Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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•tot Loutll. January 17. 1916. rtgi IT<br />


Mothers fight against pop profanity<br />

B> Tsumy xako<br />

Wn.fi -carstuYi f.v that perfect gift<br />

for a friend v fcUin** it* ihc<br />

nei-hhortx*»d Record Faetu-> or<br />

Timer Record Siw. the On^r<br />

may be wrprncd to find an O. X.<br />

D/A. or V on Aunti* Emma s upcwning<br />

birthday pr^^icn^.<br />

Thcw «r»njc hut protccme initial*<br />

arc all pan or the Parents Mink<br />

R-rwurcr Center °* (PMRQ primary<br />

pUn. <strong>The</strong> PMRC lias final!/ won<br />

right* to U>;jr objective—a sundardi/cd<br />

record ruing *y*tetn limitar in<br />

the one irntimtcd in 196S b* the Mutioo<br />

Pkture Association of America<br />

(MPAA).<br />

<strong>The</strong> PMKC f> nude up of a small<br />

group of women including wives rl<br />

highly politml figures, such at<br />

Trcviry Secretary Jamn Baker. <strong>The</strong><br />

PMRC has won iu battle with the<br />

mink industry and installation of the<br />

rating syttem b dnie at hand.<br />

"Nobody will pay any attention to<br />

these symbol*. <strong>The</strong>y have warning!<br />

on cigarenrs aad people still inn tie.<br />

It's n wi«e or urn?. money, and effort."<br />

occ>rdtn£ tc itnior Mary<br />

Chung.<br />

Songs wiJi tcjuially explicit lyrics<br />

will receive *n X: IhW advocating<br />

the use of drugs or alcnou! will<br />

receive i D/A; tho»e referring lo the<br />

occult will receive an O; am) thtne<br />

Storifyi*" violence will receive a V.<br />

<strong>The</strong> PMKC also rcqucits that printed<br />

tyrici be available so that parents can<br />

preview a record prior to it*<br />

rurctmr.<br />

" H*.- PMKC *cun.N like a group<br />

«f bored rouvewives who ha\c pi*ten<br />

(ofrthcr because their huthandv<br />

don't pay rtcrtion to •hrm." c\orr*\cd<br />

tcnior Alexandria S-pc.<br />

Tipper Gore, co-rounder of the five<br />

membe* PMRC. ciprcved fn Rotting<br />

Suite Afajpcine. "We're n« ccn-<br />

9on. We wmm • toot from the industry<br />

that is peddling this stuff tc<br />

children, i eoapinxr tool w4h which<br />

parents can males an informed Jcciuoa<br />

on wJat to buy. Whrt we're talking<br />

abnut 1st skk. new strain of rock<br />

moik s'ori.'ytae everything from<br />

forced sex to bondage to npe."<br />

On the other side of this corarn.crsial<br />

tug-of-war, the tm»ic inJun.> u<br />

feverishly trying lo suit any<br />

legislative action working in the<br />

future.<br />

Stanley Gortakov, presidait of the<br />

Recording Iviustry Association of<br />

America (RlAA). aays thai a label<br />

would never have conptee control<br />

over the packaging or perfornunce of<br />

any arm's maiica! lyrics. Gortakov<br />

alto find* a rating system with<br />

catcfories "totally impractical."<br />

Uorufcov would talber base ihc<br />

labelling on a company-by-compauy<br />

besis. Twenty-two major companies<br />

have already endorsed th*s proposal.<br />

Each eompsay will decide for iUelf<br />

whether or not a particular album rc-<br />

quire* a warning label and rcctifding<br />

ttnrt*. h*vc tcKal contntl over the<br />

pljirmcnt ofthr IiVUon their .mn<br />

•tlhuim.<br />

"It's inane, outrageou*. and absolutely<br />

unnccciuryt"itaied senior<br />

Matt llcimcr.<br />

Gore docwi'i f«I ttut ihi* Uwx: nuuirement<br />

addrcMO the problems<br />

PMKC and t*Ut cunrerned parent*<br />

arc dealing with. She etprrwed tr*it<br />

opiniot: openly in Rolling Stittf<br />

Magazine. "We want an indctryw<br />

-Jc »tandani created by in.* inJaur>.<br />

ir you're (the WAA) paing to bavc<br />

it up to individual rccorJ companies,<br />

juu leave (lie ineu the way it u."<br />

"This statement." according to<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> gradutte David KeMar. "obvkxitly<br />

indicate* that the PMRC<br />

organuation wants all or nulling—<br />

compromte b far from their train of<br />

thought."<br />

<strong>The</strong> RlAA d-vs ;s* wish U> irritate<br />

the PMRC's coriimitte*. for fear of<br />

their influence on icgnJaifcxi (as well<br />

as on their huthamls) lo restrain the<br />

InJiutry cntircl).<br />

<strong>The</strong> question the RIAA asks and<br />

PMRC man arawrr i*. who will rXe<br />

the records aid bow will it be done?<br />

Movies can be spcctfical!y ratrt accoiding<br />

to vioknee, nudity or foul<br />

language. loierprcttiion b the key<br />

element that renders it difficult to<br />

identify an album with a variety of<br />

songs and words a* belonging to one<br />

Dancers to get recognition<br />

Marro Carrsbba can aow be seen<br />

•a a princlpaJ dancer with the Son<br />

Franchco Ballet.<br />

By Kcn.Zaile Cobb<br />

Who arc M>lhail BaryOmiLov.<br />

Rudolf Nureyev, and Margot Fonteyn?<br />

All were uirceuful principal<br />

dancers.<br />

How many luccc&sful principal<br />

doccrs can >wi name fwm San Francisco<br />

Ballet (SFB)?<br />

Unku you ire • great patron of the<br />

baCct. you probably cannoi name<br />

one.<br />

Why? Dccause before July 1.1985.<br />

there ws DO dtstiruion between principals,<br />

soloue. and corp.. Mkhael<br />

Smuin, former artittic direcw. chme<br />

not to have the division, but gave<br />

anyune a rhsnee of performing a major<br />

role. This did not build any ***•'<br />

of give any nwgnhion to the quality<br />

of the dancers.<br />

Now. under the directorship of<br />

Helgi Tonwwn. loimcr princip/1<br />

duiet with New YorL Cry Halte*.<br />

il has been decided to be»m the<br />

piiocipal-wlotst-corps ranking.<br />

T&masson started the change oy<br />

brinfing in new dsocers.<br />

During SFB'i annoul prodocLOttof<br />

"ihc Sutrracktr. itc dittioctioo<br />

became more apparei*. Not oolydid<br />

Tomatsua give jmjo; roles W tbote<br />

-'" people he had brought in. he tUo<br />

gave the roles to top dancer* already<br />

in the comi «ny.<br />

M*rco C4rra(*(M u-at iwc of the<br />

a f^Hcniu! printijul *bcn lie pick J<br />

OrrjbKi to reprewnt St-.t *» nli Nan<br />

c> Dickum at an AIDS Snwiit pal nn<br />

h> San Franciw-n\ Pciforminp Ans<br />

While i n four ttii* uimnicr. Cjrruhhj<br />

* jv ta4 AV tlK- ccninil dJtxcf<br />

in Brtihmt:S*-hi*itherA \»uutM<br />

end terciv.ii fantailK" review* He<br />

also performed il>e kid in MtfnUi<br />

and Ophttia. Hi»«J*e». he «J. »ur<br />

priw.l when he w*\ a**Jd m panncT<br />

twu different Ophelia*, uimctliinj;<br />

rarely done \ince there we M> nun><br />

Jaaxn. in the company which l.i* 47<br />

members, a* vctl a* apprentice*<br />

Carrabba rus n=J trujo: rule*<br />

throuphoulhi*rwo>ear* Jt SFB. hut<br />

he i* happy aboui the distinction, he<br />

said. "It « wVe lo be rccognt/ed. It<br />

is good ui «e where you're jwiig ami<br />

in see how you progresA from inexperienced<br />

to proficient. It will a!w><br />

allnw jounp *Ja.Tcer». people *rth i<br />

specialty to get good pan*.'*<br />

Me explained that if a dancer fceU<br />

he can do a pan. he can *o up to<br />

Tomauon and tc'l him. and he will<br />

watch him do the part. If he docs it<br />

well, he will be cau. If he it i»*<br />

rridy, he can come Kick after a few<br />

months, after working on it, and eel<br />

the pan.<br />

Carrabba was born in Anacono.<br />

Washington, on the American wdc of<br />

the Canadian border, in 1955. At tnr<br />

age of 13. he took his first lesson<br />

from Dorothy Fisher in Seattle,<br />

where he grew up. He first decided<br />

to take ballet when he »n impressed<br />

by the w?y the dancers left die<br />

nagc. with grace, after ;• TV ballet.<br />

-Cjiiitar S<br />

: Elbctiic;<br />

Besides the b»ilct he saw on TV.<br />

he *.*» impired to dance tiy taking hit<br />

•i^er to rullei ctatw< One day. the<br />

ico* her called him in. isiinp him to<br />

* oxer to the bane and point hi*<br />

NIK. N« tejily Lmmti-p wrut >he<br />

HKont, he pointed Iii* ft»< oi«! rcv.*.vol<br />

«^>h> ami aaht frrm hi" «i*tcr\<br />

».Ij-kvmjicv CjfTjhhj l.keii 'he idej<br />

of people loolkisjt at him arnl hi* levi<br />

ind cinilirmLit hi* tlwHi^hl* lit doi*.tf-<br />

OruntM fir** tlontoi proiev^mjl<br />

1> ut I:ufil .^'n/i f.« kc lor<br />

I lie fir\t lii'W. AIUT iwo jcjrx, ho<br />

lotnai the Dutch NUKIUI Ballet in<br />

the Nubcrland*. hi* lj*u*ite cumpaiiy<br />

in Euiorc.<br />

Although he cnj"»>ed performing<br />

a*! o*rr Europe wuh ihoc three com<br />

ponru, he felt jl'cr live jcar* it WA*<br />

time to return m tlic United State*.<br />

ck. U\.t of ihe companv's<br />

best.<br />

Thii *cason wil! he a "testing<br />

lime" for the new* way* ol Tonuuon<br />

ami a turning point for each of the<br />

dancers in ihe company. As Cambba<br />

explained. "It should be an exciting<br />

season if everyone puts fonJi<br />

100 p«cent."<br />

<strong>The</strong>re i* s better chance ot a successful<br />

*ca*on beca*ue not only will<br />

Tumauon get credit. Th» «eaion the<br />

talented dancers will not he dancing<br />

the parts without the public pal on the<br />

bacV. This year they will get<br />

recognition.<br />

<strong>The</strong>se records mil others IQx tbtm will carry wmrntng lsbek m a mob<br />

of preamrc frcm ibi parcrts' greop.<br />

panicular catrgsry.<br />

"Ak for printing the lyrics. PMRC<br />

it going to have a difficult lime crir><br />

ting words that have been taped or<br />

recorded backwards as in Prince's hit<br />

umg "Dftling Nikki" on his album<br />

Purple Rain, according tu Xennar.<br />

Frark Zappa, rock mm*, producer<br />

and stager. fceK that the record cocrpanic*<br />

only agreed lo the warning<br />

labels to buitd good will bciwccn<br />

themselves and the PMRC. Thtr happy<br />

agreement might influence the<br />

PMRC not to push legislation lo tax<br />

the ulc of home tape recorders and<br />

upci lo compen^le Tor uk\ lo\l in<br />

cuumerfeit copies.<br />

Warning lalcb rlong wnh a phntcd<br />

copy of lyrics on album will be appearing<br />

in record Mores in a month<br />

or tuo. As ft* the PMRC. the*r next<br />

campaign ts against sexual ref-irooc*<br />

und JtmtiljmJ violence on MTV.<br />

What does Doony Osmond have to<br />

say to the record rating situation? "I<br />

think it will draw atteoooa to certain<br />

albums and ptomotc sales of<br />

rcconU... bur I aoi worried about my<br />

own albums because they lack the<br />

language and violence Uut an<br />

popular—therefore I might get stuck<br />

with • C for a taring." he Matrd.<br />

Festa, Miyamoto concert<br />

VMhbt Et. FMU nxl pUltn Ptter Mljrao... poformed • noon no-<br />

Ml m Dtcmbcr 13. MljraiixKa studio it Ihc Su FkwdKo Cocacrnucr<br />

of Mulr and hm phjnd Ibe pUoo fur cfefel jtn. Fall hn pdjtd<br />

tbe rlollu for 12 rttn aod b IIK> mnljlat 1 tbe Comrralorr. For ihb<br />

noon conceit. Mljmmrto pbrtd AoOsoV Ne. 3 In A fla Mahr bj Cbopln<br />

•n) tbe Uut TnmjcmHI EaUt 110 lit F Minor. Fnu ptrfoiuml I7i/<br />

AlUmanJafruK Fmtu No. 2 by J A Bach nd Ibe Third Mmtmnt of<br />

Uu Vblht CWm. ««. I

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