Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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Teenage prostitution:<br />

it's an increasing problem<br />

By Dealt* Heart*<br />

ud Patrick Uv<br />

"li'i Interfered with my relationihipi<br />

wfch men to a certain extent."<br />

conur-wed an ex>rrtntitute on bow<br />

profJtutton hucmotkrfully afTccinl<br />

hct.<br />

"1 had to learn thathaving sex with<br />

a cuttomcr U torvthtng totally different<br />

from making Urn to »omeone<br />

you really care about."<br />

But why do so mar./ young women<br />

and men desire thii kind of life? Is<br />

it supposed to be fur and glamoroui<br />

'and ifflcr lomcthinc that a "stnuxht"<br />

life docWt?<br />

<strong>The</strong>se are torrv of the question!<br />

thai arc currently being ailed concerning<br />

the world s oldest profcuion.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Federal Bureau of Investigation<br />

cites a 20 percent increase in<br />

juvenile prostitution during the<br />

1970s. Of the estimated 1.2 million<br />

she had to fd away...<br />

<strong>The</strong>re rud been a boy she had iiked,<br />

JO she decided to run away with<br />

him. <strong>The</strong>y lived together for three<br />

months in a boarding hotne. <strong>The</strong><br />

landlady had a fancy for the boy and.<br />

obvicuity. the boy had similar feelings<br />

because one night Liu caught<br />

her hoy friend and the landlady in bed<br />

lojcther. Later on she admitted. "I<br />

loved that boy so much, but he broke<br />

my hcan."<br />

A few weeks Utcr she wit getting<br />

off a Greyhound bus in San Wran-<br />

Cisco. She haif decided to come here<br />

to nuke a better life for herself.<br />

A ull, pale man In a fur coat approached<br />

her. He told her thu he<br />

wotJd make her rich and bmotu. She<br />

giggled and followed him out of the<br />

bus station. Later she told a friend.<br />

"I'm savin' my mency. When I have<br />

enough. I'm goia*. I'll go somewhere<br />

I had to learn that having sex with<br />

a customer is something totally different<br />

from making love to someone you really<br />

care about'*<br />

people doa't know me. Chicago.<br />

New York. T b is just for now."<br />

All acrou the United States, this<br />

cycle has beca observed.<br />

<strong>The</strong> number of teenage prostitutes<br />

is escalating, and undemanding why<br />

kids are on the streets b almost as<br />

complex as figuring out how to get<br />

them off. It b very hard to tell kids<br />

who are earning $300 a night to go<br />

to Burger Kiuj and make S3.35 an<br />

hour.<br />

<strong>The</strong> main reason that teiiu^en<br />

prostitute Is for the money. <strong>The</strong><br />

reason for Deeding ibe money can<br />

range fmm a drug addkiton tn supporting<br />

a sick relative.<br />

But money U no longer the only<br />

factor. Some kids actually rave a<br />

misconception about prostitution.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y think of it as something that is<br />

fun and exciting.<br />

Regardless of why teenagers head<br />

for the street, there is a big diff.-renor<br />

between what they find there and<br />

what they expected to find.<br />

Many wind up u. hig cities, most<br />

notWy Hollywood.<br />

A lot of Johns (the men who buy<br />

prostitutes' tertices) on the streets<br />

carry phoney cards and tell youcg<br />

women aad men that they can get<br />

For a prostitute to get out of her pro-<br />

runaways under 18. over half engage<br />

fn prorituioa. and nearly two-thirds<br />

of that number are gtrti.<br />

<strong>The</strong> following view is • composite<br />

of converutfcMM held with several<br />

teen-age female prostitutes:<br />

<strong>The</strong> young woman «•» standing in<br />

front of Jacfc-ia-the-Bvx on Market<br />

Street. <strong>The</strong>re was a glow of light<br />

from the liquor store, and the was<br />

watching the back of the Greyhound<br />

bus station, waiting to sec who got<br />

off the IMM Ifw had JoU arrived.<br />

She sakJ she was 23. but she looked<br />

16. She taid her name was Lisa,<br />

bat toother girl drifted by and calkd<br />

her Terry.<br />

She c that<br />

ihe sorted to prove U him that she<br />

was > wotnjn.<br />

As her Cither relied M her. he<br />

steadily :m*rci»cd lowanJs her.. .She<br />

fell her wornl «taneriaf. She knew<br />

them into movie*, but the only kind<br />

of movies they usually wind up in are<br />

pornographic films.<br />

<strong>The</strong> avrrap: young prostitute feel*<br />

ttut she needs her pimp. To be a prostitute,<br />

one usually lu» a very low<br />

tdf-ipugc. and this image ptoblcm<br />

canwx be solvcj if the U constantly<br />

around someone who belittle* her.<br />

<strong>The</strong> pimp has "psyched" the prostaue<br />

fctn ihinlusf he is the only one<br />

forhf but in telily this is not so.<br />

For • prostitute to e eipeco otheri to iuc<br />

her.<br />

Kenneth Cole*<br />

25% Off with Student I.D.<br />

2078 Unkn Sowf 346-2161<br />

Made Somrwhtn In Italy<br />

Nevertheless, some prostitutes do<br />

have succon stories. Scene have gone<br />

on to find SUCCCM in such careen as<br />

law, mcdici.ic, and itcial work. A It*<br />

of cx-prmtitutn feel as if they have<br />

=n obligation to help others not tu lake<br />

the route they chote.<br />

I'atrkk 1.CT<br />

»nd iknk Jlntrne<br />

Jtvhnm c-MK I nuti J £.*»! home.<br />

•uJ num tucrni*. JM «» J *irjipht-<br />

A *luix*nt in v,hiBit.<br />

Jnhnm uj\ •,!*,« j nuic priKiilutc.<br />

Jnhnm. **tt«n*i>fv\tiHiH»vvjl hi*<br />

real Kk-mit>. f ritt* ut» j\ wrut he 0V-<br />

Mrritv* it% "it l>pujl tecrjper Irmn<br />

;• middlc-cU** I-itm!) " Uui alter tv-<br />

OMiiinj* htwAcd «fi dfu^ J> the JJ.V<br />

of IK. Johnny lurncd ••• pmMilutioti<br />

l»» suppitn hi% ruhit.<br />

B> tlw mnc he *•>* 1^. Jtihnn> ** Jtvl<br />

itn the t'fevi* alm>»*t C\CT\ nijrht.<br />

i<br />

Johnny i» ju%t «tnc<br />

ol itMNitandt til nwlc* *bii Kite<br />

turned it* pfiHiilutim. •'"d c^crv )cjr<br />

ihc number iixfcjv>. <strong>The</strong>y OMIK<br />

Ifimi all t>p>^ t*r fanuttc\. onvinmitwnt*.<br />

and hjtkpnHjml*. Smnc jtc<br />

unJcr-pii*iIv*?cJ. while••thcrvi.-iHnc<br />

( i l Sonic were<br />

ionrif nl |*|jn»MJr. jd^entiifc. jnJ<br />

Mhal they intctpru J* 4lln.i»i*n. One<br />

(ofitvi pfiKlituk- put it ihi% MU>. "I<br />

ne\erdnl it fur the munc} i>rthe%4.*\.<br />

I Ihnif N it vknuld (v cu'din^ and (illiWUnf<br />

lt< Kv- nuking other* tunm. I<br />

ilicL^iii iiv) needed me."<br />

While nule prtMituiiim i» iiwll a<br />

nujitf |Hi»Wcm. ton pf.rjituii»n i»an<br />

c\cn in»re *crto«v vrivi*. Tho letter<br />

itntth*> KIJ* a> jiwnf j% cipht jearx<br />

J ">"mnr:, y insecure ltd."<br />

TL ihc h Mtvvi^ v>» nut j Jifilkuit<br />

tkvi*n»n ftlin;<br />

wiwld fCt nie JIU'IUNHI. I knew<br />

it MJMI'I ihe iliinc >ou OkNild jei tritenin»n<br />

lor. hut it JUM i!idn'i nutter<br />

l.i me "<br />

"I think that's the May it i* ft* J<br />

lot ol Lklv M.K^t vrUom come in-<br />

By the time he was 19, Johnny was<br />

out on the streets almost every night,<br />

selling his body to anyone who had the<br />

monev.<br />

old who v f and<br />

Although nun) think i>f ihc pntb<br />

lem a* imlj rcvxtwly Mjrfxinj;. Kij<br />

prwilumm i\ not a new pheratitv<br />

non. ttoca^hci* I'laim ttu> in Ihc<br />

lfj> AICJ JIIWX-. MK-N pratiHV dale*<br />

g it would be exciting and<br />

fidfilling to be making others happy. I<br />

thought they needed me. " *<br />

<strong>The</strong> fcw»n» !.»r the nvr in pnwitu-<br />

IK«I jre nuiiKnHiv. Toda;'% *.v»et><br />

i\ hj.inj: an inlluencc. Sa>* Mar><br />

lane VtK\. i.iien: v.f\Kirni» i 'dinj|1v<br />

lor Pro^i LUCK (I-i'u Up ihc<br />

Cnnununii> forKid*). **lf«.uMt>itier\<br />

HC«C run out llictr hu)ing children.<br />

they tMukJ nt t< scllinj: We hclicvc<br />

ju*cn»le pn^iajlWm r% a fixm of ownmumiy<br />

child abuvc."<br />

Mck* pn^titulo. nnvJ i>( «hmna*C<br />

fay. arc iiHninj: opt of the clovct to<br />

enter a Mvicty *ncrc twHtkisctuality<br />

tu% bcvimiC an a.\-eptcd 1ifcu>lc.<br />

Such i\ it major rravwi lor ih; incrcav*?<br />

m the numlwr of men uo«k*<br />

ing in the i>Wca prolc*»k»n.<br />

Money K al%*» an incrnti\r. Johnny<br />

staled. "1 didn't like hu Mil tip. but I<br />

hkl ut ti» ututocr I \.\MiU h> Mirvnc.<br />

Prouituttoo . which »« wxnciriing<br />

I ix-\er lud ct>Hjph of."<br />

Despite the m.«ey. nehcr factor.<br />

Ki*v been claimed lo lure >uun;<br />

nulcv. Nfyiy vx paMtinif ion » an of-<br />

Do you rolled comic books?<br />

If you do, would y"ti be<br />

intcrcttcti in huytnp new<br />

cor.iic books at 253 off the<br />

cover price?<br />


R>r more information,<br />

contact Wilson tew<br />


OF COMICS —<br />

m Molimo Dnw<br />

San rranebco. CA «IJ7<br />

But: uS-tno Home: Jit-XJI<br />

Hick tti the jMn ru\h dj>\ in ihc mid<br />

TOJJ). )t"unp hustler* work rur\,<br />

mmic ihciire* jnd ihc *ircctt. <strong>The</strong>y<br />

cm be *ecu viroMin,; ^lonp **kr»a]k.\,<br />

iM*u»lly trying to allure client* Hith<br />

vciual ctHincuiiot*. Sometime*, the<br />

boy will perform hi* act in a or.<br />

Other time*, he'll spend the crui-c<br />

niyht in 3 hold nmen IN* an jpuimcnt.<br />

Nv-vc*i4iclci>t. he ctn he found on the<br />

Mrci*U again blcr that nif hi or cjr1><br />

(he ncil murnini;.<br />

A bay provtituii'tn bu«ine\\ ran<br />

e\rn be carried out in a lophiviicatcd<br />

manner. One ownmon pratnicc invn|%c%<br />

ihc IranArxmatkm of >oung<br />

uoy» from ttttc to vtaic for prmtilulion<br />

rurpovo. A r-o*ilciicr cunuininy<br />

ph(«o\and pcrwHul dewriptwo.<br />

h circulated xnort$ climb. v.ho ihen<br />

nuke their *ekctions anJ have Utc<br />

bay (or Kiy*) shipped to ihon.<br />

"Ever> avpact oTctu'd provlitution<br />

p pj y<br />

Ricky, a l6)ear-«'UwnodccWVdirai<br />

he warned to he a prouitutc **hcn he<br />

wax 12. Ricky described hirmclfa*<br />

? pmsu_<br />

utorina<br />


01 SPEOAltSIS<br />

at YOUR OVM HOUE<br />



(415) 6264165<br />

lo ihc ptclt'rc hecauv: )oonp prouitutc\<br />

think *i* little of tbcnisclvc*.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y (eel ashamed and unlo*.c*d.<br />

That's why they need c\tr><br />

mpht like pwvc\ of ircal are iml) littte<br />

kid*."<br />

IXalrrtp »iui Nxh nule and Nn<br />

pnKiiIutuKi i* nx *irr^iv. ftianj r*.i»pic<br />

prclcr that (ktlicc owKrmraie their<br />

ellon* on *erHHi*crinK~*. miner than<br />

•m\ic!im!r*% crime*-. *tKha*pt»rJilutton.<br />

Alui, mttu complaint* abuut<br />

pn-.uitutioo arc directed at fenuk*.<br />

Rcrubilitaiiiin program* doiyncd<br />

*pevilic-ill) (\H male pnwrtutc* were<br />

vlnvtit t»HV\i-Jcntdunnj: the I97OV<br />

But today there are nurncou* ot»blt\hnxni*<br />

thai iifTer »»vi\Uf>v. Snme<br />

olTer *hclicr. enjoyment prufram*.<br />

eoumding. or other vnico. stxh a*<br />

reuniting prmtitum with their families.<br />

Tr< nutnber of the&c c\ublbhmcnt«<br />

t\ increasiog MI that they arc<br />

readily available to teempc pnHtitute*.<br />

Hul. a* expert* a^rce ihcvr<br />

program* arc only utcveuful when<br />

the provtiiuic* decide when, and If.<br />

they arc ready to >cek help.<br />

"<strong>The</strong> public doeMi'i view male<br />

pnm iiuiii* a* a vtfiou* problem becauvc<br />

piy \ and %r* go r'jnrf in hand."<br />

corrmicrtcd Ricky. "U'\ thought of<br />

m. a machu way of life. For $ iris. it'\<br />

diny and *infiit. People don't realue<br />

what nulc prouirutes go thinwgh.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re** often a *»rxual identi ctrw*<br />

or pfoblcrm having rclationvhip*.<br />

Hopefully, people will uvnn under*<br />

rfarnJ and (i*e ntcmtdn lo the problem."<br />

Tutors are EXPERTS carefully screened.<br />

•MATII and SOENCE our specially.<br />

(We're been tutoring CP l.g.Chem,<br />

Physics, and Otology Lowdl students<br />

Tor yean and we know omctly what lo<br />

do and how lo do It wcQ!)<br />

•We also offer:<br />

-An Other Academic Subjects<br />

—AH fbretja Languages<br />

—Computer Instrnctlon<br />

-Writing and Rodlng Techniques<br />

-Study and Teat laUng Sknb<br />

—SAT and Acfasrmneat Prep<br />

•Wfc are a Smnmer School Atternatin

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