Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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Question man<br />

Ed Sdlius (MOS): "1 Hole ihu<br />

guy't clothe* when he was taking a<br />

ilxmtt."<br />

Writer<br />

chides<br />

faculty<br />

Dear Editor.<br />

Prejudice cAd hate<br />

the only 'tongs 1 tec today<br />

I Brine my student rights<br />

the faculty «y* | 'm astray<br />

"I'm ttsc butt!" JI-*I thaut<br />

You abuse ycur privileges. I uy<br />

I'm wppOKd u be >our uudent<br />

1*01 not ycur drily prey<br />

Ycu rrnnr comrnunicatins. misuse<br />

jrur autficriry,<br />

hut you won't change your way<br />

Ycu Jjn't do your jon; rt*» tcachinc<br />

But you'N march and pU'krt fix<br />

higher pay<br />

Whose school spirit it red and white?<br />

My icttor ipiril i* batilc\h:p grey<br />

My four-term sentence I'll soon have<br />

served<br />

Hit the private outrage imnle me Mill<br />

never go .may<br />

Afta thh ye*r to college I'll he bound<br />

But walking through the hills of<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong><br />

FaoiJt) ham»j,*ni I* cattily found<br />

Not (St.vmmcr/Jono)<br />

Michael Suwr<br />

3*06<br />

.. . A-U.<br />

I»h«<br />

tab,<br />

.! Cm, |S<br />

Kristra Wo«g (SS1B): "When I<br />

m down the hill with my jacket over<br />

my head and i bunch of balloons in<br />

my hand, prr ending to be Batman."<br />

Eria M. Barn-tt (8808): "I<br />

bought fur; act uockingi, new v-hitc<br />

pumps, pit on my bUck minhiun.<br />

my whittanl top. HOT1 a,, (,„„ rix.<br />

»« my face and hair. «aikcd Ihrouth<br />

pounng rain, and wound up pla>;ag<br />

bwchall in the rroddls court) anJ.. .juu<br />

to imprtu him...au] it worked!"<br />

Marks<br />

extolls<br />

paper<br />

I was pleated to read thai the CeluniKa<br />

Scholastic Press Auocution of<br />

Columbia University recently conferredthe<br />

designation of "Medal iti"<br />

f<br />

•UtendyTMrnyrangramlatioas. this<br />

rcpracnti • diuina honor.<br />

Cotdially,<br />

Scnatot Milum Marlu<br />

PTSA<br />

lauds<br />

staff<br />

Ocai Editnr.<br />

TK Limeh High PrSA aJJs it*<br />

congraiulatioiM in you and ihc ju\i<br />

graduated membcrv or "<strong>The</strong> Uwell"<br />

*ulf. You all jvM'.y achieved thj<br />

Mcualut rankinr. in 19*5 of the Columbia<br />

SchoUritc I*re« AvvxrulKm.<br />

Thanlvi again fur your etccllenl<br />

and prtfeuional publication. We<br />

with you continued UKCCM.<br />

Bib Mi)imoti><br />

Limcll PTSA Pfr^iticnt<br />

Vmu AaiM. In Wi«a. StM<br />

lan.<br />

IrkU<br />

Dm-i Hrv». lUOlr.<br />

ijrM*Ud itt o»ii . a<br />

bkt.Alnla.AhaL>.>ni-aUt.rxrkk<br />

Ut..NmiUknn.ArHiU(<br />

"tile 1 altcmpccu ui lift the heavy<br />

porcelain tup olT the toilet lank,<br />

pttcnliij to be Surnman lo rmprcu<br />

my family, only lo hare it drup and<br />

•hatter into hundreds of rwra."<br />

m Lowtll. uank 7. I9t6. rtf 3<br />


J. J. SpedU (BSI2): "I uood naked<br />

in green Jello. plaj lag the kazoo<br />

»the tone of •Suiivjy u Henen.' "<br />

Kevin JcfTervm tM0:): "I >aw<br />

thlt reai cute girl, and I nxamd tier,<br />

i<br />

V $ '<br />

'86defends BCO<br />

To the Edi'on,<br />

We. iSc Senior Cbu Officeri.<br />

«ouU Iikr to play the following qucv<br />

tton and smwer fiarne with the oppov<br />

en to the Boatd of C!a»» Officer*<br />

who made themselves known In the<br />

la*l luue of Tht Utwtlt.<br />

1. On the nutlet of prom*, what<br />

a involved with pUnniog m prom"*<br />

A*v**r: Unfottumtrty. nurc than<br />

anyone will ever kw*? —Omirprrurn<br />

uhomi,ir, a rdiablc penon out of<br />

many applicant*); —Hotel Htippinj<br />

(di^pfately trying to diicover (he<br />

right hotel wiih lh^ ; ! -in room, the<br />

right capacity, the n^ht time, and the<br />

right dale>; — Drptuu (giving away '<br />

SM)0. then SI.W0. and then S2.000<br />

and encountering cm-tract al^cr contnH.11:<br />

- Pfu*t*£mphtr* (wlctting ihc<br />

hot and chcipcsi pKturetalen iir iV<br />

iU> Areyl; -Srturity Guards (nxitvenn,:<br />

ftoni ihc «UKk lK»f MC need<br />

i'tpht ;.;j*d* and ixh iif Ihcm emu<br />

iiukerx wtui jnr inc«pcr->tve>ind ui I<br />

uph«4d i-ur rrqucu i.\»; —firtwuihftt<br />

(j^Hcn.v the quoittmv llalhutnv*<br />

SircamcrV* What culnm<br />

Where will v-c tunj: ihcui.' Himcr^<br />

- dead .>t ali.e) lluw n«ch SSS5'f!i.<br />

-Anti thr h\t &>n .«n...<br />

2. Who twit and plant Hie<br />

Ux-Skalin-, Nij-hf. S; .nt W«l. (fciw<br />

fXuKC. Pi/ya Night. Twin-IXiy. Scn-<br />

*H\\ t-acullylknkcthall Game. Senior<br />

Dinner. Fn>*.ball Concr^um<br />

Si*nJv, Senitir Picnic, and Craduatktn?<br />

AniMtr: Us. »ponwn, helpful<br />

chairpeopCe. and 11.8*5 oflheclaM<br />

J. Where do wv ^ct the lhnb*and\<br />

or doll^n needed to hoid the those<br />

events? Aiuntr: We don't rob. »tmbeulc.<br />

moonlighl. or pillage. Thcrefore.<br />

money muu cume from fwtdraben.<br />

food-ules, *nd SAC Sale*.<br />

4. Whetc can you rind itw Senior<br />

Orficcn on Friday afternoon* when<br />

oeryooc die ha% Icfl vhowt? Anjurr*<br />

Come join u« in nxxn 2*4<br />

where we wdl be either meeting<br />

ainorg nunclvci. talking wunctuirpeoplc,<br />

or rolling money with<br />

friends.<br />

5. WhatS •-n.il ing moncj"?<br />

A/uwri: You know all those coins<br />

Uui )ou insert into the drink mai-hincs<br />

for a drink? <strong>The</strong> coins roll ill<br />

the v. ay lo UA MI that we CJI put them<br />

in milt and rutl them to the ban*.<br />

6. Why dn we schedule fini?<br />

*u»«vr: If we cannof have a certain<br />

period free each day. him nn -A-C<br />

iiicci anj do all tS: things mem toned<br />

ahuve? suri; <strong>The</strong> Shield and Scm'l<br />

m^djv at 7: IS AM .indicate at 1:45<br />

PM: j»«) diirinj; irui perK[viatc ami riervnu. \;ii*A-n(%<br />

wh.i rjfl kill if !(*•) d,^t*t get inu*<br />

Ihcir tU*tcv<br />

In OHK*tu.HHI. V.V Mlkuld like lit *J><br />

that we enjti) wr>ing i>ur cla»% anJ<br />

malm- -u-e that Sena* Year iv tun<br />

(or c*cr>t»nf. After puitmg vi mutrh<br />

cfltift imo ixir oirtcev. it i. a crcit di%app>iintment<br />

ti< vec that v>n. jrcun<br />

apjirecuiive.<br />

Sincere!}.<br />

<strong>The</strong> CUvv of 19W» Officc'iA<br />

(Cv. AK\. Kat. Jule M.ch.<br />

Jay. May and Kare)<br />


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