Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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£ Skbvnea CoU: "Man was put in thU<br />

twld to live and experience life te<br />

7tju falkst in order to reach rrun'i<br />

f dotfary: euroity."<br />

• Jennifer Bruwtu A« John Lcnnop<br />

; Mid, "Life usonvilunf ik^foppra:<br />

/..to yo» while you're bu*y making<br />

^^otner plsTrt."<br />

feVDylw FoBcr: "Ufe b like a banana<br />

jvYoa have to prd the skin ofr and ea<br />

\tK pod staff, ba fe» know how to<br />

h~m the fruit."<br />

:-JcBeDeaonteicnk: "TV purpose<br />

'; of US b to pave the way 'or ftmrc<br />

7 fcocntions and for man to use his<br />

. abUoJes to the folkst."<br />

' Ahn Slcele: -<strong>The</strong> ul!im« orys-<br />

Svea undo what you have to do and<br />

' oy to h»ve fun at the same linic."<br />

Mary F :iii««: -TTie r. ong of lile<br />

. is Sur. Valley in the v -I "Oh fresh<br />

powda. acd younj. ibjle. availaUe<br />

Oi bstnicton at cver> lift.<br />

Rob Wood: "II depends on your reraoulfoata<br />

For me, it ia » succeed<br />

la busmetl. make money. tr«l > role...beauly b in the eye of inc<br />

Taylon "Man b uuck<br />

wme xwe out<br />

n. "...togowhere<br />

H« cvtr gone before,"<br />

woo eanb also have • purpose<br />

fcj^?* *» chcn "press what<br />

Brimuri: "To live until<br />

lU)tn"...tobehere<br />

1 Buoti time tod to leave<br />

fcrowdtidmi m enjoy."<br />

"T-.to mke life V*it ex-<br />

J<br />

8<br />

on Friday..."<br />

One vision of thr npivene wbkfa cannot be Ignored b 'hat of ntan'a unosual «a.'jca In coosumrriitn:<br />

•oftdlinkt, »lcobol. and clothlnx oTrra, eclor .nujln.bk<br />


7V t*wtll. Slant. 7. IMA. . , v II<br />

Hare Krishnas seek enlightenment<br />

By Cathy Boccknuuin<br />

<strong>The</strong> very word "cull" can uimmnn ibe imafc of h*Jf inunc reiigiom<br />

hsutid foaming M the mouth AlbcUoneptturcttiivifctMkl indivxhuJ»<br />

luoding out ltr>vm at (>u airport.<br />

All popular conceptions uidc. i cull is Mm(J« * group of people «h»<br />

band tugcthrf in support or a p*i\Ku\*t phi-'o+ophy and uyle of living.<br />

A rail, Mich it the Hue Kmhaa, is juu vmher ws> th.ii people teck<br />

to aiicni thcmKlvu in rcfuion to the '-n^ciK.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Hire Kruhiu muvcincm •r.^ mfraJuct^ to the United Sutc* by<br />

the Swauu Bha&uvedanu. on Indun rcligtoui ludcr. in the I960**,<br />

HU phtlooophy wu tmbneed by • xpnent of the hippie counter culture<br />

u( we time u a viintc a.i-1 «i*riable aiunutivc lo the American nlificn<br />

and values igaintt whidi they were revolting.<br />

Hire Kmhna it i*r-?«al.V *z oiT'Shoot of the rich, highly sb%tr>a In*<br />

dan rrligions of 3rsluianam and Vttithnavs.<br />

HIT? Krishius worthip the Supreme Being Brahman, or, more direct-<br />

.y, hi» pcoonificd form, KriOma. Tos-ther. Prahman sod Krithnj rcpivftcnf<br />

everything that exuts.<br />

KrUhru u force or encrcy, hit inner energy u hi* "fenon" and i* in<br />

co-nprthcmtble to nun. Hu outer, inferior encryy comprise* all the nutter<br />

of the physical univenc.<br />

£ic**rt- "...the sole purpose i% to<br />

discnvc* tic purpose."<br />

Dtxrkux: "...to Ih"^, I«r3, enjoy:<br />

you*re here today, gone ior.awruw.**<br />

Taylor: "...ju>t to live it...try to<br />

figure nut what the purptue ii and do<br />

ihat."<br />

As the Journey of life goes on.<br />

every penon isuully come* to live by<br />

or believe in certain ph»'ophL-s.<br />

Here are uxm eumpln of what<br />

philowphte* some teacnen believe<br />

in:<br />

Filler: "...do the best tha! you<br />

can.-.uL: all th.-l you ruve anl make<br />

the fcmt of it."<br />

BrWtart: "No. (I don't li.e by<br />

any philosophy). *'<br />

Strrr GfOBUCci: "...U do *t>ur<br />

best all the time...ha«c rcspi^i and<br />

appreciation far otlvr pcofIc and<br />

their ideas."<br />

Sntrtm: "I practice Du 'dliitm,<br />

wttich b ltmiUe*i rornchmay<br />

t-e temporary or permanent. Heiii betnj of inHmtc ftataeu and<br />

unallne** u he u the vim tout of the urjvcne, and yet erery object »<br />

a lefiaraie ntanifesutiott of him.<br />

Originmlly. nunkinJ *si cmtrd u wginenU of Krishna. Krishna u<br />

eucntully a toving, playful entity, md he created ihc tint men as com*<br />

pantoru >o Io*c ana tc rcccttc Imc from.<br />

Out, *' u the case in u> many creation myths, tiun becatiie pervencd<br />

by hit material coudili'.'n and MI tcntcncfd to live on earth in hit ^nperfect<br />

tUUc. necking fore.rr to rccim to oneness «ith Ktuhna.<br />

Man himself Ucompri>edof five part*. <strong>The</strong>fimpcn U ihe Supcnoul.<br />

wnkh i\ ih; part of man by v.|iich Krishna hai an innei tontio! ot nun's<br />

aciion%. <strong>The</strong> individual soul, the iiJiviJoil body, and tii.v arc ifie >xher<br />

i-omponenti eternally and dirr.nl> related to Krishna.<br />

It is the lui part, human activities, which sepanle KrbhtM from nun.<br />

Man wa* created with, and still ^mvoscs. a measure* of independent<br />

and the miuuf ot* thu aidtpernJercc resulted tn hh dawnfail-<br />

Ctmtemporary nun ha> forguacn hu true rutu>c. <strong>The</strong> purp'nc of the<br />

Kriihna devotee b to robtain his Krishna comciotuocu i.id some dj><br />

rejoin him.

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