Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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% Marc Badcr<br />

ulM Capitii U cr. ihe IOOM: in<br />

Bay Am irfaob api,t a*, no: sonv<br />

silly crcaturr r.om a Steven Spielberg<br />

film, li'i common name U a loirc.and<br />

it prcscnu a jerinct ptoblcm in<br />

the clauroofm.<br />

"It's a pain without an end." said<br />

one Bay Arcj mt(hcr who had JVM<br />

completed me two-diy task of d>'inletting<br />

her family am! entire houw of<br />

the head lice.<br />

Her battle is put of ihe school districts*<br />

myiimJ treatment for ridding<br />

infected uudcnHtiTtbcvrnpin. Head<br />

lice migrates to iny warm, comfortable<br />

head, making a ho:;* i»ear ihr:<br />

scalp and laymf ..»ky. minute eggs<br />

on urandi w hair. <strong>The</strong>se egg* we<br />

known as nits.<br />

An ftchy head u usually the signd<br />

to Khool official* 10 check for lice<br />

and stid injected youngster* hotm.<br />

With we children go instructions for<br />

pr.ctti lo delouie the child's ruir<br />

vtth syrup-thick shampoos and finetooth<br />

coenbinv. • task thai can take<br />

tevctal houn to several dn» *nd<br />

waally disrupts the entiie family.<br />

IV Bay Area mother had just guoe<br />

through the fumlgatmg ritual for the<br />

second time thh school year. "First<br />

w« shanv>x> the kid'i head anj<br />

everybody else's. <strong>The</strong>n we Mrip<br />

evcr>thin|i — aS bnldir.g. You laundtr<br />

ihcets. btankm. pillow cases, all<br />

the clothes hi the mom. which means<br />

emptying drawers and c Diets."<br />

•*This u probably e«rcme." she<br />

adralTed. "but I can't stand tV<br />

though! of this stufT being ar*r*I. *o<br />

! just do It *'She said she ihcn'incs<br />

a special pcdicuIkiJe sprav lo kill the<br />

lice and their offspring that uc hid*<br />

t den in ftoarcu crevices, around<br />

rta f p<br />

K «* u * CMire HOUK<br />

f s mtho-jt .vying, she saitl.<br />

"It's a tVll two day jci ftw a cou*<br />

pie of people," said the «irmun. *ho<br />

takes time off from work to rid h-.-r<br />

hrvsc and famtlv of the dreaded Ike.<br />

<strong>The</strong> woman estimated the oM to<br />

con.pleic ttc full cleaning at $4*) to<br />

$30. What adds to the woman's frustration<br />

arc (he other parent* who<br />

refute to spend the ttnw or morey to<br />

complete the chore.<br />

"If somebody doesn't do it, tt just<br />

cotnex back." she s*id.<br />

School health wficiaU agree that<br />

head Ike are a iccurring problem for<br />

them because some parents refuse to<br />

admit ft* their prccnos dartimes mv<br />

bc infested with head lice. Ottcn<br />

parents don't recognize the intportanre<br />

of proper treatment and ! kids have had<br />

it nreplc of moishs to *»?p rut\ and<br />

cimbs anJ o»hci tUrm lh.y touch llwir<br />

heads.<br />

Mm! Bay aiea Kbools aliow students<br />

v. ith head lice :o continue to attend<br />

school as long as they arc bcirg<br />

treated. But many scNxil dKtrkts :n<br />

ihe state do not let children back un-<br />

:it they can prciic they arc free of the<br />

(HIS 1 .<br />

Lice anii nit* are mm< likely to he<br />

fwtxj near the uralp. «hcre the ruir<br />

iv thickest, usually behind the can<br />

and around the rupe of the neck.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y K"»* 'f* 01 tnc J nu ll><br />

*'*« *»f<br />

-eiphth of an inch long.<br />

Spring editors announced<br />

[Ici'-inning thK -^tmf wnw^ict /7»r<br />

hmrll ncw>po|vr Cjfl w. i>l he «u.-*E*liliirvin-<br />

Ciicf. nine new page cdiii>r\. and<br />

three retominp oJitorv<br />

Carla Ncwrtxvcr. Ihe airrcnt<br />

>iitof-tn-chicf. and j^rnali*m ad*<br />

vLl the<br />

stotks r*M who Bopped them, copy<br />

dojiirc-. copy wxl pfo^lrcading<br />

day*, the headline days. rtc. cotfal be<br />

id C<br />

Fasliff. the current new* editor,<br />

tbo noced seme improvements he<br />

would lite '•> limtown; in lie up-<br />

ctmtinp I\OK*\. "I Mjrti the pj)X' f<br />

more irfK'ntcd itmjtil> ihe \tMlcnt. In<br />

ihe politic^ sevtion. for cumplc. in-<br />

M.'jd of having ^umiiufic* -•*">ut<br />

•A» lU oent* I Mant n«rv articles that<br />

in\i>!»c^ the Mudcnts."<br />

FaUiff auJcd that he hxpCN 0v k Ic can<br />

always be iinpnived.<br />

Here arc the rca of the editor* sc«<br />

IcctcU by Knht/ and Newmc>er fur<br />

ne« temcucr.<br />

Ncw» Fditor> — junit>r\ Shcrri<br />

Eng. Bella Fong. ant Gilhy Conuay.<br />

Fcauire Ediwrx — %cntor\ Andrew<br />

Lcc and Jenifer Roger*. aaJ junior<br />

Cdote Snllod.<br />

Spom Editur — »cnior Julk Wong<br />

Pol.tia Editor — junior Ann Liu.<br />

Government'Scuder* E\cnt> Eduor<br />

— «nior Lha Pcrtlc)-.<br />

Profiles Editor* — *cn'wr> EVJ<br />

Fesu and Bmy Mcr/enkh.<br />

Entenainnient Editor — junior<br />

5te*c Heuicr.<br />

Irvr-T'^ &1WK — sc*M»r Li«<br />

Woog.<br />

Eog. Fcstt. and Rogers arc the<br />

three returning page ediwi.<br />

ai? 17.<br />

=NEW3<br />

Enterprise jobs train for work<br />

By Stepbm Hraxr<br />

hi d<br />

p<br />

^ing and summer, over 100<br />

high sctfXi! srudertii, jmbucui, and<br />

excituj *hou» tomw pinkulM career<br />

option, descend on -he San ^ranciicu<br />

business, profeuioiu: and medical<br />

comn*4jntp». h«»*r*Tr. uwpi<br />

be «>oly IMX prxr or ihe Fmctpn^e<br />

p«c: ihe ingani/jlt»>o *rr*c% Ur nnwe<br />

pct-p 1 * ihrnuEh 11* Hrfvrelerral *ctvice,<br />

helping 1^00 Muucrt% e*:h<br />

year find pan-tune job*. >ofnc of<br />

ihoc job* are clerical, uich ** olfice<br />

wotk. ami other* are domestic, such<br />

a* gardening, bahysititng. and<br />

hotuccleaning.<br />

lo become eiihcr an apprentice or<br />

vice, a student must submit an application,<br />

alon* with two teacher<br />

.txojivnendatkwis, to EnlcrpriM'. and<br />

then undergo an imetvicw by an<br />

Enurprise staff member. *<br />

A stjJent accepted intu the >*<br />

reierral program b not limply jtiven<br />

a job; raiKcr, be b referral to a<br />

tunable employer and must jtt a job<br />

on h=s titn. Emcrpite tnex to help<br />

student* find the jyfcs they're tool tug<br />

f jr. but donn't hand them job* on a<br />

planer. "We encourage stddenu to<br />

uke rctponiibiliiy for their cmf4oymem."<br />

writci Chuck Swea, Enterprise<br />

director for job rtcvclopnicrt.<br />

In I9R5. 30 Umrll stbdenu gained<br />

admittance to Enterprue'i apprmticuhip<br />

program. 12 taking pan in<br />

the particularly competitive medical<br />

apprenticeship program. Medical apprenticeships<br />

arc offered during the<br />

summer only: they involve seven<br />

40-hour weeks on 'he job. and pay<br />

S500.<br />

Medical apprtTticc* consider the<br />

program quite intensive, and many<br />

gab experience witching and even<br />

assisting a doctor duritf surgery. Tic<br />

degree of apprentice participation<br />

varic* whh the supervising doctor.<br />

believes her atprmitxshtp under Dr.<br />

Judith WisResh in, a cardiotogiM. wa<<br />

uncommonly cnlichtcning and b now<br />

mure hesitant about her Licmf in<br />

medicine than she waj before thb<br />

summer.' "IV apprenticeihlp showui<br />

me » hat it uke» to be in rredicinc.<br />

It really made me think ahout it. All<br />

those yean nf rnedicJ) school. your<br />

imemUup. your residency, and more<br />

Khool if you want tc specialize.<br />

When I go to cnlhre next >tar, ii will<br />

be like starting in kindergarten<br />

again."<br />

Hlgashi. during her rpprenticeihip.<br />

aisisied her -Joctor is research and<br />

helped r^curd surgeries In the<br />

opcratins room. Other medical appreoticrshipi<br />

available involve only<br />

research, and some positions are also<br />

available io folds Ukc physical<br />

thrrapy and veterinary medicine.<br />

FrancH Chu. aLo a <strong>Lowell</strong> senior,<br />

chose to s« .T as a law apprentice ia<br />

the offices of Bruce W. LUknthal.<br />

Chu b interested in law as a career,<br />

but also potentially as a "springboard<br />

to polUical office." His apprenticeship<br />

helped show him something<br />

f-f both taw and local politics.<br />

•'I've always been rnteroted in hw<br />

1 'My apprenticeship showed me<br />

that law is a lot of paperwork, but<br />

the rewards are still great, like<br />

getting the feeling that you *re actually<br />

helping people who are in<br />

trouble, and being able to keep<br />

some sort of order in society.''<br />

<strong>The</strong> program can be invaluable to a* a career, because I fee) the Asian<br />

Mudei^s iMcrevtctl in medicine, community would bciteitt fron hav-<br />

believe* Sally Mitchell. HntcrpriM: ing DO, t law.- wld Cno, "My<br />

App*rmkc*hip pntgrtm rrutufcr. .ipFrvniicW'ttp showed me that Law t*<br />

" Y«HI may ihiiiL >ou ***rw u* he a * lot of rwpi'rwurk. but the rewjni%<br />

.IOU.H. Nil >»fi doni lw«* »hJi «'* utr will frex. hVc geninje the fwl-<br />

like ti» he a oocior. Ii help* inrfnen*tiu'n: jctujlly helping peo-<br />

vhen >»xi ic*» '•» ctrflcge to know H/IV ple *rx< are in tnxiMe ind hctnt; jhlc<br />

vou're iitterLiied." she lUlcJ to keep Mwnc sum of orUcr in Mxrie-<br />

irtmtc^ll). an apptcnticcihtp exty."pcitctwc tan alio icrve to show peo- "1 wa* al\n rxpowd lo a lot of<br />

ple tfiat they're not at interested in a Community leaders, and it gave me<br />

particular career a* they once a chance 10 Ulk with attorne)^. fin-<br />

believed.<br />

ding out ho*v cliiscly my ideas mat*<br />

a participant in ihc job reffiral %CT- Julie Higashi. a Lowet* senior. ched thein." he added.<br />

Writers win journalism contest<br />

By Raymond Louie<br />

Four <strong>Lowell</strong> maknt* were wimen<br />

IaM mowh in the Invest-in-America<br />

Prc\» Conference Competition held<br />

fur Ray Area high school newspaper<br />

liAnn* \ki, Kerln Coemt. C«Urj Couway, and Ann Ui are sturtcot Jom •<br />

nausls »bu wen rewarded for their rrporitet sUOs By the Irmd-bi-<br />

AuHf lea nmtfora.<br />

staffs and journalism students.<br />

SoptKxrorc Joutnalism 1 student<br />

UAnne Yu capmrcd second place,<br />

sophomore Kevin Cheng, also in<br />

Journalism I. took the special priM.<br />

juniors Cathy Cooway and Ann Liu<br />

KST<br />

both won honorable tnenkm. Conway<br />

and I>| ate currctcly on the staff<br />

for Thr Uynrtl newspaper.<br />

Al Ihe pre» conference Ihe students<br />

were gives the opportunity tn interview<br />

Btnbah Smkh Catcv. a lormcr<br />

Trustuer cf Ihe United Sutes and<br />

later submit articles cased upon Ihe<br />

question and answer session.<br />

All of Ihe enlilej were then judj-<br />

«1 on urricritinduig of journalistic<br />

style, clanry. and accuracy of "'•> eai-tari<br />

rcpoctinga<br />

<strong>The</strong> cvr;al) fc: pUee winner »aj<br />

awarded SIOO. the!»» suoud olaa<br />

wituers were awarded $50 rath, and<br />

the three third place winner* wvrc "I didn't expect it, definitely!"<br />

gt*rn SZi each. Also ibe tvx special chimed Cheng. "I did tit? anicic<br />

prize winner was awankd S40 and b.-cauvc 1 juu »anied to *cc what it<br />

c.tcri of the 11 hoporahlc mcrjion WM like. 1 have nc-^cr written an ar-<br />

winner was given IIP.<br />

tick hefore."<br />

Are you<br />

smarter than<br />

your SAT score?<br />

Probably. E«n a case afthe<br />

a^ks ran fiSect'your score<br />

d b f t P b<br />

e o r y t O Y . Y<br />

KaptniiteaoldiiB lechnkjues<br />

endpcoiealonalcrtYWInnalrxograrns<br />

have helped ewer KXXXX3<br />

suxknatga rrody far ** SAt<br />

Many r^-vc snemtsed Ihflr scores<br />

15a iOd as much is 2S0 poins.<br />

CaS :o. k may be Your smanesl<br />

muvcyet.<br />

KAPLANc<br />


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