Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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tof '* I*' tamtt. larmry 17. 1936<br />

SPORTS.<br />

1<br />

; mKffljafewKBBSalaBi^<br />

iSy<br />

By Julk Wooc<br />

M<br />

P<br />

"Our bipseii uancr ii 6 Icrt. 1<br />

inch...aK^ut the \iic of an)body<br />

clw't i^urdi. Ntt the pla>crs make<br />

up for thn duadvantace with n lo. «f<br />

L^<br />

hard wuik and desire, ana tha* can<br />

only be in Alvantjgc," rcma;Lcd<br />

David Low, hen*' varv.y ha\ketSatt<br />

coach.<br />

tn addition to this daolvantage. the<br />

!».-<br />

•14-man tcani lacks experience Of ths<br />

five rctumint players, only seniors<br />

Mknael MaLMico and Mwk Fukuda<br />

had considcrabtc playing time last<br />

year.<br />

Six of ihe pUycn are senion, and<br />

the rest of the young team consists of<br />

three sopltomorcs and five juniors.<br />

Senior Brian Gardner taid, "We<br />

Itnt a kx of Ley ptj>ers frum<br />

Sjnxir Sicprun Kooilun mt«txj for u\ t«> vocfcccd."<br />

H<br />

1<br />

mm<br />

Mike MatMiao ptedora an eslra effort as be lay* up a basKft.<br />

Lady hoopsters<br />

rebuild team<br />

By Mart e<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Lowell</strong> vanity girt** ha*krtrull<br />

team it hoping id leau fiK a repeat<br />

of Uu year's uicfruful «awn of 19<br />

wtm anu •* I repeal<br />

last icason's record. hnwrvc.<br />

"At the cnl of last season. I Tell<br />

we had an excellent chance of winning<br />

Ike championship," iuted<br />

Thomas.<br />

Several cf hit eipcctH tuning<br />

players d*l not return thir year.<br />

Thonus hi* beta f> Tied to put in two<br />

or thttC inexperienced pUycts in •!«<br />

lineup.<br />

" We hive u start from ufu/c one<br />

asrf teach them the plays." cotntncaicd<br />

Thorn*.<br />

Thomas Kklo*. "<strong>The</strong> seniotl and<br />

the wrter rcttrnfog players oc tf*<br />

team have u> havr » hera aaj.*idc<br />

than ihr.'ve shown thus fat.'*<br />

Became of this. Thomas believes<br />

that ths team U losing ground on <strong>The</strong><br />

other cily schools, such -*<br />

and Wilson, who are<br />

Lir»elt*« ceatru crnnpctUhMi in the<br />

Academic Athletic Association<br />

(AAAJ.<br />

In (filer to ^iii c«tvrknci*. nuny<br />

practice frame* and tourramcntt lu>c<br />

been id 4 lot ol pre*wire t*cau*c<br />

ihcy'rc qmck."<br />

Low puiho ihc pttyen u» i»t 100<br />

percent inio every pcrfonnance. He<br />

dewtib«n the team's style uf pUy as<br />

"attack, pressure." an-i "agjre**;**<br />

hall contiol."<br />

"<strong>The</strong> key ii being fast and smart<br />

— n* running tod and being out of<br />

control." Hated Low.<br />

League pl&>* began on January 7 in<br />

• game against O'Conncll. LowcU<br />

edgeJ out O'Connell by a r.ore of<br />

M-35. In the secood league fime on<br />

Jtmrary 9. Uiwcll lost to Balboa<br />

66-46.<br />

Tbe players took a trip during 'he<br />

preseason lo Hawaii, where they<br />

played t*fl f»mcs. LowcU smashed<br />

MtdPacific Imttttite by a score of<br />

62-37 but lost to Kai>ani 62-57.<br />


Thun. JM. 23 v*. Anpn al Sen %Utto<br />

3:15<br />

VH. trh. 7 «v M;»i— at MtWca 3:15<br />

Krl. Krb. 14 »v WUM»I •! LtratD 3:15<br />

Thurv I'cb. 10 *%. McAlnr *t Ktt»r<br />

Ben SantamarU attacks hb opponent ulth dctcrraloatloa and drivt.<br />

Gropplers display skill<br />

UimtinurJ fum pmtc l><br />

On January 4 tlie vanty wrcMlct^<br />

competed in a tournament st OukUnd<br />

Tech Hi^h School. <strong>The</strong> team received<br />

a tropij for placing fourth out ot<br />

16 leaim. No member placet! Tint,<br />

but Bokun took second place.<br />

At a previous rjnity tournament<br />

held in Sc*jth Cit;- on December 20,<br />

the team came tn fifth out of IK<br />

team*. Hrad team captain Dokura<br />

placed first, while co-captaini Mai*<br />

ui:ipcricncetl wrestler?. I'm gUi<br />

to ice \t& many undcrclaumcn arc<br />

intercticd in the »port." conmcntcJ<br />

Bokura.<br />

Earlier in the prc-tcason al the San<br />

Mtrtbi Tounumcnt. the vanity team<br />

look fount) place DM of 15 teann.<br />

Bokura again pUced fin*. whiJe Masuoka.<br />

Chans, and sophomore<br />

Parrict Curminjtham placed second.<br />

"Competition outside the city is<br />

really tough to it was hard to place,<br />

but »c intud to improve and be<br />

prepared for out of city tourrumcats."<br />

stated Nlatsuoka.<br />

In a amice tournament at StcAieer.<br />

Jiwm Bonduux and Mario Hill plac*<br />

cd firM. while Gilbrn Niwa an: John<br />

Ridunbon took *xor*J place in their<br />

weight divbions.<br />

According tn axjchc* and team<br />

captaim. luma to walch for include<br />

Nori>ukiHfyavti. BlaincTomimrto.<br />

Brad Clark and Binuby f^yne. a&<br />

well as St. John. Bondoux,<br />

Mansfield. Richardson, and Lcc.<br />

"Practice a outrageously hard, but<br />

it'll pay off in the end." amarked '<br />

mphomore Steve Yabu.<br />

"We work so hard in practice that<br />

it's no wrprac »c do well in mevts."<br />

explained Fukuda.<br />

"Our lul meet will be agatml<br />

McAtccr. Wr'll have to work hard in<br />

onlcr to t-at then. LM year we beat<br />

McAtecr al AU-City. and we hope to<br />

do it again. For the time being we're<br />

the learn lo best." said Vollnih.<br />


Fri. Jan. I? %«. Balboa M la»<br />

Thmn. U*. 30 w liocabi at<br />

Sat. F«b. 1 n. Su Maria M Urn f>^tim<br />

Wrd. trb. » *v Wasalnttoo at<br />

t<br />

\Um. Ffb 1* »*. Umu at Oruni<br />

Wrd. F«b. 19 *•. CtMra at Lewctt<br />

Wtd. Tth. 2* n. NkAlc*r al Uwttt<br />

Month,<br />

despite iut"\<br />

Nfoirts M I j <<br />

Kill inJ 11<br />

only<br />

in ink 4<br />

nmlh & J-<br />

She sp-. •><br />

al<br />

pbyikol<br />

onlcr to h i|<br />

Morili<br />

Mjt\u<br />

jrar*. A*<br />

Califo[ni.,)<br />

though h<br />

H.~o |<br />

otty t<br />

"Johii.l<br />

Ihcruinpv<br />

come thn<br />

ciucho. .'j<br />

made. I<br />

MalwoU ]<br />

"Even '<br />

• Iy lunl i,<br />

•injury.<br />

9 remarked H<br />

tlv»ctv>n tell<br />

.became a]<br />

• junior >e<br />

MOL<br />

TRAClj<br />


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