Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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f*f I*. V* lo*r!l, OmraVr 6. 19V<br />


McDonalds sponsors iazzband<br />

By Cut ROM<br />

. Among the crony diversified talenb<br />

that reside at <strong>Lowell</strong> 'in one Out goes<br />

basically unrccognixed *j*e Tor foot*<br />

tall garrcx uxl occasional competitions.<br />

This reservoir o/ talent U the<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> uxatcuu. Ihe unreccgnUcd<br />

performer w"to practice* bacrrtively<br />

day after day. only to be placed<br />

harmlessly in the hack?nwnJ of foolball<br />

games. U there life t r tct the<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> Band, or bthat the end of the<br />

line?<br />

In 19*3, McDonalds nJaurant<br />

owners throughout the Bay Atea<br />

formed the All-City Jazz Band to interested<br />

high vhoci students would<br />

not have to settle for playing only in<br />

their school bands and could go on<br />

lo brnaUer horiiom. (It also male a<br />

pretty neat promotional gimmick.)<br />

<strong>The</strong> All City Jazz Bwtd (ACJ1)<br />

consists of 19 high schcol snidcnts<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>. <strong>Lowell</strong> metaben ioJude<br />

sophomores NIcL vYlngftcId<br />

(trumpet) and Fnocisco Catas (&uoybooe)<br />

aaJjunior Stephen Retuker<br />

(also trumpet). In addition, on »<br />

branch of the ACJB. called the Dixieland<br />

Band, is junior Eric<br />

Verboogen. who recHes in the tuba<br />

. "iV ACJB plays mostly the big<br />

band jazz of the 40's made popular<br />

by such ertaU as Glen Milier and<br />

Beam Goodman. Besidca bif band<br />

Uieyal.-o,cxldlyen«nli.jliyaliBle<br />

ofcpM. <strong>The</strong>bandcoosueofu.ophone,tnm,c..«dlnxnbooeKC-<br />

Some previous gigs that the band<br />

has played include the Today Show.<br />

when it covered ;hc Democratic Nation*!<br />

Convention, the'Sacramento<br />

Dixieland Jazz Festival, a NFL football<br />

parry, and a slew of private parlies.<br />

<strong>The</strong> McDonalds owners spent<br />

$30,000 a year to fund the bind, of<br />

which the ba,-vl members get many<br />

fringe benefits. For instance, after<br />

each performance, they are ushered<br />

off to the nearest McDonalds where<br />

they partake in a ritualbtic feeding<br />

frenzy, devouring as nuch fow* as<br />

In addition to the McDoiaWland<br />

buffet, they also get bight rol v-neck<br />

band sweaters (100 po cent pttcsicr.<br />

of course, in 'JJC gran . trad tion of<br />

McDonalds* employe.; un forms)<br />

w^ the inevitable golda arc*.* logo<br />

embedded in the upper-kA hat d corner<br />

of the sweater.<br />

'A'iBgficld. lead trump. I p Iyer.<br />

conwientcd. "In the pbt t*w «ars<br />

we have had some rediy {tx *\ t *us<br />

***Anino honored***<br />

By May Won.*<br />

What cJaiirooin ruou'kied with<br />

music, laughter, and af^utc on<br />

Novembct 157<br />

<strong>The</strong> amwcT is room A> wixa<br />

Robert Aninu presented "MiuJc is<br />

My}lobby" at the noon conce.1 during<br />

mods 12-13. Anino is a firmer<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> teacher, win retired *c\rral<br />

years ago ind now occasionally c'nei<br />

»utelh.itc teaching.<br />

Srudcnu ami (acuity applaud.'d<br />

I* *dly upon hit cntrxtc**. Anint,<br />

however, teemed not to hc*r l!*c audience<br />

fnd look ho place at the piano<br />

tVTK'h.<br />

"1 doVt careabnt you guys.. .1<br />

play ptaio for my owu amazement—<br />

amuseine.-«,..if I tV.n'1 like the<br />

puno, 1 R.i home—" he began.<br />

One '••ml that in hii music, u in<br />

his jokes. Alino never failed to exude<br />

a Knv of light-heart 4vets.<br />

Every one of hit pieces **as melod'c<br />

and had aa >iptvat rhythm.<br />

Songs such as "WbJung-Huping"<br />

and "It's a Oreat life in the Army"<br />

both reflected his joy and optimism.<br />

Aniro modestly tvcntfeMed about<br />

hit life in ihe army, "I woi the war<br />

(World War It) with tht help of a guy<br />

named Eucfl-fcvncthing."<br />

Per.-ap* UK JVM* interesting piece<br />

Anino shared with his atK'tence was<br />

"Mes Quatr: Anuwn." a -*altt also<br />

known u * I j -Co-Mo-Jo,"<br />

felt r<br />

Robert M hk Noon Concert.<br />

For this enntribuoon aw lor hts<br />

v; .ice to LimeU as a bA*ctball<br />

coirh. a Spanish teacher, a<br />

covfuclor, and now a tubttirutc.<br />

Sicila Mkhadian, noon concert (pootor,<br />

presented to Aniuo a ccnifcatc<br />

asd LI medal.<br />

"Hc'h (Anino) given so much of<br />

hirmcf to so many people ...\c<br />

dcsrrvii much more recognition truo<br />

we're giving him." Michael'n<br />

noted<br />

Michatltan was referring lo hit<br />

cootributk-as lo <strong>Lowell</strong> as well as to<br />

his song writing for Boy &x*a<br />

Camps, Ciy College or San H'WJ.<br />

cbco, Aptos luakr High, and » arious<br />

other ion) sthools a-xl eolKtei<br />

J Caniack, a former student<br />

and have graduated. WcU ! S^vSKSS^f**" of Anino at h^<br />

oU Lowd, in 1959.<br />

observed, "He (Anrno) rrtwi't chang-<br />

In the early 5O'». Anino wrot; six ed ... he's till as avttve, witty,<br />

ton|» for <strong>Lowell</strong>. "<strong>The</strong> Peo Socg" cr.-alivc ...he«vi /ood teacher,<br />

and the "IiRhl .^ong" can still be<br />

an inte.rsting p:no.*. a friend ...<br />

heard tud*v.<br />

he'i a Krcat nu> "<br />

start from scratch »jain,**<br />

'After Hours'fuses NewYork's abnormal with the norm<br />

By Drrd. JOJKS<br />

Have you ever \jd * nightmare<br />

where y»« are sunoundctl by irrational.<br />

'txMir J ?eopb, ard you are<br />

being chased down cndlcs urcets and<br />

your only goal is to get home ufely?<br />

Well, mild-mrnnercd word proccuor<br />

Paul riackett ed, ptnjt,<br />

u> le intrigues and fascir>tes the at •<br />

dience to find out what it going 01<br />

in the mind of thii socriingt) lot<br />

waif.<br />

Garr. in her utual duty way. delivers<br />

a very funny performance Ji<br />

the insecure Julie. Her pKtrayal is J *<br />

Ibw less a» her carefuiiy spra.iv-d bee -<br />

hive hairdo without being cither Mil t<br />

or sticky.<br />

<strong>The</strong> wrcenplay by ntwconicr Joseph<br />

Mil Jon it frevh an.1 real. Scot •<br />

cesc has bora quoted as uyin/. th.M<br />

the reawn he was Tuu attr acted ti mi •<br />

work w». "People rcaLy talk that<br />

way."<br />

Minion*j humor b not fotoxJ in on:<br />

liners or ih pstick utuatiom. but r»i •<br />

er in the paradox between the "uv. •<br />

mal" Paul ind the "abnormil" chai •<br />

acters he meets Mirjoo alto re»fnizes<br />

the potential ir everyone to te<br />

eccentric. We laugh at Minioi's it!beat<br />

characters, but without a feeling<br />

of complete aicJuuon from their bizarre<br />

pcnorcJity traits.<br />

*" .feese hits done a masterful ji'b<br />

ui hb comic cumination of a city -j<br />

night. His situster and wnex'iri:<br />

camerawork of late nijht scttii|i.<br />

(overlit all-nijt^t diners, sleazy hus.<br />



Heard,«t Tom the Bartender, and Griffin Dunne, as an uptown<br />

wo rd ;iroc AOT named Paul, strike 11<br />

deal in the comedy After Houn.<br />

and un let fumuhed aniu apan- dicnecs leave :he theater with smiles<br />

menii) w jttriguinj and artistic. on their faces without alto aikins<br />

Set id* x, who also directed such some quetiiom as to the goodncu o(<br />

pcrvriv; ind cynical films as Taxi his fellow man. Getting a gcod<br />

Drivtt in.' Aijftiy But!, seems to be night's sfeep is quUe a chore after itrs<br />

at his • at vith grin., claustrophobic film as well.<br />

tiles. Ben tt^rr/foun.acomudy,<br />

Sct>rcc»t~*s disturbing visions of a<br />

^ k i<br />

y<br />

i i r i i<br />

After Houn, functioning on t\n<br />

levels, as a comedy and ai a skepbc.il<br />

social cHnmenury. is socccsftful rt<br />

porated.<br />

Scorces,- b not about to let his au«<br />

both.<br />

GO BRNflNR'S<br />



Itfilm Clnn«n rnd Plzzs<br />

2J11 Clonient Sires:<br />

3an Francisco, CA 3

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