Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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. TV //mli'. Dtrrmitr 6. I9SS<br />



sT.not Pierre-Guy While has been adding to the "senior mysti-<br />

H e" by sneaking salcd drcui:.g container* from the cafeteria. Spotu.d<br />

drinking frotn one of the bottles. White explained, "It's for my<br />

throat!" Oh, that explains it all!... No, the bright glow emanating<br />

from (he Polo Fields h GciJcn Gate Park *v-* not coming front an<br />

alien xpaccshrp landLig on Earth. Rather, it came from t!»c legs of<br />

the members of the boys* varsity cross country team, wearing neon<br />

yellow glow socks, a tradition started by the squzd last year. You<br />

car. understand why 'JK salesman at Oil Me Ma looked puttied when<br />

hb supply of UigU footwear was depleted by the <strong>Lowell</strong> team....<br />

Sophofiinrc Sbdla Shea cculd not figure out where the strong odor<br />

of mint was coming front .-xcntly as she was wending her way through<br />

the crowded halls. Was limb on the cafeteria menu? Wac Wrisley's<br />

becoming popular again? She turned around awl discovered that the<br />

hca"y fngrance was coining from none other than that glow-in-thrdark<br />

freshrnn wit?* the bright green ruirv.. .Sunglasses in style for<br />

winter? Trxy are for 6 fee', b inch vanity footballer Max Brcal who<br />

acquit tuo bbek eyes in recent tussles on the gridiron—Politically<br />

active Kent Uyefakra recently stated that he is in favor of capital<br />

punishment, but that he opposes the death pe salty. S;.oVcn like a true<br />

politician!...Seniors acting like little kids? Oh. be v.*r:3us! Wet!,<br />

decide for yourself. When Lee Ann TorUksru M^ nui ill. her<br />

substitute called for Dean James Thomas because sorr - x>. had taken<br />

a test frotr *hc AP English <strong>class</strong>. Thomas hod t» "fr:** * the entire<br />

cltss, and *hrcc mubchaving students were made to • t in a comer,<br />

facing the wt'J. Can you believe it? Facing the watt! Tsk.<br />

tskt... .Federal Express w in need of n new spokespenen and has<br />

contacted senior Janet Bui. Her friends ssy that she can speak faster<br />

thrji Ibc actor who does the commcricals on TV 1 he tables were<br />

turned vn fre&hnan Moniquc Lee anu sophomore Frier O*f in their<br />

French <strong>class</strong>. Before teacher Bruno MortUi came into the <strong>class</strong>room,<br />

they hid under his desk and in the speaker's podium as a joke. Pretty<br />

clever joke, huh? Morclli immediately sensed what was ;t o ' n S °n and<br />

positioned himself in such a way that neither student could get out<br />

its he spoke with the das*. Lee was last sern crawling back to her<br />

lesk on her hands and knee*, reportedly trying to think of new and<br />

creative w»ys to be obnovotu Senior Brajamb* Brngalon hzs<br />

always wanted to set a rccurd in physics. He has. *Ac fas been taruy<br />

to <strong>class</strong> more often than ar.y other student!... Senior Chris Criscrn<br />

ana his chums Dylan Putter, Todd Harrtvur. and Pal Mngee are<br />

still ;rying 10 figure out how sophomore SLothannah Oppcnheim<br />

acquired sets of their undcrweai. But there wx: Shoshannah. pinning<br />

up Tow pair* of lire 6X briefs o*t ihr Sciuor Bulletin Boori. Tlie short*<br />

belong *> the four studs. Hmmm. Interesting!<br />

Speaking of names in the newspaper, could there be any<br />

con (Kit km between the fact (hat juniors Ed Cheng and Bella Funs<br />

are good friends, and Ed was quoted three limes in articles on the<br />

from page of the last issue, nml Bella is a reovirter for <strong>The</strong> UmtlH<br />

Probably no*.... With the Univcniiy of California adding new rzquircnenu<br />

fcr admission 'o the sutc syyem. it is anticipated thai in<br />

the near future high school students will be required lo take OUFM:><br />

in galactic history, miclnr physics, quantum theory, jjmpn Jem.*,<br />

and nenrosurgery. UC recommends that sitxienfc. .vho find this list<br />

of entrance requirements too stift* should apply cart> to Hcald College<br />

or check with their local Army recruiter A group of juniors<br />

who hung out in the "Unquiet Zone" (1m/floor. Room 246), bored<br />

with their Chemistry and CF5 clusc*. were viewed measuring the<br />

distance from their noses to the tips or their toes with a tape measure.<br />

Quick, sotftcbody put a patent on this! What a great new way to pess<br />

the time!.. .Zulu Screeni. first introduced in this column in October,<br />

gavv their first performance J* <strong>Lowell</strong> in JoAnrt Stewart's junior<br />

English honors <strong>class</strong>. 'Hie trio \3o > Travis, David K&unclson. and<br />

Eric Goldberg) rsptivated the doi with its interpretation of<br />

Shakespeare's Mttcbt'.h a la AC/DC. <strong>The</strong> three ranted and raved the ir<br />

way through the witches' scrnc, chanting "Double, double, toil and<br />

trouble" to the majestic background sounds en "Highway to Hell."<br />

<strong>The</strong> c*«ss loved fl, but Miss Stewart cotranented that ShaVespeare Kuist<br />

be turning in his grave As brave as seniors Robert MolossJ, Ddrdre<br />

Atklnsoa, and RoUnda Chu were, their efiorts did not pay off.<br />

Wher the Forensics Tom members were heading to the University<br />

of the Pacific for a tournament, scnio- Andrew Leo's backpack f.cw<br />

off the top of the station wagon ci Highway 280. <strong>The</strong> three daring<br />

freeway stroller tried in vain to recover it, dodging traffic on the<br />

busy freeway, yet Andrew's •uttered pack b rtUl out there somewhere.<br />

A reward is being offered .or Andrew's favorite pnjamas, which haw<br />

Si eat seuimental value, and vcrc last seen blowing acrou the<br />

freeway... .When junior Molly BoJer accepted a ride home in scn'or<br />

Max Brtal's car. httk did «Ite know what site was in for. <strong>The</strong> scat<br />

bell froze clos:d, knd Molly could not get out. Fortunately for Mol<br />

ly. sophomo'e Xlm Robinson saw wh.it was happening, hunted dowr.<br />

a knife, trvl cut Mrfly free. Molly reportedly sighed heavily, turned<br />

rcscntfiJr> toKirr, a.id asked. "Can't you mind your own business?*'<br />

Sorry.. Motty. Max, did you plan it mis wayj<br />

Kenneth Cole*<br />

For the Most Complete Collection<br />

o" Holiday Boots and Shoes<br />

2078 Union Soert 346-2161<br />

Made Sontntom in Italy<br />

A Survivil Guide for the Grown-up In the Clinroom<br />

Peterson writes<br />

about teaching<br />

By Shcrri Rig<br />

Do you want to become * teacher?<br />

Can you deal with thr principal? Kow<br />

about thoie dreadful faculty meetings?<br />

Car you survive them?<br />

Titcist and nuny ether quctfton* aa<br />

aAed in English teacher Arthur<br />

Petcnon's recently published book.<br />

Teachers — A Sunimt GuUit For<br />

<strong>The</strong> Grtrmrutp in the Classroom. Thb<br />

satirical book written about teachers<br />

contains everything from a first-year<br />

teacher's manual to "how-u*-teach<br />

without trying" tips.<br />

Nev* American Library, the publishing<br />

company, originated the idea<br />

of writing a book about lexrhcrv<br />

Alter Scaiir; about the idea. Peterson<br />

submitted severs! prupuuls conmting<br />

of section* which he felt<br />

should be included in the nook. New<br />

Americai. Ubrai) chow Petcnon to<br />

write the bunk rrcuue he wat ahte<br />

lo achieve a :ooe that they wanud.<br />

"<strong>The</strong> rt*34W I could be funny in the<br />

book was tha* 1 wa\ kiid of angry."<br />

confessed Pelerson.<br />

"I've always fell that lejcners nave<br />

been treated as sccond-cla\i cituxm.<br />

When they go to a party, it's lilt,<br />

they're *eird. Nobody knows quite<br />

what to *ay to thmv" he continued<br />

He added. "If you warj id write<br />

satirically, it helps if it u on u.mething<br />

you care about. I couldn't do<br />

(his on another subject "<br />

Bwically, Pelcnon collected hit iv<br />

formation from hu many years of<br />

leaching experience.<br />

"I've lx," my eye* open." uid<br />

Peterson.<br />

<strong>The</strong> uu lent* in Prtrnon'? cl^ucs<br />

contnbutt d vxnc x thai writing Is fun.<br />

When Peterson isn't writing, he is<br />

teaching the tricks of the trade to his<br />

studenu. He feels bcin; a teacher is<br />

a better job ihm bring a writer because<br />

"... bci-ij a writer u lonely<br />

work."<br />

Bcsfctet. nxorduig to Peterson.<br />

"... •caching writing is satitfyiog."<br />

"If you can leach it (writing).<br />

Mudcntf think of it as a pneucj skill<br />

they are Uanaing. Many sutjecu thtt<br />

uc taught in school cause s-odentk<br />

often ask thcrradvei why ihey're<br />

learning thb

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