J<br />

eia&t.HJ.'Won». 1 :-.^r :~ij:^-~ ccnpflcitJco«llrKjveclfalc»^iii'<br />

111*volkjbajlKaakDot^ttofv.j* c4!>cMlc^ioi<br />

teWKiJ UIl'; ' t> (hCiWi<br />

played<br />

)<br />

svldcji tSicy cae lo^>rJ>tyc«^>berr>»«^ri»S>««(3t;<br />

atmod lo^Tu-VjUcy HUh.;Aa 30:.) i\ta,";rcvnlal usJor AaetlaPnim;"S<br />

J<br />

-4 >(<br />

Athld<br />

praiteti .<br />

VoUnth. '<br />

Bobtn.i]<br />

team.<br />

s<br />

lie has [<br />

ycaff.ii<br />

vanity Iv<br />

vanity t<br />

Id the j<br />

token the tl<br />

weight c<br />

This yea<br />

three tt<br />

Cityt<br />

Bokural<br />

ioancar!4<br />

which ea|<br />

that hu , r<br />

K*ttJT ycT<br />

Her<br />

ly trlpfclj<br />

jvWWTXi<br />

leach )i;<br />

down*<br />

goa"<br />

a pew<br />

with i!

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