Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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lfMESA offers varied opportunities<br />

, -, MBSA. a pnjgrun lor minority<br />

hirli xtool nwfentt. b bctligHit<br />

" ?Jt» tvtorlal and coUcga and career<br />

^'preparatory Krttces lor tb« iM4-<br />

' aSKhodrur.<br />

- "MESA which it.ndj lor<br />

* U.tbviiatlcs. Soglntcrlng.<br />

t Sckooi AcUmmrat U • Male-<br />

' T f vttf. ort«flhslifHi which spcratn<br />

, 1 cm ot lilih «heol> am 1 , tolktn<br />

tad otfen opporttttiltles to<br />

,. '»itBdcstl&tcrtltrdlanuUutaiatlrs<br />

t«d dw Ubootorj Kkacei.<br />

It «u brew) lo btlp -...the<br />

udtmprcunted ralnoriUo —<br />

BlacLi. Hlipanlcs. N«H»e<br />

>. Anurtrass — In the ruth.<br />

caglnMrlAC. aaj Kieacr flcl«Xt. H<br />

aplaiud Rrbecu Finman.<br />

dlnctor ol Ibc Saa FrancUco<br />

MESJ program.<br />

M Th«y bat. tutoclag and loctatlT*<br />

programi...to encourate<br />

black and HbpaDlc ttudenu to<br />

tstar tbeaa Iteldl, 1'x beta nrjr<br />

Impressed by the ptogram." staled<br />

Gwendolyn Fuller, the sponsor o(<br />

the MESA Club at <strong>Lowell</strong>.<br />

O.iTucsdayi. Wedn-Mdayi, .iiid<br />

ThnrMuyi from 3:30 to 630. M<br />

"study lab" it nvjlUolc to MESA<br />

students at San Francisco Slate<br />

University, the college that hotu<br />

the Sin Francisco area. <strong>The</strong> study<br />

lib often a group study and tutor*<br />

lag by college and other high<br />

school student) u those sludrnls<br />

who oecd help la telenet, math,<br />

and English course*.<br />

Bat MESA b more than a tutoring<br />

service. It brings speakers<br />

from private Industries such as<br />

Hewlett Packard and Pacific Bell<br />

to ghe students Information on<br />

careen in math-science related<br />

fields. MESA aha oilers a summer<br />

enrichment program) with <strong>class</strong>es<br />

In math, se'eocc. computer<br />

icience. snd composition, and<br />

field trips ami 'ours of college<br />

campuses and businesses to In*<br />

tercstcd students.<br />

MESA esbts became "...a lot of<br />

pecpto don't jet the Information<br />

they need." said senior Chln)cre<br />

Madawakl. the president or the<br />

club at <strong>Lowell</strong>.<br />

Pmsnlly <strong>Lowell</strong> has approi*<br />

Imatcry 60 studenu in MESA who<br />

take advantage of tbr services. At<br />

this time, the program U getting<br />

started for the Tear rnd Interested<br />

students can Join.<br />

Fullcrrncouraged. "1 expect the<br />

loitrctt to be tilth this year. We do<br />

not turn anybod) «way. A student<br />

is a student, and If be needs tutoring,<br />

be ought to be tutored- Do not<br />

hestlutetojoin."<br />

MESA was started 15 jears ago<br />

at Oakland Technical Miyb<br />

School, ard presently there are 16<br />

centers throughout the state of<br />

California. Each center h located<br />

at a college or umvrnlty and serves<br />

an area around the school.<br />

<strong>The</strong> San Frandico'South S*n<br />

Francisco cen*er began ftrr yean<br />

ago and at thb time Involves ISO to<br />

200 students In «ight high school<br />

chapters at Balbot. Lincoln.<br />

Lord). McAteer. South San Fiancko.<br />

Wtllcnlvrg. Washington,<br />

and Westmoorhlgh schools.<br />

According to Freeman, tha fro*<br />

gram Is quite successful.<br />

"Studenu rtally enjoj It and 95<br />

percent o*. all MESA ittt£cals go<br />

on to collete and mak* in math<br />

bued fields," she enthused.<br />

In order to be a MESA student,<br />

one must be a minority In high<br />

school and be enrolled In a coUcea<br />

preparatory math <strong>class</strong> and a<br />

taborair - science <strong>class</strong>.<br />

Mad.«akt revealed. "It's<br />

helped me a lot. You get the support<br />

that minority itudcnU need. I<br />

have a clearer view o! my chokes<br />

and my goals."<br />

Another part of MESA services<br />

b college preparation. In addition<br />

tu providing information on col*<br />

kges and cwrknU-itw. appt;*cU ftudesu who hav> Job*<br />

nrfato6. r d«cstiofu cw now r ceek<br />

bdp'.fCDsk JohA'Riaudon. Uw new '<br />

Reardaa wrm the student body<br />

m a nrWy of wi/t by findiaj job*<br />

for'tbmc ittidentt who wuit to<br />

went.<br />

Job optnlnp aH supplied by<br />

employers who call Reardon about<br />

work opportunities.<br />

Job ovcnines are urjatly potted<br />

ouuidc of Reardon's olficc. room<br />

101-E. He ported out that many<br />

employed pmter that he screen<br />

iiudcn*.i before they contact the<br />

employers. For thb reason. Rear*<br />

don encourage* studenu to see<br />

him.<br />

. **I haw students nil out a fot n<br />

vbiti> tctt« me their schtdute. what<br />

kind of job they want, and what<br />

Mod of Jobs they hire done. Thb<br />

way I'd able to match the par-<br />

Ocular student with a Job I have,"<br />

bcexpUinod.<br />

Preaeatly. Reardon U*s approx*<br />

\ bMUlj 30 -tpenkis. "<strong>The</strong> trouble<br />

'-bthat I hfcve a lot of youngsters<br />

/who fcroot of school at 3:20 p.u.<br />

Maej of Qit Jobs wantntudenu to<br />

?«art at"l p.m. or 2 p.m. H the<br />

'latest,** he explained.<br />

SovntyfWc percent o( tb* openinj-t<br />

are olRc* *mk. OiWr jobsare<br />

found In last food restaumnU.<br />

reuil stores, service stations, and<br />

warehouses.<br />

Salaries are often minimum<br />

which b S3JS. but Reardon uld<br />

that the average is **. Waitei can<br />

drpend on bo*, efficient the<br />

ttuoVnttarr.<br />

Another ol Reardon't \enrlce* U<br />

to we that currently working<br />

students can quality for whool<br />

credit.<br />

<strong>The</strong>se working Lowcllim mutt<br />

work for at least ten hours per<br />

week. Weekends are not included.<br />

Student employees, who can<br />

receive credit, range from dVntal<br />

auUtanu to fast food workers to<br />

retail cashiers. Join that don't<br />

uiually qualify are babysitting or<br />

tutoring.<br />

"A (qualified) student should<br />

tell me where be works, what be<br />

does, and how many hours he<br />

works.** Reardon stated.<br />

Reaidoo b available In room<br />

101*E on Thursdays and Fridays<br />

fron.8a.td. to 12^0 p.m.<br />

New <strong>class</strong>rooms arrive<br />

By Stew park<br />

A buugflow housing two new<br />

<strong>class</strong>rooms arrived at <strong>Lowell</strong> on<br />

September 26.<br />

It was pnwIdeJ by the school<br />

district to help creute ipac« for<br />

slodenu (Sec October 5. 19S4<br />

Htue).<br />

<strong>The</strong> rooms have become<br />

ctatiroomi for the general student<br />

body, frevlni* up roomt *iih easier<br />

access for the <strong>handicapped</strong><br />

cUttei.<br />

Dr. Alan t-'ihKh. principal.<br />

Atawd. "My initial opposition U<br />

Ihe ipciW rdutttion clats «u inadequate<br />

»pacc at <strong>Lowell</strong>, to the<br />

rooms were brought in to provide<br />

' tpjee."<br />

At present one of the bungalow<br />

room b occupied by Anna<br />

Nicora's foreign language clasi.<br />

<strong>The</strong> dcCiloa on wtut to do -with<br />

the other one b beinif studied by<br />

Flbbh and other school administrators.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re were mlied feelings about<br />

the new bungalow. "I like it."<br />

stated sophomore Hector Alcala.<br />

"It's out In the open."<br />

SctJor David McFlcId retorted.<br />

"It's cither too hot or too cold In*<br />

side. <strong>The</strong> air-conditioning doesn't<br />

do anything.** Nicora's previous<br />

foreign language clauroorn. room<br />

41, b now being used by the<br />

special education students.<br />

NIconTs new room number Is<br />

161 and the other unuicd one is<br />

163. numbers which are continuous<br />

with the rooms on the lint<br />

floor.<br />

TSe rooms an each 20 feet by 30<br />

feet, slightly 'arger lhan, a regular<br />

<strong>class</strong>room. <strong>The</strong>y are not yet completely<br />

furnished, but when com*<br />

pitied, they will have a heater, air*<br />

conditioning, a telephone, and *<br />

lew! speaker.<br />

Nicora doesn't have an opinion<br />

*bout the new room yet. slim she<br />

has only been there tor a short<br />

'Jme. She.did tide, though, that<br />

when It rains, the area in front of<br />

the stairs floods and the uudmu<br />

have to **... leap for their live*.**<br />

Assistant Principal Glorir<br />

' Bogdaaoff noted that <strong>Lowell</strong> U*\.<br />

. really cramped 'or <strong>class</strong>room<br />

space** and mentioned that at a<br />

later date another bungalow might<br />

be pu i up behind the Ts.<br />

An In&idc view of cae of tite rooms in the school's new bungalow. ;<br />

New math course begins<br />

ByC*dlla Win<br />

A clan of over 25 studenu b<br />

studying high'Tcul math with<br />

Rudolpho Perez, a Ph.D stutlent<br />

from the University of California<br />

al Berkeley.<br />

foe special math course coven<br />

mathematical logic, protective<br />

geometry, hyperbolic geometry,<br />

vector spaces, and general<br />

topoloflr.<br />

Studenu from various public<br />

high schools In the city meet in<br />

room 130 after school for one and<br />

one-half houn every Monday and<br />

Wednesday.<br />

From among the 60 students<br />

-bo applied for the course, about<br />

25 of those students wcri selected<br />

after passing a preliminary lest on<br />

geometry and logic composed by<br />

Pern.<br />

"1 •anted to tcacb the course<br />

for the benefit of the students. 1<br />

Hie to ire people team to appreciate<br />

the beauty of<br />

mathematics. ** Pcre* stressed.<br />

Peru uses "self-contained series<br />

of presentations, hand-oats, and<br />

other relevant materlab** for the<br />

<strong>class</strong>.<br />

Thanh Van Tran from McAteer<br />

feeb. <strong>The</strong> clan b not like the for*<br />

ma) math <strong>class</strong>.** He explained.<br />

"We learn from discussion, and<br />

much morr thinking b involved as<br />

compared to a regular math<br />

clan."<br />

Shirley Tal. another McAteer<br />

student stated. "I might learn<br />

something that I can't learn from<br />

my regular math cUts."<br />

"Thb <strong>class</strong> Is more abstract<br />

than a regular math <strong>class</strong>, com*<br />

menied <strong>Lowell</strong> junior Peter Lee.<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> senior Nadlne de Coteau<br />

added, "It (the <strong>class</strong>) b tike,<br />

nothing I've ever dona before.**<br />

<strong>The</strong> clas* will continue until late<br />

November. Pern plans to conduct<br />

similar <strong>class</strong>es In Hayward,<br />

Sacramento. New York, ard SanU<br />

Barbara.<br />

Petes'* past experience Includes<br />

having taught geometry, pre*<br />

calculus and calculus. He has also<br />

taught at the Unbvnlry of California<br />

at Berkeley's Profession^<br />

Development Program.

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