Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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•nitlmtU.Jmaij'17. 1986, ftp 7<br />


Supervisor talks about the political scene<br />

By Dean Pnukkl&ts<br />

Wendy Ndder omot be aotpmrcd<br />

as just • member of 'he San Fran*<br />

ciio Hoard of Supervisor*. At otu<br />

of the Bay Area's most promineitt<br />

n$ur». Nclder his most definitely<br />

* -roed her reputation. Wttti A great<br />

deal of cnthusiaun, *hc tus played a<br />

hmpc4tKn con. In:<br />

computer has beo wch *n aiv-t to<br />

the police department in r^ch^ne<br />

vrimUfU in S*n Francisco "<br />

After • v=ry busy term in 1982.<br />

Nelder wu up for city wide reelection.<br />

Her support had obviously<br />

grown a great deal, bo-sose she<br />

received the most votes in the election<br />

a.4 became presided of the<br />

Board.<br />

One of *c many challenges Ndder<br />

took up early in her second term wu<br />

the problem of the flouridc content in<br />

San Francisco's w*er. Nelder suted.<br />

"It (fluoride) b highly loiic. and no<br />

X~A iui proven that it is safe for man<br />

to consume." FJ-rride wat Tint put<br />

into San Francisco WMCT in 1950 with<br />

the intention of ftghtiug tooth decay.<br />

When it was put into the water, there<br />

was no evidence of iu harms, but<br />

now i: hat been proven to be<br />

dangerous. One out uf every 200 people<br />

has an adverse affect to (louiidc.<br />

and cities with fluoride in lhc : r water<br />

have an auronomically high cancer<br />

N'eldcr says that she is not one ui<br />

criifcize without having rescind *<br />

itptc thoroughly and until she know*<br />

her view is correct. She uul. "I have<br />

a librvy on iluoriJc thai it vcor.-* to<br />

none, and 1 know f am ri^'K.*<br />

Although Nelder has provided the<br />

board with an enormous amount of<br />

;mx>f pointing to the danger of<br />

fluoride and even ih jugh nuny cor><br />

tries like Japan. Germany. Sweden<br />

and Canada and cities like CatifornV*<br />

own LJI Angela have taken<br />

iluoride out of their drinking wa\rt.<br />

San Franciico city official* continue<br />

to ignore the flw .it proMcai.<br />

"Our »a*cr is laced »ith a medication<br />

that we should have the choice<br />

of whether or not to consume."<br />

observed Nelder. Her strong belief in<br />

the matter is evident M she «-in allow<br />

t her family to the nothing but bottled<br />

water.<br />

One of Ncldcr't more rrcrnt pn>-<br />

DOUIS is that of insuilin- pofuWc<br />

toilets in certain ^-M of San Fr*ncisco.<br />

She says th.it these lo*ki» - JI<br />

be primarily UA the ten tn fifteen<br />

tnousand hontctcM in San Francisco's<br />

downtown Tenderloin «r<br />

Mupcndcd tTrtcncc. ami u« hjntJirtl<br />

friwi the t'.S f..« liM-s.-.r Me<br />

willm4 be *1lo»n*:o tint UK VS.<br />

v iititiui r a tc^-ti in the<br />

Hinumjn fiMNhilU the Btupvun<br />

claimed. ' ; never wjm Io return "<br />

Without his gl'iding tight, the commune<br />

ha> been Unnioncd by most of<br />

the disciples. Several member*.<br />

however, have remained to auction<br />

off die commune's poiscuioro indialing<br />

93 5V«' ) .!L RO>CCS to pay for<br />

debts and taxes which amount to<br />

roughly $35 millkm.<br />

the f4ir i if the Utkl im *hkh the<br />

commune rc^tdo tu\ n>n been<br />

; «lf-pnvlaiined gum<br />

of ihcrkh w-hneipou'O "free Imc<br />

and tnc poxl life." UwndoJ the commune<br />

in June IVM1 uhen he entered<br />

the U.S. under tA** r*cten.*c« ft*r<br />

hc^tiih rciuHik.<br />

At tSc time, the pita u» engaged<br />

in a in dispute with the gitvcrnmcm<br />

oi hi* native lra*ta.<br />

Fn«n 'J*c iUrt, the cwmmunc »a\<br />

*>.: cvMc.* of conttmeny. By sheer<br />

tf«rce ol numbers, the guru's dhciptcs<br />

loot oser the town or Amclopc'v<br />

ynvcrnmrpt and changed the mr.e ipc<br />

aticr Pajnech left the ctmiitry.<br />

Although 4(1 ol 4|tnr.i\inutcly 5()<br />

AnlclcTans (ell wren 'be jwru rraweil<br />

i.i. it i> not Vmmn whether tl<br />

will return (it ihci* ft inner homrs.<br />

Tr.cs 1 left in comptatm ot I. ilur<br />

chanc* in their lo*n\ name. 2. the<br />

ttungc in MTcet rumc\ for run*-*<br />

h*Kk>r.ng "Mewed",liwiplev 3. ihc<br />

2-t hour p-itml hj the iown\ ncwl>furmetl<br />

"PCJCC fnice" and 4. tire<br />

commune\ fljmNnjim lilnlvlc.<br />

At the pnrwnt. the Bhagwan i*<br />

rcpnitcJIy citnsidcring huyir; ore of<br />

the Fijun ivlandv since the Indian<br />

gmcrnmem lefused tit renew tourist<br />

viwu for nine nf his lop jidcv<br />

FijUn government official* exprcv«cd<br />

afprchemion mer the idea of<br />

jrxuhcr jniru in the islands; "free<br />

*c\" jjuru Da FrccJu*. * •"'WIIKII*- of<br />

San Mateo. moscd to the islands with<br />

his Mlowrn. after buyirg an tvUnd<br />

from actor Raymond Du«n a former<br />

follower of Da Fnx Joh:. has accused<br />

him and some oThn (Wlowcru of<br />

scvual avsault jnd jivolumary servitude<br />

among nther crimes.<br />

Despite the cuntmscrsy uimMi^tllng<br />

Rajneoh. John, and the People's<br />

BIANCA-S<br />


'•obl'A MiMion Si<br />

San Franriico. Cttil<br />

•p-m-M T». IVnrt «' cannot fnaj w ith tftctr<br />

bhilogicjl families or in the general<br />

pub!i~."<br />

Xrusnrt* noted lh/1 3.0CH amii.iunc*.<br />

nuy ha\c c«istid tn 1**7**.<br />

Conimune* range Inwt rural io ur-<br />

San. cc»m>mw- to rd'piouv. aitj<br />

membcri \rurc all pmvt\«,ier» ^nl<br />

ropunsihililics<br />

/VcconJif.p toAWiMTfi. nk>vt fail<br />

within t'ou' or five )car\ Juc .<br />

ccomimic rcawtns, bti of n^w<br />

recru'U, or the Un.\ **( a chjrunutic<br />

leader >uch a<br />

BEAT<br />

T H E<br />

SAT<br />

K unteuorkbblQ SAT icor M itond<br />

be*w«M vc-j und ">A cdege of<br />

yew choke, we con gro you n.i<br />

doa Upoti.<br />

Our newwr«okin9 notSod OOM<br />

S*»rond cooontiCftOl rtxbol ond<br />

tnolhcnotics driSs to thow you<br />

how ina tetl h octuafy put tootthcr.<br />

We teoch you to idanltlv<br />

wrong choicei. so you con zero in<br />

on thu t\rH attwen. ofisn before<br />

reod*no. the quttikjn inelll<br />

We teve iroined thsuionOt oi<br />

itudent i to beat the SAT ot in own<br />

OQflO. No other service comet<br />

dove to ou- rotufti ond we ore so<br />

coWxieiJ oi ihii thoJ w« pyjrontee<br />

you complete totitfoctKA.<br />

S e S T T E S T<br />

415-398-7745<br />


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