Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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Ambiguous sentiments<br />

over early Scramble Day<br />

"!wN*nihlc D.i\."' thUscmcMcr. tij*;-jjl!y lived<br />

tip lo it> name- Students ami faculty were surprised<br />

thai st*lf-pnr> scrieMcr tool*<br />

place in nih!-December.<br />

Scheduling c»av\cs right heKKc Christmas vacation,<br />

who hruU were more ttun 4 month am;}.<br />

sccmciUulAjiJ. Hii.sevcr. whai wu- really mind<br />

N^glinp w j> aimnj: Kick ut s«.hiv»l to find \uur<br />

sclicduic ui cturpletc s.Vm S> whetljl-<br />

«R later in the jcmoici <strong>The</strong> San Fr.inciH.-it Unified<br />

School DiMiMl (SFlAPl m;ior:u.utel> wised up<br />

and rauj-hi u\ h> ihc e.trs. P,-t i"» >ct<br />

jtxtihcr •Sidt* cftccl" »•! ilu* infjn«»u-. Sb X-I.V<br />

In the l-r.c nl'vuch dcnumlv b\ ihc SFl'SO. Xitc<br />

vlkiiicv Icli i.t v.hi^'l at!nimtv.'r.t|i»r\ W.:P: niin.Mul<br />

One «a-. i» >intj>l; ;i%\ipn .i m.-iipjur i«» d»» all "f<br />

the -thi-Ji'L-v In tiii»CUM.-, vludenis vn:o!d hiivoaS<br />

Milui'.'ly Mi vis rinv \»j\ oil.' Ml ihc question<br />

hccji.se. . fMiuinrmei.u.<br />

<strong>The</strong> wiirtul liouc WJ^ t» v;halule cvcrvcnc in<br />

IIK- sjiiv *a> a% ihc pu*HHi^ sci.ioier. Thi> meant<br />

ttut Mmftrts Mould hi\c had lu carry th»t%c<br />

intuhlcMHiic ittfupuu-r -.jrd' along wih their iiwvnshcetv<br />

ITwj- u,«,!d Itur tu\c in Itmj i.tic in each<br />

liincihi.} »ipn«.t'. into acla\^. Tltc pntbkmuith this<br />

IN Itul il UiVo jtis> ah-Kj: the :*JIIK- M) days to correct<br />

ill ill* 'he misplacement ct catds it'jt i.<br />

Sclicdulinj: eaily >cents lo Im; solved.! number<br />

n( iihvr pri4ilv'ins of the pjM.<br />

To itie n •pecifc. example: for the pa\i 11 tree \e-jr.<br />

ihcrc hjshcen i certain "student V' nhoh-isiricd<br />

lo rv-.it \\y. s\\u*ni. "Sind.-nt \" \iyti\ up lor I'-:<br />

normai M*. c'awes. bu: he iu\ repealed!) and convcnienlly<br />

f.iflt-diotu:n inhivt* n'niiicr card for the<br />

last claw of the UJV. av.urin^ an early distntwal.<br />

"Student Y" clicaN ir; }ct auoilvr uj\ U< sipns<br />

up lor only llircc cla\sc\ and ttirns in ;in (ncn'iipLie<br />

proyrytn For one month "Muileni V gels a«.i><br />

wiilt luiMtij! or*.l> three CIJSSCV<br />

With this neu s%stetn. (here vkiltbctniK-t"^j(- 'i<br />

.ill ihc Mudcnts wfio tnrd lo i*; MTurt. S:iou* ttv_v<br />

heurn the ne» *emtfster<br />

Unt'»rtuiui-.*i>. the new pol:c\ is not ,• h.-J »>(<br />

r-tscs. llcsldjs the »MLv%a(d tttnmj!. thcte .ue odicr<br />

prnblenis (Jne is tfic piojilem >>l lasi-:iuntil r<br />

IJIIUICS. S^'itK- sfJdcnN si.;n tor the tu:\l <strong>class</strong> in<br />

.•rder "I M.*t|iicrwe only io in»tl IHII ih.n tlv> tailed<br />

Mml h«**o i«» fcrvjt the imifM. 1<br />

Scheduling early seems to have solved<br />

a number of other problems in the<br />

past.<br />

ttcivihcii led im» a computer v.lm-li in'urn rcl.->cd<br />

•dl the inlormalt.m to a toi^r cvmiputcr ot the<br />

srusn.<br />

For ihc dumtion of this period, theic v>z\ literally<br />

w way of keeping track "r ihc whercaNtut- ol<br />

any >iut'cnt at any gi*cn tinw. 11K «nly way was<br />

through the gr«aJ:rci\. but hjviny io dig out M*mc«nc's<br />

program wa\ often \cry tntpnciicsi.<br />

<strong>The</strong> law «*ics that *chi»iK are rc%ponsib!c for<br />

p»ciy Mudcnt frnn ihc iirr; K Icas-o h*\ hnnw un*<br />

lil .hey return Tht|*s bv-M<br />

.lcrest arc the Mudctils* K*st inteiesis."<br />

Il is not Known hy the ad mi niM nil ion whether or<br />

not Ihiv will he a permanent Mtuat'on One administrator<br />

-iidibatnmJiinyKfore\ei. Twoorthax*<br />

weeks into the semester. ihe\ will h.*;e io look a!<br />

what they've cot*: and evalujie it.<br />

Vt« hmtil. Jaauar/17. !QX>. far?'<br />


Question man<br />

How would you<br />

rate yourself<br />

from<br />

one io ten?<br />

Un Lncr K607:1 rUr ntysdf a nine.<br />

I'm imenruinp. crajli\«. v*l h»ical-<br />

Iv irtcliipcw. I have t lew flaws, but<br />

n«tirufi>. lit a v.<br />

1 uand abu\e them all; I Uvk down<br />

«KI t*4.->n and Uufh. I'm aMe to Leep<br />

ir)*clf untouched by inunpiih *cu."<br />

urib I'jllik K6I5: "A tuixr<br />

re tv jt^»jj% riHMtt ii«r unp*n»c-<br />

Food schedule<br />

starves students<br />

!t ha* become increasingly difTtcult for Mixlcnts to find<br />

a place io purchase food \ f Otctr free muds jrc 14, 15.<br />

or 16. Doth the cafeteria nil the Deanery close after mod<br />

14. <strong>The</strong> vending machine* h the ROTC ncm are not in<br />

operation until after rnod 15.<br />

Students complain that it is difficult to get to the vending<br />

machines in the girls* locker room und that ttex:<br />

machines arc often net of snacks acd soft drinki.<br />

Students say that the machines arc not available until<br />

after lunch mods and that tncy cannot get the food * stu*<br />

dent who needs change...and no clunge. no foot! TriRn<br />

the machines.<br />

<strong>The</strong> vending machine* on the second floor are situated<br />

between a <strong>class</strong>room and an outside door, a dour which<br />

is often shut. <strong>The</strong> machines C4i this floor carry only candybars<br />

and sofr drinks, cot • vrry «atisf«ctory titenu for<br />

somccm who may have had breakfast »i early u five<br />

hourt prior to the lunch moils-<br />

<strong>The</strong> cpcnuiig wchcduk for ihc yxpii^. nuchin>*s needs<br />

to be i=vbcd to be more convenient fuf the Mudenu.<br />

especially those who cannot avail Uicnuclvcs of the<br />

cafeteni and bsaoety which they find cfo«cd during their<br />

free mods.<br />

Jennifer FonUnilLi M12: "A *•.««<br />

because I m«Jc ii into <strong>Lowell</strong> ••KJ<br />

luckily. %U1 sndaatc, MJ I tvvc the<br />

swetiat friaut ttui anyooe cotiJd<br />

ha>T .. irxf one of them livt» ever<br />

3.000 miles uoy. | kwi three pwinti<br />

from the maximum of ten because I<br />

wwn'l able lo maintain the omJoi 1<br />

"-iWed u>!"*<br />

* ChraYeArcinlU01:"AnII ...'m<br />

H% Tn»d. J SrliMan. me of .he gtcalui people I know.'**<br />

John HoU 8M15 »ml Jt»h Tbajler<br />

SUOI: "A !ffl becaute sopobomorei<br />

are «lwa/i un!"<br />

Teacher<br />

apologizes<br />

To the Editor:<br />

In Ihf Lmrll of December 6,<br />

19ftt. I was quoted in the "Question<br />

Mm" column It has come to my afleotnm<br />

that my rcqxxse may have of -<br />

fended K*nc rcadcn ot <strong>The</strong> UmttL<br />

It *\\ ccruinly on my hxxet» of*<br />

fend anyone, if indeed 1 did. U1 h*ve<br />

iJonc >nrthins for which I ihould<br />

apologue. I hereby do so,<br />

MetnhanJ Schuii

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