Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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m<br />

Hit LonU. Nmtmbtr I. '/9M. p<br />

.IN DEPTH<br />

Internal feuds, shouting matches<br />

threaten student government<br />

B) EricFwUfr<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Lowell</strong> Executive Council<br />

recently reaffirmed its suppurt for the<br />

stated purpose of student government.<br />

<strong>The</strong> student officials agreed<br />

that their primary responsibility b to<br />

"represent the student body at<br />

Thh action b actually a reaftrmaboo<br />

of what Thftanrll Charter tic<br />

£at-« as the rejpoatibiliues or student<br />

government. <strong>The</strong> Chaner is the coo-<br />

Cmitioo of stodent government, it<br />

daignjtes the syacm of govcrnynen;.<br />

prottrfu: 9 for effective operatioc.<br />

and obligations expected to be fulfSkxi.<br />

Krtznelu-o supports Laurence.<br />

"<strong>The</strong>y [the other boards] arc supposed<br />

to be at LEC wettings. When<br />

they arc not here, they hlame not being<br />

formed MI IW Ithe LEC|." be<br />

states.<br />

A second rift bctwr-n ofTiccn has<br />

broken over job performances to<br />

date.<br />

"Right now I believe boards have<br />

been representing personal views (of<br />

the off-cm) instead of sddent body<br />

views." Laurence declares. "<strong>The</strong><br />

sponsors domtnafe the meetings.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re b almost no ttudent influence."<br />

Chu dbagrccs. "<strong>The</strong> officers have<br />

<strong>The</strong> primary responsibility of student<br />

government is "... to represent<br />

the student body at large,'' according<br />

to the <strong>Lowell</strong> Charter.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Chaner, tint written in 1967<br />

and lad revised in 1981, dictates that<br />

there arc to be four government<br />

boards. First, the <strong>Lowell</strong> Executive<br />

Council (LEC) b designed lo be the<br />

coordinating body of LowtU government.<br />

<strong>The</strong> LEC b compowi of its<br />

own members, such as treasurer and<br />

secretaries, as wdl as representative,<br />

fnxn the other boordk and the ctasxs.<br />

<strong>The</strong> LEC b the official voice for the<br />

student body.<br />

Second, the Board for School and<br />

Community Service (B5CS) b designed<br />

to coordinate (IK c.ubs. <strong>The</strong><br />

DSCS has specific member* elected<br />

by the student hody. such a* vjecchairrcrvin<br />

xr«J irrsourer, in addition<br />

to a reprcscnutive front every club.<br />

Third, the Student Activities Uo*rd<br />

(SAB) b supptMcd in coordinate<br />

Mru^tured citis-curricula* act iviiict,<br />

such as i/anccs and ralliei. <strong>The</strong> SAD<br />

K mads up of individual ;»fficen «ikrli<br />

AX a secretary an 1 dance CU.TUTUMHW*cr<br />

and also the spin; *qu*li (Sting<br />

girU. chccrlradcn. etc.).<br />

Fourth, thr Board ofCUvt Officers<br />

(SCO) b ilcugncd to control and civ<br />

orduute LSC (out clauo. All cla>» officers<br />

are members of the BCO. as<br />

well as BCO officers ra:h as WJCttry<br />

and chairperson.<br />

}he G*mu represent<br />

the student body. <strong>The</strong>refore, because<br />

governrncct officen rcccnil) reaffiraod<br />

this pcrpove. the philosophy<br />

and notivklinn for ttulcnt government<br />

at Lmvell has not changed.<br />

Some people in student government<br />

fed that some officers have failed to<br />

enact thu purpose so far thu year.<br />

"No, we have not been representtag<br />

the Mudcnt body." sail LcC<br />

VIcc-Chair[ «.non Oavid K.«znclM>n.<br />

Aviv laurcnce, LEC chairperson<br />

and studect body prciirVn. agrcrs.<br />

"At 1Kb liire I wouM say ... that<br />

Kudcat govcrnmeot ia not being ma<br />

foftljcbcocrjoflhcuud.-rtbndy."<br />

<strong>The</strong> malahc in governnw-jt results<br />

(row several different causes.<br />

First and fbccnoM. there b dbagiectnenl<br />

between the vvious<br />

botrdi a*' their officen. For exam-.<br />

pie, a conflict tus arisen as to the<br />

authority of boards within the LEC.<br />

l.artrmrr uated. "<strong>The</strong> other board*<br />

ate taernbm of the LEC. <strong>The</strong> I DC<br />

dDesa*! come to die oefaef boards. <strong>The</strong><br />

LEC b over the other boartv"<br />

However. bCO Cbairprk for i»uf Surd."<br />

"<strong>The</strong>refore, lV SAll uiunirmMisly<br />

reject* the CAL pn*p»wji." Mjied<br />

mrirc'cal LSc c<br />

Ji>c\ n>>t mean ii J»*>lii y\.<br />

l\-n<br />

ftc<br />

SufkjmnedlhcS,\B:fir lej^c il." he declared.<br />

"But ii is futile for uudenu to wj*n<br />

up and then not be on a committee.<br />

Thi\ problem *a* hadl> run." objected<br />

Gigi KJW. SAB dorwe eonmu^<br />

^wKier.<br />

SAB Vtcc CHjir Eunice Voon now<br />

joiixd in. "TIK LEC has no right m<br />

infringe on i!v SAB. We'll *ik for<br />

toluntccfs twrcUci."<br />

"Read IIK CK.ir.er."<br />

Koenig.<br />

With time cirnrrd.<br />

staled the final word* of protest.<br />

"<strong>The</strong> SAH ctto^ies not to use thu<br />

resource; it doesn't work for ui/'<br />

A week later, the second ctraflict<br />

arose. This time tlic subject concerned<br />

the Forensic Socety asking<br />

for a $3,000 grant frczi the General<br />

Rc*cr*c Fund.<br />

<strong>The</strong> LEC meeting auktdy descended<br />

iaio a barde between Koenig<br />

and Poubkidas about the Chaner and<br />

the procedure for dutribmion ot<br />

fundi.<br />

"We've got the money; let's give<br />

it to them." declared Poulakidas.<br />

Kocntg replied. "It's vx lhat we<br />

don't w*at to give them the money,<br />

it'a lhat we can't."<br />

"I don't believe that," said Poulakidas.<br />

"<strong>The</strong>n read the Uianer." affirmed<br />

Koroig.<br />

Student government has weathered<br />

problems in the past. For example.<br />

elections have been plagued with low<br />

voter turnout. Another example took<br />

place four yean ago when one officer<br />

w» voted on four aefuate occasions<br />

caused by election rule violation*.<br />

Student government passed over<br />

these problems, but appears to face<br />

more serious challenges ahead.<br />

<strong>The</strong> mmt important prcMem fa»<br />

i.ig government n thb time b the lack<br />

of communication between tl.:<br />

btur.l*. >onx students feel.<br />

"<strong>The</strong>n* i\ hjJ vommuntcaticii."<br />

obvned Kaunc!u>n<br />

PuuUkida» apfte*. b*n alu> has a<br />

vrtuiicn to the pri*.^m. "I'd nlhcr<br />

vf pct-flo get tliinjei oul than hold<br />

ihinft in. other**Uc fkHhtnj: vmuld<br />

]*it J*tnc."<br />

"Tlier: U-JM be hcttcr nxinnurjcatuKthct>e*nUte<br />

Uufdv*' vi>% IJUtcntt.<br />

"1 hupc tu use the influence<br />

ofiny [XKI;RWI lo chanpc J«* Uiordt."<br />

A funhci ivV. of aitfmiunx'jiion<br />

FLU developed 31 \*cll. Thu gap b<br />

with the Mudcnt bcxly-ai-large and u<br />

wx neccAurily the fault of »iudcnt<br />

government.<br />

"iyeclttLcrrntalkn>:toa wall at<br />

reg. rep. mecttngi," complaint<br />

f>utin.<br />

An anon)^o»u senior officer<br />

gripes, "<strong>The</strong> majority of students<br />

don't appreciate the work going into<br />

activities."<br />

Student government will [ace seme<br />

very senous challenges in the year<br />

aneari. If government meets these<br />

challenges. LoncU High School will<br />

change for the better. However, if<br />

government continues on its present<br />

course of not resolving cornrmmicaikr=<br />

problems, then there will be little<br />

purpose for student government at<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>.<br />

Orel half, a centti'.tj iv^o, Rafuetta \'ivoti vpened]<br />

thf /iCM uv.td-tcittuiitd '.e/icc, ltntu.<br />

\('U, lift CX (-ifl\4 ./full Oy "MI'C T«*UV«VAI1 -<br />

'...Uithimi mie\ti

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