Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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<strong>The</strong> imnU. Drccmbtr 6. I9&3 toft IP<br />

.SPORTS<br />

Mans make playoffs; lose to Jaguars 24-0<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Lowell</strong> vanity football team's<br />

three-game win streak was snapped<br />

by undefeated McAtcer 240 mine<br />

playoff game on November 21.<br />

McAker's strong dcfenie held<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> to le« than 100 offensive<br />

yard*. <strong>The</strong> last chance <strong>Lowell</strong> had to<br />

avoid being shut out uccurredwith<br />

less than a minute remaining in the<br />

fourth quarter.<br />

After three McAtccr pcrultu:*<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> moved the hall to McAlccri<br />

19 yard line. With 58 seconds left in<br />

tne game, icnior Nfarvin Mctoyer fell<br />

one yard short of the gaal line.<br />

However. M the tlan of the scawn<br />

speculators felt <strong>Lowell</strong> wtwld finvh<br />

no higher than *..th m '.he league.<br />

much less make it to the plavoffi.<br />

Due lo the fact lhat ten of the e'leven<br />

on offense and eight out of ricvm on<br />

defense wtrc not starter* last year,<br />

many ptayen were inexperienced at<br />

ihcir potitiom. <strong>The</strong> lack of \ue was<br />

another Jiud vantage for the team<br />

" W* knew »e were * smaller team<br />

and ^ whatever wr did. we were the<br />

i-nderdogs. So when we won. it was<br />

an asset to ui," expressed senior<br />

Mike Albrru.<br />

After triumphing in the scaum<br />

opener over Wilion 33-0. Jjcmdl<br />

dropped ihrrc games to the powerful<br />

Washington. McAtcer and CUilco<br />

teams which coach milt Axt felt lud<br />

" . . .better balance, me. 4t4<br />

.jcnl."<br />

"<strong>The</strong> Hofes weren't in-Jtcarivc.<br />

We were 0-0 with Washington upun<br />

til the last few minutes. With<br />

McAtcer (durin* the regular teavon<br />

game), we went in tied rV6 at<br />

halftimc. We were ahead of Galileo<br />

7-6 with fiv; rruinttet to go in the<br />

third quarter." explained Axt.<br />

Lowe!) was put in a mml-'*tn violation<br />

agaimt Bafboa after the 24-7 fou<br />

to Galileo.<br />

"<strong>The</strong>y knew what they had to Jo<br />

after they were one and three.<br />

Another lov* would eliminate them. *'<br />

To keep from getting dvwn,<br />

. people ju*t got psyched tip,"<br />

said Alberts, who led the team with<br />

<strong>The</strong> nnlly foolbaU dcfcrolve unit c»nftackks • Uncoln pUyrr.<br />

By McUnfc Momevcrae<br />

For Jie ninth cnaecutive Kiwa,<br />

the <strong>Lowell</strong> croM-country team has<br />

won the All-City title.<br />

<strong>The</strong> team noc only w«n the vanity<br />

girts, vanity boys and frmh/toph<br />

boys titles, but alio won the overall<br />

division, selling a precedent.<br />

At All-City, tfnior Chc'ica Hernandez<br />

set the new course record for<br />

the girh* cocference.<br />

<strong>The</strong> top five <strong>Lowell</strong> runncn for the<br />

varsity girls division were Hernandez,<br />

senior Maureen Coll.<br />

freshman Narcy Betl. Kophomorc Raquel<br />

"Rocky" Kurunen and junior<br />

Quarterback Sine T« and the vanity Football offrralte ur.lt llrwup aCalrai Balboa.<br />

SI tackles.<br />

"We knew that if we to\l that game<br />

(again*: BOINJO). it wvuld he over tat<br />

the icautt. We ,iu Hartal going<br />

crazy hcouv we JVi'l »IM it v* he<br />

over. SowcjuM»Ju«ilhmi%on. . .<br />

we deserved what we got." declared<br />

Poulakidas.<br />

"Fot practice »« ran between f»c<br />

lo nine miles every day. An cuy day<br />

u running to Daly City, going up<br />

Lady nmncn pace tbemsdrts at j\U-Oty cross country nȣr<br />

Sno*s and Acrausrlo lor tt» WMI* Family<br />


1931 Irving SI. • San Fl.ncl>a.. CA • (415) 6S5-0414<br />

Skyline Uoulevard. then Fort<br />

Furuion. run aruuiil it and come hack<br />

out. go around the and return to<br />

whtiol ... I mutt agree wi'Ji Dean,<br />

we wutkctl our rear end* off. and we<br />

worked oca harder for Norcal!'* exclaimed<br />

senior Mimi Lcoog.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Nonhcm California Ctvtw<br />

Country crumpiomhip* (NORCAL)<br />

bone of the I.TOM import int meets for<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>. Only nine boys and nine girU<br />

were allowed to represent <strong>Lowell</strong> at<br />

Sierra College in Rocklin. the hou of<br />

this-year'* NORCAL.<br />

"I think the thing that helped u» («<br />

NORCAL) was the fact that we went<br />

out of (he city once a week to race<br />

with outcr to<br />

the Oregon border participated in the<br />

IlKXt.<br />

According to crow-co-jntry coach<br />

Lltijd Wilw»n. "<strong>The</strong> teai.i performed<br />

well all seaMKi." In tNe invitatMKuU.<br />

the team held iu ow i despite<br />

the lixigh compctitK»n WuVm alu><br />

reptmed that the team won all the city<br />

meets except for one or iwo .n *V<br />

fnnh/'soph division.<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> co.npetcd against Galitto.<br />

Wilion. Lincoln. Misttoi.<br />

Washington. McAtccr, O'Conn-li,<br />

and Balboa.<br />

"McAtccr and Wa\hingt(in were<br />

our bigfest competitimi." announced<br />

sophontorc Shothannah Oppenheim.<br />

"I wa* cttrciRcly glad we<br />

won. . ."<br />

"<strong>The</strong> team is >taning to crmc<br />

akxig ... next >ear. wticn the seniors<br />

leavo. I don't really know ho* the<br />

team will do. . . upco.iing runncn<br />

Sin frxxnax U 94/18<br />

JISI3871&S<br />


:ion. Fukuda later worrd in the third<br />

quarter when he made a finger-tip<br />

catch for 22 y«.ti». In the end. the<br />

game belonged to <strong>Lowell</strong> as they<br />

began to think about the playoff gome<br />

against McAlecr.<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> coped with most of the odds<br />

and proved to be quite successful.<br />

Team unity »« a key factor tc*<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>** sucwit. AM noted.<br />

"I think the character ol the ptayen<br />

to hold together and to take pride in<br />

the team is what brought the.n<br />

thmugh." praived Axt.<br />

Payne agreed. "Since our overall<br />

ti/c and ipccd wun't that great, the<br />

team unity aM the fact that we knew<br />

we woula have to work harder Uwn<br />

anybody el>e motivated ut."<br />

imluding **»phomL>rei Chrii Selby.<br />

Leon Medina. Wayne Wong.<br />

freshman Eugene Cho and all the *artiry<br />

girls who aren't graduating.<br />

"In the future. I hope there » more<br />

support from the KKXM as a whole "<br />

cmcluded V-ilion.<br />

Out o< the ISO places. Uwell'sLv<br />

three vanity girl runners were Hernandei:.<br />

Coll. and Bell who came m<br />

49th. 86th and 109th.<br />

AUifrom ISO places. UK top thnx<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> runners for the vanity boyz<br />

were Fuller

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