Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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fmp I, Uanh 7. I9U<br />


Sadie Hawkins<br />

encourages girls?<br />

By ArabcUa Walker<br />

"Half of the people don't even<br />

know who Sadie Hawkins Is!", uclaimtd<br />

aophomore Paul Foil.<br />

Oa February 14, tte Student Acliviriei<br />

Board (SAB) held "Where the<br />

Boyi Arc** ft S*dk Hawkins Valentine's<br />

dines. during which the girU<br />

were supposed to ntfc the hoy* to<br />

t!anoc.<br />

However. ruM LoweUites fdt<br />

there was uot • notiseab.4 diiTcrcnce<br />

betwern the Stdk HjvrUn dance and<br />

* regular <strong>Lowell</strong> dance.<br />

Senior Ashley HQ1 conxxntaJ.<br />

•This Just teems the same as my<br />

ether dance Girl* isk boy* to dance<br />

and vice vena, but they primarily<br />

dance to one trig group."<br />

.Senior Robert Mclont give •<br />

reason for the lack of variety. • unique<br />

qualhy that the Sadie Hawkins<br />

theme was suppose id<br />

'<strong>The</strong>re U aSolutcly n* difference<br />

because there b no segregation into<br />

OKplcs. Everyone dances in ooe<br />

massive group, fcven at rcgular<br />

dincct. gtrii don't ask guy* to<br />

dance."<br />

Ftsta added, "Nobody ever asks<br />

anyone to dance except tor How<br />

dances when you grab whoever h<br />

next to you."<br />

Senior Stephen Wilson pmvided<br />

another theory. "<strong>The</strong> Sadie Hawkins<br />

dance gives the girl* a chance to be<br />

the agjiessor; however many girls<br />

s'ill have not overcome tneir<br />

shyness."<br />

Among guts, die most cited acme<br />

for rut asking boys to dance was<br />

"..M other dances the boys don't ask<br />

us, so why should we =iJc them<br />

*nw?"<br />

Sntfore frolic nt the Sadk lUwklm Dance.<br />

In the dark, stuffy gym some<br />

freshman did experience the Sadie<br />

Hawkins spirit.<br />

Freshman Donna Paiio remarked.<br />

"IV tuvs just standing against the<br />

west tide of the jtym were waiting to<br />

be aiked. 1 asked guy-, to dance, but<br />

1 wat rtjrctcd once. That *« only<br />

once!"<br />

"A couple of girls asked me to<br />

dance. 1 didn't mind the change<br />

because 1 guess it £»cs the girl* A<br />

chance to be more confident,'' commented<br />

freshman Vcrnon Rcye*.<br />

Although Kxnc were fortunate to<br />

enjoy the Sadie Hawkins spirit, many<br />

were disappointed.<br />

Ai icnior Tim Wonham kUted.' I<br />

was cut ioui m vx if girts wvuU realty<br />

mk guyi to dance, and it tunvl out<br />

1 was exactly right: nr. ( "<br />

Violence erupts at C-Club dance<br />

Tn& <strong>Lowell</strong> rt,i~~* club's second<br />

dmce. "Cao you Feel the Deal?",<br />

held OL January 11 at the Irish<br />

' Cultural Cccter. ended wah • violent<br />

upheaval by oon-Lowcllilcs.<br />

<strong>The</strong> dance stalled at 7 p.m. and<br />

trouble Halted at 10 p.m. xhco a<br />

troup of pmlomiiumly Aiun boyi<br />

warned to cater the dance.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y would eat pay the S7 tint was<br />

being chaffed tor estancc K the duor<br />

ani loiund in front of the building<br />

until the cUib dedded to la the ten<br />

boyi is for VU.<br />

duncae Oub Ptiaideot Fnxis<br />

Cbu Dated that Icnioj them in Bopped<br />

them from blocUai the doorway<br />

and the live Indoor icaufey (uardi<br />

were able to mooior their aaloro.<br />

Cbu adJed. "You could idl thry<br />

were re»Jy to catae trouble."<br />

<strong>The</strong> uoora were promptly cloacd at<br />

11 p.m,, which wts anBounced in IBC<br />

HAPPY .<br />

18TH B-DAY!<br />

(Belated)<br />



FEB. 20TH<br />



advertiictncnt for the dance, ami the<br />

boys left shortly after that.<br />

<strong>The</strong> boyi beczroe violent at thii<br />

refusal, and the ;uards « outside<br />

in an aacrapt to conori ihcm.<br />

When the tuards stepped outside<br />

the door, they were surrounded and<br />

utacked by boys with twc-by.four<br />

boards and woodtn milk canons.<br />

<strong>The</strong> boys were ato joined oy other<br />

people anendini the (Unce aoo people<br />

from the nd(hborln| Korean<br />

Club dance<br />

One tuard had to jet tlitdra for<br />

head injuries sustained when five or<br />

sa of the lighters atifBtd umjerou<br />

the sidewalk. Another obtained a<br />

ria!r!ine fracture la one of his arms<br />

in his attempt to block the flying<br />

piece* of wood.<br />

<strong>The</strong> violence confoucd into the<br />

At 11:30 p.m.. the hays raurncd foyer of the buiklinc. '.ihcre windowt<br />

and demanded to b- penUnni re- above the d*». made of ipccial glau.<br />

entry. <strong>The</strong>y were denied the were broken.<br />

PrivJejc.<br />

<strong>The</strong> police v.ere ullcd and the<br />

dance -mJed vb hen they arrived, a half<br />

hour earlier than scheduled *<br />

Happy<br />

Birthday<br />

Bob!<br />

Love.<br />

Carpi<br />

"<strong>The</strong> club will pay for the<br />

damages." Chu commented, "but<br />

they (the Cultural Center o« ner) have<br />

not given me a bill or an estimate<br />

yet."<br />

Only a small profit was madr from<br />

the dance v»1 the Oub wiU probably<br />

lose nmoey since it U paying for tV<br />

d> mages.<br />

A formal decision has not been<br />

made about the fate of otf-campus<br />

dances, but Principal Alan Finish<br />

declared th*t only Kfcool-sponscred<br />

events w2l he able to use "Lowxlt"<br />

ia »,iy (urnc-..<br />

Happy 18th<br />

to<br />

From All Your Friends'.<br />

March 12th<br />

Juniors stimulate<br />

future romances<br />

By Gabj CarrOio<br />

This month, hundreds of <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

students flocked to thcccurTyani hoping<br />

to difcovtr the vitcraine of their<br />

dreams for the incredible price of a<br />

dollar.<br />

<strong>The</strong> ntnd.*iisc.. sponsored by the<br />

Ckis itf *87, consisted of providing<br />

Kudccu with alia of 10 to 12 of their<br />

most compatible mates.<br />

<strong>The</strong> matching proceu began during<br />

registry, when all four <strong>class</strong>es<br />

received questionnaires to be Riled<br />

out and returned to Heart-to-Hetrt<br />

Compcter Match-up, a company<br />

which provides a computerized<br />

tabulation of the students' answers.<br />

<strong>The</strong> questionnaire consisttd of 25<br />

multiptc*ctioicc questions concerning;<br />

pcop^o personal preferences oo<br />

varied subjecu, like physical appearance,<br />

hobbirs, and daily babtu.<br />

This information wus then<br />

tubulated by kjomputer, and thOK<br />

people whole rqwma were most<br />

similar to each orhcr were match**]<br />

and the percentage of compatibility<br />

calculated.<br />

Most students were cidtej and<br />

eager to get their results and were<br />

perfectly willing u pay a dollar for<br />

ibem. Asoneirjdenicommnaed, "1<br />

wouldn't wail for my lut. I thought<br />

it would be fun to find out. When 1<br />

heard the roulu u«re in. I nuhed to<br />

pay my dollar."<br />

Another Mudcnt added. "It was<br />

great, my boyfriend tnd I got each<br />

:*her as number one!"<br />

However, tome were not u<br />

•uibficO. "I drin't know aoyocr on<br />

my list, but I Uidn't mind thai much.<br />

I just thought of i» as a contribution<br />

to my <strong>class</strong>."<br />

Although no one seemed to rake<br />

Any of the nwdjrukinj icriousty. the<br />

response wu so enthusiastic, that the<br />

Junior CU» tope* to repeat the project<br />

in the tall of next year.<br />

Gilda Ccnovcs, Cuo of 87<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> Executive Count.l (LEO<br />

representative, coo-oriented, "Ic was<br />

more tun to do than grams. We<br />

wanted to do something different.<br />

Besides being "more fw>," the<br />

pmved to be financially<br />

1090 questionnaires coiixted. approiinulely<br />

995 results WIT* actually<br />

sold.<br />

Genovcs ccntinucd. "A small mob<br />

attacked us the very first day. Actually,<br />

it was kind of ncatl"<br />

Senior Aruya Btackman wmmed it<br />

up by saying that the fundraiser was<br />

a wckoine change from the tmtal<br />

gram and balloon sales. "I didn't find<br />

the man of my drnrm. but then again<br />

who can. to. a dollar?" she a-ked.<br />

Blues Brothers at <strong>Lowell</strong>?<br />

Rally Commissioner Marc Btder and Spedal Events mmilariorr<br />

Djlan Fulltr tolcrtala the sludnt body U the Famous Couples ralrjr.<br />

Bakery and Cafe'<br />

Our Specialties Include<br />

Decorated Cakes,<br />

French Bread, Croissants,<br />

aiii Wedding Cakes<br />

W5) 334-5305<br />

I<br />

ExertrJvc I<br />

Anderson. ;<br />

Ami<br />

Jack/<br />

fbrhisiKi'l<br />

tyofsr«>|<br />

Board o/S<br />

vice (BSC<br />

spoioor.<br />

"Ifoi<br />

job whet* 1<br />

LECwdj<br />

good jcb I<br />

d<br />

chose to si<br />

declared, '<br />

froupihiif<br />

that the!<br />

projecoa<br />

the LEC ><br />

board Uutl<br />

thoitujcrj<br />

AuoVn<br />

students<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> <<br />

' involved i<br />

LEC<br />

Since A|<br />

both Ihc 1<br />

s)-stem,<br />

sponsor i<br />

prevk-us ^

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