Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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T*tt 14, m Lntrll. Jauaiy !7, tiSS<br />

U • FUTURE<br />

V-'.<br />

Graphic art<br />

By U» Bkttms and<br />

"Graphic an has opcnal an atrnuc<br />

ofcmotknAl expression for me. <strong>The</strong><br />

iTCftcnt abstract art movement,<br />

especially, has enabled me lo frreiy<br />

express mysel f through my «t." enthusrd<br />

Castro Valley High School<br />

scar* Autaada Darnell. Darnell<br />

recently particrpaicd in the 1V8S Otis<br />

An Institute of Parsons School of<br />

Design Summer Program in Lo*<br />

Angeles.<br />

"li'i a Hani pincers w pel your<br />

name oul into the art wmld. I hope<br />

* work as • eommcrcia. anivi in an<br />

au.. *« agency after finishing my<br />

studm. . ' want to go freelance<br />

eventually, c .plained Shtnmck.<br />

In add.tr. n to publishinc a 1986<br />

calendar of i a own wml. he is currently<br />

designing a line of greeting<br />

cardf and t San Francsico State<br />

Urmcrsiry Modern Dance Troupe<br />

publicity poucr.<br />

"Mink Inspires me. lo draw ."e»-<br />

' 'It r s a hard process to get your name<br />

out into the art world.''<br />

Visual art has been the rrxnl Luting<br />

and telling cultural medium of communication<br />

apd continue* to vrrve as<br />

a powerful k-nnuncntary on society.<br />

"<strong>The</strong> (art b that e vuibtc and tangible<br />

work of art isakind of pe""*" 1 ?<br />

*-\ent...Though it b the creation of<br />

tne past, U continues to exist in the<br />

,/rcscnf. long surviving it* times."<br />

commented an historian Helen Gardner<br />

in her book Art Vuouxh the A^n.<br />

From a very younj age. visual art<br />

u an immediate and integral pan of<br />

merican education. No child'*<br />

toy pox U complete without a full<br />

supply ol Crayofctt.<br />

In ictundary school, art breomes<br />

less fundcretiul in the currkulum.<br />

hut art rouncs are accessible for incd<br />

«iidems.<br />

plaiitcvl Shinnick. "Certain songs<br />

audibly ha*e the ume mood » the<br />

mood 1 want to express vivuallv."<br />

This icmcMcr. Advanced Placement<br />

Art History tuts been added »s<br />

a course offeririg at <strong>Lowell</strong> for the<br />

lint time in tit yean..<br />

"<strong>The</strong> student* petitioned for the<br />

claw." said inumctor Nancy H-iyev<br />

"as a result of their e»pciic(vei in<br />

the alter school An Hi«ory Club."<br />

Hayes feels that Art HiMory is a<br />

valuable addition to the students*<br />

ttumanitic* education.<br />

"In studying hmtvf). >> >s important<br />

lo consider wr: ' a society has<br />

created. An provide* piawlcd<br />

about the PKKT. jtnidu eiplmjjm of<br />

pride and confidence *h>ch pcivaded<br />

the aimotphcrc. "Wedid it!" ev<br />

claimed one elated 5 USA member.<br />

"Yeah, dude!" confirmed another.<br />

Fium the Ia)cr\ of imokc anJ<br />

oM'.pop* ihere arov; a \uice. It«»<br />

e Prcsideni of StSA. All *vsilent.<br />

'Good wtwlv. bn)»." he lold ihrm.<br />

"Vcr> good »ork. Bui >ou d-rjet<br />

thing, w" 1 We grfu return *em.<br />

* y*x ain't got rr-uch i:ir.:, vc?<br />

So. let's rrule n vuppy."<br />

"But that's why we gi* pictures.<br />

vce?" he reminded them, pulfir.g on<br />

thick cigar. Ever)*"* wirried into<br />

Yeah"<br />

'Camera?"<br />

•Yeah."<br />

'Film? BaticricV? Flash unit*?<br />

Motor dn.es? Filler.. 1 " he uAaJ<br />

"G«4 a." u| mountj.7 Gjd^ct UJJ;. 1 "<br />

Photography<br />

cairtcn t% framed, the photographer<br />

i\ (ice to begin lo JcMlop hiv<br />

"photographic c>c"<br />

"Vie people have been brainwashed<br />

into thinking that Kodak is<br />

the only way to go."<br />

"It's all here." iruiMed the<br />

photographer. wha«c patience wa*<br />

steadily draining. Alt eye* turned tu<br />

the photographer. His friends Uiwd<br />

proud.<br />

"Action!" dircctci the Picstdent.<br />

<strong>The</strong> photographer panicked. "But<br />

1 forgot now to load the film!'*<br />

"Boo!" uid lome. "Ht«!" u'ti<br />

others. <strong>The</strong>y all went home. <strong>The</strong><br />

photographer was embarraued.<br />

Phctugraphy has been used for a<br />

number of yean in newvpapen..<br />

mapa/inr*. advertising, and ny in*<br />

dividual*, u a \ery effective me*M.<br />

of espicssitn. An almost infinite<br />

number of intcrr. reutions may be applied<br />

to an image, and often ihe sueecu<br />

of a photograph U measured by<br />

its ability to provoke a similar cmo<br />

lion or intcrpreutiun in many<br />

viewers. In men * ax. a phocogrvfc<br />

mijht be called "effenivc."<br />

It b true that the "basics of<br />

photography" are not ns basic as one<br />

might wish, but this in no way should<br />

put off prospective pSntcjrapccn.<br />

Once the operation of a 35mm SLR<br />

A photograph's etlcitivcnc** ts<br />

determined oftin by its cnmp>Hiiion.<br />

In .implc terms, this mum that the<br />

photogniphcr duxHd troctly hnw to<br />

aTainge the objects in hb view finder<br />

tor the mud "effective" picture, »aj<br />

\hzt the final decision caxtminj !hb<br />

arrangement will determine the success<br />

or failure of the photograph.<br />

Obviously, the degree of this wcceu<br />

iw failure b immeasurable, but<br />

ihe beginning photographer *vilt<br />

notice the quaJir of hit pictures u><br />

crca\inj; mm practice. Thb U the<br />

point si *htch the photcgrapber<br />

begins t»i develop hit own style.<br />

<strong>The</strong>n, ol cxw chriose, he sure<br />

to buy K.vlik film and ask for Kciak<br />

processing, right? WRONG.<br />


Michael Scitnaaa. superviior at the<br />

film departmem of Brooks Cameras.<br />

cipbim. "<strong>The</strong> puWic ha been bnin-<br />

*3ihcd into ihmluds At Kudifc h the<br />

cniy way to ^o. Tuey\e hunt ox IV<br />

ho rcalU« that a<br />

very lirge factor in the quality of •<br />

pri'4 b the quality uf the desxlopinc<br />

and printing, otherwise known as<br />

pmccsting. <strong>The</strong> t*uk rub to follow<br />

is, you get what you puy for.<br />

tnvrit jpoke with many profo-siotu]<br />

phdojraphen in <strong>The</strong> City,<br />

nod discovered tliat these<br />

. . 'rcra overwhelmingly<br />

prefer ibe proceaine Krttti of<br />

Kodak. Qrooks Cameras, and Ft*<br />

Phnto. <strong>The</strong>y indicated, as well, that<br />

these services are some of the more<br />

expensive in th- city. >et well worth<br />

the aiklng price.<br />

Tbry alio moauiendetf r*"0 books<br />

in paniculrr for Nrginaing<br />

uhotCftrapben: Photographing with<br />

Automatic Citwros. . * Koi *<br />

- Wortd>op^nc4b«*.and5U;7I<br />

and Ttchniques from KP Books.<br />

iff<br />


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