Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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. n* tmrll. Noyrnkrr I. 19XS<br />

SPORTS-,<br />

<strong>The</strong> Extra Point<br />

U\ Marc Under<br />

Being Ihe ardent sports spectator thut I sin. leads me<br />

to nsk the following question. "What has happened to the<br />

Bay Area's profession.il sp-j.-ts !:ams? '<br />

It seems as if al! ±z fun has gone out of attending professional<br />

baseball, basketball .-ind football games around<br />

the Bay Area.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re is minimal far. support for the two Bjr Area<br />

baseball teams, the Oakland A's and the San l-mmisco<br />

Giants, and for tlic Golden Sialc Warriors basketb. .1 team.<br />

<strong>The</strong> World Champion 4°crs have had -^cir share uf losing<br />

seasons, but havo been playing like a contending foothall<br />

team the last five years. This year though, it swrrn<br />

as if their hmds arc loo big for th'ir iwlxcts and it's<br />

scriouily affecting their play.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Giants have been plagued with trouMc since they<br />

moved Irom New York to San Francisco in 1958. Between<br />

ihe scncnl ma.iagcr'-= propensity for making b:u!<br />

tniJts and t)ie epic! and harsh elements of Candlestick<br />

Park, its no wonder the attendance has been steadily<br />

declining for years.<br />

This season the Giants managed to sink lower than ever<br />

before by losing 100 games. However, they wcun"; the<br />

worst team in all of baseball, they finished a promising<br />

24t)i out of 26.<br />

Added to their dismal season were the perp^jjl talks<br />

of selling the team and moving it out of San Francisco.<br />

I really don't sec how following the Giants or even just<br />

going to a game could bo fun anymore.<br />

So.nc people will argue that bnscball is boring to watcii<br />

ar;ywsv. That couid be where the Golden S. . '.Vji.iors<br />

basketball teem come in. Unfortunately, right iio.v. tli.it<br />

would only include three o r thc five starters.. That's right,<br />

the Warriors' top draft picx and highest scorer have not<br />

cotra: to terms on a contract yet. When fan and ".cam loyally<br />

gots out the door over money, so docs the fun.<br />

Well, just when 1 was about give up on Bay Area<br />

sports and head over to the- lihr.iry to do something cjuc.iiionat.<br />

my lather cam.* into my room ;iml 'viih a hint of<br />

hopcluh-cy; in his voice asked. "Son, how vould you like<br />

to go to .-. hockey game with your old dad?"<br />

Hockey! But it couldn't be true. <strong>The</strong> I'-.y Area hasn't<br />

•ad a hockey team since the Seals departed in I97ii. Su'.'<br />

must be dreaming, I thought.<br />

I wasn't drrsming. It was true. <strong>The</strong> Cow Pala.e was<br />

hosting two nights of n.o-seasi'n hotkey gjnn-s hriwcin<br />

ihe Washington CapiU'ls and & Minnesota Noitli Stars.<br />

Having only seen a feu garr.es on my cable television<br />

ports network and "Slapshot." a hockey movie starring<br />

Paul Newman, the sport v.as an entirely foreign experience<br />

r<br />

or me.<br />

My head -.vas throbbing with unanswered questions:<br />

'"Wh.il should i wear?", "How should I act?". "Who<br />

should) dicer for?" I brought ihcse questions •(> my father<br />

who enlightened me. "Do whatever you \ ant. We re.iusl<br />

going to have fun."<br />

Fun! That was the one elcm-nt I was missing in my<br />

sports viewing. Since it was i Wednesday night. 1 anticipated<br />

a si.L'ill crowd, consisting primarily o( men my<br />

father's age snd oldc who used to ncqucnt the Ei^il;<br />

games.<br />

I was ovenvheima!. yet pleasantly rurprised when I<br />

ibght .1 glimpse of thi- 8.000 plus e.xubcr-inl hockey<br />

lunatics Men, womc.i and children of all ages turned ou;<br />

for an action packed, fun-filled night of hockey.<br />

T.ie stereotype hockey Ian is usnalK cljJ in the jersey<br />

of li-s or her favorite team and a turgic:i!y •njpi.intcd<br />

megaphone in hi> cr h;r csop: ,gus.<br />

<strong>The</strong> game itself provic-n! more fun ind cvlicii'cm lhar.<br />

1 have experienced at any spoiling r.vent in quite a whi.'e<br />

<strong>The</strong> Capitals v;on the gan*c with the senn: ending up 3<br />

to 1. Thfrc was even a <strong>class</strong>ic hockey .s'ylc fijtht in the<br />

second period of play.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re were two phyefs locke-l IORCUIL. in a heap on<br />

the :« for nearly a inimtir, tugging and pulling ri rach<br />

othti. Both received i5 minutes in the pcnaltv no\.<br />

Witi't the enUuuiasm and fondness of ihe game I wi:r<br />

ed by the fans around mt. it is hard to un.!ciMar.«l cs:<br />

why cr how the Pay Ami lost £z Seals.<br />

Perhaps it's tiinc for Bay Area politicians JO step iv'aDoriag<br />

over new stadium plans and ci aidrr bringing back<br />

hockey. Until then. Bay Area hockey fans will either have<br />

.o travel down to Los Angeles snd watch a Kings' game<br />

ot itay tuned to their cable television sports ncn>oik. ^<br />

Boris Becker:<br />

Is he another Bjorn Borg?<br />

I*.; Krntbtk Cobh<br />

Wh» n lu>tn tkeier? No, he K n. ;V tit\l ivn-wcd ."<br />

*in Wtintilediin, an.1 ihe >iHj/ij;ir»l<br />

f.iajc; lo e\cT plav in the<br />

durrptotivhip.<br />

Two >fjr» a/i*. £ki.Vcr i>uii(! icnnit p|j>cf jnj<br />

\p*iR*'u* them lor c\tnt\ jnJ<br />

Vitzn It.. p!4>nJ in Mimic CJ:I*».<br />

at lhcjjx»if 15. Italtr w itn^fi-ttc-J<br />

T:IMC th.it it.c r'jf^jit" ua: •«•<br />

to inert HrcLcr'i pjrenn<br />

A* a rciull nf frti mcenn^. UecLcr<br />

quit ichixtl and changed hi* liie*:/-<br />

With tlic hcl;i cf Tiriac anJ I'-o^h.<br />

Ilcckcr hit ahlc lit tmpimc hit<br />

trchri^ue. cipcvuliy IH% ftxx*n.V<br />

Bcca-^c of hi* hetjthi (hc'i 67 Vi".<br />

175 1M.I. IkxUr t\ 3 *Io* miver.<br />

bui he 1 * p*lcn f JUTt » nh the help«•<<br />

hi* nc* mip.ijcr.<br />

In fact. U>l )car. HewLcr nu • tl<br />

in the qualifying nuin ilraw JJ:JIP%I<br />

Dill Scjnlon in the Wi.tihicdnti iitirrument.<br />

Htr*c»tr, duni.g thcfj-ix.<br />

IJct-Lcr tumtt* hx\ Iclt jnUc. lear.n^<br />

tvm ligjiiKntk jrxj hjj to be venial<br />

oU the court.<br />

Wh«»*J h*\c ihtwfhi hcM bv ha.L<br />

the nc\l >ejr mil wly ((luliUinj:. K.t<br />

\« inning?<br />

Maybe it UJ\ IlecLci'%<br />

ptTvrvtnintc ihjt fy* htm KKI tt> the<br />

n>u'njir» jlicr hiofH"'dtii>n<br />

hrr wjv in icrubtliuiu.n<br />

It L.-*.W be hi* cnun nunncr lh-ii<br />

u-.l IkcVcr !>• win Wnnhlcdon He<br />

d.v> anylhiti|t Uihit the Kill He n>IU<br />

jnd V>KCU. dirt)i.i,* W shut aitd<br />

Mi4«l>inp hi* Lnv- Hr kmrn* itr<br />

tu\ tn m.iLc vwnlui% ti';ti uherc he Itnt in the qtunciflru!v<br />

Pcopk had aiKKifuloJ a tennfinj<br />

hv'Mecn SfcUntic M*\ Becker,<br />

aixl Mjmnj Sa^fjtik^a. *c\en-tiinc<br />

Wimbledon thjmpmn, MI« even<br />

pUnninj? in Jllot.<br />

hi.*' Becker tud to pb> Joulun<br />

N>tin»m. flecker »ho h*J Seen<br />

known for pl*> in/ frot'cfully under<br />

pmvurc MA pul lo the lc%t. In the<br />

nutch. he fell hchn-d and nude<br />

CJICICW miuakes Kinjll). the UM<br />

iKir»:c he hod io cj'.ch up. N) tinwri<br />

hit the hall to ll*c imtde t»f the line.<br />

Iteckcr. thinktnp it ojt *\iyt," did<br />

n«t try in return it. He left the court<br />

in taty n he hjd the pre*u«u* >ear<br />

Ikxker i% \ciy jiuchcd t» hi« fjini-<br />

liiin before Wi.iJ. HI 5.<br />

il Tlie gin's on this (earn are highly<br />

dedicated. Tliey are willing to make<br />

great sacrifices. ''<br />

n All-Cit) Chonipin»m<br />

hip<br />

.. ,.«-.t. : • i>n 1I..<br />

"K- #"Jt'-l.'ti'i.<br />

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f Sur.tx-f<br />

n Cali(.» rnu<br />

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UK" WA*<br />

"At Ihi*<br />

U-ad I i > UVt pu<br />

Mj;.citj.<br />

Ctnu. 1 u*.<br />

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