Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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nt lowrU. .Won* 7. I9U<br />

FUTURE<br />

4-Z.WAAL<br />

Dy Dem I'mitilida*<br />

Well, we can't begin a new scrrater without commentins on<br />

thai spectacular change that takes, pbcu evc*y year ai <strong>Lowell</strong>. Ai<br />

jini about this litre, icitorc arc trans Tom .a! into something trut<br />

can only bt fully unJcrslouJ by those who exwrknee :b*ciiKstcr vnruit!<br />

For these speriii beings, it it a ime when their social life it<br />

their life. It w j time when going to <strong>class</strong> hccor.ics kccomlary to<br />

everything e&crpc hmrewutk. Of count, ihere are ipme like<br />

RoUruU Cbu and " uc Ho Yooo wi'f • br^x, ihcir second semester<br />

scniomm m Sepecniber. but tncre arc also those like S»r*e Foog<br />

who, arconling to Mr. Durirax, bn fiu'.ly worked off his title<br />

of "<strong>The</strong> Nine O'clock Sclwiar."<br />

Sorry seniors but the puny of the year most defitnlely goes 'x><br />

junior Looitm Xhazzoom. Luolwa's party was sc wild that Dr.<br />

FfbJsh even talked *bou* it in one nf hli "emcrsciK>- Ibthes" on<br />

Radio Lowe!). Ui.fornmafely. Loot* a Kerned in have miss.-rd Itcr<br />

own party...but rhcre \«ere plenty of leflttvcv<br />

BriiOcv • (cw difficulties, the ScnV* Ski Trip brought about wire<br />

foKirating results. Nenu N'oroa aitd MkbHc SowJck won the official<br />

"Snow in Face and Everywhere Else" award, and Grace<br />

Ho and Gloria Shin icvcnlcO who and what makes ihtm mcti.<br />

liutcaJ of making gir'% melt. Mr. Murray has nude quite a few<br />

jirU freeze upon hit asking them in run off to AUAa with him.<br />

Mr. Murray has a throbedrnom igloo up then* that "needs a cox<br />

pic'/occupants." Maybe Oliu Cwnbrc, IrU Ton]:, ami Jenifer<br />

Goldtxrg will forget tfbout "persons" anc 1 consider living in<br />

A lota.<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>'* production. Arsenic and Old Lace, was quite a success,<br />

but there is still one pending question in circulation: Docs<br />

Robert Motoni realty kiss Cfei Katz? Ma)be Marc Hader could<br />

aruwer this.<br />

fhe vanity Song Git!.* enjoyed I'AU minutes of licing the thiid<br />

pi KC winners at a competition at San Ramon Valley High School,<br />

before *hcy were Mirpmcdly pushed into fourth place. Cf course.<br />

Mr. Btsstt, the squad's passive sponsor, could only smile, but<br />

rough «nd lough Grace Lc :hrcw i unttum tliat put S*c Ramon<br />

Valley Ht~hhockmitspl^-.x Onihci«*Jicrland, the V.r.iiy Cnccr<br />

was Mill in tear* from i;» "tcrrtitlc performance" when they suddjiily<br />

were announced as the second place winners...(he life of<br />

a Ran-Rah!<br />

Mall hew Lcfrr his proved himself to be the hero of Ms.<br />

Brewer*n physiolejiy cto.vs. When Ms. brewer asko) :hc clavs<br />

members lo poVe their ine !t> tHciiy. Ye*. Mr. SlurkS 16. 17. 18 AP Physic*<br />

<strong>class</strong> lus 3S bo)\ and two very happy ^irb. Who says Lc'Acll h.u<br />

tixi many giiU?<br />

Uilcly, tlic ajio scene has definitely been auiltf one for Lourl?<br />

Mudents.<br />

Mr. Taylor couldr't ha\c parked hiv car any clotcr to thai of<br />

Shell* Slant's. Sheila returned to her car after school, only lo find<br />

Mr. Taylor'* car "attached" lo hers! Patrick Tsc JIIIWC: wiped<br />

out half of <strong>Lowell</strong>'; student body *vhen hts brakes ucnt out on<br />

Eucalyptus Drive. Shon!) vft^ 1 causing a three Cir acckltnt un<br />

the Bay Bridge. MlUe Sa>w bit a pedestrun. Mike claims, "<strong>The</strong><br />

pedestrian wa« oat of control." Jcri r er Rogers ii doing n * cat<br />

jcb at maintairing her suited cir rcconh Her car recently stalled<br />

in the middle of the inttnection at 19tl; ?nd Uncoln, l^tvv.^ Jenifer<br />

and poswngen Samaalha Walker, lisa Prnlc; and Tn-.dl<br />

Schwarz in quite a U?.»y. Ot all those cruy incidents, the rc.un<br />

bus \'vte for the Senior Ski Trip dcfinilcly (ops them oil. Cnly 45<br />

mbytes sway from home, but MX acquired a fri tire, forcing almost<br />

cvciyonc from this bus to ride CII bus #2. In •>•« meantime, club<br />

praioent tnd vi i-prcatocnt, Aieawndrta rvluiitsav and Robert<br />

Wood, aloog with five ootcr bn>c suuls remaiced uranded on<br />

Highway 90 until the \,$ wa« repaired.<br />

As /or me driving, «dl.. .Anyway, wear a >eat belt. It** Ihc law!<br />

! know, I also nate it when people say ihau<br />

Birthday<br />

MOLLY<br />

BOLER<br />

Students free to follow fads<br />

3y UM Bteuma<br />

Everyone knttwt what the bij frit<br />

are. C'cti tome pcoptc"* pjrenu<br />

know vhai ihc> are. Thoc r«tm*<br />

uvuitty utc other collective term for<br />

Ihrm. haweser. likt "rebellion."<br />

Wluueser the name U|. t*l\ affect<br />

altmnl all of us, ever the non-<br />

(.onfornien, in one wa< cr another,<br />

with the pojibtc j»r«piH«i * f EMHIC.<br />

lUbo. Tdklents.<br />

Tahe pai\lcy. for c\amp(e. If >oo<br />

car *l wtthoct ihanw. >ou andCS'Atfcpnn,;lobelia<br />

on tclfachcrfuling d*y.<br />

Biu John and Mary are far from<br />

trei «ly. for they lau{b at ;n:» .n JR<br />

aCaJcmK KKV! vueh ^» Umcll called<br />

the "CLjHnim<br />

S)ixJromc" (CSS><br />

CSS. h> urfiniticrt.<br />

"...change »'l pcrMKulity.<br />

lv in MuJoniv jfici i iHsp<br />

nwcnJ.<br />

Yet *hen >in*nIi his friend* jr pUy-<br />

.ns Kt»kcit«all after vctvm). be \\<br />

*.1i.'g euctlv th<br />

the of the way \IHJ would expect.<br />

:is1- A wr»hoitKirca«iMt!cntrd. "A lot<br />

T^nt «'f rvtyle. out of <strong>class</strong>, thes'te fc.il<br />

".. .those with CSS either completely<br />

introvert or they suddenly become<br />

more outgoing. It's fascinating."<br />

irorn a nrn-acirfemtc. tx<br />

cbssrwm (7*linp mij an C<br />

tiiualion. or vice versa"<br />

Everyorc in Lnwell lus »«n C5S<br />

r.faraTestcd ii at lea*: one o' iu n*n<br />

films: the nvwc comrr'jn Meek In-<br />

Wild OU(-O(-CUM. Complex<br />

OCK or the Loud tn-Clau<br />

So ft-Spoken Elsewhere Sco—<br />

-yndrome (USSEK). a rarer toon of<br />

the "disease*'*<br />

An example of the MFWOC form<br />

of CSS would b: that t'ellow jiuiaj<br />

in the hack of the tooai in your<br />

chemiury clt« who nevxr raiia (m<br />

hand to uk or answer questions, no<br />

matter bow iiok he nnkruands the<br />

Skilrf«M.-i, Smroboarfs. CbUiing. Etc.<br />

Lonca Price • Free Labor<br />

Open 7 Da)i 12-6 P.M.<br />

1714 Waller on the Halght (415) 386-C188<br />


Fr« Timber Mjgdine with Purthtsc<br />

ly calm and cool. But ot.ee they fct<br />

in the cliwroon:. tiicy get really in-<br />

•rmc."<br />

One ctx of the we USSEN fonr.<br />

of CSS could be thai girl who nu Li<br />

from in your geometry clus.<br />

When you ask her f(H U;:p on a<br />

problem because >he's gening a-i<br />

"A" ami you're not, she tgiorcs ycu<br />

Own<br />


.909 JwCAH STHELT<br />

SAN FRANCISCO CADF-. 04133<br />

•tn. uigiMa lit:<br />

IVAN WONG '<br />


and buries her t«e-J in the *wd, ui<br />

lo ipcik.<br />

In c!ji*. Ixtuocr. Otr uviuJly aU_v<br />

und amsver* f^idlum*. and alr.*cit<br />

alwj) * dK>togiu teccuily ttaud.<br />

"Yet those with CSS cuter com*<br />

pictely inuov-n. or they »uddcn!><br />

become more outgoing. It's<br />

favciruting," he continued.<br />

Tcachcn. tro. hasebcen known to<br />

do-clop CSS. H a rtccci study,<br />

researchers found thf. * :rr 7> percent<br />

of *igh»thcol Iryl .:.: *;Vrs<br />

>T"- T *,;; \ificarttly dL'^en* *.J*lde<br />

l»v ;•-•* DOTI.<br />

•"*"r. -1 -"w form*. U MC of the<br />

nust cooimjo rnydulagicsl pro-<br />

Meiu feeing <strong>Lowell</strong> vruocnu today.<br />

Could >ou re * victim?<br />


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