Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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Chief Justice is up for reconjirmation<br />

By Jama Wboolry<br />

This November. California voters<br />

will decide whether %i% of the seven<br />

California Supreme Coun justices<br />

including Chwr Justice Rmc Bird.<br />

wtU remain in office<br />

Up for rewnrtmuiion are Bird and<br />

justices Malcolm Lucas. Cruj<br />

Reyoovi. Joseph Gmlin. Edwani<br />

PaneW. and Stanley Mask. According<br />

to recent polls, DOI all of them<br />

may return.<br />

Bird has been under fire since she<br />

*as appointed as chief justice hy<br />

former governor Jerry Brown in<br />

|0?7. When firu appointed, the wai<br />

criticized for her lack of experience.<br />

Bird was a lawyer whh the Santa<br />

Clara public defenders offrx until j-Sc<br />

hc^an Meriting for governor candidate<br />

Biown in 1974.<br />

When Brown was elected. Bird<br />

suffers from inefficiency and wtue,<br />

underpays it* principal*, and is unnecesurily<br />

complex.<br />

<strong>The</strong> study, conducted by University<br />

of California proi'essor Dr. James<br />

Guthr»c. compared San Francisco'i<br />

adininiuralitc plan with thwe of<br />

Oakland. S*n Jose. Frejno.<br />

Sacramcnio, Los Angelr*. aiul<br />

Stockton in order to *ci iho founda-<br />

uuV a cabinet pent m hu adminutratkm<br />

until he appointed her at chief<br />

justice For a job (hat hinorically<br />

takes year* of cliflibim> u? ihe<br />

political ladder to obtain. Rose Gird<br />

went from public defender ut c.*i»cf<br />

justice of the California Supreme<br />

Coun In tru than four yean.<br />

Prtarntiy. with nine yean, of experience<br />

at her position. Bird *<br />

criiicued for c lack of Icadenhin<br />

qualities. Her critic* *ay that with a<br />

hut temper and stubborn attitude.<br />

Bird is more of a pUyer than the<br />

!eaJ_-r of a team.<br />

Bin! defends herself b>* saying that<br />

all Icier* Uick tj their fuu during<br />

a conflict, and that if inc and her<br />

critics agreed en issues, her Ctilk\<br />

wouldn't complain about her \tyle of<br />

leadcnhip. She hope* that people will<br />

vote To.* her and all potilicum or. ihc<br />

•tandani* of competence, hnnestv.<br />

cites problems<br />

?Lh.-oni "f 1 ^ 1 * 100 "«* principal!' re*pon-<br />

. * sibilitics to accompan) the salary in-<br />

**j; crease. Said Guthric. "San Fnnchco<br />

cicnt]y...the distria<br />

ute principals a* tntc eiecutiCc officer*<br />

and should owpeniatc them<br />

a!u> cuntributn to "...a crazy quill<br />

of job cUuincaliora and inflated<br />

position litlet." If adopted, the new<br />

plan's proptHcJ reshuffling thould<br />

n«H cauvc any firings. Instead.<br />

po,,, w.Ilbe AufHedaround tone*<br />

potiiiom." acco.din|> 10 Myra Kopf.<br />

'<strong>The</strong> study found (hat iheSFUSD 's<br />

existing organizational plan \. .results<br />

in wasted administration effort/"<br />

Thr stwiv found that the 3<br />

existing organtf?*ionaJ Hui"re»uJis<br />

in wasted admumtiattve elfort." Ore<br />

of the study's proposed lolutioos to<br />

this problem i* the reductkii of deputy<br />

superiutendent po»u (rjm twt» to<br />

one, and the climinaiw*, of the five<br />

exutifl( associate »jpcriruendci't<br />

poutions.<br />

<strong>The</strong> fiwpositiom would be replaced<br />

with four assistant superintendent<br />

posts, cadi representing one of four<br />

departments: instructional tcrvice*.<br />

comeot decree, business, and planning,<br />

research, evaluation, and budget.<br />

hi addition other administrators<br />

wooJd also report directly to the<br />

superintendent, includinf tabor relations,<br />

govcramenoJ and legal affain.<br />

internal acdit, and public<br />

infonnttion.<br />

<strong>The</strong> puu> alw calb for **Uiy lacroKS<br />

for ciemeatafy and high<br />

school principals, whete ularies<br />

were round to be $3,000 u> S4.000<br />

below thai of other districts avenge,<br />

respectively.<br />

<strong>The</strong> study alto rtconjneodtd »Q<br />

Happy<br />

Birthday<br />

Andrew<br />

Solomon<br />

(Feb. 24)<br />

pre»kkul.<br />

According to Guthrie. the<br />

"Mreamlininj; effect" wixild cause<br />

not only the elimination of unnerded<br />

pmition*. but could alvo uvc the<br />

dutrict as much as SZ50.000 a year.<br />

<strong>The</strong> plan would also aid the<br />

district's ability to help atd to *cr*c<br />

students' need* by reducing the<br />

district's bu*caucracy, a proulem<br />

often cited as one uf the procnl itructure's<br />

shoncomiPpi. Said Superintendent<br />

Carte* Comcjo, "<strong>The</strong>se reform*<br />

will...enhance education provided to<br />

the students."<br />

<strong>The</strong> study, which has already<br />

received an ioitully fevorkble reaction<br />

tram me school board, is a pan<br />

of the board's plans to adopt a new<br />

orgJiiUational structure before the<br />

hiring of a new superintendent in<br />

May.<br />

Says Guthric. the proyo*ed plan<br />

will uve the district money and will<br />

be *n attempt "...to send out the<br />

signal that the thing the board<br />

believe* is mnt Unporttf* b Injtfv<br />

tioo of the midcatt."<br />

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a defendant's other crim*nj activity.<br />

Many of the death |*cnaliy wp-<br />

poncn feel Uul the ifucit) of a<br />

cfimr b often cnou|th in utctf to war.<br />

r-nt a death sentence. Bird, however.<br />

says uut her court will -lw*y» gi%c<br />

fairness that the Constitution<br />

guarantees to the defendant in a trial,<br />

•u matter how extreme ihc case.<br />

Bird's cnlics say the b juu soft on<br />

criminal defendants in general.<br />

Bccaute of the capital puAbhmenl<br />

owe. it b possible that man? Californiar»<br />

will vote agaimt Bird and the<br />

more liberal member* of her coun.<br />

Many people oppose Bird simply<br />

because of her liberal politics.<br />

Among her nxnt wontrovenial decisions<br />

ire the outlawing of "Ltdio*<br />

days" 3* discriminatory and outUwjury<br />

for the death sentence, or improper<br />

cnmideraikMi by the jury of<br />

and diligence, not jitst on her stand<br />

on mme iium.<br />

Nevertheless, the coming election<br />

will be heavily decried on issues and<br />

one in particular Ihe death penalty.<br />

Since California voten nude<br />

capital punishment legal throbgh a<br />

comtitutional amendment in 1972. 35<br />

deal'i untences have been utucd b)<br />

California couru. all of which have<br />

been appealed to the Supreme Court.<br />

Of thmc 55 death sentences, only<br />

three navt> been approved by the<br />

Suprcirte Coun. and bird has voted<br />

again*! tliem all.<br />

Dejth penalty *uppnnen find It infuriating<br />

ih* cvm tn the most broti'<br />

coo. Bird anJ the court rtnr rcvciv<br />

ed dealh sentence* because of<br />

technical itic* wch at faulty jury instructiuRf.<br />

vapx rcavms given by the<br />

inc ictalutory eviction of tenants by<br />

landlords.<br />

. Han* 7. I9M. hilt 7<br />

According to a tecent poll, all four<br />

justices are in danjer of not being<br />

reconfirmed, but Bird b by far In Jte<br />

moil danger. <strong>The</strong> poU showed that 4S<br />

percent of California voter* would<br />

vote against her today, a mfnoriry 25<br />

percent would support her.<br />

Bird however, U dctenrinuJ to get .<br />

recoflfitroed. She bat *Jread) raited<br />

SI million for Her campaign and b<br />

expected to rafre a half itiRlion HKMV.<br />

Many liberals have svggeited to Bird<br />

iha! she resigi in order to save the<br />

johs of the other t**ec liberal justice*,<br />

but Bird fecit that her critici wouldn't<br />

be lainficd with only hei out of of-<br />

- fice. Che fecU Out they would kct?<br />

pu*hing to remove the other three<br />

tibcMl*. Bird stated that she should<br />

be reconfirmed became "...I've been<br />

a hard working, diligent, and. I nope<br />

an intelligent juuice who has tried to<br />

do nry very best."<br />

Board president speaks candidly<br />

by Kallc Corritan<br />

Jchn Moliiuri. a 1953 sndtutc of<br />

Lm>cll High School ii presently<br />

praafcM of tiK Bmnl otSupcmmn,<br />

havinf icncJ at c tro.iber lince<br />

1971.<br />

He dncuuc« his curcems about tl •:<br />

City with in* U>*ttt. as wetl as<br />


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