Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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"Tuna—a small-town parody<br />

entertains a big city<br />

By Dcnbjonn<br />

!n th. - grey (*;yi of San Krai,-<br />

Cisco't saving theater ticket salex.<br />

hit* if frw and far between Gteatt*<br />

Tuna, which hit moved fn.m the<br />

Alca/ar <strong>The</strong>als, Ui iu rv* Mawm<br />

Street <strong>The</strong>ater, ha* vnjoyeri amv-Jcrably<br />

niorc weeev.* than man<br />

u.uli productions. ('Small ' tmullv<br />

connoting short nJ.ii> ami ipar%c<br />

audiences).<br />

This mo-nun. ZO-charaetcr tourde-iorcc<br />

has become one of San Fmn-<br />

A*co'i long-runntrg. uns!l*«Ac btv,<br />

ji j^ to the higher echelon* of we h<br />

pr. Oucttm*, at h.T*c the e^er-popular<br />

A'jfA Blankrt Bdnb-n wnx and the<br />

former Outicr Brr*rrn the Line*.<br />

<strong>The</strong>K* ti no Mitring and dancing.<br />

rhou(.Ji. to urcuTi viUn.t houw ror<br />

•-Si* show-. <strong>The</strong> «Kce** of Gniitfr<br />

Tuna, how in it* third year in Sai,<br />

F.-aocrwo. can be att.-ibutcd t»» firMme<br />

comedi; acting ami a cleverly<br />

crafted script.<br />

Turui i\ a hiLirinui Jttack on<br />

btgi«cd anu anptodiKtve life in a<br />

small, southern town. Tuna. Tcxx\.<br />

(don't K»ok for :t in an Atla*: >OJ<br />

won't find it; t* rMlted i". the 'third<br />

ima'hut un* n in Tcxa». where Pauy<br />

nine. ^-v-r die* and i*»c Lion't :lub<br />

<strong>The</strong> script is a compiled scric- of<br />

vignmcs making up a long, hoi tiay<br />

in Tuna. <strong>The</strong> comedy'* acum is<br />

hrackrfied. u "Tuna sartduklt.;: i f<br />

)tm will), hv the ami 4 weekly An Mtnute.<br />

ihnwjrt fcaairing th^ violin pcrforrtuncc<br />

of hval up-and"-Jc and Lairy<br />

HaTj-.tph liecidcit.) m-itc it.<br />

PI; nule pive* the ur»»ngcr periiw<br />

rtuncc of tb-r two. tru»ugh ;: i.<br />

defmit-fy J phtiin :>.i*Ji. »1*mile'\<br />

tboMHiph and inlri«.ateiy CM lift<br />

clLiractcr*. are ihi .-c-drnwrnKKul and<br />

likeable; he breathes true cfuracicr.<br />

not only Mjrfjcc characten/atium, tAto<br />

his tectnim of n«tc*. Htphli(tta* m<br />

Pl>malc'v repertoire include Vcra<br />

Carp, axhair of "Smut Svtchcrs of<br />

th? New Order." Didi Snavcly of<br />

' 'Sruvcly'» U«d Guns arj Wopnm<br />

Shop," (iJojjn: "'If Sna*cl>'***jn't<br />

kill il. a\ immonal!") and IVtev Fnk<br />

of tfk* Tuna tKunty Huirun.- Soctctv,<br />

("Sate tfwr Lemming!" the &ign<br />

on hiv cap reJdv.i<br />

TV othtr naif of the can. Lar*><br />

Kandolph. tut •• tendency to ijtnore<br />

CJ.1** pntentia? laugh-lino wnnout a<br />

fjl! ipprccu!M>n for the wnpt** comic<br />

tub:leticv iW.t't .pi*u.*Jcr*tai>J.<br />

though. RaixJtMpli n eurcnicly funn*<br />

pliyirtf * ranpc of character;. ;n-<br />

CIL-IIW; the r«xich-poiM»ninf: Aunt<br />

FVarl Currav. and the niTt-K>tu|.p><br />

K/mcrruker Bertha Bumiilcr,<br />

TS- -script i* uriHen hy bJ<br />

(iovkjnl. i*h/! dirccteJ UK or^oul<br />

Tjnj olf-Briudua) .1 )i stay at *i»c lopot'the clcb<br />

ictne.<br />

"^•:ftcr. ika evolution began a* far<br />

hack as the Suite*, aloi g with rcpf-t<br />

*. in tl)c mu\icj]ly ohentcd. crime<br />

inle%ted %turm of Janutca Atmmjii<br />

ujch groups, as the Skat .'line*. Bond'*<br />

Min.'ifclt, ant! W-tu//t. Rove<br />

Mabpit^i (3 Jirrri'an Uang uord<br />

meaning, in effect, "viir.l refuve")<br />

to rc^n uvrr M else in the «ka<br />

krnfdom.<br />

Ski'i rcicn. however. wj»<br />

ileciJew'ly ibm lived. It* vehcix-ni<br />

omnicrp^n. reggae. out$rew-11 and<br />

w:pprc».*cow that ika hat «chiocx) iu current<br />

UJ; ^-»-incuniainou» tot<br />

mcrrtortous proponkim. Maiaprop<br />

ha> reformed and climbed the bfltce-<br />

-nrk lo rro4^>Ibl< itself in muiic<br />

*ith an «

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