Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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TV Lonrll. March 7. 1936<br />


An ominous Japanese 'King Lear<br />

B7 FrMdt Ora<br />

Jawt's forcuust iUcxJ cat-<br />

» i l i T *<br />

Hidcft>n gcocompletely nud, ulti<br />

only hb jester to look alter him. <strong>The</strong><br />

jciU; ftnls the tables turned, since<br />

Hidetors now nuke* him Uuph and<br />

IK tellb Htdetora anoui reality.<br />

At the same time, Jim hWcbnrtf*.<br />

Tsurumam to the ruim of their cattle<br />

on ii pitpriiragc Tiuranuru forpst%<br />

hit iiutc, the only thing cf value<br />

to him, and ihe servant it sert to pel<br />

it. After a lone *hi1c. Jiro* wife<br />

Icav J> Tuimrrum lo k»k for the *ei -<br />

von and th? flu-c. htn\ wife and servant<br />

are both nehcaded at tne orders<br />

Kleanwhilc. Jiru't adviwi toooantly<br />

uam\ Jim JHXII the danper<br />

of Kbcde wanting M rum the houv<br />

nrichtrrMtnji Jim, rnr*e%er.d»* p(j*<br />

with tnU. but Saburo't «uiiuat rebukes<br />

him. declaring L r ut the god,<br />

have nothing to 6\> with the dcrtiuctkm<br />

*I foreicn films or films that are out<br />

ol the o(dirur>. this film ii dcfirjtc-<br />

!j car%." Rhiruhan vi)s. "In iba*<br />

bmes are »HU1I> a feu records that<br />

ate really vnuuul and rare."<br />

Many of ih*. rare ncordi arc dupUvcd<br />

along the walls ot the uvrd<br />

rcord stores.<br />

ACCM Ji.ig io Ciruia I^ne, an emr4o>oc<br />

of Revolver Records, dus t)pe<br />

of iearjUM aJiS to die environment<br />

of tne shop. "Wc"\c px « grvt atmcsphrrc<br />

in this wore," she uid.<br />

"Petw'c come int» *hit More if pet<br />

ftock. t; Roll records, so w; decorale<br />

the ttorc with Reck *n Roll paraphertJilta<br />

— it addt to the cu>'omci'^<br />

record-buvinc experience.<br />

One attraction that used record<br />

stores hold for cwxtxncn is thei.* policy<br />

that itv «.utum^r can rctu-'i a<br />

record t*itnin * wxck of its purchase<br />

if the customer feels 'hat the rr.Mpi<br />

tjuality t% inadequate fnr hit nee-Js.<br />

Some uKd record loan<br />

their records to the customer i~.tr SI,<br />

TV store has the oistamcr pay frill<br />

price for »tcconl and * hen the customer<br />

returns the alWm, the custo*<br />


Cliff Chiw<br />

&<br />

Lily Tan<br />

From: Fetiom, Brian.<br />

Mr. J Biiitil. Alan.<br />

AWn. ami ihe AP<br />

Chan 2 Cha<br />

mcr it piven hock the *>fiprul value<br />

of the a!bu:rt mir.uv SI<br />

Despite all o. the hcnedis that the<br />

ii-rfd record sto'e offers, there arc alvj<br />

M.Hnc duatUontajci to iiH>rpnj; jt<br />

iHie.<br />

For one ihfnif. -JCQ record st.»:»<br />

don't j^t an/ recent relates untU a<br />

few *ccks after the album has been<br />

introduced to the publk'<br />

Rhinchan Staled. "Unlc»*uuttv<br />

nvr is wiling lo wait for a little<br />

while, he'll have to buy the album at<br />

lower Records."<br />

Another problem used record<br />

tiorc (ace b thu when they do get<br />

a bnnd-new aljum in. they tan': discount<br />

the album a much as new rccoid<br />

stores c*n.<br />

Dctpitc these dra*baUi. ILA! record<br />

storrV patrorafc continues to<br />

grow, and cuttntK^ tctd to remain<br />

loyal-<br />

One cuslcrrer. upon ttiaJung 3 jwrclu<br />

- at Revolver Records, commewed.<br />

"1 just ha-* a grwd tire<br />

hex. Iflruveonyqueiticns about ihe<br />

altum I'm buying or about what kind<br />

of -mate a jtiup pb>s. xi* emplrr.ees<br />

provide me wtrh iixr -fuwers<br />

1 want."<br />

5214-C Diuroond Heights<br />

San FroBdsca, CA 94131<br />

(415) 550-10S7 J<br />

Tune,<br />

filaw |<br />

ruin;<br />

Beath l\<br />

tltoupn. i<br />

ihtt sh<br />

Tonu.<br />

cralicJ •<br />

Tuna \<br />

•unall. UH.|<br />

(don't !

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