Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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nx> 14. 7Vc U-mU. Dtamhtr 6. IMS<br />


Music: a means of expression<br />

ByUsaBletawa<br />

<strong>The</strong> human voice U the oldest and<br />

mmt widely used mtnical immanent;<br />

everyone hu one: it is not hud to<br />

carry or setup; and it nuke* possiblc<br />

the use of language In conjunction<br />

with cruUc. In essence, tinging<br />

unifies the rrcans of expression »nd<br />

the exprtukio iuelf.<br />

"Singing it one of God's most enjoyable<br />

ways to mental health." explains<br />

Elizabeth Appling. founder wd<br />

director of the Sao Francisco Girls'<br />

Chorus. "<strong>The</strong> mind arrt the body<br />

mmt both be ia ihfpr in order to tiajc<br />

wen."<br />

AppUnf ocated the Girls' Chonu<br />

nice yean >|O because she had an<br />

trobttioD to make San Francisco a<br />

"V»enm for |irU." She ftJt."..-the<br />

joy of choral singing shook) act be<br />

reserved for boys oaly.*'<br />

Senior !MI Luce, former member<br />

of the San Francisco Boys' Chonu.<br />

u convinced that bis experiences in<br />

the organieatioa have had a lasting<br />

a^mcL "Staging nan • troop of that<br />

otliber really thowej roe Ua singing.<br />

U* so many other thrgs, is very<br />

rewtrdijf if yoo're motivated and<br />

dedicated," h d<br />

Bj T£va Festa<br />

Remember when your parents<br />

made yiti uke piano lessons in die<br />

third yatSc? What a drag it was. You<br />

didn't practice all week, then tried to<br />

leant the three scales and two etudes<br />

and the bepnoing of a sonata in a<br />

.'nrtoied IS minute* right before your<br />

leuon.<br />

After itx months of this rradncu<br />

you q tit. But you have some frUndi<br />

who are Kill gninj at h. In (act, these<br />

frieodi have been known to mha partita<br />

and "Major Social t>cen'*<br />

becatue tbey "TKC£ to practice,"<br />

FkESH<br />


Luce had the opponunty to tour in<br />

Europe and to sing in th; San Francisco<br />

Opera production;., as do the<br />

girli in the Girls' Choru.<br />

Appling bdtcvo *nat lie children'*<br />

participation in proges.ional opera<br />

productions b one of the mnt impor*<br />

tarn benefit jf singing with the Boys'<br />

and Girls' Chonuea. "'t gives them<br />

the stature and tclf-eue :m of having<br />

a real and vital role In a a adult situation,<br />

a role which is meant to be<br />

played by children and can only be<br />

done by the children.<br />

"Singing in any choral group *<br />

ideal for young people. It<br />

demonstraut the value • if cocycrrtjnn<br />

and fellowship," she :l3ted.<br />

Choral singing, in general, is ideal<br />

for people who enjoy sjiging. but<br />

may not wxn to make it a career.<br />

Cotnmuniry choruse*. 'inurcn choirs,<br />

and glee clubs p-ovide non*<br />

professionals with the opportunity fn<br />

make mosic.<br />

<strong>The</strong> musical bcoefus of the chorus<br />

as a medium arc many i A provides the<br />

possibility of many d ffercnt parts at<br />

one time. Us volume ind pitch ranges<br />

are wide, and it is stylistically<br />

flexible.<br />

How could aitfone tr his npht<br />

mind pref*-r spemling hours of pr»ct^tng<br />

to partying tc a Saturday night,<br />

you ask? It's a gocd question. *iri one<br />

that musicians oil en ask thcm«I v rs.<br />

And there are ts many different<br />

answers to it as there are different<br />

type* of music U the wothj.<br />

Musk. *od paiticuUrly tmtrumental<br />

mostc, ts a firm of comrmintcalion<br />

that docs no. require words, and<br />

thus transcends ill languag? turners.<br />

Rather than use words, a composer<br />

utiluea notes ta communicate his<br />

:noughts kod crutioos. <strong>The</strong> task of<br />

ALICIA<br />


MARCOS,<br />

D.M.D.<br />

2>998<br />

Mission Street<br />

23S-&511<br />

<strong>The</strong> voice as »solo instrument has<br />

its benefits ar-), however, such a* the<br />

immediacy of a subjective vocal performer<br />

and its ornamentation<br />

(•nubilities.<br />

<strong>The</strong> probtemi facing choral and<br />

solo performer* are different also.<br />

Choral singing requires careful Ihteoing<br />

and blending, the ability to sustain<br />

close harmonies, and the muucvtrahtp<br />

to "hold on to" an inner<br />

part.<br />

Soloists, on the other band, must<br />

exercise a greater vocal range, a<br />

deeper dranv^c scte and the<br />

strength and discipline ncccuary to<br />

handle more difficul<br />

John Hudnall, a profeuor and<br />

privax voice intfructor at Dominican<br />

College in Sar» Rafael. stresses the<br />

dramatic depth in 10I0 singing: "<strong>The</strong><br />

emotion which goes into ec *hnnxj<br />

ami other people need to practice!"<br />

alwaj* keep me practicing."<br />

Sage agrees, and calU music "an<br />

incredible emotional outlet ...<br />

Whenever I'm ur*ct I play ihe first<br />

five meaure* of Beethoven's<br />

However, violinist Athley Hill<br />

takes a different point of view on Jtis<br />

matter. "lthinkofihe : mirumcntas<br />

an anempt to perfect the human<br />

'Sonau Piubwiiqoe' and I Tcel much *««- B*« «*«* muueians lo*e sight<br />

better." ofthi* <strong>The</strong>y ha%c i»cat technique,<br />

"<strong>The</strong>re's also a certain element of<br />

having to 'conquer' the instrument,"<br />

stated senior Lenon Chin, who plays<br />

the violin, cello and piano.<br />

In the foreward to Margaret Campbell<br />

*% book. <strong>The</strong> Crror Viotinisu.<br />

Ruggtcro Rtcci opens, "<strong>The</strong> violin h<br />

probably the moit hellish invention<br />

ever conceived by man, a beautiful<br />

and treacherous work of art that<br />

demands our constant attention but<br />

can never be completely dominated."<br />

Miyamoto finds trot the piano, too.<br />

presents difficulties, especially<br />

Amy<br />

2230 Irving Street<br />

out they look like l-nle robots." Chin<br />

add*. "<strong>The</strong>y ju*i don't put their heat<br />

into it It unifkl* corny, but I realty<br />

love claviicAl muue. and that's why<br />

I play."<br />

Sage agrees that technique is not<br />

the most important thing. "My<br />

philosophy U. if it sounds basically<br />

right, and you can get the emotion in<br />

your playing, then a few wrong note*<br />

don't matter."<br />

"1 could never be a cocccrt pianist<br />

with this philosophy," she added.<br />


Hair Designers<br />

Mod Cuts S10<br />

664-0223<br />

San Francisco. CA 94122<br />

Between 23rd & 24th Avcnim<br />


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RAYMOND l_ YIM<br />

SAN nUNOSCO. CA «4I» • (41S| M5-1C30<br />

men d<br />

dut i<br />

Hrr<br />


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