Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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Visions of the univfer:<br />

Math and Science Departments<br />

comment on the universe<br />

By Deborah Hull<br />

God, politic!, and tie "Fir Side." Ask any three<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> science and nssh teachen about their views and<br />

visions o'tbe universe and prepare for expert opinions<br />

on everything from evolution ind Jerry Falwcll (Edgar<br />

Lehman, biology), to nuclear war (David Roditti,<br />

math), to the California Academy of Sciences' exhibit<br />

of Gary Larson's cartoons (James Carnack, biology).<br />

<strong>The</strong>se, among many other subjects and surmises<br />

composed the responses of various <strong>Lowell</strong> science and<br />

truth teachers in a reran interview asking for their personal<br />

vir»» and vision* of the universe.<br />

Answers from the teachers ranged from the serious<br />

and theorctieU to the ridiculous and burlesque.<br />

Biology teacher Mark Mcoheim initially assured the<br />

reporter, "We're all germs inside some giant<br />

organism...when the organism lakes antibiotics we'll<br />

all ciplodc and die." He then went on to inquire, "Can<br />

I nice thai ail back?"<br />

Mosheim wu not entirely sure, however. k> to<br />

whether or not the universe is shrinking or expanding.<br />

"II depends on whether (he orginiini is maturing or<br />

dying," he declared.<br />

His quandary wms quickly solved by main teacher<br />

Lawrence Robinson, on "expending universe guy."<br />

"Some thick it's not expanding; I say it is," he<br />

confided.<br />

Of course, when discussing something u mysterious<br />

as the unWerse, cue expects a variety of opinions, many<br />

of which are bound to be contiadiciory. Biology<br />

teacher James Kneri believes, "<strong>The</strong> universe is tern*<br />

on. Umryoae focsbt with water pras, the world<br />

ld b<br />

porary and is changing all the time," "vhercas Marian<br />

Gorualcs, physiology maintains. "All that u has<br />

always been, and always wiU be." (Take heed, all<br />

physiology icholars, for Gonzalez continued, "Ifthc><br />

can understand that, they can pus my <strong>class</strong>.")<br />

<strong>The</strong>re was no disagreement on the subject of tne<br />

universe's VSM. uncharted, and prodigious size, and<br />

man's insignificance in relationship to it.<br />

"It's an awfully big place." stated AP/Biology<br />

teicher William Stevens. Chemistry teacher Patricia<br />

Cancpa declared, "Mnn is so insignificant, yet he<br />

thinks he's so bloody important." She also believes.<br />

"<strong>The</strong> basts of the universe is matter, and if we understand<br />

how mattr behaves, we can envision the universe<br />

as one great big quantity of letter interacting."<br />

While most teachers were vevy obliging in answer*<br />

ing the question, others had i,** specific opinions<br />

whatsoever.<br />

"I don't think you want to talk to me; I just look<br />

out the window and think it's pretty, that's the limit<br />

of it," confessed Carl KocnJg, computer programming<br />

teacher.<br />

Dcfore closing, one must raise the question of the<br />

actual existence and validity of the universe. Physics<br />

teacher Ronald Wcnj joked. "It's all an illusion —<br />

it doesn't exist — it's a plaything of the mind."<br />

When all was said and done everybody agreed that<br />

thr universe is a very great and awesome pUcc.<br />

Finally, for more information contact Mr. Mosheim.<br />

He will surely refer you to the nearest French<br />

existentialist.<br />

<strong>The</strong> world as an<br />

existentialist<br />

would see it<br />

By Era Fcsta<br />

"Beliew in yourself!" the teachers of our lodcty tdl us, from ihc bc»innins<br />

of our educations onwaid. "Believe in God. bdievc in the American<br />

wiy. believe b vour pet joWfuh. believe in wmdhlnt!"<br />

Bet what tbout uv«e who don't believe to anything? .<br />

<strong>The</strong> term for this particular viiion of the univene. "exKtcntiaUsrn",<br />

wit invented is 1933 by Jean-Paul 5a.trc, a French philosopher.<br />

Sartre uid that we (We in a puradoxical universe. This ptndox Is thai<br />

a basic characteristic of bunuA nature is rtc neceuiry to ask questions<br />

that we inherently unanswerable, such a*. "Who am 1?" "Why am 1<br />

•*re?" or, "What is real?"<br />

Tims, accordtos tocxitiembllun. we live ta a world that is leaf to our<br />

t|uatiotn, need*, and concerns. We free uncxplainablc events every diy,<br />

aM there is no omnipotent farce to make tcmc ot luch things.<br />

We iijy ferl a unity, • boojl whh nature, but it there a Mother Earth<br />

*ho fceli a ibniUr bood with us? An existentialist wotld uy no.<br />

In addition, the existentialist questions atouacUons, »uch as love, or<br />

hate. "What is a rc&iooship?" he asks. An important concept of thh<br />

theory a to not tale anything for (ranted. We rre taught that we are<br />

"ttUicd" to our relative*, but If no inner bead exists tcrwecn mother<br />

cod son. is Caraut demouintes bi his novel. <strong>The</strong> Simn/er. does a relaonmhip<br />

really cxisr?<br />

Once maa rj»'uet thai the answei u> this question is "no", thai all he<br />

assumes his meaning nuy nu hare rncanini, thai be is righting u unwionabic<br />

fi{hu where the only ccruii ihin-j is his own death, t.a must<br />

become enraged with thi* sltuaitbn, ttkff actkn. and rebel agtinu tie UIH<br />

Zzlrness of it all.<br />

<strong>The</strong> acuoo be takes is to live as if absnciiocis do exist, tad to live ^<br />

if there is meaning to life. Tnus. he creates the meaning of hi* own life<br />

in a world Uut b indifferent to him.<br />

Jo Ann Stewart, **$o caches the A. P. Ts^lbh <strong>class</strong> entitled "Man<br />

in his Universe'* says of Mfarmii'mn. "IT* • brave, admuablc view<br />

to hoU...h gives tbe bdMdual tremeadous m;M>nsibtltty and a terrifybig<br />

freedom."<br />

A-P- Art History tcacber Nancy Hayes Gnds that tnoch art reflects the<br />

existential m view, particslarly abstnrt eipreuiooism.<br />

••Penpte ihiak all an u tuppaccd to be undcntaadable. 'What does -t<br />

mean?* they jsk. But aUtrsct exprecskMusm isn't supposed to 'nwtn'<br />

cvthiag *-*. W cany thinp it: life that don't lend theaadves to cxplanartoo.<br />

asd anists. tike writers, cxfrcc» ihdr bnfnetnent, anJ ioabUiry to<br />

explain* in tfy^ir wonc.** • ^ • • • '<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> scholars<br />

universal vie><br />

By Marth. Drigmdo<br />

Kow does man fit bito thr<br />

uriverse? Why docs man exfjr? What<br />

b the puxpote of life? h. there a<br />

furposc?<br />

TotK questions hate trxibled the<br />

minds of great phitosopbtrs aod<br />

Unr^l fludcats for oenwrics. Exptanations<br />

from all ends of* the spec*<br />

trum have been offered, trae of than<br />

being right ot WTDOS — from<br />

hedonism to auxtlcutr.<br />

What do LowcQ stulcnu bave la<br />

say about man's pUce in the world?<br />

Do they take life aerioujy? Have they<br />

even thought of it? Nfny of Lowdl's<br />

dntias'jbhed scholars jhtrc Aar opinioot<br />

aboot lift here; What is the po<br />

pose of life?<br />

Clare Sohn "<strong>The</strong> purpose of lifr is<br />

lo use our toowkdge for future<br />

Jostea AOen: "To learn, to masc<br />

mistates, and improve oursdvoi<br />

fiom die miuikci we've made."<br />

Vlrcmfai Yooi^: "<strong>The</strong> pursuit of<br />

unlimited cm]it."<br />

Cathy Sbcrroa ft Trrea Chatt:<br />

"Ufe b like A Jk*. game. Maa Is<br />

like the pawn bctnc tmf'p'Tiiffi by<br />

the omnipotent being."<br />

Mallbrw Hdoxr: "<strong>The</strong> purpoie of<br />

life is 10 find wlat the mcsini of life<br />

U."<br />

"Life is Ihrre for<br />

q s : ibo more one achieves,<br />

the mme one receives ID wcsjtil.<br />

power. »ad gitU."<br />

MnncaCoU:world<br />

lo l<br />

hs fuilex in <<br />

destiny: eternity ,1<br />

Jennifer Brsml<br />

»id."a'l<br />

to vou w :<br />

other pttns."<br />

DjUnFuScn "I<br />

Yocrtfve toped j<br />

the foal •tatf.c<br />

CM the fnJt."<br />

p<br />

gemitioas and<br />

abiliUs to the f'<br />

Aim ;!tek: "ll<br />

try to aare fiiar<br />

Miry Rabat:'1<br />

b S V H f<br />

powder. tul><br />

ski faatraa <br />

role. We have the ahi<br />

oar own destiny or t<br />

Rowie Uwh: ->„<br />

ownmle...be»til>uinl<br />

btboHer." 1<br />

"ooett Taylor. "."I<br />

"W" trying to nuke i<br />

«(the intone)."<br />

"uch as Captain Kia<br />

P°se lor las mission. "I<br />

"Bum has ever jc<br />

ss UQ earth ^Jv> hj<br />

SometeKhenW<br />

W i th J<br />

you die."<br />

CCberUSudbrz:-<br />

• i<br />

ourcnafr<br />

-'o make<br />

i t e n j o<br />

e five margsrius

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