Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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Question man-<br />

Where do you think you will<br />

be 20 years from now?<br />

Hi Il.iwk.im. S819; In 2fi<br />

yean 111 U in lb»-«» usMt ,t up^H,<br />

the beachci. uaimp K all the -jic<br />

do$* and m> children arc *['»!.» ^h.op<br />

around in .*« ^jrm waters of<br />

llcnotulu.<br />

NkoUs Win^nctd, XS05: I \.ill ruse<br />

lalrn over t'jt SJJJK'S pmi.ton at<br />

"W'h«l of 1 ortunc." nuntc I Vaiu<br />

Whi;.-. indll! lu.^aditfcirnt Hui»' s<br />

SS>t.7ik 'or csi-r> tbv i f ihr rcV.<br />

Twl. K7U: At th.*. rjlc I'll<br />

prot\ih'\ JUM !< Pms'iift]; cHItri*.<br />

Mtl! wti.iJcrinp about the new<br />

Mill failing math.<br />

Cain? HfKYknmnrt. KM>: m<br />

JcfinitcK Iv miriKxl. lit ik-finiitl*<br />

IxsciLiJ^ jnu l'i!pmhjM> K-uoiL<br />

i> .- Jt .-i i>4. I .t.-r'i like ten. MiUi<br />

M;, «mJ> rfpcntluin.. huAinJ will<br />

Jv ;.'nu%tK-j)l> iwh. jrkl thai ail m<br />

Article incenses<br />

front courtyarders<br />

T-» the SJitrr:<br />

We uefr (OtfrjlU nlcav^l *mli<br />

coo»r^t of Mrttna n^lgado'* I'l<br />

ate noi unlj il!.--*eU here, but<br />

skckiincd, chc.i«.Vd. jn.1 ri^ViiiM<br />

li'v tragic when a rorxvuWc<br />

anicic. "InSeachoftik.'Ff'M Ci«Jr- rk»«paper rr-u;n*li»cl>eapituiat;icr<br />

tsard." in UK No\cmS;r i*suc. We drtjiiuiion. If >«*•! %»crr i*irc-nt folks,<br />

do. rwsvever. umnply nrtject :.> th- like u\. >im would a|w>Ii*j:" c - " > tlu<br />

reference to :hc Frmit f*ouii>aiders wcie ceallv ti^cen: foils, viw'd uivc<br />

AS a "no women allowed" £roup. us tuin*->.<br />

<strong>The</strong> impliCJtions cf lhat rcfctcrxc<br />

cauioicacFn'n:Courtiardj- !W-JS<br />

fur fear of being e.i'.'cd •* "'c*i»t,<br />

woman-hat in p. OP-tlad. )i>on^ pci- <strong>The</strong> fvtltfing itmfent<br />

vm." and ll.c;K>!oi:--»| phMaxr.tphrn arr rrttxtnubU f.ir<br />

a>nvrsuciKC»of truiwilltrtxihlch'/r raAiite ;ifc*«fri in tkit nice ". emit <strong>Lowell</strong>; Sarah /Wtrii )'»f««-<br />

We of Urf Fror,: r(wit)anl sicw 'Inmr. Hunt t>u*>. (ittn:, (kiLtng,<br />

the ahsci»ce of women in cur "h-uij;. f7;j,*i Imperial. Annie l*iu. Atinf<br />

out" to be a sheer coincidence Ijir. Mickir l^t, lJmta 1M. l\uricl<br />

ci«J out ctiniml. JU.* contrary li> r«". -irt:ncHk-nulIy i*<br />

the bc\i «t in ihc wptU. Tl! be J<br />

nu;Vct arul>« jwialuing in Uu<br />

ncxL^ i.f mutunjtitmjl corporal HT.*<br />

and in the .V) p-rccn 1 u* Hraclrt.<br />

Price. K712: It.>fvtul1>. in J<br />

.•lunMim in tfetaly Hill. *nh ten<br />

Knli»-Rn>ce». a Laiiibofthini. J<br />

1'i-rv.f^c. fiv Jaguarv and ft^^c<br />

Mcacil^. S'y man\k>n vulltuvc .V»5<br />

r.^tm*. rue fur ejeh I1J> of tSc >ear<br />

Poor communications<br />

causes problems<br />

with midterms<br />

I'cclint: cur; 1 prrvsuic arn-iit Icsl\ jn*! j*r.nle\.<br />

nia p '.> IJIWCII i['ul»"iii r . K'liirvc tlui iln* .iilniinivtul!i;n<br />

>hi>u'J imi:tiil^ .1 more orjMiit/cd s.'hjdulc lot<br />

niitUcim wct-l th.in u.i. pt-tvidal ihu Nn\tviitK-i.<br />

In pa>t winc^tcrs. midterm %.-[i:diil:\ h.\\c doti;<br />

[nihliilicd in bullciins. inf.ifi:iuii; Kith V1 1 l/ni..uid<br />

ti-jciicr\ c.ir trie JJmmt->trjlii>n<br />

tailed to announce l!ic .WI;I.''.IK\ CIUVin^;<br />

ci'iifusing jnti unrH.vc^r\ prevsne .m Knh<br />

Ntuilciitv ami faculty.<br />

"S«.hctli'le% ire -cnt m -iiicunc i*» he t>pod JIK!<br />

:***n pfink'tl .;> the studem -tr 1 ! icKtiOi' IHJIICITIN."<br />

^tjtc>' M.iu «('*!'.nt\ tlut iiin!li'iiu »rTlmt\il.r..<br />

Tlic »Ia> lor ciich .nulLcnn stituili! lu%i. rven<br />

rr. 14I0 comiiu^ii tivi\*leiii*.e h> the adfiimishaln-n In:<br />

i'iiiioid JIVI mher tcjclicrs<br />

"/: is unfair for 'dickers<br />

to stmy fn*m the pattern<br />

of testing which is specified<br />

by the administration. "<br />

•'Some teacher* tray have £«*cn i"cir nitiitcnvs<br />

na a different ( H<br />

'iircc-nv-d civ." .'J(;J;c^te^l clirnustr. teacher J> Vi<br />

'•^"Cd. He a-ldej. "Tcai:her\ shouU m.ikc at: c<br />

(url to abide by the vcheUule. I jia^ : my s.'.idcnt\<br />

u regular test appn-. nu-d :hc ciun^c. Tm<br />

ylaJ Mr. Hivseu's tnul'.nn was 3 v^ccL, late. Th.it<br />

ua> it wasn't ewinirtt in vith I he re: of m\<br />

midifi.iu." he ;wirJ.<br />

<strong>The</strong> midlcr.n jctedu' nude nn proMsio.i *"or<br />

English, fcrci^n Ijn^uj^e. ,ind MKUI itu'iei tcsi.s<br />

to he schedule 1 on a thrvi'-tn>Hi tliy.

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