Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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SFUSD raises requirements<br />

ByKnslcuUI<br />

into effect beginning this fall.<br />

New i^quiremena mandate current<br />

jurtors and sophomores to accumulate<br />

« least 210 crediu to<br />

jra&iatc. HuCbuaf I989(currcnt<br />

ftt»hru«) toi all fcfdKontm rfaucs<br />

will need 2OT credit*.<br />

"With tn opportunity of taking an<br />

avenge of six <strong>class</strong>es per semer«r<br />

a ttodest cm earn 240 crediti or mui<br />

•ftef eight semesters. With only 200<br />

credit* required (the minimum needed<br />

for all <strong>class</strong>es preceding 1987)<br />

uudeou would be able to fail a* least<br />

one course each semester .tnd still<br />

htve enough credits to gndkuic.'* «•<br />

plained Principal AUn Fibish.<br />

"Aloof with this *~i other facton<br />

in miad. SFUSD decided to upgrade<br />

«nd nuke a more rigorous cducational<br />

program." Firmh *Mcd<br />

Social studies elective* such as these two grade levels. <strong>The</strong> Clais of<br />

1989 will need on* yenr ot • foreign<br />

Unjuajte and one year of fine arts.<br />

t economics, in<br />

must be passed (with i final I r better)<br />

to meet the civics tequirrment.<br />

"I wtwld assume the growieg coitccrn<br />

of today's society... businesses<br />

mainly.. .to inform students about<br />

econorutcs has a lot to do with the<br />

new requirement. We (society) arc<br />

finding that many (people) don't<br />

uidcntand the lurrcnt economic<br />

situation." reflected Dar Jackson.<br />

&rcid Science Dcpanmcm head.<br />

In addition lo ihc one year of life<br />

science already needed to graduate,<br />

starting with the Class of I9S7. one<br />

year jf physical science w ill alto be<br />

required. Chemistry, plryski, or<br />

ph) scial science can be til en to meet<br />

the requirement*<br />

Foreign language and fine arts re*<br />

quiremenu are to change beginning<br />

with the daucs of 1987 and 1938.<br />

One year of a foreign language or one<br />

year of fine am will be expect*, of<br />

<strong>The</strong> claw of 1990 and all follow 'tig<br />

graduating clasjes must ukc (and<br />

pus) two >ears of foreign language<br />

and one year of fine arts.<br />

Family life, a diKonlihued course<br />

at <strong>Lowell</strong> since fall of 1980. will be<br />

brought back nc« semester.': will be<br />

« nine week counc iRtcrlocking with<br />

the driver's educaiiou counc.<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>, along with a few other San<br />

Francisco public schools, his<br />

saihficd the requirement in the past<br />

by making it the rcsponshility or the<br />

physical cduca.k.1 department to<br />

rover moU of the information regarding<br />

family life by offering a number<br />

of lectures on topics such as sex<br />

education, drugs, and peer pressure.<br />

Student, uarting with the Class of<br />

1989, canitut be exempted from the<br />

course iuelf. but with a writter. note<br />

from a parent, ran be excused from<br />

a particular clan when humaj sexuality<br />

h discuiea.<br />

New restrooms provide<br />

relief for students<br />

By Todd Ilarrison<br />

Tbe San Francisco Boon! of Education<br />

has apprrv^d the final construetkn<br />

of two new rcuroortu at <strong>Lowell</strong>.<br />

Currently there are five boyi'<br />

bathrooms and tix (iris* bathrooms<br />

to actommulate all of <strong>Lowell</strong>'s 2.MJ0<br />

student*.<br />

"Ii*5 like loading a half ion (ruck<br />

with ^ two ton load." stated Principal<br />

Abo Fibrth. •• We simpr> do not have<br />

cno'ifh rcstroonu."<br />

<strong>The</strong> first facility wiU be a girls'<br />

lavattry on the first fk» - ..'..;:: om. To farttxr<br />

Improve conditinra, the existing thai they wi'1 re rc»ly Tor the fill<br />

rcstroonu will undergo repairs.<br />

<strong>The</strong> result of this project will be<br />

two girl*' rcstrooms on the Tint floor<br />

and two boys' rcstrooms on \hc second<br />

fkwr. Fibisb hopes to ocntually<br />

build another girls* bath.-oom on the<br />

second floor and • Joys* bathroom on<br />

the tint floor.<br />

<strong>The</strong>se fringes were brough: about<br />

by many complaints from sti'dent*<br />

and parents. Man; con.p'tinc'J to<br />

Fib*sh a> well a* to the Bovd of<br />

Education and the Board of 'eaJth<br />

about tbe numcrou* problcmi with<br />

the ftrMroom*.<br />

<strong>The</strong> comtiuction of the two new<br />

bathrooms will begin over Eutcr<br />

vacation. Fibuh said that he hope*<br />

toth hathrcoms will be finished<br />

Mmvsime in May. «nd he b confident<br />

lioutm will bv cumpkttd.<br />

u*d old ones will be repaired in an<br />

effort to update such fadUtta.<br />

Naval Academy accepts Le<br />

By Cathy Coaway<br />

Selected from 20.000 appticants<br />

mentor Chris Lc has been ac<<br />

ceptod to the United Stain Naval<br />

Academy.<br />

Le's interoi in the Naval Academy<br />

developed from his interest in avia<<br />

lion. Le commented. "*t (flying) is<br />

every young boy's dream."<br />

Sergeant Major Yoihida. coonlinator<br />

of KOTC. recalled. "I sported<br />

him in his first year (of ROTO<br />

through h's cootr»*^ittoni."<br />

Yoohkto continued. "He it an allaround<br />

satdent. That's what the<br />

Naval Academy tooks for in a undidaie."<br />

.Some of Le's achievcmenu inrltxfc<br />

betnt a member oi the Culsr Oianl,<br />

tbe All- City cSampiomhip rifle team,<br />

end Jrill (cam. Le contributed to<br />

malab aw uded to both the drill team<br />

artd rile team.<br />

Le conftssca. "Diill team takes a<br />

lot of : trn*. I don't think I've worked<br />



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for anything as hard."<br />

In addition. Lc b involved in other<br />

vjhool activities. «*ch »the California<br />

Scholanhip Fokrtioo (CSF).<br />

Scmll MX* 1 Society, and crotvcountry<br />

team, vice presit>ent of the<br />

Aquarium Club. He is a member of<br />

Blue Lagoon<br />

|5*OITon<br />

All Regular<br />

Uetia with<br />

hw Cxipon<br />

the FilAtn Club and French Club.<br />

He alui pbcAl ifl ihc N^IMITUI l-'rcnch<br />

Cuntcu.<br />

<strong>The</strong> urinjreni requirement* for the<br />

Naval Ac*ktny cnuil more thrn an<br />

ordinary college application.<br />

Nomination from a ^enatcr u rei^uired<br />

befiire the candidaii; t% ocn<br />

considered. A phy>idJ acd an alNUy<br />

mnlicU examination arc aim required<br />

for adm*s«ion.<br />

rhe U.S. Naval Academy, located<br />

in Aiupoln, M^UtxJ. was founded<br />

in IS45 by Georee Hancmft. Secretary<br />

of the N'aty under PrCA»Jcni<br />

James K. Mk. MoU of .(A (.nJuatc.<br />

enU\t in the Navy or the Marine<br />

Corp*. ____<br />

Fully lo<br />


Vu Lm.r/1. Uai< 5 7. I9S6. n^t S<br />

—NEWS<br />

" Wu, Chen win "<br />

Elks' scholarships<br />

By Chung Quack ScnHl and Shield <strong>Lowell</strong> Hoaor<br />

Senior* Katherine Chen and Tong- Society, rooectivtly. Wu't other mi-<br />

Hau Wu have each won a S1.00U j&r rtinkipatiom include tefafprcsiicholanhip<br />

fiom the San Francbcu dent of the LowrU Band aad • foray?<br />

Cluptcr of the Benevolent* Protec- ccmminJcr of ihc JROTC trail,<br />

live Order of FIU Cb<br />

rompuc in the state level and u> the<br />

nalMMul level, if they arc state * inner*.<br />

Tt«e m»» •cholsrhip K worQi ounp*icr\, will di\trihbte<br />

a tout of 1,657 aw^nlt with<br />

a mc-tvury value of more Uurn S2.6<br />

million tn ouUUixJinj high %choo]<br />

%cntot\ compctinc aenns tltc onion<br />

this year. Each Mudcnt must uibmit<br />

a lengthy application and cut receive<br />

un to 1.000 points based upon<br />

scholanhip. leadership, and financial<br />

need, which i» the maximum a candida*c<br />

can receive.<br />

At <strong>Lowell</strong>, the two senior* have<br />

been involved in school activities. Wu<br />

and Chen were president* of the<br />

BUS: 364-21 1 1<br />

Greg Pagel Painting<br />

U7.MSOK<br />

pu->phcsued. "If I win a tot more<br />

money. I'll gu off to iKu dry place<br />

inPatojMin. Ifnof. I'll join the happy<br />

nuues of peuple in the E*» Say."<br />

Wt. alto *-anU to artend Derkclo'.<br />

He sutcd. "It will he a challenge IO<br />

do well in a big school whc(i>ou are<br />

a pron amo«j: tltc other Ihwiai-J<br />

nusto of people."<br />

Are you<br />

smarter than<br />

your SAT score?<br />

ProboU-,1 Even a act of the<br />

butte^bes am tSea youf MOCT.<br />

Wara to do bena? Prepare beya.<br />

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