Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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7V imO, Jmuay 17, I9S6<br />

NEWS.<br />

School drug<br />

problems increase<br />

By Com Crbcni<br />

Drug abuse n a growing proMcm<br />

arorod the <strong>Lowell</strong> campus this year<br />

accordiif Srutfcnt* Jaroci<br />

rhanu.<br />

"It's a problem that tuu been<br />

amund for some time, bul we are<br />

now recognizing it and coming to<br />

terms with it." added Principal Alan<br />

Rbwh.<br />

Students limply have easy acm«<br />

to illegal suhttanccx. One u*er. student<br />

H. noted, "It's really nuy to get<br />

them (drugs) if you know the nght<br />

people."<br />

He also died tune of the joing<br />

ratca for popular drup: a "quad,"<br />

or * quarter ©fa gram of cocaine, can<br />

liven ihem up to ilat you can have<br />

some fur.."<br />

Ftbith cvpUined that he ami<br />

Thomas muM deal with ibn*c stedenu<br />

caught while under the influence of<br />

an Illegal tutnuncc iuu<br />

talc on topics that arc of inkiest, out<br />

arc often overlooked."<br />

All newspapers are railed from<br />

first through fourth place. <strong>The</strong> Ltmrl'<br />

was worol as a first place nempaper,<br />

and was then awarded the designation<br />

of "Medalin." Much is the tfesignatkm<br />

of the brtt of t.ie fint place<br />

paptn. Fewer than 10 pecent of<br />

tltosc yapen whict. are of first place<br />

^landing are tamed Medalists.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Lmrtl was awarded 948 points<br />

of a possible 1.000.<br />

Thin U the KCtmd consecutive year<br />

that <strong>The</strong> LPWH! has been awarded thu.<br />

highest pouiblf ranking.<br />

Tie newspaper was sW. awar<br />

three out of four risible Al(<<br />

Columbiiin honors, in content/covtrijtc.<br />

writipg/editing. s.»d<br />

creativity. <strong>The</strong> only area in which it<br />

did not receive thu honor was in<br />

oesicnUiipby.<br />

Journalism Advisor Raym<br />

Kohu stated tl-: merit cftlib award<br />

». "I: give* the *taff an tdca of how<br />

ihc paper ttack* up rationally. When<br />

we pi up agaih^t hundrcU* of pipers<br />

and con* cut on lop, it five* a gd<br />

induratHM of in»f «KCC*« **<br />

Ki«hu bcl*r\e> one rcawnt <strong>The</strong><br />

hntrlt u pznkriJariy Uroofi it".. JO<br />

mjny anm arc ctivcrctl in nur paper<br />

For example. I have nc.cr wen<br />

jixMhcr «chonl pjf.T whK'h h<br />

politic* ictlionav Thr IAV+IIUV-<br />

Mentor Teacher Program<br />

strives to improve education<br />

By Marina lfelcalo<br />

lX**i(;nc0 to enhance and expand<br />

the txt-cUcncc in oJucation. itv San<br />

Frsncuco Unifiol Schrol tjturivi<br />

(SFl'SDr. under the date guideline*,<br />

hai euabliil-i] the Mentor Tcaclicr<br />

, created by the Gduon.u<br />

C c . Senate XV\ V.\ (SB KI3).<br />

Presently, there arc ?0 rcgbUr<br />

mentor tochcrk. and 38 one 'JITTC<br />

special mentor teachers.<br />

Serving a* s reward and tt» provide<br />

if*centi>c. a stipend of 14000 ((bt th?<br />

I9SS-86 year) b offci c' IO the Mmiur<br />

Teacher candidate.<br />

<strong>The</strong> DKttnr teapther** functwn n to<br />

provide bMtnxtiooal suppoit to beginning<br />

and experience] leathers, in<br />

his respective tubfcct and grade level.<br />

However, brfon* b teacher can become<br />

a mentor teacher, he/she roust<br />

meet the SFUSD's requimneus.<br />

A teacher must<br />

— be a ncdemiakd clauroom<br />

Kachcr with tenured statut, kinder*<br />

janea thmur> twelfth grade.<br />

— ha>e substantial rscent experience<br />

to ctassroovti instnictKxi.<br />

— have shown cxceUent tcachiag<br />

abiliiy. iodkacd by enecmt eunrooaication<br />

skills, Inowlojge of die subject<br />

RUtur. ind etTective teacher<br />

stiaargics occeaiary ta meet i»ie needs<br />

of snuicMs.<br />

If these requlremenu are met, the<br />

teacher, if he wishes to hestme a<br />

menux- teacher, nominates* hirudf<br />

and submits recommendjtions from<br />

ststhnts. administrators, and efher<br />

teachers.<br />

A vonrmittce coostnin^ of sevtu<br />

people; four loeben anJ thrc- admlni&iraton<br />

fnm difTemu schooli,<br />

sdect the mentor teachers.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re are throe different committees:<br />

one for demehtaty, middle, and<br />

<strong>The</strong> cixiimii^x muM thini; c^aw m Jnnf><br />

tcmuter of IW6. Tliey are Ihc rcj(iverutM made in the (all or 14(2.<br />

Dr. Roben Aliolo. forme<br />

( rcoo^nued the Itinita'<br />

of the small library and ptopok-<br />

Meyer Library. <strong>The</strong> current<br />

Periodical Kuom, the libfi.uni' offie*,<br />

and the Meyer Room will he<br />

moved to the new space provided by<br />

extending the library into the frw*<br />

courtyard.<br />

<strong>The</strong> construction for (lie additioa of<br />

two new bungalows iw already<br />

tuned. <strong>The</strong> propovd d»c ia start &-s<br />

construction was November 1.<br />

However, according W AjUsunt<br />

Principal Glorki Oofdanoff. il* digging<br />

a.kl laying cf tlv foundation* JCtualfy<br />

began in n>id-Novembct.<br />

Although the mostrucion was<br />

KhutolodlorodnnDcccrcbcr I. the<br />

buogaVms will probably not be rrariy<br />

until the spring semester, according<br />

to Bojdinoff.<br />

<strong>The</strong> twn new bungalows a/e bcins<br />

insulkd next to tbc old T-roomt next<br />

io the faculty parking lot.<br />

Impctui for dc adiition or the<br />

l wai the ipacr problem<br />

'We squeezed students into every possible<br />

room, but because of the nevv<br />

schedule, we have rim out of rooms."<br />

Robert Campbell. <strong>Lowell</strong> librarian,<br />

noted, "Previotttly, there were >ug«<br />

(,c** ions by the faculty committees in<br />

the 60*1 that R *bn. IU*t*Uiuilf rn*ni itut<br />

:)**:« i mn h«lnp bcld in Uw s,try«r<br />

Library, in ihc ROTC room, in (tie<br />

audiUmum. and even tn UK foyer of<br />

the xwltiiiiium.<br />

<strong>The</strong> new temporary c>a« n ***> * x »" """<br />

develop mcthi»J» r»f %hjnnp infonruturn<br />

with other Icachrn. Granucii<br />

nmal. nowcici. ihat wnc teachers<br />

rmy nrt apprccute boi.-j[: (o'd how tn<br />

tc*:h try their pcer>, despite ihc.r<br />

noted cicellcnctf.<br />

Bcouu: n( ihu aspect (ir^niKVi<br />

fccU the cmpnaiis of the pn*jram<br />

>!iouk! focm ujnterpa.-u.<br />

"<strong>The</strong> kiea behind it :* vcr> j.xid,<br />

to rccpf ni/** excellent teachers and<br />

reward them," cuntinued Granucct.<br />

Prteitf r\, Kncver. commented, "I<br />

rl'ink u«* it itiv- Tientor teacher ttSMgiimen*)<br />

more as an cxtr* job than as<br />

a sijn oi reccjnition."<br />

<strong>The</strong> Mentor Tcacbci 'rojtaniha*<br />

been e«rthlishcd so the excellent<br />

teacberf of the SFUSD and other<br />

school ttisincu cm shame tL^r *t>c<br />

cessful teaching mctho4s In other<br />

teacher* **i order to increav i ^c quility<br />

of education in die uw.<br />

Not all teachers who are coo&idcro]<br />

cxtxlkm are required i>> become<br />

mentor teachers if they dou't destrr<br />

to do so. For ihi* reaion the $4000<br />

incentive U rffertd.<br />

xll Forctnio Team.<br />

IJM month, the Forensic* Team<br />

ptrticipQta. 1 in nan> ti-wniamctit« and<br />

produced a uxjt of more ttun \$<br />

fitulips and wmifiaittM%.<br />

Al the Bill of RtgSlo Contest held<br />

on December 14. senior Dean<br />

Poulaktdj^ itvde the finali. If he is<br />

declared a wilier, he will receive<br />

S750<br />

Senior Franctt Chu made it to the<br />

lemi final* in the *ame competition<br />

ami won SM).<br />

Al*o during December there was<br />

a toumamral futuiing Lincoln-<br />

DnucUu d^Ki'es and team debatn.<br />

A kani debate comhtt of two or<br />

more people t-pjinj about a ccruin<br />

iuue with another tea.n. Thr winner<br />

nf Cte dcba*e t\ the tesm to nvni »ucc»*ivfjlly<br />

defend ilt position on thj<br />

nuc.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Lincoln-Douglas debate<br />

features individ*Mls und not teams.<br />

At this particular dchalr. Jeff<br />

Lawrence, senior John McNulty. and<br />

jatiion Stephanie Lau. Christina<br />

Cham u.M Patrick Tse reccivtd<br />

trophies.<br />

Followuif the debate, there was a<br />

Congress held at Saint Ignatius Cat*<br />

lege Preparatory School.<br />

A CO^S.T\S is an »-'ew molded<br />

after it* Unitrd Swea Cong.-css. At<br />

thi» cAxnt. people arjue why a BSI<br />

should or iboukj not be pasted<br />

At this particula? tonjiws, icnlor<br />

Steve Kaha »nd junior Ted Ccwta<br />

received plaques.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Forensic* Team aha did w-U<br />

m the oratory tournament held Kf the<br />

Chinese Amcncan C'ttiaa AMiaisee<br />

tC-VCAi. <strong>The</strong> UKinuwent i» hcU f"f<br />

Chtncv: jjudcntN unl>. and out of the<br />

five <strong>Lowell</strong> V'Klcnt* who partk-ipjied.<br />

fiMir wcic victn.wui.<br />

<strong>The</strong> ttjunumem **x* k mnJ place<br />

it tl.c senior seainn. while senior<br />

Rolands Crm took fourth place.<br />

A; the begirmtnf of winter vacation.<br />

Lawtcncc and McNuti> par-<br />

*ktpated in the Lo>ola-Rnfland lournament<br />

m *x* Ang«lc». Tl»» is a<br />

tocnumcn. ir -^hich students from ad<br />

over the country come m compete ia<br />

various on&mcal events.<br />

Although neither Lawrence or<br />

McNulty received any nwards. they<br />

fcii (hat it WM a "rewardirq; ev<br />

pcrtencc."<br />

<strong>The</strong> last mzjor toumameat ia which<br />

'he Forrnsics Team panicrpared was<br />

at ihc Um^cnity of Pzcific This<br />

tournameai has many different<br />

event*, wxne of which are dramatic<br />

interpretation, oratory and extern*<br />

poraneoc* speaking.<br />

Sertxxt Robert MoUosi acd DkJre<br />

Atkimco competed tn dramatic interpretation.<br />

Mullosi advtnctd to UK.<br />

finals and won third place while<br />

Atkinson achieved icmifinalist<br />

d<br />

Sopbomore* Peggy Kohn. Ctelo<br />

Cercto. and Lyn^y.v Caks* were<br />

oratory finalisu, L.-d l-awrtnc was<br />

a finaliu in cx'euiporancour<br />

ipeaUng.<br />

"I fed that the team U really<br />

together, and it shows wbrn tc win<br />

our competitions." Lawrence<br />

mrrlmVit.<br />


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