Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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m<br />

it 37% of student body supports LEC<br />

""""*• 7ft# Le*tU Student Govrrnnwui Kit I *^ XX<br />

SAB1<br />

i v • Yo 43% No 57%<br />

iJ^mor<br />

bofc (LkC. BCO, BSCS<br />

3; 'IJ9C Doth* offlcUl voice ornthknl bodT.cortUmtJbcdiri.coof<br />

vB-<br />

Volume 164. A'umoer 4 Lomtll H'gb School, San FranciuW. CtMortils 94Ui January 17. 19St><br />

Berkeley<br />

to hold<br />

'<strong>Lowell</strong><br />

Day'<br />

By Jason Mintx<br />

<strong>The</strong> University of California (UCj<br />

/.lumni Association Iw* begun<br />

preliminary pbnninp for a "<strong>Lowell</strong><br />

Day" at the Uniwrsity of California'k<br />

cainput jt Bcrkctey. tcntatiwly<br />

scheduled for NU> 19S6.<br />

"<strong>Lowell</strong> ftay" will focu* anmtion<br />

on ihc outtiandinf conthbutiorn nude<br />

by traduates ofhoth Limcll and VC<br />

Berkeley and wc<br />

cooperation which ho* canted bet-<br />

%xm theic two public inuiiuiionv<br />

ow* a lifruTtcam period of lime.<br />

* <strong>Lowell</strong> Day" rill be advertised<br />

Ua cwHc, and invitations will be ex-<br />

(ceded to the Lowe11 faculty,<br />

members of the Clsu of 1986 whu<br />

are. admitted to Berkeley. L.»*cll<br />

Sraduaiesat Berkckv. and alurmi of<br />

both school*.<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Lowell</strong> Berkeley rctatiumhip<br />

has flowered recently. uy% Principal<br />

Aim Fibiih. Each year, ibe Univertity<br />

hor-M t itx best undergraduate «•»•<br />

de&l. ctd in I9S4 that student MO a<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> eradiate. "Once every four<br />

or five years.** adds Ftbhh, "a<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> student is picLcd."<br />

STbe two Khooh maintain contact<br />

b>'meeting "fomulry and informally"<br />

about si\ timtji per yea-.<br />

^Fibtsh. who was invited to tpcak<br />

« *e I*** tnduiuon of Berketey's<br />

Scfcji 1 of Education, u ewitcd about<br />

^LowtU D=y" and locks forward to<br />

C became of the ttnusolly utecevful<br />

n^ionsbipthctwoscbooliruvrendnred<br />

bw the yean. He noted with<br />

pride, "<strong>Lowell</strong> High Scbcwi has been<br />

teir*eroiicbl#Khoolfecutrlt><br />

bodi the Uorrniiy of Califorala and<br />

WBtriefcy tiW- many vcjrs now."<br />

lumored<br />

Principals<br />

cite<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong><br />

excellence<br />

By Grgi Kau<br />

Noted for winning academic<br />

anlt. Lontfll hx\ triumphed .mcc<br />

apatn. On the weekend of Nmcmher<br />

21-23. ihc Califi>rnia Principal**<br />

Conference ««n Academic Euxllencc<br />

in Effective Schools awarded Un.cll<br />

e Caltfofnu Pitncipii'* AwsrU.<br />

"Appmtimatcly 1P0 KhoiiU *erc<br />

mrcd a*, ac^deniicjlly excellent<br />

hooU. LIIMCII »a\ imc .4 them."<br />

stated I'ttncipjl Aljn Fihuh »b*i<br />

wucd that L*»*«e:i »a* iSc tmly San<br />

Fmncitco whool to nxvi\e ihc<br />

award.<br />

<strong>The</strong> UnivcrMty«»«Califonia dccidcii<br />

which Kb*xjls were to S; ,-wanlcd<br />

and chmc Khmlt that had bcci<br />

mmifred by the United Su*?s Depviment<br />

of Fjrjcaiion a> academically<br />

ouuuniing. as well as other recommended<br />

whooU.<br />

<strong>The</strong> conference look place n<br />

Anaheim. California, and wat spunlorvd<br />

by U.C. Irvine and the Orancc<br />

County Department of Education.<br />

Cher 300 people attended the conference,<br />

including Bill Honig, the<br />

California supcrintcmtent of irmrucuon.<br />

and State Assembly Speaker<br />

Willie Bruwn.<br />

Abo discusKd at the conference<br />

was the difficulty of getting new<br />

teachers, and new w*y» of g«ing information<br />

from the University of<br />

California through a data base<br />

fyttcm,<br />

"<strong>The</strong>re were many excellent<br />

prc>eracn, and overall, 1 found the<br />

conference to be very ii.niuUt.nj/*<br />

concluded Fttmh. <strong>The</strong> twsnt <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

was given is on display in tl CarU<br />

"Siixk-ni\ lute to fct oul "1 tla»<br />

let ihcm IMII, Mudcntx itunL yu're<br />

Hnglith tether Julius Silva.<br />

With I n«i.-ir« nur.j ^.tivitKr*.<br />

teachers i iw^plainai JI a fVvtnJ'cr<br />

(a*.-uliy n^ua::l mcetinj; ihsl Ui*lcnl\<br />

are mi»*.i»R fjr too much claw tinK<br />

at fmrthjll p>3>crs. membci^ «)(>)u<br />

Rcfcmng partKutarly i** hi> altertxmntLu^c*,<br />

ii which e^('ttei<br />

interfere. Silva vu! how "Janorjlu:iiig"<br />

it h whcti nuny student* miv\<br />

cla&\. Indeed, nuny tcchcr* find<br />

they arc frustrated when tht> ntu-4<br />

review material ot uiffrr with ifn>>rani<br />

Mudcnt*. "IT* nt z problem<br />

•jniquc it» Luwcll." he vuUtJ, "IM\<br />

it ^hi^Idn't h*prxn "<br />

S>l. j ht>ped that with a nvkli'icd MctxJc.<br />

Mudcrrtv wotu\] have n«»re free<br />

linn, ui alkiw iheni ii purM^ ihoc actiMtio<br />

ouf»ktf rl«- One Mi?fCM>on<br />

I" ,ua "*ii\ in Khcdulc jdv^nccd-<br />

Haccirtcnt cUsvcs ii the mofmnj;.<br />

Nancy HJ>C». swut -ticncc<br />

leaner. TcnutLcd. "1 tu*c lodjTtpcr<br />

cmhmiaMn for atiWiiic by rcfusinj*<br />

to let ttudcrts out of claii."<br />

However, Haje» irkent* uodenb us-<br />

rk.ll JC1HIUCS Jv JSU-UtiW '••,! lltU "(lK?lltK-S<br />

n* Sc(i'reh3."aj it 't;c> [<br />

Ciiiply seats urr detrimental tn<br />

satj JLTJ C%. "And I rcaluc thw i rn\«<br />

t« live with certain meeting* - like<br />

college viiits — Iving during the<br />

djy."<br />

"A lit for a ur." said HJ>C». "I<br />

likt to tskc m>- *tudent» on ficW tripi.<br />

wt I 'r>' '" he tolerant r.f t*udcrU»'<br />

*Scnce*." SanJra Bin*, furcn.ict<br />

ccuch. t\ pleased thai Kacncn oito*<br />

^hidcnts to mis% ttiv^ to .TtrcnJ speech<br />

copipctitioriv M

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