Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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ff 11,1" tmttl. VoreA 7. 1<br />

FEATURE,<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> High School—130 years<br />

B T Aifatty Boyd nad Cdntc S^Uod<br />

IP1854, the BUperintcndct; of schools. Colonel Thanwi<br />

J. NTUM. convinced the Board erf Education Out higher<br />

«Juc*ioa w* nccttsaf) for San Francisco's jrouin|<br />

nrwlatfoo. end UwcU Hi|h School was bora.<br />

<strong>The</strong> wkoot a,xned on Aufua 25. ISS6. on oowril<br />

Street between Clay and Sacramento Streets, under the<br />

"<strong>Lowell</strong> was tough; many<br />

people quit to go to work."<br />

name Union Gramm*. 1 Schoot <strong>The</strong> fim purcipal was<br />

Ellh H. !lotmct. and he wa» one of three lead-en for<br />

shout 40 students.<br />

F*cm the begiontrji. "LoweU was a strictly academic<br />

school." sated Paul Lucey. director of the Umtil Ahmmi<br />

Association.<br />

Student* had to be bc*ceo ten and twenty years old<br />

and »weadm»ncdc^yafK/passing a seres nf:ests. tt<br />

.was dt.Txuit to fd Uao umttt even then. v*i ooe hid<br />

to be L rious tbout vjwA in order to stay.<br />

At the beginning. Uiwell wu the only high ichool and<br />

the only loan uf higher education io tSe Wot.<br />

Andrew J. Moulder, state superintendent of public instruction,<br />

maintained •*« ibe *choot'» course of vudy was<br />

as jood at am! nwe practical than ihat of nxnt eastern<br />

wiuon Grammar School olfcrud Latin. Greek. French.<br />

German. cbemUvy. physics, oathetiutici. and indent<br />

and Zutppcan tmuay.<br />

Lor tU uid (eneraliv referred to as "the high school."<br />

ioJotaWy. 1KB, iunanw was officially changed to San<br />

F,ancisco Hijh Svhoo'.<br />

<strong>The</strong> first graduating <strong>class</strong> graduated on December 14.<br />

1S39. It comibcd of only 11 out of the 40 original<br />

Ljuosy explained '<strong>Lowell</strong> r/a* tough, and many<br />

Being<br />

Ufuddlcd by qucaiom liVc these:<br />

"Why diu 1 do ilut? ... W»io am I?<br />

...Whydidlhe> react lo me like that?<br />

... Am in insane?'*<br />

Do you cvtt get * 'trboo" ideas that<br />

mi^it iNnci >our fuerdt. family or<br />

tcacSer*? Aie >o>i afrJa (p^utKy<br />

coiurnttcd} to eujvrss wn< PCW<br />

•deaf to peptic who nught react *ubjccti*xiy<br />

or Dtpalivcl> to them?<br />

Are you in dire «e>l to cxpio* or<br />

discim a qucuioa. pr&blent. or upsctwng<br />

feeling?<br />

Tour psychology inttrru »rc<br />

a-ailablc to any Luw*ll student who<br />

wont to talk ahout their fcan. stemm<br />

ing from low iclf-c^ccm.<br />

Other quotiom arc rcl rtcd w a person's<br />

identUy truest. Lehman Katcd.<br />

"Now is i tiiiK when many [cople<br />

begin to look tt thenuches *tu at the<br />

world around them and ask. 'Who am<br />

P . V/hy d'ji thtic rxuplc read to<br />

me likr that?' "<br />

Family,friend, drag, andacademic<br />

problems are also discussed.<br />

Ot*.rct to talk io somecne etojecuve,<br />

profctstona:. and trained about any<br />

coofostjas in hi'Jher mind and who<br />

chooacs not to share this itformatwn<br />

with a (unify member, frienj, or<br />

teacher.<br />

TTie four icteras ttt t>«n<br />

Srhooder. Neil GouM-Talkoff. »nd<br />

Harriet Lefem-Ji fron OMl W-nlly<br />

Service Ccnur and .Mict Thai from<br />

Westslde Contfnunirjr Cemcr.<br />

WcdJin j - Buthday CUta Our Specially<br />

e balance b reached. he 'an be rcl>o -<br />

Ol Of UTGS.<br />

"M(»t of the prt-bknr and questions<br />

are very cummnn xswng<br />

teenagers, and the uptet itudcn: only<br />

«xds the assurance that he/she is<br />

otiy and normal. I cut expUin why<br />

a s^xlent is havicg thrse «xMitusing<br />

feelings'." tsiurced Lenman.<br />

Lehman doesn't *ust focus on the<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> in the beginning<br />

Th< lint Graduates Chan of the San frsncbco 1 Ugh School: (Top nm)<br />

,J<br />

HUotl, Henry Gibbons, Jr., Pitrlckd Barr>; (BotKvn nm) H.nma J.<br />

Swmw>. Virginia Ross Rab % Mt\i* B. Kimbai, .\Ury A. Cascbo!.<br />

ifciK uvght help hi »il\c the pmMem.<br />

"I help ihe sJikV.il IwL Jt whai's<br />

l\x best uutcomc position. Btn I'X<br />

stuc'.TH takes his own \uncc," attd-<br />

ConflJcntiality iv sti c^tCki.<br />

Family, frknd. drup. and aculcmk<br />

Teacher*, irtcnd*. parent*, and<br />

jchooi Ti-mtclor, ^rc 'old r<br />

abcut the student's problem<br />

*l are ab<br />

d i i iton, or cuAs.ern.<br />

"Many t;me« uhen a ^rr has "Another ihtnj* appcalinfr it the<br />

many small proMcnu. p fad tUat our (the intents! vie* is<br />

become t»^-*»ly ma;ninci. <strong>The</strong>re U distorted. <strong>The</strong>re are fcupb out ol<br />

a need io develop equilihriam. Once Lowe'l tviih seveir piychot c<br />

i disabilities. <strong>The</strong>y a^ qut'c craxy.<br />

Hokamp's Bakery<br />

17% Pdlt Strwt<br />

(41E) 474^1822 San Francisco 94:09<br />

Corns In to M« ot'r fabrics for (pring ...<br />

••'''.' : - ' tram party sOto to cotton torn.<br />

Coming hjrc » very pleuan*, it's<br />

rkx u sec peoplt who ar_- bcalLiy<br />

a"»d stnmg." enthuxd Le» man.<br />

, *ppo»umcnti can be nude with<br />

' Barbara Rothcnbe'f in the Coumclia$<br />

Office for anyone who wuhes to<br />

express or discuss ha.'het thoughts.<br />

idou. or problems ^ an irfem.<br />

r,y lisa FcnUrv<br />

Renumber the p^xJ oUl days when<br />

"»hucU** va\ a bed word?<br />

Hat MKKIV niched a point where<br />

it is acrepuble fo* i.hi!e graduating clauc. tintil 1*79 had about 2J pff*fle<br />

in them. As the city grew, the school grew, uvt the<br />

graduating claues from 1880-1837 tuk! aroand SO people<br />

in them.<br />

In June, 1864. the guii and boys were -cgregaud into<br />

different «chroc. Tic giris" tchool wac in a brkt building<br />

at Bush and Stockton Sutett. O>wcU was now ejted<br />

Boys' Hi*h School and was located la a three story<br />

building on Softer Sate b£wc« Octivia and Go>yth- <strong>The</strong><br />

priiwipal was G.W. Minims.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Kift were vrparatrd because parenu bad ol jecliom<br />

to placing their well-brought up daughters in the<br />

same <strong>class</strong>room with disorderly boys.<br />

Thn lasted only four yean because in 1861 tU.-Univtritly<br />

of Californ J (U C > was established. <strong>The</strong> gta-ls and<br />

toys wete put bacr togither became thai made n more<br />

acceptable for gtrU to antnd college<br />

It was difficult to get into<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> even then, and one<br />

had to be serious about<br />

school in order to stay.<br />

LO-ACII wu ve*y impofum in U.C.'s development.<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> w»i, and is. the main feeder school for U.C.<br />

Btihcley. bccifv: it «m the only really establiwSed bjh<br />

school in the Wcu.<br />

A student only had to complete oae year of attenJin|t<br />

Lcwcll in addition to a grammar »chnol education for entrance<br />

into U.C. io nor.y studeots dkl not complete their<br />

rducatku at 'JTACII, Urt at U.C. instead.<br />

(Sf.j iuti*; Ln*rll a: the turn vfthe ctntury.)<br />

.*ju.tt *<br />

• to beat around tr.e bush." continued<br />

senior Jul£ Higaihi.<br />

"Not only have lociery and the<br />

media had a direct effect on the grtnving<br />

use of obscenities in our generation.<br />

Si*, our oarcmi * swearing ha*<br />

also influenced us.** rrmarkrd one<br />

junior.<br />

Alr.rru Lun. senior, iddcd. "I<br />

tlunk r~.y mother «wcars, but if she<br />

docs it's in Chinese. That's<br />

cheating!"<br />

"My parents only swear when they<br />

drive." cmuludcd one sophomore.<br />

Mint pc flc whodj not swear will<br />

use close (.'crivations of swear words<br />

M»ch as "fudge." "darn," am'<br />

"ihoot."<br />


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