Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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j , 7kt Umtt. Uartk 7. I9S6<br />


Challenger explosion shocks world<br />

Tin UnS Space Trent Poll<br />

I. Would yea be wflBrs »tmtl tupacc after tbe rerw* ChaBcupr<br />

ajftulpa and Oe bat c< lh« m» mealmr<br />

73.6% No 16.4%<br />

J. Arc JOB hi trrir of crtlliam bthaj allowed l» (rare 1 la «i«« M<br />

tfcblbne?<br />

Yet 74J% N* 25.5%<br />

3. Co JO. fed NASA iboold itnaltbai Hi tmtttf tuaum fr. :he<br />

.pace^bttlrt rnv>I<br />

Ye» MJt No *- yoa fed in lime tfcovkl e!>pi^considerthcmbcrnes. *M a^ree: <strong>The</strong>y fsve their lives in<br />

<strong>The</strong>y risked their lives fer the good an attempt to icrve others through the<br />

of raaatind. <strong>The</strong>y were completely gathering of valuable infomutiun.<br />

tware of chances and circumstances <strong>The</strong>y bearded the shuttle knowing the<br />

chance that they were taking, but they<br />

. ^ j-j- _tteig brivcly accepted them for the (nod<br />

their jobs."<br />

'*71K loen xstnyuuti who were<br />

killtd were trying - of m iay thjt hain't alreait) been vad?"<br />

— senior Rory Camp.<br />

"When I saw the cxpkntor. I juu stood there, shocked.<br />

Thb w*» their (the astronauts') t£unce ti dJ something<br />

fur the uofU and ilia! chance wu uken away from<br />

them." — freshman Tan)! De La Henna.<br />

"1 uw a on the nc*» anJ the coverage was trrhble.<br />

TV nan pcrpte iho«cd the explosion every rwo sccor«h<br />

and eventually the whole thin? wn overcntpnasi/eU so<br />

much that it bccincajoke.* 1 — wphun>ofe K-rnal Singh.<br />

"I think they not been one linjle new job<br />

created...since 1970," said Secretary<br />

of L^bcrWilliunDiock. Because of<br />

the lack of KW jobs, current wotker*<br />

cannot elevate themselves. Furthermore,<br />

with an cipaHing American<br />

population, new job* must be created,<br />

or unemployment will skyrocket. Urtplcnvntatirn<br />

of pnxectionist law*<br />

would economically ruin American<br />

product! and workers.<br />

IntenHttonally. Amcricin jwutcttfcxuun<br />

would re*uh a foreign<br />

coumer>protec^on. A% PBS Comincntauir<br />

ftoddtng Carter said, '•pro-<br />

I jcuooi jn breeds pmtcctinnnm." A<br />

recent example of iiVernjtioni) protective<br />

cliffs occurred in the summer<br />

of 1985. My and the UnitaJ States<br />

tutted over impt*n barriers in the<br />

•Tasa H'ars." Vtten Cragics* passed<br />

protectioaist LfbUtiOQ no behalf<br />

of the Atncncin puta Induury. luly<br />

coomtred by viciously raising<br />

Unffs on Amcican walnut exports.<br />

<strong>The</strong> loltu pasta snd Amcriaw<br />

itm - tmz - WAD W.<br />

AlanoSviUmt<br />

CU. MATE UCLA000347<br />

(415)585-7521<br />

' WtMIUUUH<br />

• w*oCKTW.tcowucaaAi.<br />

walnut industries might well<br />

been climinMcd. <strong>The</strong> wise pjf<br />

of all barriers cased the situatino.<br />

Jingoistic purchasing on behalf of<br />

Amctica!i consumers is Contrary' to<br />

the American enuvprtncirul spirit.<br />

Our frcc-ci.UTp.-oc system give- convamers<br />

the unique opportunity to<br />

shop for piotlucts which ,uc of impeccable<br />

quality an! practicality.<br />

ConuMvr* can choctc from a full<br />

rangr of product* from all sourrcs.<br />

Products are of high quality, crac*<br />

libility, at»d arc sold at the luwot<br />

price. Jinpnuic parcKaing prohibits<br />

thr consumer from buyvv the be^t<br />

product.<br />

<strong>The</strong>refore. nrr.hcr p;«xcctkmiMn<br />

r«»r jin-ot%tic putchs^in^ VJI «olve<br />

the iraJc dcHcit. Rather, what i\<br />

needed is an optn intenuttoiul<br />

rurkrt for trade. $*tch a market b<br />

juitificd for fojr rcawr^.<br />

First, a free tnde matkn will continue<br />

to Urvzi infUAoc. Competitive<br />

FToductt vi; for consumer attention<br />

nxnt cifectivrlv by hmcring prices.<br />

Lower pt\ A create a windfall ol ex*<br />

lr* a.:h for umsumcrs. This money<br />

cia be jpent on mure prodocrs.<br />

f.vreforc more ; inducts will be<br />

purctuied wcrldwide.<br />

"HATS<br />

ON POST"<br />

S.in Fr.imiKo Millini'ty<br />

110 !\»1 Slrcct. Suitf 201<br />

S.m Fr.in:t«cu, CA 9410S<br />

Sberyl Knl«v>ki<br />

Sprint Hau for Every Cccastaa!<br />

... Eancr<br />

...Onuaaion<br />

...Wtddi-p -'<br />

Second. a free market will prov<br />

foreign cocnuitwn the opponuniiic*<br />

to purchase /jierkun foods. WitlK.'ut<br />

prouctionist barriers American pro-<br />

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