Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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Studeat poll<br />

fcim/twri//nttt pimr II<br />

h* u everyone to shut up. Nothing<br />

n ouvf »ere lot<br />

optaiotsiri about It* BamI of<br />

Sdxxil ant Community Scirire<br />

(BSCS), wkkh ouches over dubs<br />

«nJ ftdr mmhKujf ic-vice projocu.<br />

Forty-frre percent fell satisfied with<br />

*eir rtprcumitico to the BSCS.<br />

pctlapi the quietest of the fair<br />

•jm)\ tovtmvinl bauds.<br />

<strong>The</strong> invenrnent's foar-hoard<br />

system lus pcralicUly tome under<br />

criticism by <strong>Lowell</strong> stutlots, anj<br />

ramy sovemmeni officers hive porirsycd<br />

the goverranrnt is i ion of<br />

four-baded "pnlmi-pullyu" (fcund<br />

in the novel Doctor Uootinlt. the<br />

psshmi-pollyu «i u mythical<br />

muUliie creaiie whose two heads,<br />

on ocfoiile ends of la body, constantly<br />

trkd to move in opaosiR<br />

'til four Iwanli UyinjTi<br />

sc.ve ibeii- o*n interests. «c><br />

cMuplbhing lintc in the proceu.<br />

"<strong>The</strong>xc are ion auny different<br />

'^Dopg, tai to icans iHc there'* too<br />

much righting going oo between difreran<br />

puts of the government."<br />

•*nav& UJCOT Kenneth Prppcr. "It<br />

, jntld be better to have a more cco><br />

["tamed unfcni covcrnrvotrir-a**!<br />

of having toully Kpgrate bra-Khc*.<br />

Kri ooc central council with<br />

On an cquJy dbactir.r oocc. 50 *<br />

of the ^J*rji roponding 10 the puT»<br />

dkl not know wna: office Aviv<br />

Laurence held. Laurence, president<br />

of the LEC (Lowctl'i ifwfcm body<br />

fu-**idcpt), was thocked and<br />

•un.swhat wcrricd Jt>out the<br />

widesprtad ignorance of his posai.ti<br />

He was "quit? lurphtcd" si the<br />

poii'» result and cited tonic nroibtc<br />

probfcrs: "Tbert'i a U:k of com-<br />

maniadoii between student tovere<br />

mem and the culenl bad). sol a Ixk!<br />

of care by the studrnts of tSa!<br />

school."<br />

Laurence alto sunaied thai the<br />

students may not nerd v tnow *t.o<br />

Iheir preside* b. "<strong>The</strong>y should<br />

know who th-u- itcdent representatives<br />

arc. but do the; nrul to koou<br />

who ttcir stodeu tjiy president b?<br />

Do Uuy need u !r «Wc to point n<br />

one person as the war of student<br />

government?"<br />

Several <strong>Lowell</strong> students criticized!<br />

(merament officers' prioritiei, and<br />

a few also felt resentment at the<br />

rrivJeges granted all studcra Involved<br />

in government.<br />

Junior Kent CK'j» thought government<br />

officer* ptod their own interests<br />

before Ihotc rf the student|<br />

body. "It*s not » foYcramcnl." he<br />

comptiined. "<strong>The</strong>y V S<br />

ii to be popular. <strong>The</strong>y doot do<br />

for the bcncfti or the ichool. they du<br />

ii K-jt for the benefit of (henuclves.<br />

T\^ want to look coed aul frt on<br />

teac.wi" food tides."<br />

Juow Eunice Woo doeta'l tdie<br />

•II gn/emment officen devrvc the<br />

privilege* they are grartnl: "A lot of<br />

Kudent tmenvncni U tfulT like planning<br />

pronu. and for that. ofTKrn E«<br />

to pick (clum) llrw."<br />

Fellow junior JothH. Harm.<br />

rmny l-owell sruderft. w;pp.ia* the<br />

idea of itudcnt govemnvm. but finds<br />

it less than umCtctnry in practice at<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>, "ltd be rully good if the<br />

government 1 were super-effective,'"<br />

he c.plaineU. "if the students vote,<br />

on vwncthing. and the pretidenl<br />

l.ha IVnlr><br />

\\ hut UJ\ ihc mi* a"iimt*t.ifl in (he<br />

center ctwdyjrj im IXvc.nhcr IS*<br />

On thjl iblc the v\uril -J\ lh:<br />

MU> of ihc fir>l jnnojl Bturd for<br />

vail Wntcf Fjirc. hcl* 1 fr.Hii tuitn<br />

lhriMj:h Ihc IjtJ aUcrniHHi.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Ijia- IcjturAl N).n:jni/t-d<br />

hy \:.rKNts clubs vrllin^- IHIIK1J><br />

| tlcm\ nnpinc hotzi rocminUt.^hjixil<br />

»\'kic^ tn OinMiius cilt wrjppif.:<br />

rvl d uitlc «4ficiy tit itthvr dimi df«l<br />

yill items.<br />

Il jlvn fcjrutcO cnlcnjiitmcnt vuch<br />

jvcaruhne b> the L»wclKN>ir. Linda<br />

GnxYkM'i ncit> tLincinc. jnd ^<br />

pcrdirnuncc h) Ihc li.'sh.iicn vwj:<br />

pi>«.<br />

"Ttic >4.ic «*&« i nKc aMc:nr< ^l<br />

h>'.l>Ja> aitivilic. " tlccUrr J lecher<br />

SjnJm Iliid. "For a firvl cll.m it<br />

tjmctl out very well."<br />

One frcUinuii ciptaincd. "<strong>The</strong><br />

Winter Fairs \\ * fi"O idea: it r» J<br />

EO»id cluiKC f«r the clubs to ratv:<br />

mnncy. .INK buy srtTfc.ihinj!" .<br />

S^iitir C^mliiu Attcrc/ agreed.<br />

"Il takes the pljcc ornxim 24A t*t+<br />

051 rtowctd Street<br />

San Francesco. CaWcxnia 94103<br />

M15) 777-2700<br />

aren't being rcprcwn:c!," sutcd an anonymous<br />

speaker.<br />

With ihc ever faithful Linda Grondahl't belly dancing<br />

routine and U-.* % 3nct> p of food, the general conscmus<br />

of the paticipantx at the Winter Fairc was<br />

a highly favnraHc pnc.<br />

One source of ar,ui->c.rtcm lo Mr. XiiT. u student<br />

teacher, included the students themselves He noted,<br />

"<strong>The</strong> spirit that thr Lowdliics have is unbclievijjle!<br />

I had heard that Lewd I students didn't have a tcrrifk.<br />

amount of energy, but this really shows that<br />

they do."<br />

"Molly Bolcr (chairman of tlie rvcm) ihcxi!d be<br />

given a pal on the back for the hard work and effort<br />

she put imo the Winter Fairc," stated junto.'<br />

Mtko Small.<br />

According to Carl Kcciig. Winter Fairc will be<br />

hrld again next >car on a Friday fb* <strong>Lowell</strong> and on<br />

a Saturday for the nctphborhood.<br />

... (he general consensus<br />

of the participants of the<br />

Winter Faire was a highly<br />

favorable one.<br />

Jiinor Sandra (Juijuno iitriJc on upbeat tiMiuncnt.<br />

"I tjivc the Winter Fairc an 'A plus.* I think we<br />

sliould definitely hold it every year."<br />

itul irv clubs cun'l vil (t* ii 'nca- ami<br />

) |<br />

p ><br />

S.*nH>r Sctcru Fnp tell irut the fiire<br />

5 ^ 1<br />

that the (Jirc roily brnuyht IWI ihc<br />

hr htld "<br />

Whit senior Tim tt'unham •*ununcd<br />

up hi* impiwton* of the tjirw Ly<br />

"U tea* J liiliilliny and<br />

tudents<br />

how<br />

easonal<br />

pirit<br />

j:t:jt thinp " Vtrtormtn prmnee it pageant.<br />

A* ihi* w,n the firM attempt at ihc ' 'Rijht nu the Winter Fairc i\ ion<br />

Winter Fjiic. llcrc v,crr num much like the Kermcvvc."<br />

errttiMitn. "<strong>The</strong>eucrc uxnehitchet. but f'x<br />

\t » j> 4 Un tif fun. but there wet o the nttt*i part u v>att uell." dcclariM<br />

uxi nunj pa»p!>;." «kl iun»or Jcx*ka U ' v Cjtl Kocnifi. "With * few<br />

Trjvi* change* it will be twice a« good ncit<br />

Juniur Eoiicc Voo cUiinrd. >car!"<br />



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<strong>Lowell</strong> Class ol '72<br />


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