Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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*U. Novtmbtr I. /two<br />

SPORTS .<br />

Soccer team returns to city playoffs<br />

Mittbdl aitonpu lo steal ibc hall from hb oppotKnt.<br />

flhe fotUm*S *P*"ts fury w»<br />

HTUUH brjcn- the ptayvffi and nc person £radiutc from<br />

•U v ud ••<br />

' 'And moil of the other teams lost<br />

three or fnur." added ccnu. feiward<br />

Sean Folan.<br />

Halfback David Hunt remarked,<br />

"We're disciplined thit year, anil<br />

ue*rc more of a unit. People who<br />

came on thr learn playing u individual*<br />

now f'.jy a* a unit."<br />

Unfortunately, injuri •* have<br />

plagued the team. Both halfbacks,<br />

c&sentta] >o t!*e team. Jon BermXein.<br />

and Hunt, juniors, Cfnnot puy for the<br />

remainder of the VCXUJA<br />

"Both of them w* C unnecessary<br />

irjunes. <strong>The</strong>y shoui n i have happened."<br />

Downed Fei'wKh.<br />

Beau** of these nithap*, txibuxh<br />

w as forced to do 0 (ot of **.' fling w ith<br />

his lineup<br />

"<strong>The</strong> halves '.halfbacks) are tike<br />

engines. If you don't havk J I inline,<br />

you don't gv anywhere."<br />

"fveforc th- injuries, I I'-ad 13 guy;<br />

to work with. Norn. I have 11, which<br />

leave* le^ft room u» maneuver." vimtinucd<br />

Feibuscli.<br />

<strong>The</strong> members. n>.ncthcleu>. remains<br />

optimtvlic about the playoff*<br />

aod championship, and believe bcth<br />

arc well withu. their graip.<br />

"I ihink we have a trry RixxJ shot<br />

at it. We definitely have the potrn<br />

tul ind the abnity >»gu all the v- iy.<br />

<strong>The</strong> team works very well trMkthcr."<br />

emphati/cd Chandler<br />

Sunrrumm^ ihc pmititc actitude.<br />

Fulan itated. "We might (me w«K<br />

difnoihics bcoll^e pbyen ba\« been<br />

inpffd. b-jt >c have cnoufh talent.<br />

If wr an pat t: iiyeiher. *e can ule<br />

it (tltr All-Cit) mfc-i.<br />

Varsity football looks to future<br />

By Rolanda Chu to win the g a<br />

<strong>The</strong> L»'*«ell %'Jrsity (ixXh.'Jl team is "We vhmiii<br />

itatfw3v into me vcr - .1 and ha* iw )i"t -'A UK'VJ<br />

•n ti^ ^a 1 -"* opc.ni jt..ui-t<br />

WIIUKI. the ImJurn diTt.;Tv>lc«! the<br />

panv;. Quaneibj^-l. Stephen TMT<br />

midc ft\c cnnptcinm? nu: running in j ii-uchdoun<br />

"After our fir\t tnwrhdowi:, Uw><br />

f*l! jpa^ tncn»!l>." *uiwr»<br />

tun!, oil i'.'jifkJ T*c.<br />

' We're J! fltCftli. -iul we i.i*i<br />

ti*f .-'[icr befoic it*- ).*jn*.\ Our umiy<br />

i% \m-nj; nn the fkU .«.\1 ill." JJJcd<br />

Alhrn*<br />

"M.le i. J >,i»\t optam. A* •<br />

ICMler .ind a* a fc«. !'m a **n*it.<br />

ni) Lut year. I *-inuo *m.<br />

125's drive for playoffs<br />

iBfcaust of deadline rrstn. lions,<br />

f b g l yU jL<br />

the playoff atut championship TIS't<br />

pmes. UMxUdffmud WtUon 4SS9<br />

in th* pliyof cont&l. advancing to<br />

th*- championship rvund *Nch wat<br />

p'siytd yesurttay, w leg ut cover it<br />

thisiuut.)<br />

ByBcUaFonj<br />

Whli an rroy 67-42 seuoa<br />

t<br />

Jh 125'<br />

boll warn ftnhhod tbii year's tcavxi<br />

with an outsftrdinfi 8 wins and DO<br />

losses tceori. jr/tas Lowtll a rwo<br />

point wtanasc ui the pUy-offs.<br />

<strong>The</strong> two poiol ^tvueaye wUl fpvr-<br />

•rsec the team a chxncr to pUy in ^x<br />

cfaaj^iomhtp Kimc necaum <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

will t;ve to be dcfeaieJ twice and<br />

there is ooly one pUy-cff game.<br />

Toe team will play fourth plxce<br />

Wilton in the xrrj-fuiaU a^J the anrr<br />

of the Wa»hing»crt-McAltt l tvoff<br />

game in the t'uuli.<br />

Coach Sun S*x\/an prcdtcied,' It<br />

loolj like tt't pxnp *•* be a showdown<br />

bOM .on Uurll and Washington<br />

in tte Tuiil jimi."<br />

TV team piayol v, ry v rll this yasoo.<br />

i'^-mkiatjng isvnl of it-* i-iirev<br />

Tseir ir-wl difficult »tn *•• tSe<br />

seasoa opeoti jpim! Wasltin^on.<br />

'Wkshii^clon vw winning 18-4 during<br />

the Vint half, but <strong>Lowell</strong> \luwly<br />

jaincd les cragc and was vicoc tout by<br />

a wore oV "H-fA.<br />

Accof ling to Stc*-un. this was a<br />

key {IRK in the «cason because U<br />

pv« Wasbinftuo a r-rtal mrvd of 7-1<br />

ind seconrl rwacc in the mndings.<br />

Thr fue tuning ttat* ihit vawn<br />

wer«: Keitli Wong. FJIC Wonj. Jonathan<br />

Crossly. Bnan Ya.-njbe. and<br />

! I JVo. "We AJU. (UVC a good<br />

bei^ " adOed verier L^wrenrc<br />

Ch.n.<br />

Chit. aNo laij, "WC jon'i j,; -<br />

much nci^ht. but w-e're fast."<br />

^.nior Hnc Won? ualed. "We<br />

V >c a lot of experience. Almm; all<br />

' c pb)cn arc returning junior and<br />

w-iior*."<br />

<strong>The</strong> teat, u vtry orlt.niitic about<br />

the ftaal c*n>c. lupior Keilii W«.{<br />

wht \cd. "This year, wtfh the noi<br />

-enrum on our side. *x: has'c a gooJ<br />

C' ince of takinjc the ciw litlc."<br />

ti<br />

-n$. <strong>The</strong>y have nice talent. We'ry<br />

fe sinaJe In have ihcm."<br />

Mr story *hi<br />

h*fu,e ,h, h<br />

play<br />

post-season play<br />

mi rruy wore a UH, bui m.i>K<br />

I :.*»Hl:i:r lime kmirMnc cl\e n\y\.i f<<br />

Basically Stewait (eels, "...the<br />

lxauM. ^ ujptthcr they work be'-<br />

|cf „ a („„! than JO individuals.<br />

JefeairJ<br />

7fl<br />

n>.j( Gatiteo yeitenUty for the<br />

AAA champif*uhip f<br />

Dy Martha Defcado<br />

Once again, enjoyirtp (he sweet<br />

sincll ol success, with ac '•nvablr<br />

record of 17-0. the <strong>Lowell</strong> ID'i<br />

kclball team is hcvJci! toward the<br />

[>U>ofTs.<br />

With its unklcateu record, the<br />

team has prevailed at each of its<br />

height, and others, i *;»*) Ovor"<br />

Great depth is prevalcni and<br />

"mMnfy aba masei of searching for<br />

the five playj- •*ho wifk be»l<br />

ctpLoitfd SUwan.<br />

Academic Athletic Association<br />

(AAA) games. In the £anx against<br />

\*l McAtcer. a key game, the win .<br />

as not acquired easily a*, the game<br />

wcnl into overtime, but <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

iltinutely rmcrpeti victorious.<br />

Once in tltr playoff*, the coopetinan<br />

will be stiff. <strong>Lowell</strong> will he c«n-<br />

>ag with ihe strung tea.tit of<br />

McAieer, Washington, and, di'icndinj<br />

on thr outcome of t! basket.<br />

"<strong>The</strong> fitic quality of players...",<br />

'here nA one but all ccntnbutc, >» <strong>The</strong> Oanmg lineup COTAIUS it<br />

»>ne ol tin: many mson* coach Stan (.•cKcr Alan Lcr. fmuanK Peter Chin<br />

Stc*art cite* tn reference in the and Sicven Hung, jnd fu^rds<br />

Mktx\ IJe ^i»u Aimn Ya.ig<br />

"TT^re i^n't cne *inrlc eu^MSftil Ti»e n^.^: imporu.-. factor in a<br />

plsycr.' cipian.cd Sic v. art. Kan;, ihc '••j;n\ snft.ei.%. in S;rv.art's<br />

opinion, is ih*. presence of<br />

ci'iuratJcne. wmut !• d^rJ on t*.*<br />

,iiM-«*s ih-it •'. is'.t.;n.-u:t *c- Wl,:i'.VU)^.ujt1aJfV'»iun i<br />

i_t.jinv' ,vh wUi ••.ttic rev ir-JisMlual »-3»e •* il ~*-'\' Vkiu *» »owr«ie***rf itv<br />

IpiMvr ',,^ISv.ii »r--»'d - I<br />

Netters reflect<br />

on success<br />

v -4' V-i icjniiiJiJiininf:,*. "Yc^ur<br />

".ill ^fcittinp ir-prmciwru well c*.h<br />

•i-»rh. Thry'll b- *.cll pi*,f a;pJ by<br />

tru- tii"e tbr? g.i mt.» AII-CUJ<br />

(Sinrrr.wr K-15 at Golden Gale<br />

l'ark».'<br />

0*4 cnun cm junior Anr Ka^ctti.<br />

the rn-mSct *.{>: ^ce^'i p'i>cr. practic<br />

. -t*Ji ^T^OT Tia.-; C^ron. An.:<br />

lo piril mjKif 'cgether nor; in m><br />

i.ulches- Ycv:r*tay.» favc mat girl<br />

(JW »J>; didn'i devne. We'!. 1 '..<br />

wi»;. 6-4. f-0, wi^; only tuo t"oubrf<br />

f^ylti n>d gwil srrvKf. Al'-Cit)' t\<br />

coming tip %-\*i, ni haw u. build my<br />

cuncenttatMin more."<br />

Senior Traci Cutcnur.. Mw *vond<br />

seeded player rallied voih An.i and<br />

reflected upck? her lai: f*o matches<br />

and the dtffiuilues sSc had had.<br />

"I've got m improsc «i my scots<br />

and u.erhe>!s if I wxnt to Jo well in<br />

All-C.ty. I've jot fc play my 6ainc<br />

more ifl waM tosxtn jpainst Atercy.<br />

Washington, and M. Rose. I'm jl*l<br />

I car.K back from 5-5 to sria 7-5<br />

against WilM>n. Th>t made me fed<br />

•Jut | can play my itamc." tl-jught<br />

Traci.<br />

Scnwir Nnel Hanna, on; men-J .'U* team.<br />

practked with her pa.:aer (v^jjor<br />

Angtu Cheur^t) and rrooned. "In<br />

the lost two games wc\ ; been nvwe<br />

Jiggiosive. Thx's really xwd. We're<br />

playing better together, \.-urr*— —<br />

bid our first 6-0. 6-0 nuu'i<br />

Presentation. It really was . tu

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