Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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'My One and Only 9 sparkles<br />

By D^ih Jones<br />

Anyone who thinks thai the oMfailuoncd<br />

tuneful, "boy-mects-giil"<br />

musical is dead a misuken. H'% alive<br />

well and kicking up its tap» at the<br />

Golden Gate <strong>The</strong>atre in the TonyawonS-winmiig<br />

m-iiical, *Vr Ow* ark/<br />

On*.<br />

A :how buUi anwnj the. music of<br />

Gcorgr ««! 'ft •-' .shwin. JWy One<br />

and O JB T-wwiry Tune. (who<br />

won two ionyi forth? ihow: one to*<br />

best actor in a mujical and one for<br />

hit choreography with Tumrry<br />

Walsh.) aivl Lucic Amu. who playi<br />

the role Twiggy created or<br />

Broadway.<br />

Though My On* Z* / Only has ur:<br />

look and fed of the I92O« revival,<br />

the story, written by Peter i;ooc and<br />

Timothy S. Mayer, iiorifinal, tcr<br />

tn$ as a I(XMC framewak oa uhich<br />

u> hang the vintage Gcnhwin m. ,ic.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Oearsc and Ita »cor; ina* tdes<br />

with such grm* as "S* Wonderful,"<br />

"Strike Up iht; BanJ." ipd •'Funny,"<br />

as »r!l a* te**ci known pearl*<br />

from tnc Gcnh'tin archive: "Boy<br />

W*»«cd." "Soon." ana "1 Can't He<br />

Pothered Now."<br />

<strong>The</strong> plot 1.1*01*0 the love affair<br />

between Opt. Bi'ly Bu;k Crundlcf<br />

(Tune), in AmcnMti hjrniiorming<br />

flying arr » ho is «nii the vong*. anc J Nxik ua*<br />

v.jiirn In lie [he umg\ uyr'her. I,**<br />

ct simple a\ thjt.<br />

%ion*be>ondtrtcarubtl.iic*. giving<br />

tnc audience little to !mr,k jhoui. bul<br />

Th, bawttl. Hamttr'f. I9ia.'fiiih<br />


Johnson stars in 'Cease Fire 9<br />

By Chrfa Crit€n<br />

"This film is dedicated to the sprit<br />

•f the vetCTL J of tV Vietnam War.<br />

their wives, and thrir childrea."<br />

<strong>The</strong>se w-ords mark the beginning of<br />

another ryp*eaJ uory o1 the hardships<br />

faced by a Victcam veteran a* fee attempt*<br />

to Tit back into American<br />

society.<br />

C*ojr fire serves as a painful<br />

reminder of a war which is<br />

considered hy many to be a festering<br />

it v in the American psyche. It<br />

accomplishes this by examining the<br />

difficulties encountered hy a veteran<br />

who suffer* frum puti-Vietnam War<br />

wrccs tj-mfrumc afier he rerunu to<br />

the United Suits.<br />

Tir fplajed by Don Johrvvi i the<br />

unemployed veteran whme famtl;* t«<br />

pfitnai Jy wppwrtcd b> hb w^e PaaU<br />

(playrr] h> Us* "An Officer *nd a<br />

O-.iJcnun" rJlount). Ncrillexi ;o<br />

uy, they harclv wr*»w »•»•.<br />

One meht in a lur. Tiro rt»uy p ^e4<br />

an>.iher ^vicran (Lukr. pb)L\f by<br />

Ri*tn T Lyoai) by Ins HI*I Infantr><br />

Div\ion pj'ch oo hu jaclct. Tlic<br />

:»o iinle up a convenation and immediately<br />

precede to ^et drunk and<br />

rcminucc about the v.ar. <strong>The</strong>ir<br />

fnendih-p blmuHru.<br />

At thit ptitnt, Mhicr< . .-rally ju%t<br />

(lie bcginnirig. the f'.m itaru to fo<br />

d-mnhill. Tim 4nd Luke arc unable<br />

to find }ob% and teem to be coruunt-<br />

Ij inctirutcd. Tint u ttneien with<br />

hen ;Wc nifrciura and fluhbacki t< ><br />

Vietnam. Mi* rromape is weakened,<br />

and. tpi:tc wddcnl>, i uke decide* he<br />

t\ utuble to deal with hi* life thil<br />

vecmt to be p >ing nowhere, and lw<br />

commits luictdc.<br />

When Luke folli, he ncarl> bnnjf%<br />

Tim Jonc with him He wremv tu be<br />

i'« the vcryeof J mrmal cidLipsc. Hi*<br />

lovii./ wife Paula comrj to his 3K1<br />

anJ w^-r* him, and together Upromuirif*<br />

note a* Tim wcou to he<br />

on the "*Ay in recovrry.<br />

Cetve Ftre a-. * whole, however.<br />

simply docsn'i work in the 60t. It<br />

uses a theme •'•JI was mere popular<br />

in the 70s* namely, the idea of referring<br />

to the Vietnam War as the r/ar<br />

r^ one wanted. <strong>The</strong> vets are unable<br />

to successfully re enter U.S. society<br />

bxau^e DO one recognizes their<br />

vjilor, and nobody will roped them.<br />

People today flow with the modern<br />

trend toward patriotism. <strong>The</strong>y enjoy<br />

leeinj a "Rambo figure" who will<br />

stng'c-handedly Jefcnd our flag<br />

against South Eaif M^ie eneirJei,<br />

<strong>The</strong>y don't want to be reminded cf<br />

a deprrutng segment of *wr history<br />

thai claimed so many lives for a cauv<br />

they did nol believe in in the firw<br />

pU-c.<br />

At for the aciirq; in the lilm. the<br />

Mrongeu perfurmancc n prevented by<br />

Li.ia Bluunt as Tim'f «ife. Paula. She<br />

doei a fine job portrayinr the lifr of<br />

* wife of a Vietnam *-eter.jn. She i><br />

very* bclicvabte u she help- her fanul><br />

d:al with m obttaclcs anj i*<br />

outstanding in the clinuciic wenc<br />

w hen ihc keep* Tim from breaking<br />

down mentally.<br />

P?« Johnson turcu in only an<br />

avenge ocrformanjc a* Tim. For<br />

vim- rcwon he n umhr; to capture<br />

t!»c audience'* ivmruthy unit) a »cene<br />

at the very end of the film when he<br />

rtxalU a rurti.~ularly dunjrlwng rvew<br />

friHn Oie war Out tonncna him to the<br />

prc*ct>{ da>.<br />

Xohert F. I.yon"* pcrfonruf.ee i»<br />

Liike wai ^liRhJy below par. Hu<br />

character was loo unbelievable.<br />

Tj-Aighout the film he helped TUT.<br />

dcil with hi* «trcu *nd painful<br />

loncir^erances at the I* 3 of :hc:ti<br />

IKII drunk i« a fccthell field, in a bar.<br />

ur m each nthen apartmenU. <strong>The</strong>n.<br />

MJdJenJy. IK WJ* ajian became of Im<br />

wn urcu. ai*i mmmiu vjic.de. It<br />

Joun'l quite folio*,<br />

In tho.i. Cfaif fire t^ould not he<br />

comiJcreO a high priuntv fur<br />

weekend entertainment. Quite frank-<br />

1 1>. it «* not worth jour S5 or 93<br />

mmuu \ of >i>ur time.<br />

City movie theaters draw crowds with <strong>class</strong>ic films<br />

By Alexandria Sage<br />

<strong>The</strong> proem day high-tech gllrj and<br />

gltscr of Hollywood movies all too<br />

r!^:n ob-*.vifr\ :hc ci^otributtom of<br />

tho« avamu-" • cull ebwie*. or<br />

vintage fili*.» *vhich reflect ihc vuicc<br />

ot jr.cri, thr poetry uf p cu'iurc. ot<br />

'he priiion of human a.tiitr,.<br />

Th-inki t*> *oirc advcniunn)* .V»n<br />

Francivco thrairr*. however. the*e<br />

liole-knowp film*^rc pnaea'AJ n*nd<br />

in Land with current mr i.<br />

lmttted. however, "SnoMute<br />

propruTw. detailing the film* in he<br />

» I'lm . .e /7u* Ttrrunawr one itiy presented. <strong>The</strong>se programs arc<br />

ilcfli;itelv crjble* u-> to slx>u a more available at tniK* record stiires. Dai-<br />

;ure film the .text day." ly uitcdulcs are also uvailablc by<br />

ihc lhcxrcs.<br />

f M M H H V W '<br />


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