Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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SPORTS.<br />

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Senior W«lltr Alfiro<br />

AAA title eludes soccer team<br />

league) w.u apinu Tanulpau l g<br />

By Martha Dtfeado<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Lowell</strong> varsity toccc." tam<br />

wax twice defeated by McAteci in<br />

both Academic Athletic Asuicutwx*<br />

(AAA) championship games.<br />

Due to tfce'r Tint place AAA ranking,<br />

McAtccr had to beat <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

twice to capture the liile. In the first<br />

tame, the Indiana were shut-out. 2-0.<br />

<strong>The</strong> second game also ended in u<br />

Uiul-out, 1-0.<br />

Despite the lost. Umrll umc in<br />

scond and was invited to play in the<br />

T vmamero of Champions, against<br />

Mtt.mon'e High School of Mora^a.<br />

hut tort, on Thursday November U.<br />

Three team nOT*c:i we chtwer<br />

fortheAH-City M>cccrteam Forward<br />

Luis Cunx^les, halfback Hun; Ix.<br />

and goalkeeper Kevin Rucda & made<br />

** first team. Fullback Xcbbic<br />

Chandler and forward Sc*a Folan<br />

made the wi-onj ^un. *nd halfback<br />

Jon Bcrmictn rtcttved honorable<br />

mention.<br />

Reflecting on the two championship<br />

puna, coach Ernst Feibuich<br />

fcL -* main lOion for the IOMO W»<br />

ttot".. .the halfbmfc line was biiAcn<br />

up. <strong>The</strong> line cuntioU the midikld. It<br />

u your engine."<br />

<strong>The</strong> earlier injuries of Bemvcin<br />

and David HUB?, tccordic; to<br />

f'S\ •«*: .really jflectedlhclincu|t<br />

i^ .v it ^*. "A» lone at we tud the<br />

i. K fC r"'crything was all right. But<br />

ivcau>e of the two mjuna, they hcJ<br />

toberrplaced.";*pUincd FcibuKh<br />

Soplomnrc AiUm Mjttinc/ 2nd<br />

frcxhnun Ta»* \oo Koch *ctc the<br />

rrplaccmerus. Martinez, however,<br />

became ill and was unable In pUy in<br />

the championship ' the time the Irani playrd it* *ecoml<br />

practice ganic agaimt Mann<br />

Academy. "We mlly contc ioj;ctheT<br />

jnd had it unlit the Uu fame of the<br />

regular vMMin againu M.*Aiecr<br />

which rcMilted in a tie. That Uvuid<br />

havehcen j win." recalled Fcibutch.<br />

"CKcfJI. uc had a gi«\l MUVKI.<br />

It wtuld !uve tven nkc u> win ti (All-<br />

("tt\ littc). However, if you have a<br />

giK4 return<br />

nc\t yea*-, leaving a hi£ gap in the<br />

single*, pot mom. Ptato hope*<br />

*opri.«W)fc Hncka Gcttman will ^ _<br />

ret jm nc tt y car u* fill one of the two (jlf ^JI^<br />

•.ingles pmi<br />

Senior Tina Yu prepares to dctlvtr<br />

a Mrong backhand.<br />

Nod Haona returns<br />

Scnitt? Angela Cheung end ?Ioe!<br />

Hinai will !eavr rhitycar. Thi* will<br />

give rcTTuinm$ junior vaniry playetk'<br />

Judy Ixc. Nancy Lee, and Faunie<br />

Chung a chance to play varsity ncut<br />

year.'<br />

Ihis year'* team improved in »tanding*<br />

by cl:mb>ng one notch higher<br />

to gel from their third place pmitioa<br />

to vcond place. Yu cited team unity<br />

as the team** ina)nr strength. "We<br />

worked 'ogcther. We didn't really<br />

tmc a bip %ur," the commented.<br />

P.^lo added. "1 think *? hjd the<br />

itronge-t *ing!ci pUycr^ ptntible.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y were cwut\tcnt. <strong>The</strong> double*<br />

teamt. of count, were outstanding<br />

lht-% year. <strong>The</strong>y wurlcu ^*» Wvtl<br />

t^gcttw*. I think our :uu manager*.<br />

Angelita Marcclinoa-d MclU« L-UJ.<br />

JHJ a icn'fi*. job, uvt "<br />

In addition, U.well domiuuet* i^ve<br />

Alt-City toumaircnt with r«nh<br />

d-Hible^ teams p!ayinjc in the luuU<br />

Junmr* Diane tlatmalc ar«l Hi*kli<br />

Houtkiurprne ... Snwxr\<br />

not really a prtrfnincnt sport in thu<br />

school, so I dn-'n't rtpect it."<br />

"I uarted (in weeer) when I was<br />

old enough to kick." continc .* Lc.<br />

"In Vietnam, soccer is pretty >.^ch<br />

the national pastime. like football or<br />

baseball is here. You could walk<br />

down any street and find a soccer<br />

Same gain; on."<br />

Le arrived in the United States only<br />

five yean ago. One of the fint people<br />

he met. at A.P. Giannini Middle<br />

School, was soccer coach Ernst Feibuicb's<br />

son.<br />

- "Coach Feibusch convinced me to<br />

join the team at Lowdl." Le said.<br />

"He** been very supportive, and he<br />

has taught me a lot."<br />

Even after the regular reason U<br />

over, Le continues to play year-round<br />

with the Soccer dub. an crgjtnuation<br />

made up manly of tram members end<br />

supporters.<br />

Le hopes to jo to either Stanmrd<br />

University ("If 1 can get in") or the<br />

Uoiv -rsity of CcMornia at BcricUy<br />

and major in engineering. He «U*><br />

Tapes to c-winoc playing ttcccr in<br />

l g<br />

"I've been plying soccer Hm<br />

about ail rcy life," he muscu. "Why<br />

should I itop now?"<br />

"1 like lenniv becauve it's a<br />

challenge to me ... In singles, i !uve<br />

to go out and beat the penon on the<br />

other siOe ol the net: I can't rely on<br />

anyone r*:i m>M;lf." Mated senior<br />

Tina vUi<br />

Yu. December'* Athlete of the<br />

Month, apparently knows u>w to<br />

meet the challenge.<br />

Third-iccded in girls' vanity<br />

singles, Yu was undefeated this<br />

season with a record of 11-0.<br />

"I consider her a valuable teammate<br />

... she always pulh through<br />

for the team ... the'* really constitent."<br />

commented iccot -i-%ecded<br />

player Traci Colcman.<br />

Ccach Barbara Pnto emphasized<br />

Yu's achicvemenu. stating. "She<br />

won Mmc krv match points for tt*<br />

against St. Rote and Lincoln."<br />

Praio alvo notAl that in the tournament<br />

against Mercy. Yu won the<br />

match by winning the first —•<br />

klentifKatiorJ<br />

Neither w<br />

»ny trout>!e n<br />

Sute L (Uj<br />

don't care a<br />

they wouU j<br />

tification if n<br />

in a bi^<br />

Crbcia.<br />

"I don't c<br />

one store o<br />

anonym -us<br />

"If a kid u<br />

1 wouldn't !•

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