Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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Fibish takes wrong approach<br />

*'I sec that the balls have become very dirty<br />

again." reports » voice over the IOUL. speaker. Many<br />

In the registry groan. A threat to discontinue the ut«.<br />

of vending machines follows over the speaker. More<br />

groans.<br />

Are such threats from (he orinctpel's office actual*<br />

ly working* We think not. When Principal Alan<br />

Fibish first tackled the problems of litter and waved<br />

punishment* In the faces of the students, <strong>Lowell</strong>ltes<br />

obliged. -<br />

Onejunlorsald "It wasn't that 1 was scared of the<br />

punishments. I don't cart if they dose kit rending<br />

machines, or If wo have to cat in the cafeteria (not<br />

with Slonestown so di*e). 1 Just told myself that we<br />

(the students) were supposed to clean up after<br />

ourselves,"<br />

<strong>The</strong> junior's statement proved true, and Fibish<br />

reported a slight Improvement. However, not long<br />

after tne improvement, he ctme on Radio <strong>Lowell</strong> to<br />

say that the halls were dirty* again. He repeated the<br />

threat of punishments, and this time the groans<br />

coming from the students were louder.<br />

Said a senior, "1 would probably pay attention to<br />

such threaU at first, but after a few days, I would<br />

probably forget my garbage again."<br />

Many students appeared to agree with the senior<br />

that the threats were ineffective.<br />

Yet, we support Fibish's cause. If one looks<br />

around the hallway after school, he can see that our<br />

halls am not exactly like the corridors of General<br />

Hosoltal.<br />

Almost every day* there are ipl'ted cans of sod- on<br />

the floors. Almost every empty locker has vomc form<br />

of debris In it. <strong>The</strong>ru are always numerous potato<br />

chip bags *u J milk cartons strewn along the halls.<br />

Students are aware or the sordid condition of the<br />

halls. Why else do they sit on books, folders, pieces<br />

of carpet, etc...1<br />

Th;re/orc. Fibish is rif-ht in saying thai we have a<br />

major dirt problem. However, he is not right, we<br />

believe, in his method of confront*ng the problem.<br />

Not only do students won forget threats, but they<br />

reluctantly follow orders based on threats. High<br />

school student* do not enjoy being treated as<br />

children, and when they aie totd they can't tuvc<br />

cake unless th«y finish their vegetables, as In this<br />

case, they soon cease to care anymore.<br />

<strong>The</strong> main point U that students should care about<br />

their school — even i' it U over sanitary matters. <strong>The</strong><br />

school should propose a contest of a similar event in<br />

which everybody participates.<br />

Since moit Low'cllltcs enjoy competition, a contest<br />

between the <strong>class</strong>cj of <strong>Lowell</strong> could be effective. <strong>The</strong><br />

Senior Out could be In charge of the cleanliness a!<br />

the firti Jlt-on the ju.Mors could take care of the se*<br />

cond floor; the sophomores could get the third<br />

floor: and the freshmen could take care of tK- t.rea<br />

by the auditorium. Every month, the <strong>class</strong>es could<br />

rotate their assigned ktc&i*<br />

In creating a contest such as this, a usually despised<br />

job, such as cleaning, would be more enjoyable,<br />

and students would not have to be or feel threatened.<br />

This way, <strong>Lowell</strong> would be much cleaner, and<br />

FlbUh would no longer have to use ineffective threats<br />

to make a point. _ _<br />

Disrupted rally offends committee<br />

Dear Editor.<br />

A* student* who were at first<br />

proud to Involve themselves la thir<br />

year's Spirit Week, we are appalled<br />

at the rude treatment we recetv<br />

ed at the ill-school rally in Friday.<br />

Oc^btr 19.<br />

Just minutd after w, began our<br />

ikll for Is, Clan of 1956. wn were<br />

inexcusably tnt^iiiiptcd tty Or.<br />

Flbha. who Incited that the<br />

recitation of the national anthem<br />

wu sufficient cause for breaking<br />

the concentration of our actors.<br />

We we* having 'a hard enough<br />

time at ll was. with all of the confusion<br />

caused by the early arrival<br />

of the uninvited Lincoln<br />

Muxtan*., and Dr. FlbUh ipoke to<br />

our actors during the performance,<br />

ordering us to pause so<br />

tUt all of <strong>Lowell</strong> High School<br />

might recite the anthem together.<br />

TWs Interruption caused e mU-up<br />

in our recorded musk, and we,<br />

•therefore, had to make the best of<br />

the music that wai available to ui<br />

•I IS* time.<br />

<strong>The</strong>n, once again, the power<br />

went out, and tlw microphone<br />

didn't work. In i matter ol<br />

Bungalow invades hangout<br />

Dear Editor.<br />

We. a group of <strong>Lowell</strong> High<br />

students, proteu the unannounced<br />

construction of the "temporary"<br />

bungalow that was Inualkd this<br />

quarter. We realiu that this addition<br />

b necessary to accommodate<br />

students in our over*cnmdcd<br />

school and there may have been no<br />

alternative site for Uwse buildings,<br />

but we arc angered that we had no<br />

•WtsViawll-<br />

say in this decision and were utter*<br />

ly uninformed about the issue. <strong>The</strong><br />

backtawn Is a popular and<br />

populated hang-out during school,<br />

and If the admlnlitration *crc<br />

fonxd to build bungalows In other<br />

equally populated areas, such as<br />

the courtyard, they certainly would<br />

have informed the student body<br />

about the situation.<br />

<strong>The</strong> "back-lawners"<br />

Dat-VYa<br />

Inn Juaaa M*. Gfca ton*.<br />

Aaa Orel* En tan. Mma Haar.<br />

Met las. Junto la. Wia Ian<br />

Ebadk rtosao. SaMi He, Urn fa*.<br />

seconds, the sound was back, but<br />

II really didn't matter a whole lot<br />

because someone had given orders<br />

for the game to begin right behind<br />

us on the foodball [kit), while we<br />

were performing.<br />

Cur question Is Ihlt: How can a<br />

principal who advocates involvement<br />

in Spirit Week activities, ci<br />

peel lo be respected by his student<br />

body, when tils student body rets<br />

involved and receives nothing in<br />

return but humiliation?<br />

Let us grt our priorities straight.<br />

We believe •>••• Dr. plbith. who<br />

told one of n-.ii *a\t members that<br />

the foutbatt vimc was lt> take<br />

precedence over everything,<br />

regardless of how much time<br />

anjone had put Into preparing<br />

anything, needs lo think again, it<br />

In no way makes sense that<br />

students who leel like playing a<br />

game of footbei' should lake<br />

precedence over 3.000 students<br />

who have gathered together to<br />

show pride in their school at a rally<br />

which ha. been scheduled as the<br />

cllmuol Spirit Week.<br />

if we. the<br />

students of <strong>Lowell</strong> High School,<br />

are to continue to show pride in<br />

our school, you must continue lo<br />

support us in our spiril*rclated ac*<br />

tivitlci. and together we must work<br />

to ensure that tncre are no more<br />

bitter confrontations between<br />

students and faculty In limes lo<br />

come.<br />

Spirit Week skit members,<br />

the Class of 1986<br />

Student conveys<br />

appreciation<br />

Dear Editor.<br />

Many students take for granted<br />

what their teacher* have done for<br />

them during Spirit Week. Many<br />

thanks are In order lo those<br />

teachers who let itudcoU out of<br />

their 14/tS <strong>class</strong>ei for the !n><br />

dividual rattle., to those teachers<br />

who let out their morning CUMCS<br />

to that the registries could be<br />

decently decorated, and, last of<br />

all. to those trachen. who put up<br />

with the miWt and hyperacttTc<br />


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