Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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ff *. Vu Lomtt. Ucrth 7. 1986<br />

NEWS,<br />

Musicians win More on Powderpuff<br />

iFrom pagr /><br />

should stop it."<br />

the girls or the ccochra would have<br />

By An* Uu<br />

Junior ?cter Mtyooto and<br />

Mpfaoaure Fwl Fton we: the pinbt<br />

and immuncttalhi dmuocu in tnr.<br />

(933 Youth Artin Soloist tompcitiou<br />

held by the California Youth<br />

Syai«*c«y Aucciahon.<br />

who performed me<br />

Miyamoto commented. "TV.<br />

piano coosunHo a major pan of m><br />

life. It'i very icwarjing wtten I tave<br />

a jrond performance and know that<br />

I've done the bm that! att."<br />

Fesu stated. "Winnie* t»e com*<br />

petition was really encouraging. It<br />

boattaX my idf-cunfuVnce as a muslcb«<br />

YOa MlfMwiD (kW and KJUI rota trixhl) arc WU wbmm tn t^e Vioth<br />

ArllU SoloU Coraprtiiloa. •<br />

Chopin Coaccnn Nc. I in E minor.<br />

Op. I, soloed inth the symphuay in<br />

Novattvr I9&5 in San Matco and at<br />

Dc^nza Cellcjc. -<br />

Festa, who peiformeil ihe<br />

Wieniawslri Concerto No. I in F<br />

minor. Op. 14, will travfl wiih th-*<br />

tympbony to perform in Scanuhavta<br />

tn a |4-diy, su-conoctt tour.<br />

Fau will so'o with the Califomu<br />

Ycwh Symphnuy March ! 6. at the<br />

Son Matto Performing Aru Cttttcr<br />

2:30 p.ra.. ml March 23. at the Flint<br />

Cento, DcAnza Coticgc, in Cupertiw<br />

2:30p.m. His March 23 pcriurnuuee<br />

will be bmodcuxed on the<br />

.idiotfation KKHI, Sunday, April 6.<br />

Miyamoto who ha* uudtci* piano<br />

lof cijtht yean currently uudies under<br />

rUggat Nrv u the San Franaaco Con-<br />

»ervi«or)'> <strong>The</strong> Iht «f competitiom he<br />

has won include the San Franruco<br />

Youth Symphony Young Muuciam<br />

Compettiton ami Fremont* Ncwaili<br />

rhilhumonic Compjiition. and t<br />

was a finalist las: year at the National<br />

Concerto Competition.<br />

FcMa has studied the violin for<br />

twelve ycari, nine of whkh were<br />

spent at Sunk! Violin School and<br />

three year* at the San Francisco Ctxi-<br />

*crvstury under l»d(trc Tinklcnun.<br />

Soloing with the California Youth<br />

S>mjv jny will be the Tint time he<br />

hat soloed with an occhcttra.<br />

Class donates $200<br />

By Beuy<br />

Granucci's Grafrittces, the mou<br />

tbccessful student cotnpan/ to ever<br />

come out of an applied economics<br />

ccune a*. <strong>Lowell</strong>, had tbch a large<br />

profit this past semester that they<br />

were *bte to dome S200 to the San<br />

Fwcisco Child Abu* Council.<br />

Applied economics U a cornbina*<br />

tuti of <strong>class</strong>room and haids-on experience.<br />

Sponsored by Junior<br />

Achievemctt. the <strong>class</strong> not only<br />

Motile* basic economic* out of a lexifuft,<br />

out the HUdacs actually create'<br />

their own business.<br />

Fcr the faU of 1985 semester, the<br />

studetf company'was Granucci's<br />

Graffinte*. With the help of tearber<br />

Steve Oramicci aiul buiuicss advisor<br />

Mike Truadell of Guaranty Office<br />

Supply, this company proved to be<br />

financially succeural.<br />

Truesdell used hit knowledge of<br />

the red huitoeu community to help<br />

the *etdeou rallzr how the subject<br />

matter they !carnln their textbooks<br />

really applies to the tonnes* world.<br />

<strong>The</strong> stedenu chose a product,<br />

organized a company, soM stock* In<br />

the company, produced and *ok* the<br />

predad* and liqoidatrd tbc cotnpaay<br />

at the end o» ice Kmewer.<br />

Granocd's Grtffiftee* detiKi;ned a<br />

Birthday<br />

JASMINE!<br />

Yoa Know Who<br />

Whirl with the loyr "Cub <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

High" printed on it. <strong>The</strong> shirts were<br />

very populai,o\er 170 were sold for<br />

a grou soles profit of $1700.<br />

<strong>The</strong> clau maiufcd (heir mone>' exactly<br />

aa «i real company doc*. <strong>The</strong>y<br />

had to pay 6.5 percntn sala tax on<br />

ihci- grou sales. <strong>The</strong>n their otpcnMa<br />

'Acre deducted and a $200 donation<br />

was given to the San Francisco Child<br />

Abuse Council. After the 46 percent<br />

profit tax was paid on the remainder.<br />

stockhoUcn were prd S4 for the<br />

stocis which they had onsinally ptirchaieU<br />

for S2. This is the firsi company<br />

at Lowdl which has been successful<br />

enough to pav Uiiir<br />

stnckholden a 100 percent d» iocnd.<br />

<strong>The</strong> ciaWcompBn? memben chow<br />

Hie San frauebco Child Abuie Ccil<br />

as the recipicBt of their Ovation<br />

became it dealt with young people.<br />

Over the past nine yean, tbc Council<br />

has been responsible for me<br />

csabttshmeM or the Telephone Aid<br />

b Living **h K*U {TALK) -<br />

(441-KIDS), rooviding training fur<br />

profcssionalt dealing with child abuse<br />

in San Francisco, educating parents<br />

and children about the widespread<br />

problem of abuse and neglect, and<br />

organiiiflg awucnos programs.<br />

Molly -<br />

Happy 17th<br />

Birthday<br />

to the swectea<br />

gtriinlbe<br />

' whole world!<br />

lore forever and ever.<br />

Your Mommy<br />

should fund a powderpvff program to<br />

pay for liability imurance and proteclive<br />

rautpnent.<br />

Thb frciikm *%s annouccd over<br />

four wrcki ago at an emergency<br />

Bo*rd of Cir&t Officers meeting.<br />

*>e< Mly. the CU» o / 1086 K<br />

awaking a proprsv repot in lopome<br />

to • letter to Hcinline.<br />

Another proolcnt connected with<br />

powdc.puff in the put years has been<br />

the lack of adult lupcrviskw. When<br />

the game* originally tutted, faculty<br />

members helped supervise. When<br />

they \crt interest, ptrcnti trok charge<br />

for J tew \carv<br />

For IV- last few yean, vanity fout*<br />

ball players haw been coaching their<br />

<strong>class</strong>' team without any adult<br />

wpervuicn.<br />

Students (ID t in feel this is a valid<br />

u-jwin for the tuipcnvon. Senior<br />

coach Mile Alhcrts *iitc, "<strong>The</strong> least<br />

the> (the tcnori) ct-uld do. a they<br />

*.nt wpcnuion. is to yet a teacher<br />

j*»»*t.h |t'« uircwnaHe that they<br />

Coaches also commented on the<br />

ha/arts of the gams. Junior coach<br />

Barney Navas uid. "Any sport fta<br />

violent. IV girU Locw whay (hry<br />

were getting into before practice*<br />

stared."<br />

However, Kluuoom cliimod that<br />

she was mit'oformed about th.<br />

dangers of the gams.<br />

"I heard it «#s flag football and<br />

thai yui'rc not go*ng to jet tackled."<br />

the explained.<br />

Albcru notrd. "You ctn't ftfevent<br />

injuries. Thai's juit part or the<br />

game."<br />

This ytar, <strong>Lowell</strong> ha* seen a growing<br />

interest in powderpuff. <strong>The</strong><br />

Washington and M) an intramural sport," tic added.<br />

FibUh is also taking ihe blame for<br />

the Htspcmion of the conta t s*cce he<br />

brought attemioa to tltc Utuation.<br />

"1 wocU] much rather dtal with<br />

half of ihe <strong>Lowell</strong> imdent hody beinjanfjy<br />

with me.. .thsntovHttone<br />

partyzcJ kid K the botpilal." he<br />

cxpuincxi.<br />

At any rate. Sim summed up<br />

rxni of the uudcntt' ferlmgj by oneluding,<br />

"A Luwtll tTMliuon is to<br />

tnr hiflcrri " *<br />

Speakers score at VLB<br />

By Strve Fong<br />

Junior Cnantal F>fe ha* reccivetl<br />

the mod prestigiouk award bcstcwal<br />

on a FnrcTuto Stvicty member ihu><br />

fat this seaum.<br />

Pie University of Cdiforma at<br />

BcrVcJc> awarded Fyfc fifth place in<br />

the category of Dramatic interpreui-<br />

IHHI ftir her rcnUlKyi uf Eli/ahcth<br />

Swodtn\ RuwiHays. <strong>The</strong> Uni^cnity<br />

hcU tu 13th annual inviutional<br />

o\cr the WaUiington's birthday<br />

weekend.<br />

Fyfc. who aspires tu hecumc a profo*k>nal<br />

actreu, feels the award and<br />

the expertcftc will did her in her<br />

chiAcn career — Kj aucrtcd. "<strong>The</strong>re<br />

ivn'l much con ;

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